I think of myself as someone who would not shell out money to a company without doing research. The ONLY reason that I shelled out a HUGE amount to GREAT DATE NOW for their "executive premiere" service is because the Match Making Institute RECOMMENDED them.
These people do not have a clue. I would not believe anything that they have to say. It is obvious to me that they are doing business -IE getting Kickbacks from recommending such SCAM ARTISTS. I am starting a class action suit against GDN also Meet Over Drinks (same company), The Matchmaking Institute should be ASHAMED for even being connected to such a duplicitous company.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Our Professional Matchmakers Association has 250+ members. We accept members to be part of our Professional Matchmakers Association after each company undergoes an extensive process. Specifically, each member should adhere to our Code of Ethics (articles of the code of ethics can be found at www.matchmakinginstitute.com/code_of_ethics/). Membership is free but, as we take pride in maintaining quality in the industry, membership can be suspended or cancelled if a company is not in good standing. The is the case if we receive complaints that are not properly addressed. Singles can fill out at form at www.matchmakinginstitute.com/survey/ and let us know of any concern they have with a matchmaker. As a matter of fact, each time a single reports a complaint to us, we inform the matchmaking company of this complaint. If the company is a member of our association, we require that company to answer in writing within two weeks with steps they have taken to respond to the issue raised by one of their clients. If they do not do so, they are automatically removed from the association. We do not endorse any specific matchmaker, but any feedback received helps us monitor matchmakers and the service they provide.
We strive to educate the public about how to find and interview qualified matchmakers and have written a book called Make Me A Match which has detailed questions on what to ask a matchmaker to be able to tell if this matchmaker is right for them. We may also email singles these questions to review before meeting with a matchmaker. We do our best to determine and refer singles to a matchmaker that best suits their needs. We always let the singles know that this is just a suggestion and it is up to the single to interview the matchmaker to determine if this matchmaker indeed suties the needs of the referred.
I disagree with Matchmaking Institutes response, their Membership is not free. As a Matchmaker, in order for you to be a Member you are required to complete their Matchmaking Self-Study Guide, Training Session and Interview which is over $1200. Matter of fact, all of the additional services they offer are over priced not to mention the fact that the owner is also a Matchmaker-this is no independent non-profit organization as one would assume.