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CB Non-profit Organizations Review of Teen Challenge of Middle Tennessee
Teen Challenge of Middle Tennessee

Teen Challenge of Middle Tennessee review: Not a real Teen Challenge 23

Author of the review
7:12 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

This non-profit organization, claims to be a Teen Challenge USA program, it is not. I looked this Teen Challenge of Middle TN up on the Teen Challenge USA website, and it is not listed as one of their facilities. This company not only claims to be affiliated to Teen Challenge USA, but they use the same mission statement and history of the organization. This is actually a business, not a company, because on its site it asks for those who need help with addiction to pay $1500, a month for six-month period, and the real Teen Challenge, does not ask for money on their websites, they are a non profit organization that gets help from the government and sponsors, as well as donations, just like a real non profit is suppose to. This fake Teen Challenge, does take donations on their websites as well, but it goes to the so called pastor that is running the place with his wife, Robert and Tammy Flores, hmm sounds like another religious couple we know. These two are going from church to church and business to business, asking for money for their program and getting money from the government, all while charging those who come to them for help $900.00 that’s right nine thousand dollars, I am sure many addicts have this kind of money, they do not, so what they do is have the addict ask elderly people to sponsor them, look at their site they explain how they get sponsors. So all this money is coming in for the same purpose, but where is it going? For one it is going to their $3000, 000 home on 18 Franklin Rd, in Lawrenceburg TN, brand new Chrysler car with rims, and trips the most recent one a cruise, they went on before Christmas, and they write these trips off as a mission for their Teen Challenge, so the trip is paid for, by who the government so our tax dollars are supporting these cons. I do not understand how Robert and Tammy Flores are getting away with all of this, they are good cons. Robert Flores is not only a con but also an ex-con, as well as a deadbeat dad, that is right a deadbeat dad, is supposedly helping children, but will not pay child support. He has gone to jail in Kentucky most recently for not paying his child support, and he has cases in Tennessee as well. He also claims to be Doctor Robert Flores as well as having a masters in theology, not true. These people need to be stopped, they are stealing money from the elderly, and the tax payers, and do not even have jobs, because we are supporting their con life style. The Teen Challenge of Middle Tennessee is not a real Teen Challenge facility, if you look at the real Teen Challenge website you will see this facility is not listed as one of their partner facilities. Do not give money to Teen Challenge of Middle Tennessee in 2501-B Pulaski Hwy Columbia Tn 38401, phone number: [protected], or Robert and Tammy Flores of 18 Franklin Rd Lawrenceburg TN 38464, Phone: [protected], it is a con they are not a Teen Challenge, they are thieves, BEWARE OF TEEN CHALENGE OF MIDDLE TENNESSEE AND ROBERT AND TAMYY FLORES. Attached are their photos, also look at theri site, And compare it to the real Teen Challenge USA, that has been around for over 50 years and helped thousands.

