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CB Loans Review of Walton Investment Group
Walton Investment Group

Walton Investment Group review: SCAMMED out of rent money/mortgage money

Author of the review
9:49 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Deborah M. Walton aka Deborah & Debora Loy with Walton Investment Group, Paris Investment Group and Foxtrot manages properties for Renee Rickson, Venture Properties
Ronald Walton President, Walton Investment Group
James R. Norton Norton Investment Group and manages properties for Renee Rickson, Venture Properties

None of these individuals are licensed to sell real estate or perform mortgages.

These individuals purchase houses on the East Side of Indianapolis in neighborhoods that are located in Warren Township... they know that Warren Township schools are highly sought after... they know that the crime rate is high on the East Side and they know that individuals who contact their ads are those who may be having money & credit problems.

They advertise with yard signs that their houses are rent-to-buy. They will have you sign a lease agreement for a few months, take a down payment which they will tell you they will take off the purchase price of the house, they tell you they will run your credit and discuss options with their partners and get back to you. THEY DON'T GET BACK TO YOU... there are no partners, in fact, they may be renting you a house they don't even own!

They will promise you equity to go towards repairs in the house... most of the houses need a lot of repairs... BEWARE because their houses are known to have faulty pipes, faulty plumbing with raw sewage coming up into your bathroom and kitchen, faulty electrical where you won't have electricity or you may have a fire, faulty heating and air where you may have gas and carbon monoxide leaking into your home...

They have a maintenance staff with names like Richard, Grady & Donald Coleman. These individuals are not licensed to do work such as plumbing, electrical or HVAC and these individuals have substance abuse issues.

They have realtors seeking out houses for them to purchase, these realtors may look like they are honest… BEWARE! If you do buy a house from them or anyone... have your OWN appraiser, your OWN inspector, your OWN mortgage company... check to be sure they are licensed and that their licensed is not on probation at

Have your attorney look over ALL documents BEFORE you sign them. Don't believe ANYTHING Deborah or James tells you. They talk a good game. They try to look good, drive expense cars, live in expensive houses... all while they talk about how many houses they own and are selling... watch out! They will even talk about all the work they are doing and how they may hire you to do odd jobs such as lay flooring, drywall, paint… don’t work for them because they will not pay you! They will try to make deals where they take $$$ off your rent, purchase of the home or down payment… then in court they will lie and say there never was a deal.

ALSO… don’t get involved with their real estate business…. You know, buying houses low and selling them high… one of their employees tried to get me to work with them and told me that if I could not get a mortgage in my name that I have children and I could put the mortgages in their names! DON’T DO IT! IT IS NOT ONLY WRONG BUT ILLEGAL! They soon will be caught.

They took me and my family for over $5, 000 and we have no house.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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