We Are The They and its founder Jimmy Rex have started a mens coaching group. The observations and information I am providing in this post are based on what I have observed, heard and gathered from other sources. They are opinion based but they need to be shared.
We Are the They is a group of 50 men that were hand selected by Jimmy Rex. The premise of the group & his coaching is to help men live a better life by becoming a "King", He has started a women's spin off group called "Queens".
His curriculum focuses on Health, Finance, Fitness, Goal setting, personal relationships etc. He brings in friends and speakers along the way to share personal messages around each subject. You have weekly calls and every 3 months you do a "BRO" vacation where you might jump out of a plane, get water boarded by Navy Seals, walk on hot coals, swim with sharks etc.
Its very much a BRO Fraternity like atmosphere for 30-50 year old men.
The Cost of the program is $15,000 a year or roughly $1300 a month.
Here are my issues with We Are The They & Jimmy Rex as a motivational Guru.
1. Throughout the program Jimmy Rex slowly introduces his members to "plant medicine" actually known as Illegal Drugs. These include Illegal Class 1 narcotics such as... Ayahuasca, Mushrooms, DMT, psilocybin & other drugs. If you are in the program you will be exposed to these drugs and often encouraged and or peer pressured to use them. Jimmy Rex does not disclose this upfront, but slowly introduces them over time at events and in private coaching sessions with his members. Jimmy is very persuasive in his approach despite these drugs being illegal. If you were to be in possession or on these drugs while in the presence of a law enforcement officer. You would 100% catch a drug charge. You can research this yourself...
Throughout the program members will be introduced to Jimmy's closest friends, many of which have criminal records and pasts that include very serious crimes. Jimmy Rex represents these men as being his closest friends and men of high integrity. He encourages his members to be like these men. This list includes but is not limited to;
1. Andrew Mccubbins
(Andrew is a convicted felon and is currently awaiting sentencing for his crimes against the federal government. Andrew is a regular speaker at events and participates in the administering of the illegal drugs at events as well. His Federal indictment = https://www.justice.gov/usao-nj/press-release/file/1322421/download
2. Sean Whalen
Founder of Lions Not Sheep Recently indicted by the FTC for importing goods from china, removing the tags and placing made in the USA on them so he can charge more. FTC Case =https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/news/press-releases/2022/05/ftc-takes-action-against-lions-not-sheep-owner-slapping-bogus-made-usa-labels-clothing-imported
3. Jeremy Neves
One of Jimmy's Closest friends and member of the group. regularly speaks at events. His speech is about how he cheated on his wife, and how he came clean in order to live with integrity. His company was shut down in 2018 by the Iowa Attorney General = https://www.iowaattorneygeneral.gov/media/cms/Xcite_AVC_FINAL_10_0B38B3F390136.pdf
4. Jeremiah "The Bull" Evans. A member of the group and founder of Alpha Con. Jimmy Rex is a key member & speaker for Alpha Con. The Bull was recently investigated by the Utah AG and Consumer Protection office.https://www.deseret.com/utah/2023/3/9/23579761/jeremiah-evans-the-bull-alphacon-business-complaints
5. Aaron Wagner
A regular guest speaker for Jimmy at events. Openly admitted to cheating on his wife, his business partners, and life through social media. Jimmy Rex raises money for Aaron Wagner from WATT members of the group and gets 10% equity for all money he raises for Wags Capital.
These are the types of men you will be exposed to if you Join We Are the They. And there are many more...
Jimmys Background
Most people know Jimmy as a local Realtor, however Jimmy made his real money from the Nikola Motors scam by investing with one of his best friends Trevor Milton. Jimmy Rex was recently on the show American Greed where he talks about the investment and how he lost money. What Jimmy Rex doesn't tell you is that he invested $500,000 and was able to sell his stock for a significant profit before the fraud indictments came down on Nikola Motors. All of the small investors that jimmy encouraged to invest money into Nikola lost 100% of their money, but Jimmy was one of the few who profited. That is not Integrity...
Jimmy New Book
Jimmy Rex is completing his 2nd book called "What I learned from dating 1000 women". A real narcissist / patriarchal approach to how to date and land girls? It's very controversial to me that a guy like Jimmy Rex who has never been married and has no kids is giving relationship advice. Jimmy Rex in my opinion is not capable of getting married, because he can't love someone else more than he loves himself. He is the definition of a Narcissist.
I write this review because it's important for men and women to know who you are choosing as your mentor. If you are looking to be a BRO and want to join a Fraternity at 40 where you hike in your underwear during winter and go on illegal drug retreats at Joshua Tree, or you want to become a KING and rule over other... then this is the group for you.
Jimmy Rex is a cancer and if you simply look at the man he is, the friends he keeps and the lonely selfish lifestyle he lives by himself, you'll understand why he needed to start a fraternity, which was to give him a sense of power over other men, to feed his ego, and mask his loneliness of not being able to love other people.
