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CB Transportation and Vehicles Review of US Engines - Kent WA
US Engines - Kent WA

US Engines - Kent WA review: Bad Engine 41

Author of the review
4:36 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I bought a rebuilt engine from US Engines and paid to have them install it. Total cost about $7000. It took longer than expected. When I put it in the water, the engine sounded normal at idle. When I increased the throttle to 1500 RPMs, it started making a funny sound and it had no power. I called them and spoke with Joe, I let him hear the engine and he asked if I could call back and let one of his other guys hear it. I called back in 30 minutes and spoke with John who said he was the manager. I had to take the boat out again to let him hear it. I let him listen to it. He said, yes it sounds like a problem and you need to bring it in. I said you guys are 30 miles away, its on my dock and I don't have a truck, I had to borrow one the last time to bring it down and bring it back, can't you send a mechanic to look at it? He said, sorry, I can't send a mechanic, you have to bring it down. So I said fine.

After he was done listening to it and I hung up the boat quit. I had to get towed in. I thought it was the battery. So I recharged the battery, and it still wouldn't start. So I called back, and after all kinds of stuff they wanted me to try, they said, it sounds like the engine is locked up and John said "I wish you hadn't run it after you figure out there was something wrong." I said you guys wanted to hear it, that's why I ran it.

So I borrowed the truck and took it back there. They said the starter was bad and the rocker arm bolt broke, again implying it was my fault that the bolt broke and it was might fault the starter broke. I paid $450 for a new starter and got the boat back again. I got the boat home, put it in the water, it ran for about 30 minutes and a warning sound began blaring. I check the oil guage, it said very low oil pressure. I checked the engine compartment and it was filled with oil. I got the boat home and put it on the lift and now I am just really mad that I decided to do business with these people.

I guess I am going to have to sue in order to get a competent set of mechanics to fix he boat correctly and get them to pay for it.

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New Bern, US
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May 28, 2009 4:22 pm EDT

What's the latest with your engine? Have they made good on it? I am thinking of replacing my boat's engine with one of theirs...

Harmon Joes
Federal Way, US
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Jun 11, 2010 8:55 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I wish I had accessed this site before doing business with this disgusting outfit!

I truly hope I'm not too late toanswer the question above BUT--

Don't walk but run with a rocket up your axx away from this organization.

Their written warranty looks so good on paper however is totaly worthless
since they simply woun't honor it.

Listen Up!

They sold me a long block which after professional installation in my boat it used
a quart of oil an hour and left great clouds of exhaust smoke. The manager Mike
Henderson insisted it was a fuel problem not an oil burning problem.

Under his direction the fuel system was checked by a lisened Volvo service center which
determined the fuel system was well within Mfg specs. Mike H still insisted the problem
was with the fuel system and warranty correction was still rejected.

The engine was removed, disassembled, and numereous deficiencies were corrected with
the end result of a correctly rebuilt engine which runs great but at the cost TO ME of
another remove, rebuild, and reinstall Plus the unnecessary expense as directed by Mike H
of the fuel system testing.

Harmon Jones

Fort Frances, CA
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Sep 14, 2010 12:03 pm EDT

