Joyce Riley, Joyce Ann Riley, Joyce Thompson Riley, Joyce Barfield, Joyce Barfield, and many other alias has a "show" called "the power hour." Joyce Riley is commonly known as "Hanoi Joyce Riley" (see and it will become apparent as to why after you read this and the sites given. Joyce Riley claims to have been a whistleblower in a case long ago involving a single mother of two, Genene Jones. Genene Jones went to jail in the early 80's and, if alive, is still there today in spite of the truth. It turns out that Hanoi Joyce Riley failed to mention that the "witness" and "whistleblower" in that case was actually a co-defendant who turned states evidence to save her own skin. Attorney Linda Kennedy does a great job of explaining how Genene Jones was framed by Hanoi Joyce Riley and her handlers. Hanoi Joyce Riley has been used repeatedly by New World Order minions that she claims to oppose, with even the Department of Justice coming to her aid when she loses lawsuits. Hanoi Joyce Riley allegedly fights the Department of Defense, (DoD), but read below about her husband Dave vonKleist and you will see what a ruse that really is. Hanoi Joyce Riley and Dave vonKleist have been using several false identities to file suits, especially class action suits under phony pretenses, and splits large sums of money with her attorney and others. The FBI knows all about this, but fails to even "investigate" against Hanoi Joyce Riley & hubby (allegedly their main nemesis). Hanoi Joyce Riley was sent to silence real whistleblowers like Linda Kennedy and Peter Kawaja. You can see a real interesting story about Peter Kawaja and what Hanoi Joyce Riley did to him at . It is an incredible story, but supported by a whole lot of evidence. You had better hurry because Kennedy's site is always being attacked and taken off the net. Hanoi Joyce Riley used a fake military record to infiltrate Gulf War whislteblower Peter Kawaja (giving her self phony credibility). Her real military record can be seen at . As liars do, Hanoi Joyce used phony evidence to "prove" the lie was allegedly true. This time Hanoi Joyce Riley use pictures of her in military garb from the 70's as she had a two year stint as a weekend warrior, to allegedly "prove" that she was in the Gulf War in the 90's. She claims she aged 10 years when she allegedly returned to the states in 91, due to being sick. Trouble is, there are pictures of her in the 80's that show she had already aged a whole lot from those pics in the 70's. AND MEAN A LOT! So somehow, she got much older in the 80's and then got really young again before allegedly goinG to the Gulf (which she was later caught in that lie . . . NEVER WENT TO THE GULF either). This story is absolutely amazing. And once you read about her husband, the real life Nazi Dave vonKleist, wow! You will see that journalism and radio are truly great ways for spies to control the masses as they play good cop bad cop with the mainstream media and government employers as we all go down their rabbit hole. Spend time on these sites. It will be well worth it.
Here is more on Hanoi Joyce Riley's husband:
Dave vonKleist hid his real identity, using the name Dave Riddell for many years. He pretended to be a poor hippy freak from the 70's who suddenly became aware of some problems in America. Then in the 90's he allegedly decided to substitute and then start his own talk radio show with this alleged background. He was exposed as using this fake name but claimed he used it as a stage name. But why would Dave vonKleist need a stage name when his resume states that he has won numerous media awards under the name "Dave vonKleist?" I will get to that in a minute. Dave vonKleist often talked about the New World Order and how it was taking over our world as we know it and he was bad mouthing the NWO leadership. Interestingly, it turns out that he is actually from one of the oldest, richest New World Order families himself, which he failed to mention. Instead of being this poor hippy freak with a revelation in life, he was exposed as Dave vonKleist (actually spelled von Kleist). Dave (Robert David von Kleist) is from an Aristocratic Prussian family having at least 35 generals in his family, including several Nazis, and even a Fieldmarshall who was promoted and was frequently pictured with Hitler himself. Many of these were tried and convicted war criminals in Nuremburg and subsequent proceedings. Dave vonKleist puts out "b.s." on one of his radio shows, "the power hour" and in numerous videos claiming things that are far fetched, that actually discredit any real information that may otherwise be exposed. In one of these films, he claims that pods hit the