They are advertising events for the whole summer on our property claiming that they will be doing it in our vineyards, visiting our cellar and tasting our wines when they are not. We are in legal dispute with the restaurant Ozio dei Frati which has rented a restaurant on our property but has not paid any rent. They are still using our name and our location without our permission to host events in their restaurants. we have told the website Urbi et Otium that their client Ozio dei Frati are doing something illegal, but they don't seem to want to remove the announcements on their page.
Our lawyer has written to the restaurant to say they have no permission but they are going ahead.
Desired outcome: please remove the announcements on both Urbi et Otium and Ozio dei Frati that are promoting the events on our property with the name containing "Selvole" (Cantine Selvole, Fattoria Selvole or Castello di Selvole)