I also wish I had read this before being sucked in by the *7-year warranty*.
I was looking to upgrade my 330hp 454 mercruiser and called around numerous places. My engine was just getting old and I wanted more speed, so I bought a *400hp* engine from one of the Mikes @ US Engines.
When it showed up, my mechanic said he has never seen a pro-built engine arrive without any papers, including instructions on priming the engine oil. No warranty papers. I call and they say a *package* is on the way with warranty, etc.. I finally got a one piece paper in the mail saying that the full warranty is one year and parts for 7 years.
Anyhow, the shop puts the engine in the boat and it started fine, but first run out, two rocker arm nuts fly off and a rocker arm breaks. The owner, another MIke(noone uses last names or gives out last names when asked . Its Mike A. or Mike C, etc.. .and Mike the owner emails me and tells me that they reuse rocker nuts because *they dont make any good ones anymore*! He agreed to cover warranty and than a couple weeks later, a rocker stud-bolt breaks off and they again agree to cover warranty.
In the meantime, we had to prop down from a 20 pitch prop to a 17 pitch because the new *400hp*(written in orange crayon on the block) does not have the power that the old 330hp engine we replaced had. Mike the owner, blamed my mechanic, who surprisingly held his patience and checked the intake bolts every time Mike said that had to be the problem, but in the end, it was just an engine rebuilt with used parts and didnt have 400hp. The owner said if I really wanted to go faster I should have bought a 425hp engine because 400hp isnt much of an increase over 400hp because its really torque they are selling in the boat engines, not hp. When I brough up that 400hp was a 21% increase over my old 330hp in its prme, he said its not the hp but the torque and when I asked why I had to prop down 3 sizes he again blamed my mechanic, said my Holley Marine carb was no good and my dual-plane intake which was also for a 400hp mercruiser. (and all worked on the old engine- I just wanted to get more speed).
I wish the story ended there, but weeks after the trucking company made arrangements for US engines to pick up my engine core, it was still sitting there at the loading dock. Mike the owner, said Mike CAwas sick and must not have made arrangements, but it sat there for a good month and when I asked them a month later for my $1000 core deposit, they emailed back that my heads were cracked! I decided to suck it up and just take my $500 and the warranty money they agreed to pay, but my card was not getting credited. I finally sent a registered letter that was signed by Mike Astor asking for my core deposit and proof that my heads were cracked because I had video proof the engine was running the day before we took it out(new engine already arrived--my engine was not blown up) and I heard nothing and another month went by and I finally hired a friend who deals with jerks on the phone daily to see if he could sort it out. He told me he had called 12 times in two days and could not even get the owners last name. He was told it was Mike C and when he asked how you spell *C* Mike A says *C* and I am not allowed to give you his last name for privacy reasons.
My friend finally talked to owner Mike C and he welcomed us to take him to court because he said he was not covering any warranty, even though we have the emails stating he would cover and said *take me to court* which he knew was not worth the hassle from Canada. In the end, I got $500 and no warranty and I bought it with Visa for *visa protection* but Visa said that because I did not contact them within a month of sending the engine back, they couldnt do anything. I couldnt do anything because the engine was still sitting at the trucking warehouse waiting to be picked up! The shop that installed my engine said that this is definitely the worst dealing they have ever seen, so the prices seem good and warranty is long, but none of it helped me. I now have a slower boat than i started with and curse these guys every time I ride in the boat, especially when someone says *is that all you have *

Charlie Silvers
Kent, US
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Dec 09, 2010 2:08 am EST

This is a good place to air your false feelings when us engine does not do what you want when its not our fault. Try owening up to your problems you cause and not pass blaim on to others. We sell over 500, 000 milion engines and our bbb rating is A and we take care of our engines when we cause problems. You people should have the guts to let people know who you are you won't because all this is made up thats correct made up. Charlie Silvers [protected] see whats so hard about providing true information and leaving your contact info. Come on now if what your saying is true leave your name and number spine less.

Charlie Silvers
Kent, US
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Dec 09, 2010 2:11 am EST

There are so many unhappy people that hate their life makes them happy to try and drag other down with them

Harmon Jones
Federal Way, US
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Dec 31, 2010 6:07 am EST

Charlie, who do expect will believe U S Engine sellls or has sold 500 trillion (500, 000 X million = 500 trillion) engines?

I don't know how your BBB rating was changed from a D+ (6-10-10) to an A however rest assured a change downward to where the U S Engine BBB rating belongs is in process.

Your statement, "We take care of our engines when we cause problems" is absolutely ludicrous. How can you make such a statement when I have a court judgement and a lien against U S Engine for an engine deemed defective by three individual professioal sources and for which YOU have refused to discuss settlement.

Charlie, you are well aware of who I am since YOU PERSONALLY refused My request to settle the District Court judgement which was confirmed by a Superior Court lien against U S Engine. So Charlie, just who is the one who can not make a single factual statement. Certainly you can not!

Incidently I have lived a long and happy life and have no intention of draging myself down to your level. I will however continue to prusue, at my liesure, collection of the leagal claim against U S Engine.

