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CB Hosting and Web Design Review of review: Violation of their own rules 32

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6:38 pm EDT
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As a hosting company are in violation of their own rules by allowing one of their websites to openly display a stolen photograph of me in an attempt to stalk and harass me.
Their OWN rues prohibit this, but despite repeated abuse reports, they do not seem competent enough to police their OWN rules. And actually enforce them. Why is this I wonder. are they protecting someone at the expense of their own integrity?
One does wonder what they would really be like if a client of theirs had a problem, if they are unable to enforce their own terms of service.
The promotional advertising they do counts for nothing, if a Client cannot rely on them doing the right thing.

Many times, it is how an organization responds to valid complaints that show whether they are genuine. I am sure that there are many other hosting companies that actually do the right thing, but alas it seems that urljet do not fall into that category.

Update by Victim of a host company
Nov 01, 2012 6:46 am EDT

I contacted from a valid email address and answered politely the reply from offering proof of my claim. However urljet stopped replying to me for reasons of their own. So the statement " nor was he willing to provide any" is incorrect.

Here is a copy of my reply to
"Your acceptable use policy states, "The following constitute violations
"Threats and unlawful conduct : Use of our service to transmit any
material (by e-mail, uploading, posting or otherwise) that threatens or
encourages bodily harm or destruction of any life, limb or property. Use
of our services to transmit any material (by e-mail, uploading, posting
or otherwise) that harasses another."

I am being harassed, and request that you take action relevant to your
policy to stop the person from harassing me by using your service.

Under the Fraud section it states:" Fraud : Use of our service to
make fraudulent offers to sell or buy products, items, or services,
or to advance any type of financial scam such as "pyramid schemes, "
"ponzi schemes, " and "chain letters." Adding, removing or modifying
identifying network header information in an effort to deceive or
mislead is prohibited. Attempting to impersonate any person by using
forged headers or other identifying information is prohibited. The
use of anonymous re-mailers or nicknames does not constitute
impersonation. Involves a knowing misrepresentation or misleading
statement, writing or activity made with the intent that the person
receiving it will act upon it."

=Attempting to impersonate any person by using forged headers or
other identifying information is prohibited" I am being
impersonated, and my stolen photograph is being used on your service
to do this.

I am willing to send you other photographs of me that were part of the
set, where the stolen photograph was taken from. This will prove that
it is I in the photograph that is being used without my permission. The
impostor cannot send them to you as he only has the one as far as I am

To sum up, I am being harassed by one of your clients using your
service to stalk and harass me. As this falls under abuse of your AUP
policy, I respectfully request that you take appropriate action to stop
this abuse of your TOS and AUP. For your necessary action. Thank you."

My photograph that was stolen from my PC by a hacker is being used along with my details to harass me in violation of the urljet rules. Why do urljet not enforce their own rules and now post incorrect information to avoid doing so?

Update by Victim of a host company
Nov 07, 2012 2:15 pm EST

@creamskirt. Thank you for your reply, I will try to answer your questions to the best of my ability.

I am being harassed by the hacker using my photograph to impersonate me, by setting up fake accounts and posting derogatory comments about me while pretending that the comments were made by me. He has posted many lies about me while pretending to be me, so that people would think it was I making the comments.

The hacker put a keylogger on my PC and my AV programs did not stop it.

A single photo was stolen because, out of the set it was the only one that was stored on my PC.

None of the other photos have been used anywhere as they were not on my pc for the hacker to steal,

The hacker is one of the hackers and scammers that I exposed, so they decided to start a smear campaign to try to stop me from exposing them.

I am part of some anti-fraud sites and we have helped closed down many of their scam websites, thereby reducing their illegal income, as retaliation, every time we close more of their scam websites, they increase their attacks on me to try to stop me.

Hackers hack PC's for many reasons, yes, in most cases it is for direct monetary gain, but some do it to be able to threated or harass others with the information they have gained.

The hacker also stole information, but was only able to steal one photo as it was the only one there.

