Hello Sir/Madame:
I was in MitchFlowerPowers stream one day watching him play Mario games and I mentioned in his chat that I was disabled and had type 1 diabetes and that I lost my right foot from complications of my disease and I would like to make a complaint about him and about discrimination towards people with disabilities. This hurt me quite a bit and he ended up making jokes about it on his stream that day towards me about stuff like Oh why don't you do modelling or something about your 1 foot you have and other stuff that was mentioned. Can anything be done about this? I'm not sure if anything can be done about him. I wish I could sue him or something towards this or something but I wouldnt know how to go about doing this since this was very rude towards people with disabilities. My username on twitch is https://www.twitch.tv/geekgamer38. If this helps.