W. Harmon Jones

Corn Huskers, US
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Jan 07, 2011 2:21 am EST

Charlie likes to hide behind his email address. He has no intentions on running a reputable company, my suggestion is look elsewhere for your enginre needs. I doubt the warranty is worth the paper its printed on. My engine showed up with the crankshaft facing down toward the pallet and strapped so tight it broke the pallet. Were they trying to warp the crank?
When I asked about the oil pump, that usually come with every engine I have ever purchased, He said" They are just to costly these of days."

Harmon Joes
Federal Way, US
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Jan 14, 2011 7:39 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

You have that right, U S Engine is the most DISREPTUABLE company I have ever dealt with. You are also correct that their warranty is absolutely WORTHLESS. When I returned my defective engine to them for warranty service they denied any warranty responsibility even though expensive tests (performed at my expense) were performed at their direction and which did establish the engine was in fact defective.
I to was decieved by the lack of of an oil pump. When I searched for an engine supplier U S Engine was the only supplier which did not specifically state that an oil pump was included with the engine. I guess that should have been a clew however it seemed logical that such a critical part of the engine shoul be a stsndard inclusion. When I called them I was told that theynever include an oil pump but that my odl pump would PROBABLT be OK but that they would sell me a new one (at an exorbitant) price.
The gasket set wcich came with the engineincluded automotive head gaslets not marine grade gaskets and when called they said thats what youu get, you don't need marine gaskets.
I have just heard of two other different bad experiences thit U S Engine but I do wish more unfortunate customers would come forth and maybe we could put some major hurt on this outfit.

Harmon Jones

Tuskegee, US
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Jan 21, 2011 1:42 am EST

What's the mystery here?
Owner: Michael P. ( Paul ) Crossan
dba U.S. Engine - employs brothers John, Charlie, Joe

The guy doesn't stand behind his warranty.
Even when found at fault in small-claims court cases ( see ) they refuse to pay judgement awards to litigants.

Freddie Ferguson
kenmore, US
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Jan 21, 2011 7:57 pm EST

The BBB rating is meaningless.
To anyone reading this: if you have any questions, call ANY automotive repair shop in Seattle, Kent, Auburn, Renton, Bellevue, Tacoma, Olympia, Bremerton, Port Orchard or any other city nearby and ask them about this company.
Or call ANY Schucks/O'Reilly Auto Parts store and ask them WHY they stopped using this company as their primary supplier over ten years ago.

Chapmansboro, US
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Feb 21, 2011 9:27 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

WOW! Glad I done some research before spending our hard earned money as we are in the market for a new motor for our boat. We were strongly considering US Engines...that is before I researched the company's background...Nahhhhh...I've changed my mind. I will continue looking.
Thanks all! Sorry for all the headache and wallet aches :-(

Kirkland, US
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Mar 19, 2011 1:24 am EDT

DO NOT GO TO THIS SHOP! These people are incompetent crooks. After they rebuilt my engine I put the boat back in the water, only for it to die a few minutes later, 500 yards from the shore. So I paddled back (few hours against the wind, by myself), called them and told them it is unacceptable that after 6 thousand dollars I paid them my boat dies just like that. So they asked me to bring it back in (they would not come out to me, even though this is obviously their fault), so I did. Note though that it costs me $100 to rent a truck every time I need to tow a boat - so $200 in truck rental charges (once to drop it off, once to pick it up), almost $100 bucks in gas driving from Kirkland/Kent distance 4 times, and it takes hours and hours out of my day to be pulling the boat out of the lake and dricing it around. Anyway, they said they didn't connect the carburetor well (or something like that) the first time around, so they fixed it. But I lost $300 in transportation costs, many wasted hours, and a week of having fun on the lake.

Then, one day shortly after, my engine burns (yeah, literally burns, luckily I got out of it alive), so I take the boat in to claim the warranty, and they say impeller sucked in a plastic bag, so it's not their fault; I should claim it on the insurance. Mechanic hired by the insurance company (Allstate) took the thing apart and said this is the US Engines poor 'craftmanship' fault, so they wouldn't pay for it. And US Engines wouldn't pay for it either. So I took out another $6k and had them put in yet another engine.

Then a month later I get my boat back, and a few weeks later weird noise starts coming out of the engine box. A minute later - boom! Breakage and stoppage. I take it back in (another $100 for the truck, plus gas), they sorry "sorry, our fault, engine rod went through the oil pan", so they give me a new engine. So a month later I pick up the boat (another $100 for the truck, plus gas).