Update by Victim of a host company
Nov 08, 2012 12:23 am EST

The false post by the so called "Col. James Z. Fosset" is typical of the lies that the impostor has been posting.

The impostor really gets upset when I manage to close down some of the scam websites that he makes, and so he resorts to blatant lies and derogatory comments like this. The person who is posting as Alan James Watson is Chandra Sekhar Sathyadas who is an IT engineer for the Kerala public works department.

I call on to take action against this guy and remove the stolen photograph of me that he is using to defame me on Juot .net.
Anyone of normal intelligence can now see what this hacker is capable of.

Update by Victim of a host company
Nov 08, 2012 12:43 am EST

@creamskirt. Thank you for your post. I will answer your questions t the besat of my ability.

The latest post by the so called Col. James Z. Fosset shows more than I could ever describe how I am being harassed. The post is totally false and provides no proof as there is none to prove any of this fake post.

The hacker placed a Keylogger on my pc that got past my AV programs at the time.
I have other photos in the set, but there was only one that I had put on my PC, so the hacker could only steal the one. He did however steal other data.

Yes, hackers usually go after things that can make them money. But some do it for information that they can use for other purposes.

So the answer to your question of why the hacker only stole one photo is that only one was stored on my PC as far as I can recall.

Update by Victim of a host company
Nov 08, 2012 6:17 am EST

@creamskirt. I have sent a DMCA report to both and The blog that is mentioned where I take it you got the photo from, was taken over by the hacker (remember I said that he had stolen other things) He stole the password to my blog and altered the comments and also posted the photo on there. The comments on there and the photo are NOT authorized nor posted by me.

I have NEVER posted the photo on the internet and I have NEVER given anyone permission to use it, I would appreciate you removing my illegally obtained photo as no one has my permission to use it.
As my original post and subsequent ones are concerned about the illegal use of my Photograph, I am surprised to see you use it without my permission. Please remove it, thank you.

Update by Victim of a host company
Nov 08, 2012 6:29 am EST

The poster Col. James Z. Fosset cannot be found with a google search, as he is a made up name.

He seems to be saying that a person called Alan James Watson is guilty of totally unsubstantiated "crimes"
As my name is NOT Alan James Watson and I have NEVER used that name anywhere on the internet, he seems to be in need of some professional help for his delusions. The only persons who have used that name as far as I am aware, are people who actually own that name and Chandra Sekhar Sathyadas who uses it a lot, along with MY illegally obtained photograph.

Col. James Z. Fosset says=
"Mr Watson,
There is no negotiations with THE LAW." Is he breaking the law, by now impersonating a lawyer?

Update by Victim of a host company
Nov 08, 2012 4:22 pm EST

@BirdOPrey5. Again you post lies. I am NOT Alan James Watson as I have told you many times.

I have NEVER threatened you. The names I gave you are on the internet in public and I never threatened you with them.

I did mention that my oipinion is that you may be in violation of the safe harbour rules and could lose any protection against law suits. As you have been officially notified that the photo is mine and is being used without my permission and you have acknowledged receiving that notification.

" I first talked to Big Al hoping I could help him but he has turned on me like he will you. "
More lies from Joe. Many times I have asked to talk to you to settle this matter but you refused.

Lets look at A THREAT that you issued to me here is a copy of YOUR threat!
"You f*** with my family Al and your info goes VIRAL. " I never threatened your family I did mention a few names .

I have made a copy of your threat for the future.

Update by Victim of a host company
Nov 08, 2012 4:25 pm EST

@ creamskirt. The blog you mention was not set up by me, nor have I ever posted on it.
You do seem keen to post first my photo and then a link to one of the blogs that are impersonating me. Why is this I wonder?

Update by Victim of a host company
Nov 08, 2012 4:35 pm EST

"Hello, I am Joe the Admin of the forum the original poster is complaining about. He uses the name Alan James Watson but he admits this is a fake name he uses to hide his real identity"

Yet ANOTHER lie from Joe Di Biasi who seems keen to post what he says is my name so I will post his. I have never used that name. I have used Alan James but I have NEVER used Alan James Watson.