Update by Nice try
Mar 26, 2010 4:44 pm EDT

I find it amazing that these two people that went through this program have the same screen name, An Found Person. It is not two different members that went through this program; it is Robert trying to con everyone again to believe he helps people. You have the right to defend yourself, but do not pretend you are someone else. Robert do you really think people will believe that this is two members that went through your program, I do not think so. This is just one of the signs that you lie, trying to pose as two people that went through your program. You do not have a doctoral, nor do you have bachelors or even associates. If you had been honest about whom you are others and I would be able to believe in your work as well. But you lie to make yourself look better, when in actuality it makes you look worse. People can go online and find out who you are, if you own property, if you are a felon, and what education you have. I do not think you are stupid, but I do feel you are lying to people to get what you want. You cannot really look someone in the face and claim you are this and that, when you are not. If you want to help people, you will simply let them know that is all you want to do is help, not that your are a doctor with many degrees, just be honest. I am not a drug dealer I have worked for the government for over 20 years, and my son passed away from addiction, and I donate to programs that help teens. When I look for a center to donate to, I do not look at their credentials and degrees, or the stuff they have, I look for someone who truly wants to help those struggling with the disease of addiction. And you could image how angry I was when I found out this man Robert Flores, lies about everything, for no reason. Robert I believe you care and want to help, but you are lost, in wanting the best cars, suites, and house. If you let go of all the material wants, you will become a better person, by coming on this site and pretending to be a member that went through the program, is not going to change you. You do not need to convince me or anyone else, that you mean well, and that your program is true. I hope your program does help, but be honest about it. The postings from the name you made up An Found Person, the first one was written 18 hours and 55 minutes ago, and the second time you wrote about being another member that went through the program, you did not even wait to write it, it was written 18 hours and 55 minutes ago, UNDER THE SAME NAME, THEREFORE IT CAN NOT BE TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE THAT WENT THROUGH, THE PROGRAM, YOU WROTE THESE TWO COMMENTS ABOVE, ONE BEING SOMEONE WHO IS MARRIED AND THE OTHER DOES NOT MENTION A WIFE. THAT SHOWS RIGHT THERE YOU HAVE NO PROBLEM LYING. You also used where you live and everything to create the profile, which was created the same time you wrote these responses. Why can' you admit you lie? You want people to believe one thing about you, but yet in reality you are not that person. Do you have children? That is one thing you can not find online, wait you can if they owe child support, hold on I will check to see if you owe child support or went to jail for owing, be right back. Ok yes in Kentucky and it seems in Tennessee, but was arrested like 3 years ago for not paying, but you obviously are paying now, and do have children. Tell people that tell them "look I might not be perfect, but I take care of my children and my family". That is the type of things that make people good and pure, not having the best car or set of clubs. Robert you have to see that you are lying about the stupidest stuff, like degrees, and writing these fake comments, why? People will come on this site and see that it was written by the same person, and who is the person that needs to validate themselves, you. You need to be honest, and everything in your life will fall in place, ad you will not have to worry about whether or not someone is going to find out the truth. I am not the only person who feels this way, I got most of my information, not from the internet, but someone you know, who asked to remain anonymous. They too know you and your wife are lying, I told them you called yourself Doctor Robert and Tammy Flores, and they were not surprised, they said you do this all the time. You will tell people you own houses and then move out of them a month or so later, tax records show everyone who owns property, and the Columbia and Lawrenceburg sites has all that information for free. So do you see how people can find out the truth, why even lie? The person that gave this information had no reason to lie, and they do not dislike you or your wife, they would not tell me if you had children or where you live, they only told me that you have claimed to have several different degrees, and you move a lot. Does your wife know you are lying about being a doctor and all the other stuff you lie about? I hope you realize that nothing comes from lying, and you may be able to con people for now, but it will not last forever, so do something about it, TELL THE TRUTH, TO EVERYONE, ALL THE TIME, NOT ONLY WHEN IT IS CONVINIENT. Robert I do not live in the same state as you, and found all these lies, and I am sure I am not the only person that knows you are a con.

Update by Nice try
Apr 01, 2010 8:17 pm EDT

No you said that I sit around while the tax payers, pay me. I was simply explaining that I work for my salary, that the tax payers do pay. I have been employeed with the postal service for over 20 years, and I am very respected in my community as well as my church. There is nothing wrong with the tax payers paying my salary because I deliver mail, and work in the postal office, for that money. You Robert do nothing but take money from those who have hope in you, and have a belief that you are going to help them or their loved ones. I believe you help others and have a love for God, but I believe you are lost, in having the nicer things in life, just like thousands of others, but they are not claiming that they help others and money is no object. Money is an object to you, a very important object at that, you need to let go and let God, just put all your hope and want into him and he will help guide you, and take away your sinful wants and ways. I hope this was an eye opener for you, i may at times got angry in the begining, but I am not angry any more, I an upset and disapointed. Those who are making fun of you and your wife, I could not stop that, and that is not my point, I'm no looker myself. Robert all I want from you is to admit, to God, not me or the complaints board, that you have a greed in you, that is driving you to do some of the things you are doing. I hope everything works out for you, your program, and especially your family, but you must perfect your faith before any thing else, money is nothing it is the devil in some cases, and can bring a greed out of the most wonderful people, and that may possible be you, a wonderful person who let greed take a hold of you, and that jind of stuff happens in life, we fall of the track, but we need to get ourselves back on and when we get back on track we may be bruised, or scared or even hurt, but that will all heal, and the important thing is that we realize what is important in life. Money has done terrible things to people, look at some that have won the lottery, theey have lost family members, became addicts, or even killed for their money. We need to show the devil, and greed that we are stronger than that, money does not make us happy, you can be rich in life Robert without having a lot of money. I wish you the best, and God bless you and your family. You are obviosly a strong individual who has the ability to fight for what he believes in, use that Robert and remember what life is really wbout, and what are you living for? I am also going to find a way to delete this blog, because all I wanted was to get you to realize, greed gets you no where and money is the least important part of life, if you have realized this, that is great, but at least consider it.