Now the engine is running fine, but the shifter is stiff as hell all of a sudden (right off the bat), but it is October already so I was done thinking about it for the year, and winterized the boat. Spring time, I take it back to the shop again (another $100 for the truck, plus gas), and guy Mike working in there says he thinks it's the shifter mechanism (not the cable), but he can't tell without taking it apart and looking at it. A week later I call and he says "yeah, it's the shifter mechanism, go buy a new one (~$300) and I'll switch it for you for a $150 labor charge". That's when I decide to get a second opinion, and I take the boat back (another $100 for the truck, plus gas). I get a new machanic to looks at it; guy takes the drive off and shows me the cable is bent...nothing wrong with the shifter mechanism. So must be that the monkeys over at US Engine bent the cable when they were putting the drive back on (after replacing the engine), and then they were too lazy to check and just told me it's the mexhanism. And if I listened to them, I would have bought the new mechanism for $300 and that wouldn't have fixed the problem. So I finally blew my fuse, went in the shop, and started yelling and screaming, many cuss words too, in front of the customers. Some ugly looking little guy with no teeth told me to get lost (?!?) and then the owner (Mike C.) told me he'll give me $130 for the cable I bought to make it right.

After $12k for engines, plus at least a thousand I spent in truck rentals and gas, driving my boat back and forth to and from their shop, and days and days wasted dealing with this, he's giving me $130 for the cable to make it right. And I took it. I took it because I knew that's the best I can do in dealing with these guys who have no business morality or common sense. Very sad.

Since, I've been having some minor issues with the boat, and been going to Yarrow Bay Marina, and Seattle Boat in Newport to ask them to work on it, but they both refused to after they heard US Engine has worked on it. They said there's no way they'll touch anything US Engines had their hands on. If you doubt this, go ahead and call, anyone at Yarrow Bay Marina or Seattle Boat and see for yourself.

And Charlie Silvers, whoever you are, how dare you attack people who share their experiences on this forum. What difference does it make if someone leaves their name or not. Do you need their contact info to call them on behalf of US Engines and make it right, compensate them for their losses? If US Engines was willing to do this, these people wouldn't be leaving negative comments in the first place. Think with your silly little head Mr. Charlie Silvers.

lasvegas, US
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Apr 14, 2011 6:31 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Damn, thanks for all the reviews on this company. I was also considering purchasing an engine from them after reading their "warranty" and perusing their website. The prices seemed "too good to be true" and I dug a bit deeper. You get what you pay for, , , or in some cases you get nothing for what you pay for. I cannot afford to get another crap engine. I was already swindled by the A@@-hole private owner who sold me a boat with more problems than anyone has a right to. Just wish there were more honest folks out there than scammers.

Nick LaBella
Indian Mills, US
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Jun 21, 2011 10:26 pm EDT

My Name Is Nick LaBella, and i wish i had read these complaints earlier, this is just a quick overview as i have dates and times of every call placed to US ENGINE and plan to time line my whole experience and let every boating fishing and hunting forum i belong to aware of this till the day I DIE ...I just got off the phone with a Ray, Informing me the my cores that i sent back where no good something like the block and head were to corroded to use, and the valves were rusty(fresh water cooled blocks) ...this Is the second phase of the scam known as the" US ENGINE experience"...(Mid February )Shortly after calling about pricing (i talked to a Mike), I checked with my credit union to secure the funds, 1/2 hour later i called back to place an order and the price had changed already(more money of course...) I too had issues with the shipping company they used as i was told my engines were sitting on the dock as they werent able to contact the phone to were the engines were delivered (an above average auto truck repair/ body shop in South Jersey op3n 8- 5 a.m daily), so i finally get the engines mid March and the Keyway for the dampner was trashed (pics to follow) the main crank cap bolt with the threaded stud was bent over on the end, the rear main cap was chipped and missing pieces of metal, there were no threads for the oil filter and also no oil pump...I havent installed the engines yet and i am thinking of tearing the reciprocating mass to check what else was thrown together...So I called them back to let them know i'd be taking the parts off of my engines befor i sent them back, and i didnt receive any paperwork with the engines, I was told that they were on the cellophane the motors were wrapped in so i told him they must have been thrown away as i wasnt expecting my receipt and warranties in the engine...after 2-3 more calls about the warranty / billing etc. I received my warranty stating if I want the 7 year warranty i would need to mail an additional 50 USD per engine else the warranty was only one year...this isnt mentioned anywhere on the website or explained when purchasing. NOW here it is June 21, 2011 and they are now almost 4 months later letting me know im getting BONED for $800 for two cores ! What took so long here, you never get a straight answer when you call they always want to call back and rarely in my experience did they call back...I hope my engines dont blow as it seems that the warranty is most likely crap also...Heres a pic of one of my old running engines that was running at layup in November and removed in february, and some of theyre other "quality" craftsmanship...not like that flange is going to leak oil, its a Q.C. piece that should have never been bolted on as far as im concerned...More to Follow ...Nick LaBella