I am happy to respond to this complaint. It is full of lies and has been written by a member that was removed because he wasn't in integrity with the rest of the group. I have 49 other men from the group that can verify my information. If anyone wants more info on this, I encourage you to check out our instagram page We Are The They and pick any member and ask them specifically about their experience and they will be able to validate that what I am saying is true and verify that what this disgruntled ex member is saying is lies.
I also have texts from this members wife begging me to let him back in cause he will go to a dark place if he doesn't have this in his life. I still wish him the best and hope he finds a tribe one day that works for him. That being said, here is my response to his lies.
1. I have never once used illegal drugs in the program or pushed them on other members. I personally have used ayahuasca and mushrooms in a therapeutic setting. I have found them to be very useful for past trauma and to help me work through problems I otherwise was stuck on. Similar to Tony Robbins, Tim Ferris, Andrew Huberman ( I suggest watching his videos on YouTube for more understanding on this) and many others.
The only plant medicines we have used in the program are: Hape, Cacao, and Kambo. I have made videos of all of these and included them in my youtube. This is no secret. I have never once used mushrooms, LSD, or any other illegal substances in any of my events or as any part of my program. Anybody saying anything else is lying. Happy to connect anyone with doubts on this with 25-50 members, many of which are active LDS and have been at every event and are happy to verify this info.
2. As far as the speakers that I bring in and my connection to them, here is my response on each one:
A. Andrew Mccubbins- Andy is a convicted felon. His opening line to the group was, "My name is Andy Mccubbins, I'm a convicted felon waiting for my sentence, I am facing up to 30 years in prison, and I have never been happier in my entire life." He then went on to tell his story of being molested as a kid, his destruction with sex and cheating on his wife, how he ultimately got into integrity and found forgiveness with his wife and kids and how this program can help other men love themselves on a similar path.
For this complaint to mention Andy without giving context is sad to me. This man opened his heart to the group and was vulnerable for no other reason then to help them so the power of getting into integrity and loving themselves.
B. Sean Whalen- Sean is a good friend of mine. He spoke 1 time in 20 months to the group. It was all about asking yourself, "What do you want in life?" And getting clear on that subject. He did get fined by the FTC and paid that fine. He has his own coaching program and besides the 60 min he spoke to us, he has no affiliation to the group.
C. Jeremy Neves- Jeremy is one of my best friends and is absolutely a man of integrity. Again the complainer doesn't give context. He is bitter because Jeremy called him out on lying in a business deal and broke off that deal with him. That being said, Jeremy spoke about going to a strip club, not cheating on his wife, and yes his talk was a beautiful one about coming clean to his wife and how that helped him get back into integrity and to be able to trust the love she gave him.
D. Jeremiah Evans- Jeremiah did sign up for the group even though he never attended a single event. I was asked to be a speaker at his Alpha Con event and I did. I speak about 40 times per year and was not paid for this speech and I have zero other affiliation with Jeremiah or his group. When I found out from friends that had a bad experience that Jeremiah was doing shady business deals I removed him from the group. He is not a friend and I made a post on my Facebook all about this if you would like more details. There are specific screen shots of texts proving that I distanced myself from him well before his fraud charges happened.
E. Aaron Wagner- Aaron came to an event with his wife and together they spoke about the dangers of not living in integrity and how it destroyed their marriage. Who better to learn from then a man in the middle of the mess. It was beautiful and again this sad complainer trying to cheapen what was a beautiful learning moment is kind of pathetic.
I did raise money in a syndicate for some restaurants with Aaron and his partner Mike. I never solicited one person and only took money from people that came to me. There are only 2 out of 25 investors that came from within We Are The They. 4 months ago I gave back the carry or 10% commission that I made for putting the deal together. Something I didn't have to do but I did because the project is years behind schedule. The jury is still out if those investments will work out. Each member in the syndicate had the chance to cash out or remain in the deal about 2 months ago.
3. Nikola Motors- I was a seed round investor in Nikola motors. My investment took 5 years from when I first put it in until I was able to cash out. At one point the investment was worth over 32 million dollars but I lost most of that as my shares were tied up. I tell the whole story on American Greed and invite you to check that out to learn more. I never told one other person to invest in this company and even had many friends mad I didn't tell them about it but it was always very speculative so that's why I didn't. I am very open about this and my huge falling out with Trevor when I wanted to meet to talk about how he had cheated me on the investment and he wouldn't meet. We broke off the friendship and never talked again. That was almost 2 years ago.
As far as that being "How I made most of my money" I was the number one realtor in Utah county several years, sold 1000's of homes and made over 2 million dollars multiple years, outside of this investment. This is very easy to look up and verify and just shows that the complaint is again lying.