Pentagon and/or World Trade Center on 911. As he leads people around the world down this rabbit hole, he fails to mention that his own relatives were part of the first ever terrorist attacks on American soil as well as terrorism around the world today. The "Dark Invader, " a von Kleist spy was not only involved in bringing biological warfare into the U.S. before WW1, but also was involved in trying to get Mexico to start a war with the U.S. (see the Zimmerman Document), he infiltrated the unions in order to create discord in the U.S., and blew up factories and ships on the east coast and at sea (along with relative Charles von Kleist). One such site was in Manhattan itself. They were tried and convicted in the United States. Why has Dave vonKleist failed to tell us of his true identity, or give an accurate description as to why he became involved in the "grass roots" movements? As Dave vonKleist allegedly was "exposing" a Nazi shaped building in Washington (something known for years), he failed again to mention his own Nazi ties, he failed to mention that he has been a part of these Nazis and as he continues to try to save his own cover story. As Dave vonKleists claims to oppose Rumsfeld, he failed to tell us about his German born father, Robert Vincent vonKleist, and family friends German born Kissinger, and Rumsfeld himself. They all used to hunt together on some of their land in Alaska. You can see a picture of all these people on none other than the Department of Defenses own website. I thought these people were all on opposite sides? Opps, again, Dave vonKleist forgot to tell us that didn't he. And as part of his cover, Dave vonKleist seems to always have Prussians come to his aid. . . Ron Paul (a Prussian), Von Bulow (a German who was supporting the stupid pod claim, but opps, he is the head of German Intelligence), and what the heck, even Glen Beck from CNN comes to interview Dave vonKleist when necessary. . . wasn't there a General Beck who was a Nazi who supported Hitler also?). Dave vonKleist's family is old world, New World Order. Dave vonKleist is from a long line of German spies. One of the vonKleist's favorite covers over the years has been in journalism. Dave vonKleist has repeatedly been caught in lies and has purposely side tracked truth. For a story that will really blow your mind, go to "" Also go to and for more on his wife, "Hanoi Joyce Riley, " go to These fools are incredibly connected and even when the disinformation they spew is clear, they still get the support of their handlers. I would think sooner or later these handlers have to cut bait and find someone new to spread the lies, because these two are becoming a comedy act.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Awesome post. I had no idea the power hour team had such an obscure dark past. I first heard Joyce Riley on Coast to Coast with Art Bell. Listening to Joyce, Hanoi or whoever she really is along with her supposed husband who obviously she just removed from her radio show for another strange and odd hidden reason was no surprise. They never seem honest on issues like wanting more to control peoples thinking patterns. Later I found out Joyce was born in the same city as me, Arkansas city, Kansas a very dirty little city managed by some rather corrupt individuals on the border of the state of Oklahoma and sort of isolated from the rest of the world, and also her parents owned Graves Drug Store the only drug store in Ark City on Summit Street except for a small Walmart. Her last remaining parent, mother, just passed away probably leaving her a small fortune of money then of course she supiciously canned Dave. I would highly question these two individuals absolutely.
There is one person that posts this all over internet. When one protests so much, there must be jealousy of some sort. I think this person is the way out fringe idiot. While I don't ever believe anything I see eat hear smell etc. The Gulf War Disease is in my family and real. It also is the same as the Japan post bomb symptoms. Same as exposure to uranium nanosize runoff in your water. It takes three days to get to men's sperm. And main lines to the liver and to the temporal lobe areas of the brain. That is part of what controls the suicides and murders.
My name is Pamela Ybarbo and if you want my truth please feel free to email me at Obviously I’m talking to which every agent is currently intercepting my posts, comments, tags and searches cause we have business to discuss. I came back to take you on for Gods will. Your demise is my life’s purpose.
Good post, however...I think this ISSUE of Nazi's needs clearing up! Hitler has been JEWS! Nazi = Nationalism.