Nick LaBella
Indian Mills, US
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Jun 21, 2011 10:30 pm EDT

pics not working test 123

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Nick LaBella
Indian Mills, US
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Jun 21, 2011 10:37 pm EDT

talk about rusty cores

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Nick LaBella
Indian Mills, US
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Jun 23, 2011 6:47 pm EDT

Nick here, Last Night i went on the USENGINE web site and left a request with my email and phone number, that I would like them to grt back to me with the number stamped on my blocks as proof we were talking about the right engines, funny the comment section was only limited to 25 words, will report back on there reply June 21st i was told i had 15 days to p/u cores...stay tuned

Richardson, US
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Sep 21, 2011 5:08 am EDT

WOW ! Found this site just before ordering 2 454s. Thanks For Saving Me The Pain! I'll look somewhere else.

Clearwater Beach, US
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Sep 22, 2011 11:04 pm EDT

WOW is right. I was seriously considering ordering replacements for my 310 HP 7.4 MPIs in my 37 Sea Ray and getting U.S. Engines' 415 HPs. But their $1000 core charge per engine and "apparent" stringent requirements for an "acceptable" core gave me a lot of pause. I looked them up on the BBB site, to which they are NOT BBB accredited but do show an A+ rating based on time in business and resolution of complaints. More importantly in my book, they've had 24 complaints in the last 3 years but the guy I spoke with said they were all installer errors. However, I view these complaints to the BBB as an indication, an effort of last frustration, and like rape, only 1 in 20 that get reported. Also can't find any mention of U.S. Engines on any of the Sea Ray Forums altho Michigan Motorz and Eagle Engine Sales have had a few kudos. Bottom-line, I think I'll pass.
Phil P.
Clearwater Beach FL

Jones, Jeff
Anchorage, US
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Oct 10, 2011 8:12 pm EDT

I bought a chevy 383 stroker 350 hp engine from US Engine last November to replace my 350 in my Bayliner. This engine lasted 38 hours before an exhaust valve broke and destroyed the engine. I sent the engine back for warranty the last week of July, in the last week of September I was told that US Engine was not going to Warranty the engine because they felt that the engine was overheated. I know this engine was never overheated. This valve failure was nothing more than a low quality part failure.

Jeff Jones Anchorage, Alaska

Auburn, US
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Oct 11, 2011 6:17 am EDT

Nick, I'm not sure what you're trying to convey with the photos. Clearly the rear main cap should never have been re-used. That's simply inexcusable.
The rusty rocker arm nuts and woodruff key show me Mike and crew must be working on a tight budget- those are nickle-and-dime parts that are cheaper to replace with new (as opposed to removing, cleaning, and re-installing.)
As for the rust in the cooling system passages: you could leave a block in a Bake-O oven for a week at 900° F and then in the shot blaster for three days and you'd still have rust there- that's no big deal.
And any remanufactured long block, unless it's painted or immediately warehoused in a heated, dry facility, is going to develop surface rust within a few hours sitting on a cold cement floor in this ( Puget Sound ) climate. Big deal. Paint it.

