I signed up for one month delivery and after that I never received any more because I did notsigned up for continuous deliveries and yet your company continue charging me every month the amount if $198.78 and I only noticed it last month because I travel frequently and did not bother to check my credit card statement until I noticed the charges your company was getting from my credit card for a total of $1,789.02!
I tried calling your company only to be disconnected before I explained my complaint and I found this extremely suspicious and I want to believe I am not dealing with a fraudalent company. My name is grace lanza and my email is [protected]@gmail.com. Note: when I called they could not find my address it goes to show you I never received any merchandize from you and yet, your company continued to charge my credit card.. I hereby demand a fullrefund
Desired outcome: A full refund that was taken out of my credit card in the amount of $1,789.02.