Check out this site and decide for yourself!
If ALL you know about Hitler and Nazi's is what the LYING JEW media has told you all these years...then you are short sided in your thinking!
Research VERSUS Repeat LIES!
I've reluctantly DEVOTED much time to this website on Hitler...because I want TRUTH...not somebody elses beliefs of bull ###!
Instead of attacking Dave von Kleist with 'ad hominem' attacks (which is the weapon of choice of Establishment stooges and apologists) try challenging him to an open debate - we'll see who is spouting 'b-s'.
I have found his videos very informative, especially 'One Nation, Under Siege'.
outsider, London UK
Is this the General Beck your refering to? If you cannot speak the truth about this how can you be trusted to speak the truth on anything?
Ludwig Beck was born in Biebrich, Germany, on June 29, 1880. He joined the German Army and by 1933 became Adjutant General of the army. Two years later he was promoted chief of general staff. Originally a supporter of the Nazis, he broke with Adolf Hitler and eventually became a major leader within the conspiracy against Hitler. He would have been provisional head of state had the 20 July plot succeeded. Beck opposed attempts by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party to takeover the army. In 1938, he sent an emissary to London in an attempt to get Neville Chamberlain to promise military action if Germany invaded Czechoslovakia. When Adolf Hitler discovered that Beck as plotting against the regime and he was removed from office. Replaced by Franz Halder, Beck continued to work closely with other opponents of Hitler including Carl Goerdeler, Wilhelm Canaris, Hans Oster and Ulrich Hassell. In the early months of 1944 Beck approached Erwin Rommel about joining the July Plot. Rommel refused, criticizing the tactic of assassination claiming that it would turn Adolf Hitler into a martyr. Instead he suggested that he should be arrested and brought to trial. Suspected in being involved in the July Plot, Beck was arrested by on July 20, 1944. General Erich Fromm took him into custody and demanded that he commit suicide. He succeeded only in severely wounding himself and a sergeant finished the job by shooting him in the back of the neck.
If true, this effectively "outs" Dave as COINTELPRO. The Operation Paperclip brought the Nazis over to Washington to found the CIA and other federal agencies. Not that some of what he reported in the 9/11 videos wasn't in fact true. COINTELPRO seeks to control the message. They do not want the final truth to come out. Some of us producing such a film might correctly report how the masonic knights running Washington are completely responsible. Instead Dave grabs listeners who are then told it is the "Zionist", a popular Nazi scapegoat from the Protocols propaganda.
This is complete BS as well. Why not talk about who Joyce's parents are, HUMMM? You, Joyce, and Dave are all on the same team admit it. She was never married to him because that's her brother or her cousin. Since she is really Rosemary Busch the one that supposedly died at a young age. Your not fooling those of us who have the skills to dig deep and find the truth.
Excellent post and credit to the author. Hey Hanoi Joyce Riley. The Veterans say don't let the door hit you on the way to Argentina! Follow your spook hubby to espanolville traitor.
Hanoi Joyce Riley: Never sick; never served. The veterans know you never were sick with gulf war illness Joyce Riley. We saw the videos Joyce Riley fraud. We know you never served in the military during the gulf war one (90-91) Joyce Riley Fraud. You used your pictures from your two year weekend warrior stint in [protected] and pretended they were military pics from [protected]. When we saw the video and saw your pictures with Barbara Bush in the mid 80's where you looked significantly older than you did in the military pictures you were trying to pass off as military pictures from the 90-91 your story continued to fall apart you fraud. Of course up to that time Joyce Riley was claiming she looked 10 years older when she got off the plane after the war in 90-91. LOL. How convenient. Ten years. Yep that is how much older you were in 1990-01 then those pictures you were trying to pass off as your fake cover story.
And we know you never served in the Gulf War One IN ANY CAPACITY Hanoi Joyce Riley. And that is another lie she was covering up. First she served in the Gulf War One and got GW Illness from being in Iraq. Then when that lie was shot down, then she served in SUPPORT OF THE FIRST GULF WAR and got GW Illness because uniforms touched her. Then when that got shot down she got Gulf War Illness from vaccines. Then that got shot down so it was DU. No matter what the real cause of illnesses that our fellow veterans sustained, we know these truths for sure.