All you guys with Chev Big-Blocks: those cores are rare as hens' teeth, and if there's even the slightest opportunity to shaft the buyer on the core, most rebuilders will take it on a Big Block- especially on the 454's. Photograph your old core. Take the heads to another shop and have them magnafluxed to check for cracks- they'll charge you less to check them than a pair of head cores is going to cost.

Jerry Colville WA
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Feb 18, 2012 12:14 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Wow. I dont know the first thing about US Engines other than just trying to get a replacement engine for my boat and have never done business with them. I contacted them to get a replacement engine for my boat, and the price went up $100 from the first quote. Then I emailed them several times because I wanted to get it in writing what I wanted, finally I got confirmation on then a one last email from thems said "Oh yeah, the engine that your buying doesn't have the roller cam or roller lifters it has hydralic lifters" I called them and asked why and they said because the engine with the extra HP has a different cam and the cam isnt available in a roller cam. So this made me start looking for any problems US engine has had and I found this website. I did personally call one of the marinas listed on this webpage "Yarrow Bay Marina" I spoke with the repair shop and was advised not to purchase a motor from US Engine and was told as a matter of fact I wont even work on an engine if I know it was a US Engine. Well I was actually on my way to Kent this weekend to pick up an engine and now I think I will look elsewhere. J.Adams, Colville, WA

Renton, US
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May 01, 2012 2:35 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree with everything said about these guys ! They are crooks wearing red lip stick ! They Pay there machine shop employee low wages and you get what you pay for ! Going on third motor from this shop ! I have yet to seen a half ### review on this shop
Buyer beware !

The laid off Marine Mechanic

Dunsmuir, US
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May 01, 2012 1:17 pm EDT

I really wish I had seen this before dealing with US ENGINES. Charlie, the owner, does hide behind his email. He refused to talk to any person and only will do emails. What kind of man does business this way? The only kind of man I can say that does this is a coward, lying, cheating business man. When we received the first motor from us engines, it didn't even run twenty minutes. We had to take the motor out of our boat, ship back to get fixed. It took almost a month to get the motor back, and very little information on what went wrong and the work they did under warranty. When I got the second motor back, the motor looked like hell, the old oil filter was on it, a hose line was put on the wrong way and bolts where loose. I had an engine builder look at my motor and to my surprise the motor has been bored .060 ..Something that I was told us engines will not do to a marine motor, in fact they wouldn't even take my core because it had been bored to .030. Now I have a supposed new motor that is in worse shape than my old. I refuse to put this motor in my boat. I have been nothing but lied to and disrespected by this company. I have supporting emails and documentations from an engine builder. If anyone would like to contact me regarding this company please feel free, if we can join together maybe we can stop someone else from getting burned. Unlike Charlie, I have not problem talking to anyone. STAY AWAY>>> DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THIS COMPANY! I will let you know what happens.

Lisa Kirch

Dunsmuir, US
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May 03, 2012 3:22 am EDT

Still fighting to get refund on motor. Now Charlie wants me to pay for shipping, when he admits to making a mistake. When we told him about the metal in the filter he accused us of running the motor and blowing it up. The motor hasn't even been unbolted from the pallet when we recieved the second one back. He wants us to ship motor back, pay for that, ship our evidence of metal in the filter back and then he would decided whether or not he will give us a refund. Seriously, does he honestly believe we are that stupid that we would trust him with the motor, not to lie or damage it. This is how certain I am that I am right about his bad motor, I am personally driving the motor 8 hours to his shop to watch him open it up and prove to him that this motor is junk. Unlike, Charlie I will not hide behind emails, I will talk to him MAN TO MAN ! This company has had 31 complaints with the BBB in the last 12 months, and that those people who actually take the extra effort to make a complaint, can you imagine the countless others who don't. If you paid for the motor with your credit card, call your company they will go to bat for you. This company needs to be stopped from ripping everyone off. I was sold a motor for $2700.00 bored .060 over.. Why th hell would I pay that kind of money for a motor that is basically done if anything goes wrong. In addition, my 15 year old son would no better than to put an old oil filter back on a rebuilt motor. Seriously ... the same oil filter I sent it back to them with when it had a bad bearing. How much is an oil filter ten bucks at the most. Charlie is a liar, his brother John is a disrepectful jerk and doing business with this company would be the biggest mistake of your life. RUN RUN RUN DONT WALK RUN>> THE OWNER CHARLIE IS A DISHONEST COWARD.

