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7:09 pm EDT
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Professional Marketing International / ITF Training
--[protected] x5008 fax [protected]
8010 E McDowell Rd #205, Scottsdale, AZ [protected] N Executive Parkway, Lehi, UT 84043
--Support: [protected] M-Th, F 7-5, S 7-1 15 experts

-------This is a complaint, since I did get me refund, after some major hassle---------

2-9 --signup 8PM, charged $7055 for #2 package -- Billed by ITF Training (actually ITS TRAINING --using all kinds of names xx
2-10 -- worked all day on this x due diligence --called customer service @ 6PM to cancel, no one there, mentor said they were closed, yet I ordered last night at 8PM x
2-11 --CANCEL --called customer svs, no answer, some game? Unprofessional = poor customer svs x
-- Rep says --no problem, will connect to cust svs --they’re making me sick x
-- Shannon [protected] –jerk x
-- They say they’ll give me a 6 month money-back guarantee --I turn them down
2-12? -- Called CreditCard CC, asked if charge was removed --NOT
2-19? -- Received UPS package --sent back to whatever address it was shipped from
2-22 -- Call CC, filed dispute -- Called PMI for cancellation #, x they’re pissing me off --says I’m still signed-up, twisting things --says I didn’t cancel, after I told him so many times --trying to push me into their scam --at some point I call him a f.. punk, he’s all “did you call me a f.. punk?”, I said that he was trying to punk me x x x x --eventually gave me a cancelation number, same as my account #
3-1 -- Get letter: PMI letter says I will be refunded upon me returning the merchandise -- I returned the items (2 unopened CDs) weeks ago
3-10 -- Charge is still on account
3-16 -- PMI says resubmitting refund letter for signature
3-22-- Call Credit card dispute Dept --CC says PMI says they requested an invoice from me, I never got an invoice --I file complaints with the BBB, FTC, Attorney General,,, etc --CC repeatedly tries to get-out of dispute using tactics like I have to send letters by certain dates, etc
3-23 get letter from PMI, sign, send
4-01? I am refunded
5-06 Get call from PMI VP, nicely asking me to remove posts from complaint boards or atleast remove names and explain that I got my refund, he mentions he could get a lawyer involved for a libel suit. I am polite and friendly, I explain he is just one of the many that want to sue me for libel. --Is the truth so bad? Is my post going to cost them money? I wonder how many other people they’ve screwed..
Conclusion -- I did get my refund. I probably wouldn’t have got refunded if I didn’t :1) document everything well, 2) dispute it with my credit card (and keep on top of it), 3) diligently research and follow-up in a timely manner. It was close, they almost got me.

The Jim Banks Probate Real Estate Infomercial [protected] (sales line, to buy book)

I watched the infomercial, sounds good. I buy about every business opportunity that I’ve ever seen (what a waste, I’ve read to many of those positive thinking business books).

The Money-Making Probate Opportunity: Help settle estates, pay 12% value for personal property. I order the book for $40, and the salesman goes on and on for 15 minutes trying to sell other services like a probate finder system for $90 and tele-seminars, etc., but whatever, I just patiently endure. He’s likely testing you to see how long he can talk with you, in an effort to gauge how you may fare in a future brainwashing scheme.

About 2 weeks later, they call you and offer a training course.

Their spiel goes something like this (I wish I had a better memory of it) --we sell [protected] kits a week (you’re just one of the many, are they really making $160-320k a week?), we’re looking for success stories to place on our infomercial, this is a special invitation (to a select few), you have special access to 15 (devoted) experts who will mentor you to success, guaranteed. Months before I was given the same spiel after buying Dean Gradosie’s book, and it turns out that it is the same company (PMI) selling these programs. It’s slowly revealed that it costs $7050, actually they have 3 different priced packages.