As the admn on, Joe KNOWS who the person is who is posting as Alan James Watson and he has access to his IP that goes back to India, Mine goes back to Australia. The person posting as Alan James Watson on juot is Chandra Sekhar Sathyadas who is an IT engineer for the Kerala public works department. Joe KNOWS this, so why the lies Joe?

Joe why are you AGAIN lying to people, as a staff member on Vbullettin this is a most unprofessional thing to do. and reflects badly on Vbulletin as they pay you to do the right thing.

Update by Victim of a host company
Nov 08, 2012 7:12 pm EST

Soyl maybe it is this address that is of concern. TC- 30/1759-6 KARUNA BHAGAT SINGH ROAD PETTAH THIRUVANANTHAPURAM

Kerala India.

It is amusing to see you stick to the posting of an address that has no relationship to me.

It cannot be much fun though for the innocent guy whose name and address you so freely post all over the internet.

Update by Victim of a host company
Nov 08, 2012 7:21 pm EST

Joe posts this. " I first talked to Big Al hoping I could help him " Yet every time I try to talk to Joe he will not discuss things with me.

Ok Joe I am calling you out on this. here is an offer for you. You do the right thing and permanently remove the photograph of me and the derogatory posts, and in return I will remove my comments and posts about you and and then we can leave each other alone.

You stated that you wanted to talk to me to help me, well here is your chance to back up what you say. or are you going to ignore this and prove that you are not sincere in what you say?

Lets see if we can at least deal with this in a sensible manner.

Update by Victim of a host company
Nov 10, 2012 6:44 pm EST

Joe, I am willing to discuss things with you as I always have been, but you have sent me an email requesting that I do not contact you via email.

Please contact me again removing this request so we can talk.

I am open to agreeing not to contact you again, with the proviso that you permanently remove my image and stop your website from being used to harass, stalk and defame me.
The derogatory posts are easily seen by any reasonable person and so can easily be identified. The links to blogs and sites that have been set up solely to defame me must also be removed.

If you permanently stop your site from being used to harass me, then I have no interest in you or your site. And I am quite happy not to contact you again.

Update by Victim of a host company
Nov 10, 2012 6:56 pm EST

Joe, I am willing to discuss things with you as I always have, however you have sent me an email requesting that I do not contact you via email.

Please contact me again, removing this request so we can discuss things.

The derogatory posts are easily identified as are the links to the blogs, twitter and other places that have been set up solely to harass and defame me.

If you permanently remove the photo, and the links and blatantly obvious insulting and defamatory posts, then I an quite happy never to contact you again.
If you do the right thing and stop allowing your website to be used to stalk, harass and defame me, then I have no interest in you or your website. Unless you allow it to be used to defame me again.

Update by Victim of a host company
Nov 11, 2012 2:37 pm EST

Joe, I have sent two replies to your comment, but they have not appeared as yet. I have asked that you give me permission to email you so we can discuss this matter.

You seem upset that I have certain information, now that tbakl hacker has posted where it came from on AMB I can elaborate.

Want to know who tbakl hacker is? Check his profile for the lead. As Soyl has admitted to having mental problems he sometimes makes silly mistakes.

You can ask soyl about his alias of Roland Spxxx with whom I had a lot of skype conversations and he gave me lots of information. All this goes back to you allowing him to make a fool of us both for his own amusement.

Consider all the posts and information that has been exposed, just because he is stabbing you in the back and making a mockery of your trust. But that is the nature of the beast. Hackers and scammers deceive people, this is how they work.

Update by Victim of a host company
Nov 12, 2012 5:28 pm EST

Chandra Sekhar Sathyadas, aka Soyl, posts as Alan James Watson the comment below.


Alan James Watson

is a real person. He has an account at the Whirlpool forums.

