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CB Fast Food Chains McDonald's 1106 South Ponce De Leon Boulevard, St. Augustine, FL, 32084, US
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1106 South Ponce De Leon Boulevard, St. Augustine, FL, 32084, US
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1 complaint
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0:00 am - 0:00 am
4:48 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

McDonald's - bad work ethics/ food safety

I was an employee of this store and seen many things that were not good for our customers. I seen food dropped on the floor and then put back in the heating compartment. No one wears gloves or hairnets and their tea is always sour and no good. I seen slime in their tea system too. nobody really cleans the dishes, because when I came on, they were so caked on with food you coudn't get it all off. I seen it where, when a guest requested for something not to be on their sandwich and they put it on they would just wipe it off the bun and still give it to them, this is dangerous, because someone could have an allergy to something and die from this. They never cleaned their Mc. cafe machine that serves latte's, cappicino's and other hot drinks, I never seen anyone clean the orangejuice or creamer machine either. someone even left a cracked coffee pot on the hot element and when I picked it up it went everywhere and could have injured many people. They don't pay people their money and they lie on workmans comp too. I have to get a lawyer now because of this. I wouldn't want anyone to work for these people, they are liers and cheat innocent people out of their pay that they have earned. I would never eat here either! hope this will help my community and many others

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Sep 21, 2015 2:03 pm EDT

Two weeks ago I ate at st Augustine. McDonald's on us 1 I had a chicken sandwich well found a hair on my tomato showed her replace my order..this morning I went got a egg muffin ...well took a bite long grey hair in my mouth hair short black .. Im very disgusted ..wont be back health. Department needs to go in there I work at a restaurant. In kitchen ain't it manotory that employees wear gloves guess it don't apply to them ...again I will let people. Know do not eat at McDonald's on us 1 in st Augustine. Florida

P l
Liverpool, GB
Nov 21, 2013 4:51 pm EST

Made order on easy order got some of my order then had to wait twenty minutes for rest so all the rest was cold

Kevin From London England
London, GB
Nov 21, 2013 9:56 pm EST

I don't mean to be rude, but you went all the way to Disney and you ate Mcdonalds. :D

Orange, US
Oct 05, 2013 8:13 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Yuck. Do not eat there, but on occasion stopped for a sweet tea. Um... No more.

Why The Long Faces
Why The Long Faces
Oct 05, 2013 6:29 pm EDT

Do pretty much what you are saying is while you were an employee there you did not do your job?

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