They use a team (pack) approach, you talk with 4 or 5 smooth operators with important titles. They call you over and over (and over), there are many long conversations. They probe deeply asking all kinds of personal questions in an effort to gain your trust, test your compliance, open you up, woo you and brainwash you, in essence. They impress upon you that they really care about your success. They use all types of ploys, ruses and tactics. Ah, such good guys, accessible dedicated loyal (fiducial) mentors, how wonderful. You want to believe all their claims and that they really care. They seem very professional, friendly, upfront and above-board, but they’re a little too smooth and insistent. My first assignment is to submit my goals. I will make money for sure without a doubt, “put in 10 hours a week, make your money back in 30 days on your fist deal”. And, you come back with your concerns, but they’ve heard them all, and have practiced and honed their scripted responses. A few of their favorites are that they have 80, 000 success stories (lets see.. 80, 000 x 7200 = $576, 000, 000, I wonder if they can afford to refund me? or, we have an A+ rating with the BBB, you can’t get any higher than that. The sham scam charm game, reference their claims below.
This is what I get:
Legal Library --2000 forms, disc
Tax Liens --10-50% interest --3% default, then you own home
Web Conf --market analysis, feasibility studies, pipeline
RE hotline --access 12hrs/day 6days/wk --must call mentor consistently
Tele Sems --daily, record them
Prop trends --software --analyze properties, etc

Claims, Commitments, Guarantees, Promises

PMI: --Will help complete 1st 5 deals, will help complete 1 deal per month --walk you through locating, evaluating and acquiring real-estate --Unlimited mentoring for 6 months
--If no transaction in 6mos, request hotline free of charge for up to 1yr after completion
--earn Inv back warranty: complete 5 Real Estate transactions within one year and send complete doc, PMI will reimburse tuition 100% --PMI will have permission to share success story

PMI Claims --work 8-10hrs a week, close your 1st deal in 30 days, close 5 deals in next 6mos, make your investment back on 1st deal --Profit 20-30% per transaction --88% success rate, 80, 000 success stories --A+ rating with the BBB --“you can’t get any better than that” --ya right, they have 214+ complaints/strikes against them

Me --submit at least 2 offers a month --what if this is some scheme or game where it’s impossible? -- let mentor help w transactions -- put forth effort --8-10hrs/wk for 6mos --Temp investment (tuition) --Teachable, trainable, open-minded --motivated, serious, follow-through

I think it over, do some Jim Banks due diligence research on the internet, can’t really find anything. They push you into buying, saying you can cancel within 3 days no problem (safety). I assure them that I will conduct through due diligence, and they assure me that I will find nothing, that they are professional, above-board, etc. They likely think that I won’t find much relating to Jim Banks on the internet, etc.

They offer a money-back guarantee, implying that I’ll get my money-back if I make no money (no risk), plus I can cancel within 3 days. I ordered and asked for the guarantee in writing, thinking I would conduct my due diligence and cancel if I wanted too. They say the charge will show up from PMI or Professional Marketing International on my credit card. (Tricky since I never did due diligence on PMI, they surely hope I don’t.)

Upon review, the guarantee is flawed, deceptive and fraudulent. The word guarantee implies that I have recourse if other party doesn’t follow-through on commitments and promises. This guarantee doesn’t backup claims, promises and commitments. This is no guarantee, it smacks of dishonesty and lack of integrity. It is very weak & shallow, and doesn’t benefit me. There is no recourse here. I was under impression that this was refundable if I didn’t make $$. There is no money-back guarantee or refund if I don’t make money. I’ve included the guarantee text below. They are very smooth operators. Am I supposed to over-look the wool the keep pulling over my eyes? Am I supposed to look the other way and leave my good judgment and common-sense behind?

Professional Marketing International, a misnomer. Professional? Not. But, they’ll teach you what unprofessional is. Perhaps they are professional in con-game-scheme-shams.

My Due Diligence findings:

Gutx --Not 100% sold/convinced/reassured, Not overcoming my fears
-- feeling a little sick xx, not comfortable, not reassured --NO, NO, NO, NO xxxx
Remember -- Getting punked, gamed -- Smiths, ACFA, TP, ASD, Carton Sheets, Kiosaki
-- there should be no rush -- Don’t just jump in, do your homework
Be Skeptical Hype x -- hoopla
Pressuring x -- rushed, sales tec --4 guys talking it up --boiler-room --trick --they’re ready to slam the door shut and walk away if you bringup questions --reverse psychology? prey on your conscious
Crafty x -- tricky, gaming, slick, hi-tec systems of conversion --disquised as friends, support, mentor
Too Risky x -- Can’t afford, don’t have the money, not going to borrow $ (bad) --I could easily loose money
-- $, time, effort --I’m risk adverse --risks are unnecessary --never once has a risk paid-out
-- Cheap, faulty, something’s amiss
-- Some game where I get played --they’ll do anything to make a buck