And watch out everyone, because anyone who exposes criminals like Hanoi Joyce Riley will be said to be picking on the Vets. Well I am a vet and so are so many who have figured out your shell game Hanoi Joyce Riley. No Joyce the Vets have figured you out. So now Hanoi Joyce Riley needs a new cause to prop her up and her handlers are busy finding one. And if we expose Hanoi Joyce Riley we will be picking on old ladies or murdered babies, or three legged dogs, or veterans . . . .fill in the blanks. Watch. That is an old trick of hers. Yes all of a sudden Joyce Riley claims she was a whistleblower in the Genene Jones Murder case. Well Joyce Riley, you were claiming that way back when in the 90's until others started exposing you as a cofendent in that case. And you fingered Genene Jones to save your sorry ###. You were no whistleblower you were a codefendant. At that point, you pretended you were not involved in that Jones matter at all becauseit heit too close to home. You substituted the Jones whistleblower claim to the St Lukes whistleblower claim where you were suing on behalf of your government you pretend to fight and said that was the whistleblower case. And when you lost, the government stepped in to save you and make sure you got a lot of money. Like they would ever make sure a whistleblower speaking against them has money to attack them with. Now that all the hospital witnesses are dead in the Jones case, where you were a codefendant who fingered Jones, you now are a whistleblower on that case again. And you may want to rethink that. I hear a video coming Hanoi Joyce.
And yes, your mom was the person who received the telegram to end WWII after you were caught in lies about her being in the miltary. Yeah right. And Dave vonKleists family tried to kill Hitler even though they were loyal generals. Yeah got it. And you were the one who knew what happened in Gulf War One even though you infiltrated the real whistleblower and killed him and changed his story to a government friendly version. Bla bla bla. Did you and Al Gore both invent the Internet? Let's hear that one. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction and I would laugh except that you have inflicted so much pain on so many that I can't see the humor though I have tried.
Among Veterans Hanoi Joyce Riley is probably the most hated person in America. We deserved better America.
And Handlers? Instead of finding new causes Hanoi Joyce Riley can hide behind dont' you think It's about time to get a new act? I hate reruns and we have seen this show way too many times.
Among Veterans Hanoi Joyce Riley is probably the most hated person in America. We deserved better America.
Not just one person posting to the above person. Veterans hate and I mean HATE Joyce Riley for the many crimes against humanity. Just another Joyce Riley stooge posting to defend her. There is a very large group of veterans known as Veterans Against Joyce Riley who can't stand this woman for what she did to the vets and how she kept the truth from him when she covered up Peter Kawaja's evidence.
And Dave vonKleist, s apparent humanity recently is short lived as heartless Joyce Riley buys his changed story in order to character assassinate Linda Lea Kennedy because she knows too much about their scams.
I was a friend of Dave vonKleist. I was in his camp in 1995 when he called himself Dave Riddell and before that when he was vonKleist. I was there when Dave vonKleist introduced Garth Nicolson to Joyce Riley (which is a block buster of a story actually because she told a different story to the vets when she was first infiltrating but not for now). Those vet who have exposed Joyce Riley and Dave vonKleist know why this is so important.
I got word from several vets that Joyce Riley has recently had her past rewritten (again) and suddenly has court documents and military records that are different than what was true in 2008 and 2010. Only government spooks can get court records and military records changed. You think they would do that for you every day people? It only proves who Joyce Riley is if she starts blasting new records to rewrite history around so listen closely and mark the date. It is coming I guarantee it. The vets know who she is and lying to cover other lies with government support is right up her alley. The Vets also knew she would eventually get this accomplished in her sick mind so they have records of their searches that are official and guess what? The old records show what was actually true as of the last few weeks Joyce Riley. Do you think the veterans didn’t learn and document what was real history at the time? So backdate all you want. You will fall into your own traps. The Veterans are surprised it took you so long. So if she tries this or already tried it, just know it is another one of her spook supported scams. THE VETS KNOW WHO YOU ARE JOYCE RILEY. And you cannot chase all of us off hard as you try.
