According to Westlake Village residents and informants there is a large group of Mexican males coming to the Westlake Village community who do not live in the area whom are coming from Oxnard, LA County and LA City to meet at THE STONEHAUS mainly on weekends to greet and meet rich customers to sell products which is related to the drug market. The manager at THE STONEHAUS who is behind the scenes who is aware of this activity is called Jeremy.
Later the drug dealers will take the potential customers later in the evening to BOGIES NIGHT CLUB where the drug transactions will start just outside of the men's toilet area which is very dark to notice a drug transaction is taking place.
Also there is high end prostitute who is quite shapely, blond, originally from New York, and lives presently in Newbury Park
will go to THE STONEHAUS to meet and greet with men who mainly live in the area for sexual favors. Later this female will meet these clients at BOGIES NIGHT CLUB and later use the toilet room which is next door located the in banquet room.
Both the managers at STONEHAUS and BOGIES are aware of these illegal activities at these venues because they are of Latino/Mexican ethnic background which their staff is mainly the same background.
The premises have a criminal operation sting of such criminal activities to cease such activities which is ruining the image and reputation of the Westlake community.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.