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PurseBlog review: Hyacinth and BeenBurned 23

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11:33 am EDT
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These two "ladies" are as abnoxios as they come. Won't use purse forum as long as they are members. BeenBurned (back*in*the*saddle*again) on eBay was kicked off of ebay.

ebay ladies members
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Aug 18, 2015 8:58 pm EDT

Yes they both should keep their personal comments to themselves. These two self proclaimed "scam busters" are going to be sued if you would like to participate in a class action lawsuit. It's in the works as we speak.

not yo mama
Mumbai, IN
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Nov 18, 2015 5:30 pm EST

It is 'OBNOXIOUS' and I guess you have been using purse forum, eh? As an 'authentikator' no less. Wow, liar, liar, pants on fire? I knew I smelled something stinky...

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Nov 18, 2015 7:49 pm EST

I think that many sellers on Ebay should follow your suggestion and sue when there is information being given out by someone that is unethical and immorale. Like the owner of Authenticate R Us, which is owned and operated by Catherine Salomone - Washington State. Everyone visiting this board recognizes her - she's the nut case that posted using about 20 different names here on the Complaints Board starting in 2010 insulting, threatening and frothing at the mouth about, uh, let's see: Ebay forum users, people who authenticate coach purses or report Ebay auctions, people posting on tpf, the owners of tpf, other sellers, people she doesn't know and then got her friend, Jerri Pope, kicked off Ebay because she was using her account (after being kicked off Ebay using other IDs). Catherine was NARU'd on Ebay under her flyingcoach ID and at least one other ID. She is well known as the nutcase who complained to Griff that no one should be able to authenticate purses. But turns out she's been doing that - and reporting people and now wants to make people pay for her uninformed opinions? She's no expert. Unless it's copying and pasting other people's opinions, guides and posts. That's all she knows how to do.

So let me understand, the mouth frothing, angry, rabid pest known as Catherine Salomone ... has been posting on tpf doing the very things she wants others to be sued for - and has complained about for years? Posting as CinthiaZ she has posted authentications, bad mouthed Ebay sellers, boasts about reporting other sellers to Ebay. So who is in for a class action lawsuit against Catherine? Every single seller that she said was selling a fake and every auction she boasts about reporting - those sellers should be contacted and told they can sue. Mmmm. I think we have work to do!

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Jun 13, 2016 9:12 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have had a sucessful eBay business for over twelve years selling handbags. I've never met either of these women, but all they do is write absolutely false, obnoxious things about me and my site, and try to steer people away. I even tried to contact one of these ladies to let her know I run a very legitimate business and have my buyers best interests in mind. She failed to respond - she just wants those of us who are still up and running to fail. It's just nasty! I agree Hyacinth and Beenburned need to be removed, sued for slander. They chose sucessful businesses to victimize and try to bring them down. What sad old bags they must be!

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Jun 29, 2016 11:35 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hyacinth and BeenBurned are sinister cyberbullying stalkers. Like all bullies they are lying cowards who enjoy instigating conflict. They never contact the sellers directly but slanders them in public on the Purse Forum website. You forgot to mention that BeenBurned, Nancy R. Burke, is also the purse seller, thebargainprincess, on BeenBurned uses the Purse Forum to libel her competitors and steer business to her Bonanza booth. Check out and compare her sales on Bonanza to other purse sellers who carry similar items at similar prices and the proof is right there for all to see. The difference in the amount of sales is astronomical and it isn't because she's selling anything special. Bonanza Mark uses, Nancy R. Burke, the cyberbully for purse authentications so if your items are being removed it's her reporting them. Apparently Bonanza Mark doesn't see or care how unethical this conflict of interest is.

John Larton
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Jun 30, 2016 12:15 am EDT

hmmm... very interesting

not yo mama
Mumbai, IN
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Jul 04, 2016 11:27 pm EDT

not really interesting. Same song, different verse. Please get a life. You are boring

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Jul 12, 2016 2:38 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Oh snap, what a great insult. You sure told me.

Bich Pleeeze
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Aug 10, 2016 4:21 pm EDT

Absolutely agree. I know for a fact that been burned posts people's actual names and talks crap about their businesses. When I tried to stick up for someone who wasn't there to defend themselves, I got banned. I know someone for a fact that will join a class action lawsuit for libel and defamation of character.