Five years ago, many accounts operated by the evil Soyl hacked victim's computer, extracted victim's photo (but not his real name or address) and started posting everywhere attaching the above address to victim's photo.

I am amazed that the innocent person, member of whirlpool forums, has not ONCE shown up anywhere to protest all the abuse being heaped on his name (albeit with a different person's picture) calling him a lunatic, a dick and a scatterbrain who definitely needs to undergo a dozen courses of ECT.

Maybe he enjoys all the attention and is laughing, reading up all these exchanges even as I type.

Chandra Sekhar Sathyadas is admitting that he hacked my PC and stole my photograph. And started to post MY photograph along with another's name. Yes the real AJW is or was on whilrlpool, but it is NOT me. I have NEVER posted as AJW.

Chandra is now backing backing up everything I am claiming.

Update by Victim of a host company
Nov 12, 2012 5:46 pm EST

Joe posts- "You have lost your right to email me.

The only thing I would consider removing is the image. Links to blogs and posts you find objectionable are off the table because you can't even claim copyright over these things, only, possibly, the image."

The so called right to email you is of no consequence, it just denies you being able to obtain information quicker. Your loss.

No Joe, Not "only possibly the image" Most certainly, I have proved my copyright over the image that Chandra stated he stole from my pc (see his post where he admits it) By his post publicly ADMITTING he stole it, any possible legal reason for not removing it you thought you had, is gone.

Joe I have proved that the copyright is mine as both the subject and the photographer, Chandra has admitted he stole it and is using it without my permission.

I again officially request that you remove it, as it is obviously not Chandras property and he has NO Right to the use of it.

As you see fit to allow it to be used, despite official notification that I am the copyright holder, It would be prudent for me to contact the "safe Harbour" regulators for advice.

It is up to you what actions you take in any given situation, however, I will carry on defending myself for as long as it takes.

Your illegal threats will not deter me.

Update by Victim of a host company
Nov 12, 2012 8:45 pm EST

" Section 512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) protects online service providers (OSPs) from liability for information posted or transmitted by subscribers if they quickly remove or disable access to material identified in a copyright holder's complaint."

"if they quickly remove or disable access to material identified in a copyright holder's complaint."

I am the copyright holder and I have complained about the use of my illegally obtained photograph that was stolen from my computer and is being used without my permission. And I have given adequate notification the the owner of the website.

Dated Tuesday, November 13th, 2012.

Update by Victim of a host company
Nov 12, 2012 11:10 pm EST

Hi Chandra. Why are you posting as most of these usernames when we all know you and your details.

Chandra Sekhar.S
Electronics Wing
Public Office, Museum.P.O
Ph. [protected]

Now Chandra, as you have falsely accused me of many things, lets look at what you are up to.

Chandra you have upset many honest people, ( Here is a hint, People do NOT like you hacking in to their computers.) some who have done a lot of research on you and passed along some quite interesting information. As you have admitted to having mental issues, you sometimes make silly mistakes . and this is why one of my contacts found your email and phone number below on a well known Kiddy pron site. Where you were advertising an underage girl and boy for sale. stupidly using your work email as a contact. I Will not post the name of the site here but I have it and I was reliably informed that you advertised on there. (No I will not go there to check )

If Joe wants it I will give it to him in private and he can check it if he likes. As you are a member on his website he may like to check things out. These things have a way of drawing innocent people in.

Now as your IP and email can be seen on some websites, Especially by law enforcement. I wonder if those website owners who support you are aware that your links go back to their websites?
And who knows if the KP site you advertised on is visited by those who hunt down such vermin as you and those who support them.

Did you inform your pals that five of the people who you take orders from have spent time in the dutch jails for having KP on their PC's? There is a lot that you are hiding from people who mistakenly trust you.

Chandra, I wonder if it is known that you were banned from an Indian pron website where you used the name of Pananyeri?

Is it known that you use your work PC to surf such sites and that the IP has been recorded when you visited from your work PC.