Not a money-back guarantee xxxx -- I have no recourse if PMI fails it’s commitments, promises or claims? --i.e what if I don’t get deal closed?
Deceptive -- The word guarantee implies that I have recourse if other party doesn’t follow-through on commitments and promises
--This guarantee doesn’t backup claims, promises and commitments --this is no guarantee, it smacks of dishonesty or lack of integrity
--there is no recourse here --I was under impression that this was refundable if I didn’t make $$ --there is no money-back guarantee or refund if I make no money
-- very weak & shallow: doesn’t benefit me, not rated
forget it, I’m out

Company x -- no info --history, D&B, owner, structure --credibility
x -- fully understand what investing in? x Getting run-around? xxx pressured into investing before questions answered? x
 no: disclosures x co history x D&B# x warrantees x guarantees x 3 days is not enough time to conduct through due diligence x
 they didn’t tell me it was PMI until last minute, so I did due diligence on wrong company (dirty little trick) xx cost me a day figuring them out xx twisted/not straight-upx lack transparencyx iffyx can’t get ahold of customer svsxx
 BBBxx “ A+ rating and that’s the highest rating you can get.” x says A+ rating with BBB x what about those 200+ strikes/complaints?
 Shannon [protected] x3826 total pressuring, tricky tactics, not mentor, wants my $, pissed me off, not providing info, not on my side, not supportive, high pressure tactics, manipulation, arm twisting, ugly tactics, steamrolling, unprofessional, gaming, pushy, reminds me of RJ, making a big deal, f…n w me, I’m not going to just jump in bed with them, didn’t know D&B#, sick feeling xxxx

They don’t strike me as ethical operators, gaming, trying to break me down, insistent, hammering, violating fiduciary duty

Due Diligence Conclusion: CANCEL ASAP


Professional Marketing International / James G. Banks Warranty and Guarantee

OUR WARRANTY TO YOU IS: Our goal is to complete as many real estate deals with you as you can do in 6 months to a year. However, if for any reason, you have not completed at least 1 real estate deal that has paid all of your tuition back to you then we will extend the length of the program and continue to work with you for an additional 12 months (total of 18 months) ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE.

THE PMI AMAZING GUARANTEE: As soon as you have completed 5 deals within your first year of registration and send complete documentation AND upon acceptance, we will send you a bonus check that is equal to 100% of every dollar that you have spent with this company.

CANCELLATION: You will have 3 business days from the time of your first appointment, not registration. A cancellation may occur during that time. After that period of time your enrollment will be complete.

8010 e mcdowell road # 205 scottsdale, Az 85257 phone [protected] fax [protected]
3049 n executive parkway lehi, ut 84043

To learn more about us you can log onto and in their search box type in professional marketing international. You can then open up the links that follow.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Walnut Cove, US
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Oct 09, 2010 9:30 pm EDT

He is absolutely correct about PMI marketing and ITS Training. They do not deliver what they promise. They look for people in debt and having financial problems.

Detroit, US
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Feb 09, 2012 8:31 pm EST

Your hit the nail on the head. Luckily i saw the scam coming before they got my money. They asked how much i was willing to invest i said about 4 grand, and a week later after all the bull ### guarantees they say its going to cost about 4000 dollars? I said hmmm that seems funny. I did my research and luckily found other post like this. So I was like yeah its a scam. So every time they called i would hang up they left like 5 messages on my phone over 2 weeks, and I guess they didn't get the point. They kept calling and I finally answered and went off on the guy. They still would call back and not leave messages, but they finally stopped, after i answered and freaked out on the guy and said if you keep calling im calling the cops. I got a sense of desperation from them. Meaning that they were desperate for my money, and were probably broke because everyone knew about the scam. I can compare them to weasels or snakes being very deceptive and trying to get your money. The book actually has some good tips to try out but very unrealistic and
its just to draw you in and take your money. Basically stay away from info mercials they are scams.