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May 11, 2012 4:23 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hallo I'm Edward and i want to thank everyone for posting their complaints. I almost bought an 350 engine at us engines. Im realy glad i did some research before. Thanks a lot. Edward

Dunsmuir, US
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May 15, 2012 12:41 am EDT

Your so welcome. I wish I had done the research and not got sucked in by their SO CALLED WARRANTY AND BULL**** LINES THEY FEED YOU! Charlie the owner told BBB that he would refund my money and then in the the same breath, I mean email, because he isnt man enough to talk to anyone, he would not refund my money. I am so glad that this site stopped someone from purchasing a motor from this company. I have never had such an awful experience in my life. I will work hard and continue to do what I can to stop ANYONE from purchasing a motor from this company.

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Jun 27, 2012 7:41 am EDT

I am very glad I found this board, because there is no way I would purchase an engine from this company after reading these complaints.

sdvsd, US
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Jul 15, 2012 7:00 pm EDT

Thanks you all! I made a mistake buying a boat with a bad engine and i'm tired of getting ripped off not this time US Engines.

Dunsmuir, US
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Jul 28, 2012 11:23 am EDT

So, I am still fighting with us engines regarding our boat motor we ordered. Discover Card is trying to help me with this matter. The only problem is Charlie, no wait now its Mike Crossan, the owner..not Charlie. To be honest I have no idea who is in charge because everyone lies. Mike Crossan writes letters to Discover with complete lies. For instance, we purchased the whole motor from US ENGINES, he told Discover they rebuilt our motor, an absolute lie. He told discover that a motor bored .060 over stock is really only a motor bored .030.. again a lie. He told us he does not re-bore engines ever, yet when ours blew up in twenty minutes, they had no problem re-boreing to .060 and infact sent it back with a dirty oil filter and bearing material in the filter, oil pan and engine, along with yellow paint chips through out the motor because they did not tank it after being bored. All Mike Crossan does is lie, chet and steal from his customers. We didnt even put the engine back in the boat after getting it back from them because we were told by two different engine builders it was set for failure. I am going to be filing a lawsuit against US ENGINES and anyone interested in joining please feel free to email me at

Little Egg Harbor Township, US
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Sep 06, 2012 3:35 pm EDT

So sorry all of you had such horrible experiences with this co., But I thank you profusely for posting your experiences. You have saved me over $15000.00 for 2 454's for my boat and being on the east coast, God knows if I ever would have gotten any satisfaction if a problem came up. Leo Kowalski / NJ. I will look closer to home for a more reputable dealer.

Kent, US
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Sep 07, 2012 5:35 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Just add my name to the list of victims of US Engine. Their scam tactics for me were the same as mentioned in the complaints above. They “didn’t get the paper work out because their computer is down”. They called me back to tell me “both my heads were cracked” knowing there is no way to verify the problem. My engine actually ran when we pulled it to send back to them and the compression was good and it was not skipping or steaming out the exhaust so cracked heads were probably not part of the problem. They told me they were charging $3195.00 for the rebuild all inclusive and then added an additional $300.00 for the heads for a total of $3, 495.00. They billed my credit card for $3, 629.22 an overcharge of $234.72. I brought the issue to their attention via email and voice called and received stupid, childlike comments telling me it was all my fault and I had agreed to the excessive charge. They billed me for a “handling charge”, “test and run” charge, and for a new water pump. They finally called me names “a no good crook”…in their last email response. Guess they consider themselves “good crooks”. They don’t even begin to resemble a legitimate business and apparently think they can get away with this scam forever.
I also filed a dispute with Visa/MasterCard and my bank about the overcharge. Visa/MasterCard and my bank told me my dispute was with US Engines and they consider the matter closed. Lesson learned, don’t use Visa/MasterCard for anything. They only want their fees and won’t offer protection when a merchant uses their system to scam their customer. It won’t cost any more to name then as an additional defendant in the US Engine suit… Both my bank and V/M are complicit in the scam and refuse to control but do facilitate unscrupulous merchants. American Express issues credit on the spot putting the pressure on the merchant to settle the issue. V/M makes it the consumers fault.
Finally contacted BBB of Western Washington about the “A+” rating on US Engines website. Got lots of corporate gibberish about how ratings are earned and that the BBB is only a reporting agency. They would not answer my direct questions as to what the rating was for US Engines and how it would change due to the fact US Engines did not answer my complaint. They also never acknowledged my question as to when they are going to tell US Engines to remove the “A+” rating from their website. Still have some work to do with the BBB as their credibility is at stake.
Here’s what we need to do. Contact the Washington State Attorney General’s office and name US Engines, any credit card and bank involved and the BBB as co-conspirator’s in a racketeering scam. If enough people complain and back it up with facts, I believe it will put enough pressure on the Attorney General’s office to take action. Also see if we can contact a State level consumer affairs office for more negative publicity. Bottom line is stays pissed off and continue to hammer these crooks till they are out of business.