Update by Nice try
Apr 01, 2010 8:27 pm EDT

I removed what I could for now from the complaint and will remove the remaining, but please do not think that, it is because you have won or I am wrong, it is not that. I could keep this up, but do not want to, because my intention was for you to realize what you are doing, and that is all. Even though you are still posting hateful comments to me, I do not wish to go back and forth with you, I just want you to see greed is a bad place and feeling to with hold, it brings nothing but darkness. I hope you got something from this blog, which is only one in a trillion, and do wish you and your program the best, as well as your family. I am also upset about people making fun of the pictures, that is not what I intended, so I removed them because that is not right for people to judge some one by their outer apperance, i am against that completly. Well Robert if you still hate me or want me dead, or do not believe I work for the post office, I do not know who would pretend to work there, but you have the right to feel and believe what you wish, just remember what is life about, and what will money do for my soul? I think due to what you have shown, you will make the right choice, and realize, this was just a bump in the road for you, and you are going to learn from it and move on. God bless you, and thank you for all your prayers, from you and your family, bless them as well.

Update by Nice try
Jun 01, 2010 1:20 pm EDT

They don't even own a house to sell. And they are not really on the run they just move from one rental property to another. I believe it is to avoid rent. It does not seem like they are doing anything that is against the law, and that they are doing gods work but they are breaking the law and they don't care about god they only care about doing things that will make them money and won't require them to have to do much work. They expect others to take care of them because Robert is a pastor but news flash Robert pastors have jobs too they are not above anyone and no one owes you a dime. Hey if you want to do gods work, great but don't expect anything in return. I personally feel these people con the elderly and others out of money and claim it is for the rehab or church and while some of it may go to that cause but trust me they are pocketing most of it. Neither of them have employement, credit, property or any other assets. Yet they move around every few months and they are not moving to different states or even different cities they are moving around in the same city, all of this is very suspicious. Kentucky does make Robert pay child support only after they arrested him did he start paying and he will be paying got a long time so at least his poor chidren will get something from this deadbeat dad, one of his chidren contacted me on myspace and it was very sad. She exclaimed how Robert doesn't see her and that even though he is sober he still won't be in her life the way a father should so when Robert started posting comments about having his chidren with him that is a lie because his daughter said she doesn't libe with him and none of his other children live there. All of his claims of being a good person and helping others is not adding up what dies add up is the fact that he is putting on a show the robert show and he is acting for people so they will buy his act. It is working for now and it worked fir Robert and tammy Fay baker fir a while as well but people that do bad things do not get ahead even though it may seem that way it will all come to an end. Hopefully it will end because Robert realizes that his actions are not acceptable and what he is doing is all for money and power, but I am afraid he will never admit that he is wrong and he will end of getting caught by authorities or someone else. It is not funny and all of this is sad because it is happening all over the world people find ways to make a quick easy buck at the expense of hurting others. If someone wants to trust Robert I feel sorry for them and I can't do anything to stop his all I can do is use freedom of speech and stand up for myself and say I will not be a victim. If you have a family member in his program you can't make them believe Robert is a con especially if he has gotten a chance to use the gift of gab on them cause once Robert starts to speak it over he cam get people to believe all kinds of nonsense I don't buy and neither do the people that really know I garentee you that his wife and other family members are fed up or getting fed up with them because they know the truth and from what I've heard his wife can and usually is sweet and kind it's only when he is around that she will acts the way he wants her to. I now believe she is a victim of his lies as well and she may not know what to do to get out or away from him but all she has to do is say I will not be part of your lies and walk out that door and never look back. When someone starts to lie to you so much you may start to believe it fir a while but eventually you will come to your senses. As people all we have is our self worth and with out that we are just shells. Be strong and know when to say enough

