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CB Business and Industrial Review of Unilever - All Free Clear
Unilever - All Free Clear

Unilever - All Free Clear review: Do not use it!

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12:00 am EDT
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I was purchasing All Free Clear HE from a local Sam's Club up until a month or two ago as they did not have it. I then purchased All Free Clear with stainlifters because on the label it says "For use in all washing machines, including HE" in small blue letters in the upper right hand corner. Seeing this I purchased this to use in my front loading washing machine. After going through one container which took about a month I decided to clean out the soap dispenser in my washer which I do periodically anyway. I noticed a white residue in my soap dispenser which I had to scrape out. Upon further investigation, I noticed a thick layer of this residue inside the soap dispensing area of my washing machine which again I had to scrape out and could not get it all out. I washed my hands after getting this residue on them and noticed that it was laundry soap! I emailed the company above about the residue in my washer's dispenser and dispensing area and got this for a response -

Most washer / dryer manufacturers recommend wiping surfaces and dials with soft dry cloth after washing. It is very important that the soap does not build up on the machine. The owners manual may have a recommended cleaner for their machines.

I had written that the residue was in the soap dispenser and in the soap dispensing area of my washer not on the outside surface as they seemed to think I was saying. Anyway, I then contacted their 1-800 # and tried to explain the issue to the woman on the phone at the company. She kept interrupting me and telling me that I should not be using any soap other than HE in my front loading washer. Like I didn't know that. I told her I knew that and I would not of purchased this soap had it not said and I quote "For use in all washing machines, including HE" which clearly states that it can be used in HE! Again she told me I should only use laundry soap that is for HE and she'll mail me some coupons. I told her that if this soap was not to be used in front loading washing machines then they should remove the statement that it can be from the label. By this time I was a bit annoyed and told her I only use HE type of laundry soap now which is the All Free Clear HE which does not leave any residue. Once I hung up, I replied to the email that said to wipe my machine with a soft cloth and again explained the issue and recommended they remove the "For use in all washing machines, including HE" from the label. I, also, contacted the Sam's Club in our area and explained the issue with the laundry soap to them. They asked if I had contacted the manufacturer and I told them yes. I, also, told the lady from Sam's Club that they might want to hang a sign that people should not use this particular soap in their front loading washing machines because there is a potential for it to clog the soap dispensing area of the washing machine. She was very nice and said she would pass the info along to the management. I am hoping that Unilever changes the label on their laundry soap but if they don't - DO NOT USE - All Free Clear with the small blue lettering that says "For use in all washing machines, including HE" in your front loading washing machine. If you like the All Free Clear, like I do, use only the one that has the large green HE in the circle and is clearly only for front loading/HE washing machines. I continue to use this one with no problems at all.

Thank you. Traci Wihlen

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