Well, I was a friend of Dave vonKleist and I know that his handlers picked Joyce Riley for a very classified operation in 1995 because she was in trouble for a multitude of crimes that were going to trial and big brother knew she had no problem with immorality and would trade her morals for money and freedom like most snitches do. Of course in exchange big brother has created a fresh, new and improved record for Joyce Riley since she reached the end of the line on her other cover stories to cover her other corrupt life and lies. New court records showing she has fought for justice, new military record, new new new. Scrub a-dub-dub. As Kennedy called them: The “wet ink documents” because they are so fresh they may smudge. Joyce Riley was just a government patsy because she was a small time criminal in the 1970’s in Louisiana, Illinois, Miami and Texas. This caused her own son to leave her and never look back. It caused her own mother to not talk to her for year. And her parents blamed her for their son’s death too. That is another story. Kennedy has that interview with the mom also who decided to clear her conscience before she passed. That is why her husband left her according to them.
The Genene Jones case was Joyce Riley’s downfall because she was a part of what was going on and misdirected the investigators to finger Jones instead of Riley and the doctors and her lawyer who were involved in the scam. Joyce Riley stopped claiming she was involved in the Jones case once Kennedy caught her in another round of lies about it. Now Joyce Riley has waited until her superiors from that hospital died who knew the truth about Joyce Riley (another story). And now she is claiming again that she was the whistleblower in the Genene Jones case. Joyce even wrote a poem, “BLOOD ON MY HANDS.” She wanted us to think that this poem was written for other reasons. First it was because the gulf war vets. Now it is because she didn’t speak up more about Jones. Hogwash! Dave gave me a copy of this poem years ago and I will dig it up and post it for you all so keep watch. Joyce was involved in organ procurement and that was her angle with these babies from a poor, immigrant populace. She made money when there was blood on her hands. Every baby that died ended up to be money in that psycho’s pocket. Dave vonKleist told me all about this on one of his tirades about her because he hated her. Ok here is some of the poem and I will post the actual copy this as soon as I can. It’s sick!
“Blood on my hands by Joyce Ann Thompson Riley, January 14, 1985
Little girl so different from the rest, inside damage; outside look my best, thirst for love then for blood, pretending there is no blood on my hands.
Bloodstains run deep, ice cold heart and steel eyes like the needles, one last breath they’re meant for death, pretending there is no blood on my hands.” There are several more sick verses. Does that sound like something to the vets or because she was sorry she didn’t speak up? I will post this as soon as I can scan it. Now maybe people know why Joyce Riley is hated so so so much.
Dave who often played dumb was actually Joyce Riley’s handler and called the shots behind the scenes.
I am very disappointed to hear that Dave vonKleist is planning to back track on his statements about Joyce Riley because Joyce Riley dangled money in front of him. He knows she is going to change records so why let that stop you Dave? You know her better than anyone. Come on Dave. How much money do you people need. You stole so much money. So if Dave backtracks then I guess he will finally be a former friend. I am sick of them. I should have dumped him a long time ago. My only hope is someone is using a voice changer and video morpher to mimic Dave’s words and actions and it is not him. But it is ironic since he did this to so many others including Peter Kawaja and Linda Kennedy. Joyce and Dave have very high tech changers and morphers. Not like the cheap stuff we can buy online as a joke. These are military grade. Dave and Joyce Riley used them on a number of their enemies before to create chaos and to defame them using their own voices and acting crazy, or using another person’s voice to character assassinate the first one when they were working well together. They did the same with emails. So it would be ironic that Dave gets the same treatment. Everybody be ready for that one too.
