United States Adjusters pulled a bait and switch on me, and they also failed to inform me that they were not an insurance company, only brokers. I am out of the $221.70 plus the $20.00 that some software company charged me for insurance. I have not heard another word from them since I called a few times.
We are not brokers nor an insurance company. You have us mistaken with someone else obviously. We are Public Insurance Adjusters and represent the policyholder when they have insurance claims. Check you information before posting next time
Not all insurance people are crooks, only those agents who carry a gun.
Know the facts before pooling your ignorance... NOT all adjusters are alike. There are envelope adjusters, machine adjusters and then there are insurance adjusters. US Adjusters are reputable claim advocates who makes mistakes like you. But they do not sell insurance. hint: ..."Adjusters for the insured, thats you the policyholder. They fight for you against your agent and homeowner insurance company when a claim is wrongly paid, which is 90% of the time. You may need them the next time yourself.
You obviously have a computer so you dont need a dictionary anymore, look us public adjusters
The Claim Advocate