Not smart eh Chandra.

Oh by the way Chandra, re the KP site, your work IP was recorded and passed along to those who are interested in stopping these things.

Have a nice day Chandra.

Update by Victim of a host company
Nov 14, 2012 6:47 pm EST

Why are you posting as Alan James Watson when your name is Chandra Sekhar Sathyadas?
Chandra Sekhar.S
Electronics Wing
Public Office, Museum.P.O
Ph. [protected]

Are you saying I should not associate with you as you post adverts on child porn sites?

Update by Victim of a host company
Nov 14, 2012 6:49 pm EST

Yet it is not the photograph of Alan James Watson. Chandra Sekhar Sathyadas, why are you misleading people?

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Cheyenne, US
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Nov 01, 2012 5:30 am EDT

URLJet takes copyright notice seriously.
When this gentleman contacted us it was from an unidentified gmail address and about a photo of a person used in an avatar. He wanted it removed. There was NO supporting information or DMCA request, nor was he willing to provide any.
Our position is that we will comply with any Legal request. However, as this gentleman was informed... We cannot not serve as judge an jury for an anonymous email that provides no means of verification and puts us in the position of making a decision on something we have no knowledge of, other than an anonymous email.

Austin, US
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Nov 07, 2012 12:18 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have so many questions about this. How are you being harassed? Are there threatening posts somewhere? How did a hacker get access to your computer in the first place? And a single photo was stolen? This is a very unlikely scenario. You say there are other photos in the series. Have they also been used online by someone too? Just this fact (if it is a fact) makes me suspicious since a hacker is not likely to be interested in a single photo of you. It just isn't plausible. Hackers are interested in your bank account, credit cards, etc. Why would a hacker get into your machine and steal one photo?

Col. James Z. Fosset
Send a message
Nov 07, 2012 11:13 pm EST

This is to inform general public, and especially urljet staff, that Mr Alan James Watson, aka Big Al, aka De Master Yoda, has been under the investigation of relevant authorities in at least 4 countries: Australia, New Zealand, United States and Canada, for allegedly being a member of child porn ring. Other of his criminal activities are unknown to us at this point in time, but further investigation will reveal more, we suspect. All individuals in touch with Mr Watson are adviced to be very careful. He is extremely dangerous. We suspect that he carries a concealed weapons when not at home. Anyone with any info on his illegal and criminal activities is adviced to contact the nearest police station. Do not, under any circumstances, make any attempt to apprehend mr Watson by yourself.

Col. James Z. Fosset
Send a message
Nov 08, 2012 4:47 am EST

Mr Watson,

There is no negotiations with THE LAW. Being apprehended so many times for good reasons, you should know that. You can run (barely, at your age), but you can't hide. Can you explain to the good people of this board, what have you been doing with young boys far below the age of consent? We WILL track you down, and we WILL apprehend you, don't worry about that.

Alan James Watson
Send a message
Nov 08, 2012 5:05 am EST

This is where to find that photo our CP crank is complaining about:

And the photo itself is attached below:

Austin, US
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Nov 08, 2012 5:48 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

To "Victim of a host company": your problems sound bigger than just the urljet policies. As suggested, you should file a DMCA request if you want your picture removed. urljet has no way of knowing who is who in this situation otherwise. Surely you see how anyone could come along and make any kind of claim about someone, as is being done above about you.

Austin, US
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Nov 08, 2012 5:52 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Is the the photo in question?

Alan James Watson
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Nov 08, 2012 9:43 am EST

Dear victim of a hosting company, you need to remove that photo from imageshack as well.

It can be found at - whoever uploaded that image to imageshack did so after accepting their terms, which gives them the absolute permission to distribute it to whoever has the link to it.

Send a DMCA request to imageshack, and don't go diddling little kiddies or sharing their pictures in future.

