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CB News Topix commits fraud!

Topix review: commits fraud! 34

Author of the review
5:54 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I worked with the management team for Palo Alto, California based, and wanted to expose some business secrets this company uses to make money off of innocent people. allows online users to post stories and topics in their local communities on its website.

However many users use the site to post hateful and defaming remarks about people and businesses, for the fact that the site is not moderated.

Chris Tolles, the company President & CEO, figured his company could make money by allowing users to post negative remarks about others, than charge the attacked entity to remove the remarks in a timely manner. It became a good source of income for Topix, allowing such unethical issues to be posted on their site. They allow the comments to stay on as long as they can, even after numerous complaints are filed to remove them by users who are attacked by others.

They recently removed the payment feature to charge to remove comments, unfortunately so many complaints are coming in, Topix can't handle the burden. The company still refuses to moderate the postings, which continue to fall into the category on internet defamation, in which Mr. Tolles and company are truly guilty of.

I left the company, after being asked to do other unethical practices by management, and felt I should share my issues with the world!

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Update by Topix Sux
Apr 05, 2012 10:11 am EDT

Here is what Topix sent me for posting my opinion on this message board. Here is how they harass former employees who tell the truth:

While you are certainly entitled to your opinion, it seems unlikely that you have ever “worked with Topix management”. As such, your allegations appear to be clear fabrications. As a platform for free speech, we are very supportive of people expressing their opinions; however, lying about who you are and your relationship with Topix constitutes fraud and actual defamation. Your actions in this regard have a detrimental impact on our business relationships - relationships that we are willing and ready to protect.

Please be advised that we are in the process of requesting a subpoena from the Santa Clara County courts, which will then be served upon in an effort to determine your true identity. Once we have this information, we will correspond with you directly as we consider further legal action is necessary.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Virginia Hoge
Pasadena, US
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Jun 19, 2010 9:08 am EDT

I totally agree. I have been conducting a 10 month investigation of Topix and what I have found out is horrifying. The managment is sponsoring gangs of trolls, plastering their advertising onto their comments, who are beating up commentators across the country. They are practicing censorship, and the persecution of their critics.

here are the articles I have written about my ongoing investigation:

and also, daily I go onto Topix, and comment to call out the trolling problem, at great personal cost, follow me:

Virginia Hoge
Pasadena, US
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Jun 19, 2010 9:20 am EDT

"They allow the comments to stay on as long as they can, even after numerous complaints are filed to remove them by users who are attacked by others."

AND they pay the trolls who are doing the attacking.

The also use Topix employees - like Selecia Jones - he organize bands of trolls and direct them to threads where they proceed to stick their fangs into commentators, to try and get more "hits".

AND they plaster advertising into the comment boxes of some of the worse bully-trolls.

Virginia Hoge
Pasadena, US
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Jun 19, 2010 9:21 am EDT

AND the censor critics of the trolling problem, after they have first attempted to persecute them off threads with their trolls, if the trolls so not work, they censor critics by shadow-banning them.

Virginia Hoge
Pasadena, US
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Jun 19, 2010 9:25 am EDT

AND a method of persecution of their critics is to allow the trolls to build Topix attack forums, naming their critic by name, on which the trolls will load the forum down with harsh, foul, profane slurs against their victim.

Here is one of the 20 Topix attack forums built by trolls to attack me:

I have endured persecution like this throughout my Topix investigation.

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Jun 19, 2010 12:17 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I really appreciate the honesty of the person who posted this complaint. What is sad is Topix had a pretty good idea with a news page for cities and towns but the forum section is totally ridiculous and criminal. The forums allow criminal activity because libel is a criminal offense. They should be moderated with messages approved by a moderator. It is one thing to comment on true newsstories of the area but you should never be allowed to post anything about an average citizen and then slander his or her name. They not only allow that meaning tons of innocent people have their reputations destroyed, but they charge money to have it removed quickly.

I have seen tons of people trying to run an honest business get attacked because a customer has a problem with them. I have seen children get attacked and even in a few situations had their pictures posted on the site. Some of us are Christians and God is constantly attacked on that site, as our racial groups, etc. Quite often a law abiding citizen gets libeled as well because someone that has hatred in their heart wants to attack a good person or someone wants to spread lies to cost them their job, reputation or try to gain some kind of advantage in a legal dispute.

