I was at the store two times and on my third time I was told I am not allowed back at the store for no known reason out if the clear blue I never stole any thing and was not. Even told what I did or am accused of doing so I went to leave my number with the manager and she blew me off I thought she was ok untill today so I then call the store and ask her did she know why she won't let me in the store thinking they cleared it up she was rude told me she had a job to do and hung up on me saying she didn't have time for this we'll I think she should make time and tell me what he deal is with me cuz I done nothing to her or turkey hill and if something is not rite in my count I would like to be informed so I can pay it fix what happened cuz if something did happen and it's from me it was a accident but I don't even recall and thing crazzy