Update by Nice try
Jun 02, 2010 9:21 am EDT

He does not have the power to brain wash he had the gift of gab my dear. And anyone who comes on here to defend Robert is Robert making up new and different screen names claiming to be people that were in his program or people that know him. He has had his family members defend him as well and I'm sure there are people that buy his bs but I am too educated and way too smart to believe he is doing gods work. Robert is selfish with motives that are money driven he does not want to work he would rather bum off others all while claiming he is a good godly person. Just wait he will make up more and more screen names claiming to be someone defending his conning. If you are doing good work you would not need to defend yourself nor would you need to keep on explaining yourself all that goes to show how guilty he really is. He may be flourishing now but so was Robert and Tammy Fay baker at one time oh they flourished and traveled the world claiming that they are doing gods work and sure they got rich off of it for quit some time but then the cards came crumbling down and Robert baker died in jail so please just because someone claims to do gods work does not mean they are honest they just found an easy way to make a buck without having to get a real job. Please Robert make up as many screen names as you wish but it won't change who you really are a scamming liar.

Update by Nice try
Jun 08, 2010 11:23 am EDT

Warning my fellow complaints board members look at for tracker 20 he will claim to be against a company or organization to get you to talk to him. He will say he needs help and all that. He said to me that his girlfriend entered this false teen challenge operated by Robert Flores and that he is worried about her and needs help. Tracker 20 is not in need of help he is Robert Flores or someone associated with robert Flores tring to find out who I am even after I told them who I am. I gave my email and where I live as well as where I am employeed. Tracker 20 is an acting like someone he is not. And before you tell me to contact the complaints board I already did I sent them the messages tracker 20 was sending me and they said he is not going to track anyone and even if he did no one that left a message regaurding Robert Flores did anything illegal so track all you want to freedom of speech is what it is called so I dare you to press charges on me for posting mine and others opinion of you. Your a felon like I said I have worked for the postal service for over 20 years and have never even been arrested so go ahead track me I find it hilarious and flattering that you want to meet me that bad. It also shows how much truth I have told about you Robert because if I was lying you would brush it off and move on with what you say is doing gods work but the fact that you are going through so much trouble just to find out who I am even though I told you who I am, goes to show how scared you are about the truth being told about you mr Flores. You show your true colors.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Mar 23, 2010 9:58 pm EDT

I looked at their site Teen Challenge of Middle Tennessee and the Teen Challenge USA site, and your are right this Robert Flores is using the teen challenge name, but is not affiliated with the real teen challenge. He is also using the teen challenge usa logo, and mission statement, isn't that illegal? He is just wanting money, he should get a job. I found another picture of this con, on a website for a payoff festival, how convinient. He has tatoos all over his arms, he looks like an ex-con tring to be a business man, he will get in trouble and caught, Robert and Tammy Fay Baker did. You are a good person and they are not, they will answer to the man up stairs. Here is the pic. You can see him all the way at the end to the right, he even has a crocked smile.