What is even more insane is newspaper companies like the Tribune, Gannett (USA Today is one of their papers) and the McClatchy Group are part owners. How can anyone take their publications seriously when apparently they have no problem with countless lies being posted. We should all pray Mr.Tolles who apparently doesn't care about the innocent being attacked. My question is how would he or anyone who works at Topix or one of the owners feel if lies were thrown out about their own families. That site should be moderated and you should have to register, that is what is called responsibility but apparently they could care less about being reputable.

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Jun 19, 2010 12:26 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Oh I meant to add something else. The sad thing is Mr.Tolles and company totally miss the boat. He might think by having unmoderated forums that he is going to get more "hits" on what is basically National Inquirer journalism but he is running off tons of people. With moderated forums you would have a reputatable website which would enhance his company and bring in those of us who are Christians or simply hate libel occuring to read news on the site. Instead people are being ran off left and right. Those that are on there to slander others are not there to buy the products of the sponsors who run ads I would venture to guess. Personally I would get rid of the forums altogether, but if not make them moderated with messages having to be approved and Ip's shown on the site. You would have a much better service and I would eliminate some of the smaller communities that seldom have news, they are the ones where libel is more likely to occur because people are bored. Those that care about news can look at the larger city sites.

Sadly something needs to be done about that company and more and more people are getting fed up with it.

Conned Musician
Phoenixx, US
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Jun 20, 2010 12:16 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have also had defaming and malicious comments made about me on Topix, and they waited weeks to take them down. It seriously effected my relationships with business!

It sounds like someone should start a class action suit against Mr. Tolles and his company! Ms. Hoge ... is such a suit in the works?

Virginia Hoge
Pasadena, US
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Jun 20, 2010 11:38 am EDT

That is a great idea Conned Musician, I do not know of one but would be very interested in participating!

Virginia Hoge
Pasadena, US
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Jun 20, 2010 11:39 am EDT

Also, I am using another profile on Topix since the trolls lifted my userpic and created a nasty profile with it.

Follow me on Topix, I am commenting now under Virginia Olive Hoge:

Virginia Hoge
Pasadena, US
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Jun 20, 2010 11:41 am EDT

treatotherswithrespect: You are dead-on in your comment and your observations.

Beautifully put.

"That site should be moderated and you should have to register, that is what is called responsibility but apparently they could care less about being reputable."


Virginia Hoge
Pasadena, US
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Jun 21, 2010 7:42 am EDT

"I left the company, after being asked to do other unethical practices by management, and felt I should share my issues with the world!"

I know that Topix is practicing unethical practices. Can you go into more detail about what you have learned?

The lack of moderation is a cover-up to their facilitation of the trolls, who they pay, organize and send out in organized packs on 'hot" threads to beat up commentators and make more "hits" for Topix. The fact that these trolls sometimes carry Topix's advertisers ads right in their comment boxes proves this, and well as what I have learned in my investigation.

The general attititude towards trolling - ignore them - has facilitated this master plan Topix has to not only use the trolls, but make them a central part of its income. Topix ban's opposition to the trolls, and also had the trolls beat-up on anyone who dares speak out.

The huge problem with this is trolls are harming millions of Americans across the country with harassment and vile slander and profanity and debasement, that is causing real psychological damage to hundreds and hundreds of people. Topix is ACCOUNTABLE for the serious harm they are promoting across the country.

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Jun 21, 2010 3:06 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am thrilled that more and more people are catching on to the horrible site called Topix. I made the mistake of thinking that Topix was a legitimate newssite. I was quickly appalled to learn that in most of the forums, particularly small town forums there was a serious lack of news but plenty of slander. I have seen people I personally know have their names dragged through the mud by some coward who doesn't even have the decency to post his or her name when libeling someone else. Libel is a crime and in a day and age where kids are committing suicide over cyberbullying, I had appalled this is allowed to go on. I let the Tribue Company, The Gannett Company, and the McClatchy Group know that I will no longer be supporting any paper they own, because they are owners in that vicious site.