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Nov 01, 2016 11:25 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Oh please, sue for what? People who have money aren't spending their day trolling the internet harassing businesses and gossiping on purse forums. You're talking about angry, desperate, isolated, losers, sitting in their bedrooms in their underwear 24/7, obsessed with handbags they can't afford. They're digging their own graves, pitiful lot with no creds left.

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Jan 07, 2017 8:44 pm EST

Please tell me Nancy Burke is single. If not then I would feel very sorry for her husband, being married to a worthless, entitled, angry housewife like that who does nothing important with her life than sitting on front of the computer all day. Doesn't she have a life? You know? Popping babies, kissing babies, making sandwiches, staying in the kitchen... cleaning the house? Anyone?

Manchester, England, Greater Manchester, GB
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Oct 27, 2018 5:16 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Does that answer your question? Same name on eBay, that is why she is so busy trashing everyone who sells something similar

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Mar 14, 2017 4:11 pm EDT
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Nancy's life is all about discrediting as much of her competition as possible. Some folks can't succeed on their own good merit, and the only way they feel better than others, is to find things wrong with them even if they have to make up total BS. Most TPF members are sick of her and she has often been reprimanded by many of them to quit harassing people. Everyone is sick of it, and barely even pays attention to anything she says anymore. She has a few loyal followers and some newbies that don't know better yet, but it never takes long for them to get sick of her constant bashing of other sellers and authentication services. It is s obvious she works for service she is constantly defending., which has hundreds of pages on nothing but complaints on the TPF. Taking money and not providing the service? Where I come from, that is called 'stealing'!

Her favorite line is "I would never purchase from that seller, because..." lol! She's like a broken record. I did a search for those words on the TPF and pages and pages of her name came up! lol! She must hate every single seller on eBay. According to her, they all worthless. Who the hell is she? Her ID is BEENBURNED for heavens sakes. That indicates she has been burned, by purchasing fakes, yet she claims to be the all knowing, only possible Coach evaluator that is worthwhile? Then how did she get BURNED? LMAO! The irony here, is ridiculous.

Some of her accusations and they way she puts 2 + 2 together, are so far off track, she only makes a fool of herself. . She has been proven wrong, countless times. Her condescending attitude of being so self righteous, is beyond reproach. Most people are just ignoring her. Others, that do have money, are seriously making plans to shut her up, once and for all.

Adamstown, US
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Mar 20, 2018 10:00 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

These witches from the TPF are deliberately trying to destroy my eBay selling account by purchasing from me for the sole purpose of leaving negative feedback, or not paying for won auctions, just to waste my time. I know because the sales are always to low feedback users that haven't purchased anything in over a year, using basically stagnant accounts that don't matter to them. They are also bidding on my items, winning auctions and not paying.

I have had four unpaid item cases in the past two weeks, all from the same type of eBay users that have under 10 feedbacks that haven't purchased anything in over a year. Coincidence? I think not. I even took a break this year because they were doing the same thing about 6 months ago. I had 15 return claims for every single item I sold. Fortunately I won every case, because eBay found their claims to be invalid .

Now I have recently returned to selling again, and the same thing is happening all over, with unpaid won auctions, or negative feedback. Why would anyone just leave a negative without even contacting the seller or filing a return claim? I'll tell you why, #1. because they got a great deal and they know it, and #2. they just want to leave a neg to damage my account.
Well let tell you what witches, eBay has been alerted to your actions. I know your names and who are and have given them to eBay, and you are being watched. All of you have been reported, and remember what happened last time you screwed with me and how it ended up?
By all means, keep it up. Rest assured, you are digging your own graves. It's just a matter of time. Just know that I am on to you and am looking forward to the same results, or even worse. The only accounts you are going to ruin, are your own! Have a nice day!