Columbia, US
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Mar 25, 2010 9:19 pm EDT

I am an living witnees to what this place has and can do to get an person to began to love thier self again. Thats only thru an relationship with God. I been thru this place and it has help many young men to get their lives back. Not only them along but more importantly thier families too. What makes an person have the nerve to try to distroy this chance for other people of all ages to have an place to learn what thier life would be like once they find God? This has to be someone that is very selfish and really dont care about the hurting souls that need an place like this.Who ever you are you also will have to answer one day to this untruth you are placing on this program. Why not come and see for yourself if you really care. Why not help in an Godly way instead of your own way. I hope no addict dies tonight due to not having an place here in Columbia to come to to get to know that they have an saviour and an way out, if people like you dont try to close it down. Iknow my dear mother would be the first to say she is glad you wasnt the person who had her son life at risk 7 years ago. We pray for you and if anyone falls for these lies we pray for you also. Robert Flores and Tammy you keep doing what God has put on your hearts, because the did this same thing to Jesus himself

Columbia, US
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Mar 25, 2010 9:35 pm EDT

I just like to say I been there and I along with many others did have any money to pay for the program. Robert let me come anyway and I got my life back on track. So I just want to say thank you Robert. My wife saids thank you too. If you need someone to correct these lies then you just let us know. By the way, it wasnt the name of the place that change my life, it was an human man that this change came to me and my family life. No not the name teen challenge but the NAME JESUS is what change my life. So let me know when you can find an name besides that Name that really works! I also agree with the other writer, please people dont feed into those stories because people are hurting and the drugs are killing our young generation. This person who wrote these lies must be an drug dealer! Trying to keep the lost lost and with out an place to go to get help!

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Mar 27, 2010 2:36 pm EDT

You are right con seeker, these so-called members that were in the program have the same screen name, which means they are the ame person. This is just more evidence for you, and confirming they are lying, this is obviously the people who started the program, trying to defend it, through more lies and pretending to be a person that went through the program. If I were this Robert guy, I would come on here and defend the program myself, rather than making up one screen name for two seperate comments. I know believe these two are complete liars, they just confirmed it. I looked at both teen challenge sites, and Robert does use the teen challenge mission statement and history, that is illegal because teen challenge has a copy right, and he is coping the teen challenge information, he could end up in jail. If I wanted to defend myself, I would do it, myself, not lie.
By the way if you click on their pics you can see that Robert is not in an expensive suit, he is just another fat guy in a $10 shirt and pants, he is low budget. If you blow up the picture of the albino lady, you can tell she does not have money, because if she did she would fix her teeth, or at least bleach them. They may be stealing but they are not spending it on how they look and dress. LOL
The big point is, that Robert came on here and made up a screen name, and tried to pass it off as two different so called memebers, so that goes to show he does have it in him to lie, and if you are about the lord you won't lie, you will defend what you believe in.
I think these are just two nobody's, who have been picked on when they were young, and now want to be somebody, and they are going about it the wrong way.

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Mar 27, 2010 6:39 pm EDT

I found another site by this guy saying he is a Teen Challenge here is the link yall
He has a lot of young girls on his friend list, I thought he helps men. These might be his friends with benefits, if my wife looked like that, I would have women on the side too. Robert might be fat but would not look that bad if he lost weight, but as for that red hed, there is nothing she can do, I don't think you can start all over again. LOL. I don't feel bad when I make fun of people that steal, especially when they claim it is for a good cause. I really hope Robert does not think others on this site belive the comments from an found person, saying that they are two differnt people who went through the program, we are not as stupid as he thinks the people he steals from are. Buddy this is not the only site, you are on, where people say you are a con, and liar. How can all these people be wrong? Soon enough those who do business with you will find out too, and they should you should be ashamed of yourself. One more question, admit it your wife is inbred, isn't she?

