The Right One is a matchmaking service. I am a dissatisfied member. I met with their rep and asked how many available members were in my age range in the immediate area. They told me prior to signing a contract that they had numerous matching members currently available to meet that matched my desired criteria. In fact I re-asked the same question 2 more times to be sure and was assured each time that there were numerous matching members immediately available. They also indicated I could purchase an option to put my account on hold temporarily in case I wanted to continue to see a particular member since without the hold option I would continue to receive matching member referrals every 30 days, or sooner if I desired. This further reinforced the idea that they had numerous matching members immediately available. The contract does state that referrals are made on an as-available basis. Since I lived in a highly populated area and the representative made it quite clear that there were numerous immediately available matching members I believed them. I joined to receive a total of 10 matching member referrals. I promptly received contact information on a matching member. I decided to move on to my next match and requested info on another matching member. Then I was told that there were no other available members and regardless of what I was told the contract states member referrals will be made on an as-available basis. I requested a refund and told that no. My mistake is that I believed what they said. Had they indicated that referrals really will be on an as-available basis as stated in the contract I never would have joined as opposed to making false statements I would not have joined. After a verbal complaint I sent a written complaint to the right one and to the Better Business Bureau for assistance. So far the Right One has not replied to my letter or to the BBB.
As a consumer I suggest you avoid this company since you cannot believe what they say. I also see that there are numerous complaints filed with Consumer Affairs.
I joined this dating service almost 2 years ago and have had nothing but poor customer service and a sincere lack of interest on the company's part to provide the service that I have paid for. I have left numerous email messages for the past 2 months and still cannot get a response. The "matches" they have provided me are complete opposites of what I have requested (divorced, have kids, etc.). This service is a waste of money. I cannot see how they have a marriage every day when they won't even respond to a customer in over 2 months. I want my money back and have no place to turn. I have filed complaints with the BBB and that did not help anything. Stay away from this business.
I was so sorry to here of your experience. Hopefully more people will check this company out before even going in for an interview. They use very high pressure sales tactics, and they definitely do not have all of the members that they claim to have.
Contact me if you want. I'm exploring a class action suit against Together. They are not honoring the spirit of the contract with me, either, as I requested caucasian women and I have been round and round and round with these lowlifes and the latest match was an Indian woman. The one before that was hispanic. A couple of matches prior to that was a mother of two. I requested no children.
No matter how much I complain, they CONTINUE to send me matches outside even the most BASIC criteria that I told them I wanted.
I paid a great deal of money in 03/08, with assurances there were several men out there who matched who live in Milwaukee/Waukesha Counties. After several weeks, I received one referral; a person I already knew, the other was not what I was looking for. I called 3 times, and they told me "to be patient." It's June, and I'm sick of this. I have been scammed! Now, according to the contract, they tell me they will not refund the money. I'm going to small claims court.
I've read several complaints about this company but feel it necessary to add a very real warning. Unlike most people, I was able to get a refund from this company but that is because they matched me with someone who committed a first degree murder less than two weeks after being given my telephone number. Not only is this company atrociously bad at actually matching people with compatible matches, but they don't even do adequate background checks to insure that they are not risking the lives of their members. DO NOT RISK YOUR LIFE on this service that will not work. If you really want to use a dating service, use an online service that charges a fraction of the cost. Most people are naturally more cautious about online connections than they would be with someone introduced to them by a company who allegedly does background checks.
I went to The Right One in 2017 because I was living in Salt Lake City and wanted to find a non-religious wife.
I was warmly received and filled out the paperwork as the first stage of their qualification process. For the next stage, I was brought into the rear office of a "matchmaking counselor, " who interviewed me in minute detail about whom I was looking for and all pertinent aspects of myself (including my income level) for about two hours.
Throughout this interview, I received several strong, explicit assurances that they had precisely what I was looking for "in stock."
Finally, they brought out the price list, which had different packages at $5000, $7500 and $10000, or thereabouts. We spent half an hour discussing this, the "counselor" using her high-pressure sales tactics, leaving the room several times, etc. I talked her down to $2500 for 10 referrals, which I felt was worth it based on her promise of already having just the one I described.
A few days later, someone else called, introducing himself as my new matchmaking counselor. He stated that he had someone ready for me to meet, and read off her description. I was surprised that she met only a few of the criteria I had given during the interview. Indeed, she was religious, which I had strongly emphasized I didn't want. He then suggested another girl, who was an even worse fit. I said I'd wait for a better "referral."
After speaking with this guy, I realized that my initial "matchmaking counselor, " whose intimate interview with me had given me the distinct impression that she would be my actual matchmaker, was simply the company's high pressure sales negotiator whose job was to apply pressure and tell lies in order to make the sale. In actuality, her "matchmaking" job was to determine whether I qualified as a good "match" for the company -- personally and financially. She just filled out my profile papers and gave them to someone else to manage who never met me. It was subsequently apparent that the new person was just going off her scribbled notes and checkboxes.
A week or two later, I got another call from him, this time with someone who fit about 80% of my criteria. We went on a date, but without much chemistry. This happened a couple more times until I relocated from Salt Lake that same year.
Another absurdity was that no photos of "referrals" were provided, with them only giving you vague descriptions of how beautifully attractive everyone was. Then, of course, you go through the trouble of a wasted blind date, and The Right One checks off the number of your remaining "referrals."
This is almost funny. I am a professional bookkeeper/administrative person in Dallas. I was sending out my resume and saw a great ad for "Member Relations Manager". Sent my resume and received a call from Mr. Law (went to my voice mail). Before I called him back I thought I would do a background check on the company. I have since read everyone's complaints regarding the company. Needless to say, I don't believe I need a job that bad! Can you imagine having to deal with all the unhappy clients that he has accumulated? Talk about a miserable workday! Thanks to all of you guys for your comments and no thanks to Mr. Law! By the way, I am a single, attractive, humorous female that would rather take my chances of meeting someone at a convenience store than to work with him! LOL!
I've experienced a very similar situation with The Right One. Now they have terminated the company, thus it will be hard to go get the money back. But I would be part of a Class Action anytime.
Hi Steve,
I'm sorry you got scammed as well. I've been fighting off and on with this putrid company for over 10 years. Right now I'm collecting stories from people in the hopes of submitting them to attorneys general in several states where this company did business, and possibly bringing about a class action lawsuit.
Anyone who has been scammed by this company can contact me at, and read my story (it's long!) at I have the direct contact information for Paul Falzone, the shyster who ran this operation. Before TRO it was Together Dating, now it's eLove. He seems to dissolve his company every few years and make a new one, to make it difficult to sue or prosecute him. Maybe if we all band together we can get some attention.
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