Baysde, US
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Nov 08, 2012 10:47 am EST

Hello, I am Joe the Admin of the forum the original poster is complaining about. He uses the name Alan James Watson but he admits this is a fake name he uses to hide his real identity- basically he wants to remain anonymous. This has been going on over 5 years. I tell him each time he can file a valid DMCA complaint and I will remove the image. URLJet told him the same thing. However for DMCA to be valid the copyright holder must sign the complaint, affirm they are the true copyright holder, and provide an address as well. "Alan James Watson" - a known fake name cannot make a valid DMCA complaint. Anonymous users do not get to dictate what pictures may or may nor be online. Also Alan James Watson originally denied this photo was of him. He changed his story after he was banned from my site- not I am sure he is complaining just to "get back" at me for banning him.

I have no knowledge who posted about child porn charges but I seriously doubt that to be true. To me "Alan James Watson" AKA Big Al is a want-to-be internet vigilante, possible troll or loon, but I have no reason to suspect he has anything to do with child porn. I find that post in poor taste.

Baysde, US
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Nov 08, 2012 2:33 pm EST

Big AL has threatened my family in a recent email to me- he has found names of close family members of mine. He is an Internet Stalker and I encourage NO ONE to email him, talk to him, or have any communication with him. I first talked to Big Al hoping I could help him but he has turned on me like he will you. Do not make the same mistakes I made- avoid the man known as Big Al at all costs.

Austin, US
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Nov 08, 2012 3:50 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

That's unfortunate. The man's story is a little strange (hackers stole his picture? I don't think so) I did some research and found a blog he writes:
Definitely something more going on with him, he seems to have some serious problems. That blog is full of weird and unpleasant stuff, including some about urljet, so it's definitely the same guy.

Alan James Watson
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Nov 08, 2012 4:02 pm EST

It is true they told me to file a proper DMCA complaint, request, but I haven't done that, nor will I. I just want people to do what I say. Just do it! I don't need to go through proper channels. DO WHAT I SAY NOW!1!1!

Alan James Watson
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Nov 08, 2012 5:37 pm EST

OMG! A black man is using my photo on the internet!
Thank you all for your posts they are appreciated. The photograph in question was stolen from my PC by a hacker, I HAVE NEVER POSTED IT ON THE INTERNET. I have removed two Keyloggers from my PC. Over five years ago I exposed some scammers and hackers and so they are mounting a smear campaign and impersonating me on various sites and blogs.

The Photo is used on and is displayed along with an address. I have asked the owner to remove it but he refuses. I supplied a link to Godaddy.

The TOS of Godaddy clearly states that Impersonation is against their Acceptable use policy. Yet they are allowing one of their clients to abuse their TOS and will not enforce their own rules.

The group that is impersonating me want my other personal details to further harass me, if I do a DMCA report my details will be forwarded to the hackers by DMCA, and so will put my family and myself in danger, this is unacceptable. I have explained this to the host.

The main imposter is a black Indian guy, He is an IT enginer for the Pubic works department in Indiana, (I have many of his IP.s that he has used to impersonate me) yet he is using my "White" photo as his own. A simple check of my IP (from Australia) and the imposters from India will easily show the truth. How does a black guy dare use my white photo as his own?

I have tried to keep this short and to the point, I have a lot more information that I can share with Godaddy, but they stopped responding to me and blocked my IP, so I have no other recourse than to bring things out into the open to obtain some action.

Alan James Watson
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Nov 08, 2012 6:50 pm EST

Hey victim,

What are you really objecting to here: use of your photo, or the made up name of Alan James Watson, or the address of
2 speckled cct, Springfield Lakes, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

that is posted under that picture? Make up your mind.

Austin, US
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Nov 09, 2012 3:52 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Victim, why do you deny ownership of that blog which is obviously yours? If your allegations about that picture are true, file the DMCA request of shut up about it. Those are your choices as I see them.

Alan James Watson
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Nov 09, 2012 5:45 am EST

Hey victim -

Just found this page : at the encyclopedia dramatica site. It seems to be an accurate description of what you are doing with this complaint.