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Mar 28, 2010 2:26 pm EDT

I looked at the link to Robert's teen challenge website, and he took it down. It is a great feeling when we put these frauds out of business, in any way even if it is just taking down a website, VICTORY FOR ALL ON THIS SITE. Robert does have a teen challenge my space, but you can not donate there like on on his teen challenge website, that was shut down. If he was real he would have just chaged the name of his site and the mission statement, but he knows people are cautching on to his cons. It may take some time but eventually Robert and Tammy will be caught and put out of business for good. I do also see that this is crazy because there names are similar to Robert and Tammy Fay Baker, and those two also used religion to steal from people. How funny that Robert came on this site and pretended to be a member, that is submitting two different comments, he is a liar and that proves it. The word is getting out about Robert and Tammy, this is the thrird site, that is saying they are cons. You Con Seeker were able to shut down their site, and they can not get donations through it, plus you know it cost them money to make and shut it down, so this is only the first step in bringing down cons that use religion to make money. I wonder if Robert or Tammy have a job? Do you know Con Seeker if they have a real job?

An Godly Found Person
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Mar 29, 2010 11:14 pm EDT

So you people must have an personal reason from putting this kind of stuff on this web site. How can you just be so bold? The is that FOUND PERSON again and as God as my witness my name isnt Robert Flores! anaow if you put your real name on the stuff you are stating then so will I. What personal vengence do you people have against these people? How can you speak wrong on this man when what you are doing on this web site is very much wrong? Are the readers suppose to trust you? Well I am so glad you are the ones that were there with an program to help me! If you come to realize that drugs and alcohol isnt the only sickness people have. You need to stop trying to take away an place for people like myself and an whole alot of others need to find Christ in the lives. By you saying my testimony was him writing it him self proves to me you are out to get this family for some personal reason. What kind of sick people would try to hurt an family and an christian place like this. Why not come spend your time showing those that need an positive out look on people of today, s world an helping hand instead of threating to close an place down so that they have another chance to let there family down or kids, or to become homeless and Lord forbid they die. I know that this addiction is present today in every family one way or another. It maynot mean much to you but for me this atempt to destroy this man character is so so wrong. Myself and about 17 men and their families would be happy if you would pick on the drug dealers.

Pastor's Sister
La Vergne, US
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Mar 30, 2010 12:50 pm EDT

Genesis 12:3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

For all you who are speaking evil lies,
God himself says if you curse his Children he will curse u, Also if you have ever read the Bible, I pray you read about the story where Moses was being mistreated by the people and the ground opened up and swallowed them whole.. Be careful who you wrongfully acuse. Just for the record I am not Robert Flores but I am his Sister, I don't bare false witness. 97% of what you people are saying is wrong.the 3% percent that is right is that he is no longer a Teen Challenge affiliate, That is why he has changed his name and I'm not gonna argue the rest b/c it's pointless (He only answers to God and God knows he is walking a straight line) but one thing is for sure if you drive by his address, his house is a 130, 000 house. Wonder what else is a lie? lol I have seen times when my brother couldn't feed his family while helping others.Yeah he has a little extra weight.So that's because us church people love to eat after church on Sundays and talking about his sweet wife is just a low blow.I'm specially praying for you who commented You know I pray for all of you, yes even Con seeker, your heart is probably in the right place but your wrong.It's a sad world when we have nothing better to do then to hunt Christians and try to ruin their reputation, My brother and his wife love the Lord and do his work.All this talk from you~The enemy~This just confirms they are doing God's will for their life.and if your not careful you might get to meet God face to face. Because God doesn't take it lightly when the ENEMY attacks his annointed beloved children. I promise you that.I pray God have mercy on you all for what you are doing and saying, Oh and by the way Con Seeker why don't you go and talk to my brother face to face?I know why Sir, because you are a liar.Your a Government official huh?that's against the law to pose you know?One more thing God is in control of Robert's and Tammy's Reputation not you sir..let me tell you..there is no lie that can ever stop my brother from doing God's will and helping others.I'm sorry that you are a hurt misererable person that apparently has nothing better to do.My Family leaves you in God's hands sir.Good luck with that.Much could be said but then I would be no different than you.God bless you.
1 Chronicles 16:22 "Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm." (God himself is telling u this Sir!) for the man you speak lies about is an annointed one.
Genesis 20:7 "Now therefore, restore the man's wife, for he is a prophet, and he will pray for you and you will live. But if you do not restore her, know that you shall surely die, you and all who are yours."
These are just a few of the warnings in the Bible that you should be aware of ConSeeker.If you want to be upset with me for posting these then so be it, I will assume you are mad at our Father God too b/c it is he that has wriiten it. Just soyou know I WILL NOT respond to anything else you write for those lies don't hurt our family but I felt you need to at least be informed and warned of "What" your up against.It's not who in the flesh sir but OUR FATHER GOD.