Charles Silvers is listed with the Washington State Secretary of State as the owner.

Tacoma, US
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Feb 16, 2013 6:21 pm EST

im pretty sure charlie silvers does not exsist, and is made up

Vic from NY
Seaford, US
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May 26, 2013 7:13 am EDT

Wow am I glad to find this out. Was looking to get an engine from them after also getting a clunker from the person we bought the boat from. Why doesn't the district attorney or someone from that state do something.

tacoma, US
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Sep 25, 2013 10:05 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

As a former employee of USELESS Engines from over 15 years ago I can honestly say I'm surprised they are still in business. Mike Crossan and his siblings John, Joe, Charlie are the lowest of the low and need to be permanently put out of business. How these people(and use that term very loosely) have been allowed to get away with not only how they treat their customers but also their employees is criminal. So if you're looking for an engine you'd be better off getting one from a wrecking yard or a company with a good reputation.

Sweeper guy
Everett, US
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May 15, 2014 1:06 am EDT

This place is a joke, BUYER BEWARE!, They sold me a junk motor and screwed me on the core for my old motor. DO NOT BUY FROM THEM!

Francis J Hunt
Bayonne, US
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Apr 21, 2015 5:08 pm EDT

I would like to know why when I was doing my research before buying none of these site's came up before I made the mistake and put my trust and hard earned dollars towards this (I use the term loosely) company. I haven't even started my engine as of writing this negative complaint and I must admit after reading other comments I am truly afraid to start this engine. My complaint at this point is being denied my " $350.00 core charge", after months off unanswered phone calls I finally get told to email Charlie and back and forth for weeks he comes up with the lame excuse that my core is rotted! The man is a bold faced liar and a deceitful business person. Do not use this place for any reason, protect yourself and use a reputable established business with good reviews, I am contacting my State Attorney General in the morning and bringing a suit against them ASAP. If you are like me and do your own work and every dollar is hard to come by to be treated so disrespectfully is unacceptable and I will hold US Engines accountable.

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Apr 29, 2015 5:16 pm EDT

So I had a Buick 425 ('66 Riviera) motor rebuilt by U.S. Engines back in the late 90's. This was through Schucks Auto Parts back when they still outsourced their rebuilds to U.S. Engines. I never had any issues with the motor. However, upon reading about the above experiences, I'm recalling that during the build process, I was contacted and told that my block had a crack in it. After a lot of scouring junk yards, I found another block ($400) and had it shipped (more $$) to them. Of course, I'll never know the truth on that one, but I was considering using U.S. Engines for another build, and now I'm thinking I will be a whole lot better off going with my local machine shop. You marine guys might have fewer options, but for the typical auto project, I'm thinking a good local machine shop endorsed by trusted friends is the way to go. --B. Johnson, Southern Oregon

Deale, US
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Jun 20, 2015 5:13 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My 350/300hp runs as advertised. But they never returned my shipping fee for the core. $200. Not the core fee, but the shipping fee! It's been 4 years now. The boat runs like a champ, but shady operation...

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Sep 08, 2015 11:28 pm EDT

Took my truck here to have engine rebuilt. They could not find a core for the engine so after 6 months I have a new engine sent to them to install. When I picked up my truck nothing worked. The glow plug controller fried within a month, the radio wires burnt up, and I had to replace the main seal. I would any of my vehicles to these CLOWNS again.