I am also offended as a Christian by the countless postings against God in many of the forums. As someone who believes all races are created equal, I am also offended by the racial slurs allowed and attacks on children. Freedom of speech is much different than freedom of libel and if any of you don't know the different then that speaks volumes. Topix needs to be held accountable for what they purposely allow to happen on unmoderated forums. You are not a true newssite if your forums are unmoderated and people are allowed to simply post your name and say whatever they want. We need to let all of our politicans know and the people know that this company needs to be investigated and prosecuted for allowing criminal activity to occur. Those of us who are Christians, need to also pray for serious changes made on the Topix site. It is happening all over the country.

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Jun 24, 2010 4:14 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Good grief, Topix LLC is the most evil company in this country. The site is not appropriate for children to look at it yet there is no moderation with the company meaning your kid can be libeled and Topix does not care. Anyone can have their reputation destroyed because Topix doesn't really have any rules. You don't have to register, your IP isn't posted, and you can say anything. Even if it does get deleted eventually, it is usually slow and if you want it faster you have to pay money to have something removed. Oh wait, that's if the powers that be decide they WANT to remove it. That's right, they can just take your twenty bucks if they choose. That is criminal.

There is a growing movement of people sick of how they are allowed to break the law and hopefully Topix and the companies that own them are going to get what is coming to them. There is no justification for a site that attacks people and isn't even moderated. Libel is not what was meant by freedom of speech and if anyone doesn't know the difference, that speaks volumes.

testing the waters
Los Angeles, US
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Jun 28, 2010 4:28 pm EDT

It's a disgusting site. Spend a half hour on it and you'll want to roll in soap. It's only a matter of time before this subject gets on Oprah. I believe TOPIX days are numbered.

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Jun 29, 2010 10:16 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

One can only hope that "testing the waters" is correct. Freedom of speech does not mean you are allowed to libel people. That site allows anyone to go on and make up lies about private citizens that can destroy their lives.

If anyone supports this wicked site, my question is are you parents? Do you have no problem with someone going in and destroying your child's self esteem? Do you have no problem with someone going in and trying to destroy your own life?

That goes on every second on Topix and there are attacks on thousands of people throughout the country daily and there are attacks on God as well and they profit off of it. Cyberbulling is a huge problem in this country, with some children even committing suicide. Does anyone have a problem with the fact someday, if the right accusation was made that your own kid could take his or her own life? That is what this site is going to cause, if it hasn't already occurred. The media needs to wake up and report about this company.

Virginia Hoge
Pasadena, US
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Jul 02, 2010 8:27 am EDT

so true, yes. The media needs to wake up, Tolles openly admits to wanting to "kill off" newspapers, they have to understand he is a real threat to everything they hold dear.

Virginia Hoge
Pasadena, US
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Jul 03, 2010 11:31 am EDT

here is my latest investigative piece on Open Salon about Topix:

Let the cover-up begin! Topix denies my allegations. Updated

Disgusted Mother
princeton, US
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Sep 08, 2010 8:18 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Topix is a "GENERIC" version of other sites that have too much pride and prestige to ever post such trash as Topix does. It is a worldwide epidemic that HATERS can"t stand to see others do good. My family is going through a horrible time right now due to jealousy of others. It is a shame that all these lies are able to be posted about anyone. It has to stop, my attorney is looking into our options. There will always be a small number of "LOSERS" that have nothing other to do than set at a computer and defame and criticize others while waiting for their government checks.

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Sep 29, 2010 4:18 pm EDT

What gets me is why Topix seldom gets any media mention. Cyberbullying and the dangerous affects of that is a hot button topic and you hear companies mentioned like Facebook and others. Those sites could definitely use improvement but Topix with no registration and moderation is the worst of the bunch. Libeling someone is not protected by the first amendment, period.

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Oct 04, 2010 12:39 pm EDT

Let me ask you this, if you have nothing to hide and there is no truth to these lies, hold your head up and ignore it. I have a feeling that some of these complainers are upset because people are exposing them legitimately. I can't think of anything that someone could post that I could not refute. Anyone that knows me would not believe whatever lies someone could make up, unless there was an element of truth to it.