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Mar 30, 2010 3:06 pm EDT

I knew Robert thought he was God, you just confirmed it, thank "Roberts Sister". Ya we all believe that. If Robert was truly just helping people to do Gods work that would be wonderful, but he is also doing it for the money, no one said he does not help anyone, his motives are wrong. I can not help that people make fun of the pictures, that is not why I posted this. I just want Robert to admit he has a lot of greed for money in him, and he can work through it, but he must asdmit it, so he can work on it and move on. If you want to kill me and the others that is your right, you can be mad, but don't be mad about the truth that he and his wife are greedy, they love money. If their children went hungry, that is Robert's fault he should get a real job, and do the rest for free, as a way of giving back to the Lord, when I volenteer I do not expect a penny in retur, my job provides my salary, which is with the US postal service, so yes that is working for the government. Thank you for your prayers, that is very kind. Robert please admit you love money and will do not so good things for it, even lie if you have to.

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Mar 30, 2010 3:07 pm EDT

By the way my name is Jerry Cooper, nice to meet you. Lying about anything is wrong, even making up a screen name and saying u are in Roberts program.

Con Seeker 2
Florence, US
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Mar 30, 2010 10:59 pm EDT

It appears the Con Seeker is a Con himself! It;s nice to see our Government dollars hard at work, as it appears that you have nothing better to do than to trash people. Maybe you should be the one to get a real job so us tax payer don't have to pay for YOU!

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Mar 31, 2010 5:00 pm EDT

Tax payers pay me to deliver mail, you are not making sense. I am not on welfare, or food stamps, like Robert and Tammy. I have a real job at the post office. What are you talking about?

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Mar 31, 2010 5:03 pm EDT

No matter what you say, you are not going to change the minds of others, even if you tell me to get a job, or say I should not put peole down, it will not change unless you tell the truth. You can come on here and make up as many screen names as you want, but it will not change the fact that you lie, and people are catching on to it.

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Con Seeker 2
Florence, US
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Mar 31, 2010 7:39 pm EDT

The real liar emerges! Beware of the Con Seeker! Either you are really really STUPID or you don't work for the post office cause yes con seeker if you are a postal worker your salary is paid for by the tax payers and if you really were a postal worker you would know that. Any goverment worker even the postal service is paid for by the tax payers. DUH!

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Apr 02, 2010 11:56 am EDT

Wow con seeker, you are a class act. This is why you are respected on this site, and we trust you as well. I believe and so does cat lover, what your message is, that is very kind of you. Even after these people wanted you to die, and then said they will pray for you, and called you stupid, you show that you are the bigger person and will not continue going back and forth, becayse like you said it is not accomplishing anything. Robert you should at least take into consideration what jerry aka con seeker and saying to you, just take a look at what your prorities are and how important money is, everyone would like to live stress free and not worry about paying bills, and then there are those that want more than that, nice cars, trips, fancy toys, and other material things that do not mean anything, i am guilty of it and so are many at times. What is really important is that you can recognize, you are not perfect and you just like everyone else, has wants and may have more wants than you should, which is called greed, and it does not make you a bad person, it makes you human, what makes a bad person is one that can not admit their imperfections and the fact they are being greedy, and do not wish to address it, and will defend themselves anytime someone calls them out. Just examine it, do you really need certain things, or a certain amount of money, or do you have to keep up with your neighbors and others who may seem to have a lot of material possesions, money does not make you happy. Good luck to you Robert.

