Flag this messageRegarding SalarySaturday, 26 March, 2011 3:34 PMFrom: "ashish.[protected]@trustline.in" Add sender to ContactsTo: [protected]@nic.in, [protected]@nic.in, [protected]@trustline.in, karan.[protected]@trustline.in, [protected]@trustline.in, vikas.[protected]@trustline.inCc: shekhar.[protected]@trustline.in, nandan.[protected]@trustline.in, [protected]@trustline.in, [protected]@trustline.in, [protected]@yahoo.co.inRes Sir,
This is to inform you that I (Ashish Kumar Singh, E Code-
KA02985)has not received my salary for the consecutive month of
Jan, Feb and March inspite of my best services towards the
organisation, as you are well aware of the rising inflation. It
has been very difficult for me to sustain myself in delhi.
Kindly look in to the matter so that I could get my dues from the
organisation. Hoping for the positive reply from your end.
Thanking you.
Your Sincercely:
Ashish Kumar Singh
Asst. Branch Manager
E code - KA02985
Daryaganj, Delhi (110002)
i agree with u -prasad
i agree with u
Trustline is a new name adopted by the old fraudulent company called K&A Securities Pvt. Ltd. 100s of court cases, criminal investigations of fraud, cheating, evasion of service tax, income tax, non payment of Provident Fund, fraud in gratuity, frauid in ESI are registered against the company. It is a shady firm promoted by a Chartered Accountant called Mukesh Kansal who is an expert in money laundering. He has another company by the name of CTA apparels that imported Nylon Filament Yarn under REPL showing that as an input in the manufacture of Cotton Garments and sold it in the open market. Investigations by agencies ranging from Customs, Enforcement Directorate, CBI, Provident Fund Department, National Stock Exchange of India and SEBI are getting fully managed by him. He has some dangerous connections. Gundas and mafias are all the time sitting in his office. He runs an organised racket of videographing senior Government officers and puts them to blackmail. The national security of India is under threat due to his nepharious activities. Even the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and the Institute of Company Secretaries of India are sitting helplessly taking no action against him on various complaints against him. Anything can be done by such people in this country and they are capable of managing anyone.
What SEBI & Govt.of India doing with these organisation after fully aware of the mail practices ? SEBI is earning money in this manner. Knowingly why SEBI is not taking any action against them when the customers of Trustline Securities are facing tremendous loeses due to their false practice. NSI and SEBI are also doing injustice indirectly to the general public . When the head of the organisation is a fraud & Gunnda how his staffs will work wholeheartedly for the good of the customers ?
I feel the above sentiments and allegations are of disgruntled employees...
Trustline is governed by statute bodies.
Are we then saying that regulatory authorities turn a blind eye?
I am proud to say that India is an emerging economy and companies like the one mentioned above are major GDP contributors...
Trustline is one off best broking house in india as i am one off the oldest client off Trustline
In my view all the expression expressed by mr. Harish Lakhera are wrong as CTA is award winning company from last many year and Dr. Mukesh Kansal wins Niryat Bandhu awards from Prisedent of India as i was there in the award cermony.
The said comments are totally baseless and are being incorrectly aired by wrong elements trying to malign the company's reputation.
i am amazed and shocked at the audacity of the person who has written such ludicrous comments about Trustline and that too, using the name of one of our respected ex employees- HARISH LAKHERA. I have been working with the Trustline group which includes CTA Apparels, since over 10 years. In recent times I work in the capacity of a Sr.Vice-President (strategy & operations)
The Trustline group including CTA Apparels has been winning accolades and awards regularly from various respected statute bodies.
Please feel free to write to me at sanjayv@trustline.in for any clarifications.
never ever pay a single penny to trustline securities they trade without your consent and put lossesin your a/c until money wipes out
Company is full of cheats. They boast they have been in the market for 20 years and have won awards. Awards can be obtained easily, with the deceived money you get through unauthorized trading.Never put your money here it will disappear before you realize it. If you complain it falls on deaf ears of the management. Vinay Gupta, Sanjay Verma is one of them.
I agree word for word what HARISH LAKHERA has said.What Sanjay K. Verma is a BIG LIE.
I agree word for word what HARISH LAKHERA has said.What Sanjay K. Verma SAYS is a BIG LIE.He is saying all this as he is getting his bread and butter from there.