Torrance, US
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Oct 20, 2010 7:12 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Topix is fostering an environment which is not only dangerous to minors but allows pornography, especially the forum titled HUMAN SEXUALITY. Many of us have contacted child advocacy groups and lodged complaints which are being investigated. What I find disturbing is that posters are not required to register before posting like other legitimate news sites online. This allows the 'trolls' to post and change screen names with no repercussions. Topix also allows previously banned screen names to continue to reregister and post with names similar to the ones banned. It is high time that Topix cleans up their site or risk having it taken down off the net permanently. Continue to contact legislators in your state and ask them to investigate also. Continue to contact the advertisers on the site and ask them to pull their advertisements. I have had good luck so far. Topix is one of the heaviest monitored sites by law enforcement on the net right now. Considering what they are allowing, I am not the least bit surprised. Keep up the pressure.

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Jan 03, 2011 7:51 pm EST

The media, legislators, and the attorney generals and their sponsors need to be constantly contacted because all one has to do is look at the site to realize how many people are being destroyed every day. Is there no morals or emphathy left in this country? It is interesting with the new California cyberbullying laws passed to see how Topix reacts to this. Since they don't require registration they are setting themselves up for a mess of trouble.

TiredofAwful Service
Weaver, US
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Feb 05, 2011 5:31 am EST

I'd much rather read a nice newspaper than get on there and be badgered to death. I'm a victim of their cyberbullies, and my mood has plummeted in the last few months.
We got a landlord who has a hornet's nest in the attic, and he wont' do anything about it. I'm stressed out to the max, b/c we are allergic to wasps, we could die if enough of them stung us, Yet, they are claiming our landlord is fine & dandy (he happens to be a commissioner too, in another county in NC) and he won't do a thing about the situation. That's violation of civil rights. We do have a right to stay alive.
I'm worried about anyone who's going to move into this house, whether they be renter or owners. I am guessing that he is not going to tell anyone about these unsafe living conditions, and someone is going to end up dead!
I'm also so concerned that kids will get on there, and read their horrific advice, and take it to heart, and end up losing their life.
You'd not believe the stuff they say there. It's criminal! Bad enough our local & state government doesn't do anything about many dangerous situations in our area, but it's my right as an American to voice grievances about our government. That's the american way.
I think this whole website, is nothing but a bait & switch type of deal. You think you can come there and just discuss politics, the weather, etc, but as soon as you disagree with any of the trolls there, you'll be attacked mercilessly.

My god! I wish I knew all this info, before we started to post there. That place is major creepy!
If a good lawyer is reading this, then he needs to post his office & website number so the victims of this cyberbully heaven can get some justice and stop being attacked daily online!

Weed, US
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Apr 05, 2012 10:36 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I know, right?

Sheena 50
Paintsville, US
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Sep 15, 2014 1:46 pm EDT

People are ruining my daughters and son in laws good name. This nothing but slander and something needs to be done about this . Or I can get an attorney I want these accusations and lies took off.

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Dec 09, 2015 11:51 am EST

Bill's Friendly Auto Service/Albertson, NY has a website. Under it is a long list of review webpages. One is sponsored by your company. I am writing on behalf of my best friend. She has discovered BFAS has posted a popup of a Malicious WebAttack on her computer. She contacted her Norton account, they said it was not a virus but an attempt at identity theft. She contacted the police, they came, saw it on here computer and a report is now filed at the local police department. She made three copies of it off her computer for a LEGAL PAPER TRAIL, if necessary. Please post this on his (sponsored by your company) BFAS review page. You may want to sever your associate with his company. If anything is compromised, they will be contacted. All companies sponsoring BFAS might be considered identity theft portals. Please let all customers know they should not use credit or debit cards or checks, just cash. If they decide to continue using his services. It's illegal. It's creepy. She wants to move on from their nightmarish history. but he is the one who won't let go. George (manager) [protected] and/or Bill Martakis (owner) [protected].

Ridwan Bahari
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Jan 01, 2016 1:47 am EST