Julia Bondl
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Apr 26, 2018 5:07 am EDT

I also have a pet and there was a big problem with dog fur. Then we decided to buy a new vacuum cleaner. Considering from what I’ve read in the reviews it shouldn’t be very noisy and at the same time it's easy to remove and change the bag. Initially, we wanted to buy Dyson but there was too expansive. In fact, there are many more vacuum cleaners. You can compare them here . We bought Dirt Devil Vacuum Cleaner. Maybe you’ll go for some other. There is so many models with good charecteristics.

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Aug 24, 2018 10:23 am EDT

The forum has turned into a place where "cyber bullies" insult, attack and demean members. Moderators don't try to stop it. BeenBurned is under the (self imposed) false belief they are the "KNOWITALL of EBAY" . FABULEUEX and REDENKEEW, the biggest bullies, continue to reign . members on the forum will say I Love you FAB or I Love you Red" (scary to know some of these women are Mothers). No wonder the news is filled with acts of darkness darkness and evil . Evil loves evil I guess.
Everybody on that forum need to read the definition of cyber bullying (Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else. It can include sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation). It should be a sticky .

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Sep 02, 2018 5:16 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Fabuleuex isn't a she, by the way, which is even more insanity! lol! What kind of a man joins a forum about handbags, purses, shoes and cosmetics? I could never picture my Dad, brothers or husband sitting on a forum, picking on girls all day! lol!
He's a big LV fanatic and according to him, there's nothing better. GAG! If I got an LV as a gift, I'd give it away or sell it! They are the ugliest bags I've ever seen, and the quality just isn't there for the money. I've had way cheaper designer brands that had much better quality, he can have them! I'd certainly rather have genuine leather than coated canvas, are you kidding me? Their older bags have horrible sticky linings, that I would never put up with just to have LV initials on my arm. JUNK! You're right, that's exactly what they are, cyber bullies.

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Sep 13, 2018 7:57 am EDT

@Baglover2 - yes I know neither of those users are females. And yes - how pathetic that these (born as) men spend so much time on a social media site dedicated to those topics. Totally understandable if they are professionals "in the fashion/beauty business" but based on their posts, that doesn't seem to be the case.
Regarding BEENBURNED and others posting identities (names, addresses) of others on a social media site: Personal Identifiable Information is serious. so much so that in Europe even more stringent laws have been passed regarding collecting, sharing PII, even across borders. tpf members have posted names, addresses, etc. of ebay members on the forum. If someone files a complaint with internet crimes (division of FBI), those members and the forum could be in serious trouble.

Manchester, England, Greater Manchester, GB
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Oct 27, 2018 5:11 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Btw for those of you are wondering, BeenBurned is still on eBay using the same ID as on Bonanza

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Nov 11, 2018 10:32 pm EST

Re: BeenBurned - Takes a lot of nerve, more than I would ever risk, to be sued and still openly criticize companies and sellers on social media. Obviously one hasn't learned their lesson.

Would not surprised me to hear of a lawsuit or internet complaint filed involving Fabuleux and Redenkeew where they have crossed the line and gone TOO FAR. Internet bullying is serious but it's evident they don't think so.

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Feb 08, 2020 3:43 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Beenburn's partner in crime is Hyacinth, who is also, SALESAREA. She made up some end all be all #coachguide, that she insists is the only one in the world that has correct information. SHE decided that certain Coach serial numbers are invalid, even though thousands of Coach bags with those numbers are available. We even called Coach to verify some of the 'fake numbers' on her list, and they had them in their database as valid! So every time one of her brainwashed minions sees a bag with a number on her list, they report it!
Not only that, Hyacynth has been and still is on the TPF, yet she hasn't updated that joke of a guide since 1999? Over 20 years ago? Oh yes, what a big help that is! lol! Not to mention we've seen both #Hyacynth and #beenburned get countless inquiries for authenticity, WRONG! They don't know their [censored] from a hole in the ground and two of them are a joke. You have to feel sorry for them though, because it's all the power they'll ever have, is cyberbullying people over handbags. Pretty pitiful. I'd love to meet either one of them in person one time. You could probably blow on either one of them and they'd fall down and break a hip! lol!

Dave Edwards
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Jul 25, 2020 6:27 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Baglover2

I so Agree!

Dave Edwards
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Jul 25, 2020 6:25 pm EDT

All The Purse Forum Authenticators are Sleezy Competitors!

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