In 2003 I took over a job at the Power Hour for the prior lady. She was black and Joyce and Dave do not like blacks. They called them “mud people.” They put pot in her car and the cops were waiting for her just off their property. Karen was busted for the “plant” shall we say. I always thought it was Dave and Joyce who did it. But about five years ago Dave vonKleist finally confessed to me about it when he was ### about Joyce Riley and how much he hated her. It was both of them.
Shortly after Karen was busted I went to the Power Hour to help them. I was then also “anonymously” turned in to the police on an anonymous tip shortly after I arrived. Of course it was the same type of setup. Nobody gets away from Versailles and Joyce Riley. She sets everyone up including the few vets that ever even listened to her. It is always short lived and then people find out she is a fraud. I had a lot of time to think while I was in jail. I figured it was just Joyce Riley because she is known for setting up anyone who knows too much about her. She knew I wasn’t buying her act. I hated to think that Dave was involved but now I know better.
Well Dave contacted me a while back and told me that Joyce Riley was stealing his identity for a number of “jobs” she needed done. He said she stole his first wife’s identity, his mother’s and even his daughter’s identity before. I had heard that Joyce had stolen plenty of identities in the past. I also told her to stop a practice she had where she kept copies of every customer’s personal information including credit cards numbers. We had complaints coming in from customers. They claimed their credit cards were compromised. But Joyce Riley would not listen.
So when I heard that Dave vonKleist actually had written something true about Joyce Riley that was posted the other day I was glad. He was talking about Joyce Riley stealing his identification to character assassinate Linda Kennedy and he was spilling the beans on a number of facts about Joyce Riley. And I knew they were true. I knew it was Dave because it was the conversation we had a while back. I was proud of him for actually telling the truth because Kennedy was onto their scams and was warning the public. Insiders know that Joyce Riley tries to sabotage Kennedy every chance she gets using other people as hatchet-men. These warnings Kennedy was giving to the public eventually chased Dave out of the U.S. so she knows way too much.
So I thought finally Dave vonKleist had enough balls to stand up for something right for a change. Yes his motives were questionable but at least he did it. He posted a small piece of the real truth about Joyce Riley that so many of us know. There are videos on her. And this was just scratching the surface. Joyce Riley gets away with it because she is a snitch for the government and is there just to keep people scared and occupied with stories that hide the truth. They don’t care who she hurts in the process.
Well feeling good about Dave vonKleist was short-lived because one of his family members told me that Joyce Riley offered him a whole lot of money to retract. And I heard he accepted. I can’t wait to hear how he is going to do this since there is some truth out there and people reading who can back it up. But it reminds me that Dave vonkleist was also involved in so many other setups and lies to the people of this country in the past, that I have to just resolve myself to the fact that tigers do not change their stripes. Dave vonkleist and Joyce Riley were both involved in my undoing. I get that now. That is just who they are. There really is no honor among thieves.
No attacks and no B.S. I was one of Dave vonKleist's best friends before he ever changed his name to Riddell and before Joyce Riley. I also worked for The Power Hour until I found myself fighting for my life because of them.
I was a friend of Dave vonKleist. I was in his camp in 1995 when he called himself Dave Riddell and before that when he was vonKleist. I was there when Dave vonKleist introduced Garth Nicolson to Joyce Riley (which is a block buster of a story actually because she told a different story to the vets when she was first infiltrating but not for now). Those vet who have exposed Joyce Riley and Dave vonKleist know why this is so important.
I got word from several vets that Joyce Riley has recently had her past rewritten (again) and suddenly has court documents and military records that are different than what was true in 2008 and 2010. Only government spooks can get court records and military records changed. You think they would do that for you every day people? It only proves who Joyce Riley is if she starts blasting new records to rewrite history around so listen closely and mark the date. It is coming I guarantee it. The vets know who she is and lying to cover other lies with government support is right up her alley. The Vets also knew she would eventually get this accomplished in her sick mind so they have records of their searches that are official and guess what? The old records show what was actually true as of the last few weeks Joyce Riley. Do you think the veterans didn’t learn and document what was real history at the time? So backdate all you want. You will fall into your own traps. The Veterans are surprised it took you so long. So if she tries this or already tried it, just know it is another one of her spook supported scams. THE VETS KNOW WHO YOU ARE JOYCE RILEY. And you cannot chase all of us off hard as you try.