4. My new book and my dating life- I hope to write a book one day about my journey to self love. The title I liked was, "It was me all along, what I learned about self love after 1000 first dates." It is a beautiful journey I have been on trying to accept myself as being enough and not needing to prove myself to others. He tries to call me a narcassist and cheapen this journey, that makes me sad. Mostly for him. He really misses the beauty in all these lessons.
Lastly I will just say this. If you saw this complaint and truly want to know who I am I invite you to check out my page We Are The They or to talk to any member of the group. email me direct at Jimmyrex@rret.com and I am happy to provide you with over 200 testimonials from members of the group and 50 of my good friends that can talk directly about my character. Much love, Jimmy
Here is an Article written by the sister of one of the founding members .
Read to hear her opinion on Jimmy Rex and WATT
It’s come to my attention that Jimmy Rex feels I wrote the post above, which is false. I’d first like to establish that anything I say or comment on I will gladly attach my name and likeness too, so you know exactly that I am writing it Jimmy. Lets be clear that I am not the only person you have wronged or treated poorly, I have met others that would be willing to write the post above.
Let’s go over your response and the false narratives….
1. Yes Jimmy kicked me out of the group, which I will detail later. I am not the only one who Jimmy Rex has kicked out & there are many more of the original 50 WATT members that have left on their own. So, when Jimmy Says there are 49 other men from that original group that will validate his response, He is lying some were kicked out, and many others have left.
2. The picture attached below is of a Drug retreat held by Jimmy Rex up in Eden Utah. This is not a WATT event, however 80% of the people pictured met Jimmy Rex by joining WATT, and within 6 months were invited by Jimmy Rex to this drug retreat. They paid $600 and did Class 1 illegal drugs over a 2-day period of time. And there have been many more since this day. I also have the text messages Jimmy, from a member you invited & encouraged to attend this drug retreat, as well as your message telling him to pay $600 to attend.
3. Jimmy Rex loves to use the words “Plant Medicine” the softer way to say you’re doing illegal drugs. Go ahead and google whether these “Plant Medicines” are illegal in the United States.
a. Ayahuasca
b. DMT
c. Mushrooms
d. Psilocybin
e. LSD
You’ll quickly learn that all of these drugs that Jimmy Rex classifies as plant medicine are in fact classified as “Class 1 Illegal Narcotics”. They carry a felony charge for using them, possessing them, selling them or distribution of such. You can call them plant medicine to disguise that you are breaking the law, but that won’t fly when you’re charged and in drug court.
Using Hape involves snorting Tobacco up your nose. Using Tobacco products is against the word of wisdom and any active LDS member knows this. In my opinion Jimmy slowly introduces things like Hape & Kambo getting people to lower their moral standards, then he introduces them later to the harder drugs.
4. When Jimmy Rex kicked me out, I did beg him to stay in the group & I am not surprised that my wife also reached out and begged him to let me stay as well. What Jimmy Rex doesn’t tell you is that nearly 12 members of the group spoke out on my behalf and encouraged Jimmy Rex not to kick me out of the group. One member named Mike Conti, who is the most seasoned and experienced member told Jimmy Rex that I should not be kicked out. He told Jimmy that this is a brotherhood & that I didn’t do anything wrong, and that 1 person including Jimmy Rex should not have the ability to just remove members without group input. Jimmy Rex did not listen to any of the WATT members & he let his EGO and Full Narcissism personality shine and removed me anyway. Jimmy showed me NO Love, No Compassion, No forgiveness, only power and Ego in that moment.
5. Once kicked out I did go to a dark place. I watched my best friend who I brought into the group with me in 6 months do the following. First, he abandoned his religion with the help and influence of Jimmy Rex. Then he started drinking alcohol after abstaining for 20 yrs. Then he started using Class 1 Illegal Narcotics with the help and influence of Jimmy Rex. Then my best friend abandoned our friendship entirely, never speaking to me again. That friend changed when I introduced him to Jimmy Rex. These events sent me into a dark depression, so much so that I tried to take my own life. I wrote a goodbye letter & in it laid out my last wishes which were to hold Jimmy Rex accountable for the damage he’s done to me and others with his coaching group. I put $500,000 into an account with strict instructions on which lawyers to call and how to proceed to ensure that Jimmy Rex and his group be held accountable. Despite being really sick for 3 days, the attempt failed & I knew I needed help. After meeting with professionals, they agreed with me that Jimmy Rex an unlicensed coach pretending to be a therapist had caused some real damage, and we began to put the pieces back together mentally and emotionally.
