I have acquaguard water purifier ''Inova'' which is being serviced by m/s V. D Enterprises. I have had several 3 years contract for its maintenance.Tthe last contract was done on 5/10/14. in each contract I have found the service provided is deficient/poor.In the last 3 year contract they did not give last service for more than 8 months and on 5-10-14 their agent comes for renewal of contract .I told him to provide service which is due of the previous contract before I sign the new contract. he agreed and serviced the machine . The same dayIi entered into the new service contract.The current service contract is ending on 5th oct 2017 and so far they have given me 4 service as against six.Today their service man came and said that filters have to be changed and that i have to pay the price of filters He also said that the service provided on the day I entered into the contract be counted as one service of the current contract.this is how they cheat customers for their poor and deficient service.Today([protected]) I refused him to service the machine as he is not ready to replace the filters.I feel i should file a complaint with consume redressal Forum forum for this kind of service.So farIhave refrained from doing so.Before I do so I would like to redress it through you. thanks.