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CB Women's Clothing Torrid 5520 Meadowood Mall Cir Spc G106A, Reno, NV, 89502, US
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5520 Meadowood Mall Cir Spc G106A, Reno, NV, 89502, US
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10:00 am - 8:00 pm
10:00 am - 8:00 pm
10:00 am - 8:00 pm
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10:00 am - 9:00 pm
10:00 am - 9:00 pm
11:00 am - 7:00 pm
5:39 am EDT

Torrid - Employee harassment and bigotry

Honestly, I work for a company that most of the women buy all their office attire at Torrid. I did not know much about the store till a friend of mine told me she worked there. So I checked it out for myself a few times never bought anything felt some of the attire was a bit costly but I was willing to finally make my first purchase here. Normally I would not buy anything here but my gf has a skin condition so I wanted to find her a wireless bra because she gets sores from wires huge ones and they get infected.

Well one of the employees her name is Hannah who works at the Torrid at Meadowwood Mall and I had a falling out. I told her and was clear I want to shop at your store I mean honestly how many Torrids are there in Reno? ONE while the other store is just lingerie and I was NOT looking for lingerie. I needed a solid bra for my gf whom I came in with but she and I went to other stores. We did not find one that would be adequate for her!

The first time I walked in the store Hannah and a few of her employees were pointing at me for one. They were laughing and I heard them talking about my girlfriend and I. Lets be honest here not only was that immature how am I supposed to feel comfortable buying anything with that happening. I did not go in the store to cause any issue I did not talk to Hannah did not look at Hannah and I did not buy from Hannah. I have every single right to look around that store!

Well my friend left to go look for bras I went back into the store figured maybe I could surprise her because she was new to Torrid so I wanted to show her the sunglasses and some of the dresses. Did not know they also had bras in the back. So I went into the store again only this time the same thing was happening and an employee came up to me new me by name how strange I have been in this store a few times but never in my life seen this employee how would she know?

Then she says to me you need to buy something now or leave you cant spend time with Hannah like oh really so now I cant browse anything. Prior to her walking up I was in the bra drawer looking for a 38D did not see a single bra size and honestly I could have ordered it online but the employee did not help me with that order instead its like buy something or go before I throw you out really throw me out? I get that these employees are friends of hers but in no way shape or form should I have been subjected to such rudeness it was not only childish but I am a customer in the store unless I am causing an issue and I was NOT!

I filled out a poor review for Courtney then a couple days later Miss Hannah filed a civil order which states I can no longer go into Torrid to shop. The order states that she got in trouble because of me and that I filled out a poor review for Courtney well Duh they were bagging on me laughing, pointing, I could hear them saying discriminatory remarks etc etc did not care still purchased the bra and I left the store to go to my vehicle. I did not hang around but I did sign up to be a loyalty member which was also in the civil complaint that I signed up as a loyalty member and that I also was carrying my gun. Nevada is an open carry state but I did not have my gun on me no weapons are allowed in the mall yet the order states I was bringing one in there store total lie.

I am to a point where I am about to get a lawyer and SUE Torrid and its employees for emotional distress, harassment and a whole litany of other things. Honestly, so what I dated her awhile back coming into the store does not make me a stalker I came to that store with another woman to buy a bra that is it. Just as I have a right to file whatever survey reviews that is my right as the customer and basically I got told that I filed a bad review on her coworker. Now how would she know this unless her coworker and her are harassing me that is personal information I am a customer nobody should know what kind of review I leave!

With that being said two of my friends were shopping back in December and Miss Hannah decided she did not like them and told me she was going to also file a restraining order against them and call the cops. So anyone I know now cant shop at Torrid because they will either be harrassed, threatened or served with a protective order. Most of that protective order states how I was in the store and they got in trouble. Well I hope they did for harassing me they may not like how I look or the fact of whom I am but I am still a customer and I made a purchase of 50 something dollars for ONE yes ONE plain black bra. 

Honestly, not sure how they could want to promote her or anyone on that crew to an assistant or store manager given the fact that this is how this employee acts. So you hate me you do not have to talk to me or look at me but I have a right to shop in Torrid and that right was taken away by someone all because what I filed a review that was not so nice against her employee who was basically rude to me? You cant just go up to someone an say leave the store or buy something now because I know you use to date so and so its not right.

I cant imagine the animosity there at Torrid given the fact that Hannah talks about all her employees how they are lazy sacks of Shi% or how her friend LJ's is dating well the N word, how the crossdresser her number one customer is a fa$ and how he is a creepy cheapskate or how Courtney is fat and does nothing. This is the type of stuff that goes on and I say it in my review because it has to be said. I do not care if people read this review or believe me the point is that after going through this it hurts I am under emotional distress because I cant even go to the mall I cant shop at Torrid none of my friends can go all because I am not allowed to complain about how I was treated. Just as this same person steals from the company when she is alone at least that is what she said but that's who they hire. Point is that whatever they do has nothing to do with me I been here at least a few times over the past couple of months nobody ever really helps me and now that this person I know works there I am being subjected to drama and BS even though I am there to make a purchase!

I was treated poorly again I should be getting a lawyer and sue because I should not be treated by a business this way. Off the clock Hannah can do or say what she wants but if I am in the store shopping I am just that a customer and she has no right to get her employees to harass me and they should not know my personal info and if they do it means they are talking about me. I have to come to terms with the fact that not only has she done this to me but basically my friends at my office cant even shop there now because of the order and it was done on purpose with the intent to keep me out of the store even though I walked in looked through bras found a size and made a purchase. I even signed up for the loyalty program! I was in that store with someone who was also browsing and she got harassed to. 

I really do not care if Torrid keeps her but Torrid also needs to understand that they have an employee there who thinks its okay to make fun of their customers, harass them or emotionally cause distress. I do not have to put up with it like I said I should be getting a lawyer and suing because you cant do that to people. I get some businesses are rude but this is harassment and from what I know this company holds its employees to the highest of standards but this? This is really ridiculous so for now how I rate this company will be one star if down the road they wish to up their customer service and treat me like one then fine Id be willing to give the company a higher rating but for now one star end of story! Its not right no matter how you cut it and it just needs to be said! I am more then happy to talk to district about the incidents because I cant even shop here till the issue gets resolved neither can my friends or associates from our company!

Desired outcome: I doubt anything can be done sure I can make a ruse complain to corporate and they will send it to her manager who is also her personal friend who drinks at bars together. Do you really think anything will be done?

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