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Visa Business Plans

Visa Business Plans review: Business plan write-up

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11:53 pm EST
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Date of the Transaction: September 9, 2022

Amount paid to business: $1545

Business committed to provide: a business plan and sold us a process declaring that they worked closely with the client in order to tailor the plan to their specific situation.

Nature of the Dispute: Visa Business Plans did not provide the product as they advertised. The claim is regarding two (2) very important points listed in detail below:

Point 1- the information Visa Business Plans used in drawing up the plan is NOT what was written in reply to the questionnaire and clarification requests 1 and 2. Please find enclosed attachments of my submissions to Visa Business Plans (Enclosures 1, 2 and 3). Mr. Scanu used different data than what was provided without discussing this with us at all.

Point 2: In the business plan (BP) that was shown to us during the zoom call of October 21, Mr. Scanu made a declaration in the plan stating that we would be engaging the services of a company called Nuzzledot. In that meeting, I noticed that word on a page that he scrolled through and he refused to provide a reply to my question. I had never heard of this company. So at the end of that zoom call, I researched to find out what it was. His claim that he went over the BP in detail is false. He zipped through a few screenshots and refused to even tell me that he declared that I would be using the services of this company – even after my question clearly indicated that I had no idea who or what they were. His verbatim reply was: ‘‘We am not here to go through the plan line by line.’’ He has a recording of the zoom calls. He has a disclaimer at the beginning of the zoom calls stating that he records the calls. (Enclosure 4).

On October 5, 2022, I contacted Mr. Scanu to notify him a change of plans on our end. I clearly asked him how to proceed. This was clearly a question that warranted a reply. Mr. Scanu ignored my email so I followed up on October 6, 2022 with his assistant, Ms. Armelin. She replied that she would look into it. However, I did not receive a follow-up and had to initiate contact with Ms. Armelin again on October 13, 2022 (Enclosure 5). Up to this point we had no contact from Visa Business Plans other than filling out one questionnaire and two (2) clarification requests. This is not the quality of work that Mr. Scanu sold us during our first zoom call. On this date, he reiterated and reinforced what was advertised on his website as well as Facebook page (Enclosures 6, 7). He states that he has developed an educational process that gives his clients insight into how government decision makers think, etc. Neither he nor his employees has ever verbally spoken to us at all after the initial zoom meeting of August 30, 2022. So we clearly did not receive this information or any other information. He completely ignored my email of October 5 and his assistant never followed up after stating that she would in her email reply to me. I had to follow-up via telephone call on October 13, 2022 (Enclosure 5).

I did indeed contact Mr. Scanu with my change of plans on October 5, 2022. My request was for him to postpone the plan for a number of months. He insisted that it was already finished and that he could not adjust the plan beyond 90 days because the market analysis could change drastically. All he was interested in was unloading the plan and getting rid of us. He had no desire to work towards a mutually convenient solution. During our zoom call of October 20, 2022 I clearly told him that I was not at all satisfied with the service provided to us. He tried using the argument that we should have told him before that we were unsatisfied. Well, we were telling him then but apparently it was too late!

It became very clear that the reason that he ignored my message of October 5, 2022 was that he decided to rush the making of the plan that up to that point been barely worked on. In order not to reveal this, he chose to include information in the business plan of his own creation without speaking to us at all. The business plan that he drew up is NOT tailored to our specific needs, notably, when the information in it is NOT what we provided in our replies to his questionnaire as well as his clarification requests one and two.

He is very deceitful in declaring that he has extended the amount of time to modify the business plan. He has stipulated the following: ‘‘Additionally, we are giving you 120 days to update the investment section and provide the lease agreement at no additional cost.’’

This is not a commitment to adjust anything substantial of the business plan. This also discredits his prior statement that our change of plans would not effect the business plan at all. This is what he used as a justification for not contacting us after my email of October 5, 2022.

He goes on to say that I am not in a position to judge his work because I have not received the plan. He contradicts himself completely when he says that he went over the plan in detail with us. He did not go over the plan in detail. He zipped through some screen shots and when asked one question for clarification he stated this: ‘‘We are not here to go over the plan line by line’’. The fact was that he knew he had written false information in stating that I would be engaging the services of ‘‘Nuzzledot’’ so he was irritated at my question and chose not to reveal what he had written because he knew he fabricated false information.

Mr. Scanu has the zoom calls recorded and all of this can be verified.

I reiterate that I attempted to find a mutually convenient resolution prior to him fabricating false data and information to rush the plan.

At this point, the trust has been completely eroded and Mr. Scanu has demonstrated that he does not abide by any ethical standards.

He has breached the good faith clause of the contract so I am requesting a full refund.

N.B. The Enclosures listed are available but cannot be uploaded because they are PDF documents

Desired outcome: At this point, the trust has been completely eroded.The good faith clause of the contract has been breached so I am requesting a full refund.

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