Well, I was a friend of Dave vonKleist and I know that his handlers picked Joyce Riley for a very classified operation in 1995 because she was in trouble for a multitude of crimes that were going to trial and big brother knew she had no problem with immorality and would trade her morals for money and freedom like most snitches do. Of course in exchange big brother has created a fresh, new and improved record for Joyce Riley since she reached the end of the line on her other cover stories to cover her other corrupt life and lies. New court records showing she has fought for justice, new military record, new new new. Scrub a-dub-dub. As Kennedy called them: The “wet ink documents” because they are so fresh they may smudge. Joyce Riley was just a government patsy because she was a small time criminal in the 1970’s in Louisiana, Illinois, Miami and Texas. This caused her own son to leave her and never look back. It caused her own mother to not talk to her for year. And her parents blamed her for their son’s death too. That is another story. Kennedy has that interview with the mom also who decided to clear her conscience before she passed. That is why her husband left her according to them.
The Genene Jones case was Joyce Riley’s downfall because she was a part of what was going on and misdirected the investigators to finger Jones instead of Riley and the doctors and her lawyer who were involved in the scam. Joyce Riley stopped claiming she was involved in the Jones case once Kennedy caught her in another round of lies about it. Now Joyce Riley has waited until her superiors from that hospital died who knew the truth about Joyce Riley (another story). And now she is claiming again that she was the whistleblower in the Genene Jones case. Joyce even wrote a poem, “BLOOD ON MY HANDS.” She wanted us to think that this poem was written for other reasons. First it was because the gulf war vets. Now it is because she didn’t speak up more about Jones. Hogwash! Dave gave me a copy of this poem years ago and I will dig it up and post it for you all so keep watch. Joyce was involved in organ procurement and that was her angle with these babies from a poor, immigrant populace. She made money when there was blood on her hands. Every baby that died ended up to be money in that psycho’s pocket. Dave vonKleist told me all about this on one of his tirades about her because he hated her. Ok here is some of the poem and I will post the actual copy this as soon as I can. It’s sick!
“Blood on my hands by Joyce Ann Thompson Riley, January 14, 1985
Little girl so different from the rest, inside damage; outside look my best, thirst for love then for blood, pretending there is no blood on my hands.
Bloodstains run deep, ice cold heart and steel eyes like the needles, one last breath they’re meant for death, pretending there is no blood on my hands.” There are several more sick verses. Does that sound like something to the vets or because she was sorry she didn’t speak up? I will post this as soon as I can scan it. Now maybe people know why Joyce Riley is hated so so so much.
Dave who often played dumb was actually Joyce Riley’s handler and called the shots behind the scenes.
I am very disappointed to hear that Dave vonKleist is planning to back track on his statements about Joyce Riley because Joyce Riley dangled money in front of him. He knows she is going to change records so why let that stop you Dave? You know her better than anyone. Come on Dave. How much money do you people need. You stole so much money. So if Dave backtracks then I guess he will finally be a former friend. I am sick of them. I should have dumped him a long time ago. My only hope is someone is using a voice changer and video morpher to mimic Dave’s words and actions and it is not him. But it is ironic since he did this to so many others including Peter Kawaja and Linda Kennedy. Joyce and Dave have very high tech changers and morphers. Not like the cheap stuff we can buy online as a joke. These are military grade. Dave and Joyce Riley used them on a number of their enemies before to create chaos and to defame them using their own voices and acting crazy, or using another person’s voice to character assassinate the first one when they were working well together. They did the same with emails. So it would be ironic that Dave gets the same treatment. Everybody be ready for that one too.