Would you care to explain about your campaign against the web forums that are forced to deny you membership?

Baysde, US
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Nov 09, 2012 6:40 am EST

Big Al,

I may be willing to remove the picture but now you want derogatory posts removed too- the problem is you consider every post derogatory.

I may be open to removing the image only if you would agree to drop this, and never post about nor attempt to contact me or my family again. This includes on all websites and real life.

Austin, US
Send a message
Nov 09, 2012 1:52 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

As this is a complaints board, maybe Victim will open up a new ticket.

Alan James Watson
Send a message
Nov 11, 2012 10:23 pm EST


Alan James Watson
2, Speckled cct.,
Springfield Lakes,

is a real person. He has an account at the Whirlpool forums.

Five years ago, many accounts operated by the evil Soyl hacked victim's computer, extracted victim's photo (but not his real name or address) and started posting everywhere attaching the above address to victim's photo.

I am amazed that the innocent person, member of whirlpool forums, has not ONCE shown up anywhere to protest all the abuse being heaped on his name (albeit with a different person's picture) calling him a lunatic, a dick and a scatterbrain who definitely needs to undergo a dozen courses of ECT.

Maybe he enjoys all the attention and is laughing, reading up all these exchanges even as I type.

Baysde, US
Send a message
Nov 12, 2012 11:04 am EST

You have lost your right to email me.

The only thing I would consider removing is the image. Links to blogs and posts you find objectionable are off the table because you can't even claim copyright over these things, only, possibly, the image.

Austin, US
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Nov 12, 2012 2:41 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Seems the only thing he can claim ownership over is some serious butthurt and a sandy vagina.

Alan James Watson
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Nov 12, 2012 5:55 pm EST

You haven't ONCE issued a valid DMCA request, so you have no legal grounds to stand on.

Austin, US
Send a message
Nov 12, 2012 6:27 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Has he issued a YMCA request though?

Austin, US
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Nov 12, 2012 9:01 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

What is your name and how do we know you are who you say you are? I'm not buying it. I think you are just trying to stir up trouble. Otherwise I might claim it is my picture.

Alan James Watson
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Nov 12, 2012 10:10 pm EST

It is my picture. I hereby grant everyone an irrevocable, eternal and perpetual right to use it as they please.


Alan James Watson.

Austin, US
Send a message
Nov 13, 2012 6:50 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

That settles it then. All are free to use that image.

Baysde, US
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Nov 13, 2012 6:07 pm EST

No one here has either REALLY admitted anything NOR REALLY claimed any copyright because everyone posting here is anonymous.

I don't know who Alan James Watson is, I really don't know who "Victim..." is for sure, and no one really knows who I am- simply saying I'm Joe doesn't make it so- nothing legally binding has transpired here, and nothing legally binding can EVER transpire here.

The only way Victim... can get his image removed is to file a valid DMCA complaint in his real, legal name- not some made up internet alias. DMCA does not protect anonymous trolls.


Austin, US
Send a message
Nov 13, 2012 6:15 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Big Victim Al admits that he associates with people who visit child porn sites. He seems like a real [censored]nozzle.

Alan James Watson
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Nov 13, 2012 6:20 pm EST

Let me say it again:

It is my picture. I hereby grant everyone an irrevocable, eternal and perpetual right to use it as they please.
Alan James Watson.

Tommy Tooter
Austin, US
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Nov 15, 2012 1:30 pm EST

Big Al, you told me this was your picture. Why are YOU misleading people?

Austin, US
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Nov 19, 2012 12:47 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

It's what he does.

Alan James Watson
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Nov 27, 2012 6:36 pm EST

"Victim of a host company" was told to submit a proper DMCA request, which he has not yet done. Let me speculate on the reasons:

1. It is not really his picture, so he can't provide proof.
2. He is a hobo, living on the streets and leeching off working people, so he does not have an address.
3. He is a felon on the run from the law, so revealing his identity will get him arrested and in jail