Halo teman-teman, saya dari Indonesia, tapi saya dibesarkan dan hidup di Spanyol. Saya di sini untuk berbagi beberapa informasi penting tentang bagaimana saya mendapat pinjaman dari sebuah organisasi Islam seminggu yang lalu sehingga orang saya di Indonesia yang mungkin membutuhkan pinjaman tahun baru ini 2016 untuk memulai bisnis atau melakukan hal-hal lain dapat menemukan tempat yang dapat diandalkan untuk mendapatkan pinjaman, Sebenarnya, saya tidak pernah percaya bahwa saya bisa mendapatkan pinjaman dari setiap internet pemberi pinjaman online karena saya selalu berpikir mereka semua penipuan. Tapi cerita berubah dua minggu lalu ketika saudara Muslim saya sesama yang juga tinggal di sini di Spanyol bercerita tentang bagaimana dia mendapat pinjaman bisnis dari organisasi Islam. Bahkan ketika saya merasa sulit untuk percaya, tapi aku berkata pada diriku sendiri aku harus mencoba dan melihat apa yang akan terjadi dan saya mendaftar untuk pinjaman dari € 185.000. Saya menghubungi mereka. Saya terkejut, pinjaman saya disetujui dan saya menerima pinjaman setelah 3 hari. Satu hal yang saya suka tentang mereka adalah bahwa semua proses mereka sederhana dan jelas. Tidak ada biaya tersembunyi. Tidak ada jaminan yang diperlukan dari saya karena saya mengajukan pinjaman tanpa jaminan. Staf mereka adalah orang-orang yang memiliki rasa takut akan Tuhan. Jadi, saudara-saudara saya di rumah dan di luar negeri, saya ingin menggunakan kesempatan ini untuk saran Anda untuk menghubungi mereka segera melalui email di ( dan salah satu staf mereka akan segera merespon anda. Silakan berbagi informasi ini sehingga orang lain dapat mengetahui tentang mereka dan mendapatkan pinjaman dari mereka. Jika Anda memerlukan informasi lebih lanjut dari saya tentang bagaimana saya mendapat pinjaman saya dari mereka, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi saya di email Mudah-mudahan, tahun baru ini akan menguntungkan bagi kita dengan kekuatan Allah SWT.

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Aug 15, 2018 1:05 am EDT

I would like comment about me to please be removed. I do not subscribe to this site and a friend showed me the message on the forum board. Please have comment removed. I don't want my name to be brought up on a site.

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Cheyenne 12345
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Aug 28, 2018 4:58 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Some people are bullying my child name is cheyenne hyre. I want everything that is about her take off this website now or I'll have the whole damn thing shut down this is crazy. Kids are killing their lives over this [censored]..

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Aug 28, 2018 8:24 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This site needs to be completely removed from availability from anyone. I don't know how the creators of this site can live with the blood on their hands of the many people who have taken their own life because of cyber bullying. It's sickening. Who do you have to contact to end this [censored] once and for all?

Roosevelt Taylor Jr
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Sep 02, 2018 5:57 am EDT

Haven't received my magazine, that l paid extra for to receive in 2 days, on the 8th of December and today is the 14th. I paid as much to get it in 2 days as l paid for the book and why haven't l received it yet? Roosevelt Taylor Jr 2558 Malabar Ave Las Vegas NV 89121, #313-433_7233

Mary Beth Farrelly
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Sep 20, 2018 7:15 am EDT

I am trying to remove my complaint re:the above from 9/10/16. Please remove or help me remove.
Mary Beth Farrelly

Springfield, US
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Oct 15, 2018 2:21 am EDT

The posts that are on Topix regard Dr. Spink are false. He is my dentist and I intend to show him these.

This man has a medical degree and was never arrested or anything. I wrote to, Topix before and was give lip service. These people are trying to destroy Dr. Spink.

Random User Name
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Dec 25, 2018 2:24 pm EST

Who is worse on the ears, I ask? A troll or the person who let's the troll not only ruin your time on a message board, but everyone elses time as well, with incessant crying ans whiny about their hurt little feelings. Boo hoo. We ALL have feelings, not just you. People get all bent out of shape about mere words. They are hurtful only if you let them be hurtful to you. Sure, reputations can be ruined over public gossip but Topix WAS hardly a place where people went looking for background checks and resumes on people. I say WAS, because cowardly idiots who can't let water slide right off the ducks back, have to complain and complain because they are basically unhappy with their lives or in need of some kind of histrionic drama to act out the aggressive emotions they aren't otherwise in touch with, killed Topix recently. I am sure Topix got tired of conga line of snitches and unhappy people ratting on other people and all the melodrama that comes with folks who live their lives vicariously through a public message board.

Someone said something bad about you on a public message board. So what? Boo hoo. Freedom of speech. Move on. Trolls only have the traction and power YOU give them. Stop feeding them. It's a 2-way street.

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Topix is ranked 21 among 53 companies in the News category