In 2003 I took over a job at the Power Hour for the prior lady. She was black and Joyce and Dave do not like blacks. They called them “mud people.” They put pot in her car and the cops were waiting for her just off their property. Karen was busted for the “plant” shall we say. I always thought it was Dave and Joyce who did it. But about five years ago Dave vonKleist finally confessed to me about it when he was ### about Joyce Riley and how much he hated her. It was both of them.
Shortly after Karen was busted I went to the Power Hour to help them. I was then also “anonymously” turned in to the police on an anonymous tip shortly after I arrived. Of course it was the same type of setup. Nobody gets away from Versailles and Joyce Riley. She sets everyone up including the few vets that ever even listened to her. It is always short lived and then people find out she is a fraud. I had a lot of time to think while I was in jail. I figured it was just Joyce Riley because she is known for setting up anyone who knows too much about her. She knew I wasn’t buying her act. I hated to think that Dave was involved but now I know better.
Well Dave contacted me a while back and told me that Joyce Riley was stealing his identity for a number of “jobs” she needed done. He said she stole his first wife’s identity, his mother’s and even his daughter’s identity before. I had heard that Joyce had stolen plenty of identities in the past. I also told her to stop a practice she had where she kept copies of every customer’s personal information including credit cards numbers. We had complaints coming in from customers. They claimed their credit cards were compromised. But Joyce Riley would not listen.
So when I heard that Dave vonKleist actually had written something true about Joyce Riley that was posted the other day I was glad. He was talking about Joyce Riley stealing his identification to character assassinate Linda Kennedy and he was spilling the beans on a number of facts about Joyce Riley. And I knew they were true. I knew it was Dave because it was the conversation we had a while back. I was proud of him for actually telling the truth because Kennedy was onto their scams and was warning the public. Insiders know that Joyce Riley tries to sabotage Kennedy every chance she gets using other people as hatchet-men. These warnings Kennedy was giving to the public eventually chased Dave out of the U.S. so she knows way too much.
So I thought finally Dave vonKleist had enough balls to stand up for something right for a change. Yes his motives were questionable but at least he did it. He posted a small piece of the real truth about Joyce Riley that so many of us know. There are videos on her. And this was just scratching the surface. Joyce Riley gets away with it because she is a snitch for the government and is there just to keep people scared and occupied with stories that hide the truth. They don’t care who she hurts in the process.
Well feeling good about Dave vonKleist was short-lived because one of his family members told me that Joyce Riley offered him a whole lot of money to retract. And I heard he accepted. I can’t wait to hear how he is going to do this since there is some truth out there and people reading who can back it up. But it reminds me that Dave vonkleist was also involved in so many other setups and lies to the people of this country in the past, that I have to just resolve myself to the fact that tigers do not change their stripes. Dave vonkleist and Joyce Riley were both involved in my undoing. I get that now. That is just who they are. There really is no honor among thieves.
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Joyce Riley had an article published in a nursing journal several years ago called Blood on our Hands too. Would anyone have any idea where I might find a copy of that? Thanks.
'the blood on my hands"poem by hanoi joyce riley is in"[redacted] # 1154389 " posted by joyce's
Ex husband. it is a must read. if people only knew only half the truth about joyce riley, she wouldn't
Have any listeners. joyce's ex, dave vonkleist exposes joyce as the real killer of the 26 babies that
Genene jones got blamed for with only circumstantial evidence supplied mostly by joyce riley. dave
Explains more about it in this latest [redacted] # 1154389.
Thanks Patcoent for the poem information and I will look it up immediately. The Blood on my Hands I was referring to however was printed in a nursing journal. It was allegedly a first person account of the genene jones thing about killing babies. The article was supposedly just filler for the nursing journal but turned into a cover story and launched her career. The thing is...joyce riley did not even write the article. a lady in Houston named Samantha wrote it. Joyce took credit for it...but she did nto write it. So she launched her career on the work of someone else that she stole and took credit for based on a story that was a lie. Hmmmmmm. I would love to find a copy of the nursing journal article and cover story. Any ideas to locate that gratefully received.
So really? My name is Matt David Riley, her son.