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May 11, 2010 2:16 pm EDT
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Pastor Flores was an addict once that found God and cleaned his life up. He is doing the same for other people. You can't judge someone for having tattoos. You don't have facts. He was part of Teen Challenge. Once Teen Challenge became World Challenge, he branched off and created Life Challenge. That is why you do not see him on the Teen Challenge website. I have seen first hand the work that Pastor Flores and his team can do. He has transformed many lives. He is not a con artist. He does not steal from anyone. He takes these men into the home which by the way costs money. He charges a fair prices for cousenling for the guys, food, shelter, and any other need they have. They are responsible for contributing to their own recovery. It is well worth the money he charges. Pastor Flores is not greedy. He is a kind and caring man. Just because he has a house and a car does not mean he has robbed anyone. I am not sure where this lie started or even why. I just ask that you examine yourself. Maybe you should pay a visit to Life Challenge and listen to the stories of the guys there. Perhaps you can benefit from Pastor Flores' program.

Headland, US
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Jun 01, 2010 11:29 am EDT


Headland, US
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Jun 01, 2010 11:32 am EDT


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Jun 01, 2010 2:20 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Actually, the truth is they have not moved. They changed their name to Life Challenge when they broke way from Teen Challenge. They have a new address because they just opened a women's facility in Lawrenceburg, TN. You have no proof that anyone has lied. You only make assumptions based on your imagination. Life Challenge and Robert Flores' ministry is flourishing. He takes in people even when they don't have the ability to pay. You should really check your details before going on completely incoherent rant about something you don't understand. Have you done any research? If you had you would know they are in the same location. You would know they have branched out. You would know the lives he has changed. Instead of trying find out the facts and find out what is really going on, you make up lies. You are the liar and you are the one that is trying to con people into thinking Pastor Flores is a bad person. You have no proof of any of it. Why do you insist on trying to destroy someone's reputation? You really need to get a life and stop trying to ruin a good man and a good organization. As far as the other commenter goes, the program does not allow people to come and go. They have to be there a while and earn passes to go places. He does take them on field trips to teach them how to enjoy life without drugs and alcohol. He teaches them to relate to real life without a crutch. You really should come to Tennessee and see for yourself. I visit the home on many occasions and I have had friends that have benefited from his program. No one feels cheated. No one is lied to. Come see for yourself and stop being a coward hiding behind the internet.

Union City, US
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Jun 01, 2010 8:54 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

robert flores has lied to me personally for what reasons i dont know

Union City, US
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Jun 01, 2010 11:28 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

roebert flores judged me and he dont know me that well i lost alot of respect for him hats not his job and he turns his back on people i've been to his church and the girls home when i first met him i liked him but one day i needed some help and he was telling people i was crazy and said that i couldent come to church anymore and he dont know me that well is he suposed to judge people thats not his place thats gods and ive tryyed talking to him and he kept putting it off and putting it off he might think he can control the girls in there but he has no power over me and i will keep trying to contact her in there i think hes brain washed her now does that sound like a man of god!

Union City, US
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Jun 02, 2010 4:39 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

in gods house all are welcome no matter what!

Lawrenceburg, US
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Apr 09, 2011 8:28 pm EDT

the whole flores family are nothin but cons. i know first hand, believe me. they all act like God, family, trust, honesty, etc is why they wake up in the morning but the real reason is to see how many lies they can tell and how many lives they can shatter.Robert had 2 children with his first wife. A boy and girl. The boy has starved so much for his fathers love that he thinks the only to gain his fathers love is to lie, just like his father.His son has children and has abandoned them for his own selfish reasons just like his father, and useing God as an excuse.HIs daughter resents the air her father breaths and also lies just to carry on the Flores name. Robert then had a another daughter by another woman and abandoned it{like father like son}. How could a Godly man walk away from his flesh and blood, how could he sit back and watch his children do the same things he has done. Better yet his children know what its like to be abandond so how could they do it to their own children. Here is how Robert has convinced them that its ok as long as its for God then its ok he will forgive them Well what about the kids.The Flores's are also very materialistic people. They have to have the best of the best and dont care who they have to use, abuse, manipulate, or break down to get.These are not Godly people. I just wonder how they sleep at night..