6. It’s my opinion but Jimmy Rex has a blind spot in his personality. He attracts and gravitates to really bad people. His inner circle of influence of people around him all use Illegal drugs, many of them have cheated on their spouses, many of them have criminal records or are currently being indicted. All you have to do is google and research some of Jimmy’s closest friends and you will find the truth about what I say. In the movie “ The Secret” they say “ You Attract what You Are, Not What You Want”. Jimmy Rex Attracts bad people to him.
a. Trevor Milton (Jimmy invested in Nikola Motors and was able to sell his stock for a profit, while 100’s of other investors lost everything on this Fraud)
b. Tim Ballard ( Jimmy set up his own foundation called the Child Liberation Foundation. Raising money for OUR & Ballard. No one knows what Jimmy used the money for? Jimmy went on the rescue missions, knew about Ballards behavior but never reported it)
c. Luke Wren ( Jimmy brought Luke Wren in as a founding member of WATT. At our 1st event in Moab Luke was given an opportunity to speak and instruct the group as one of Jimmy’s closest friends. Luke Wren was just arrested and charged in Florida for raping 2 young girls ages 6 & 10)
d. Andrew Mccubbins ( Convicted Felon of defrauding the government of over $30 million. Jimmy introduced him in Moab as one of his closest friends Andrew told us about all the money he stole, how he cheats on his wife etc. Then we were invited to do HAPE ( snort tobacco) with him in the basement)
e. Aaron Wagner ( Jimmy raises money for him on investment deals, despite not being licenses to sell securities I the state of Utah, again another illegal thing Jimmy does. Wags openly admis to cheating in business, cheating on his wife, using illegal drugs, overall not being a man of integrity. Jimmy considers him one of his closest friends)
The list is long and distinguished and these are the types of people you will meet in WATT and through Jimmy Rex.
I share this information with you openly so you can hear directly from a member who joined and then was kicked out. What I experienced while in the group, what I learned about Jimmy Rex and what I saw personally. Of course, Jimmy Rex will offer you to speak to guys in the group if you want a testimonial. That’s like asking the person who is using drugs, to give a testimonial about the drugs they are using? Pretty biased……
Go find members who left the group on their own accord and ask them their experience. Go talk to the wives or family members who are not in one of Jimmy’s sister coaching groups, how they like the program and what changes they have seen in their husbands both good and bad. Independent research should be done on Jimmy Rex, the men above, and what this group really does.
Jimmy Rex and this group put me into a dark depression. I nearly took my life because of Jimmy Rex and his coaching group. It’s not something I would recommend or endorse & that is based on my experience & personal dealings with Jimmy Rex.
Below is the letter I wrote to the WATT members the day after Jimmy Rex kicked me out of the group. It outlines the reasons Jimmy addressed with me as to why I was being kicked out. Fair or not Fair you are free to judge….
From: Joshua Lindsey Utah
Date: August 7, 2022 at 10:40:10 PM MDT
To: Joshua Lindsey Utah
Dear Brothers-
I write to you this evening with a heavy heart. As of this evening Jimmy has asked that I no longer be a member of the group. Since this will be my last opportunity to speak with you I want to thank you for the kindness you have shown me during our time together & for some of you I was unaware that I needed to reconcile issues...
Cody, Jimmy asked me to address this with you tonight. I am very sorry that I have been so cold to you during our WATT experience. My reservations have come from your new brother in law Nicholas Johnson. Nic and I were business partners about 14 years ago. We made a lot of money together & I considered him a brother. Nic & another partner committed some financial crimes while working there and it eventually led to closing that business. They stole millions from me and my family & The separation of business partners was ugly & during those battles threats were made on my life, my wife and children. We had to obtain legal restraining orders against Nic to keep him away. I know Nic recently just got out of prison and he is back in the lives of his family including you. Jimmy brought to my attention that it was not fair to you that I distance myself from you, because of the past history with your brother in law. I am sorry for this, but i didn't want to take the chance of re introducing him into my life or asking my wife to go to dinner with you etc. It's unfair to you as you did nothing wrong to me, and for this I am sorry.
I was not aware when I joined the group that this would be a plant medicine group. Tonight Jimmy explained that it was always part of the group and its plan. I do not drink & I do not do drugs, it's always been a focus in my life to live disciplined in this way even after my views on the LDS church have changed. This however has remained for me ...
I called Jarom Iacono last week to express my concerns about him doing the plant journey this weekend. Jarom and I are very close, & I consider him one of my best friends and my blood brother. So close that it's common to express how we feel without judgement. We talked for 2 hours and I expressed my beliefs & Jarom shared to me all the reasons why he felt he needed to do it. At the end of the conversation, I knew that he needed to do it & that I needed to support him. I feel these heart-to-heart conversations are where real friendship is forged. Jarom told Jimmy about our conversation, and it made Jimmy this evening feel that I was talking [censored] about him & saying he is leading people down a drug path. Nowhere in my conversation with Jarom was a bagging on Jimmy. Again that conversation was supposed to be just between Jarom & I, but to my defense i haven't been reaching out to the whole group encouraging them not to do plant medicine. I have never sabotaged the group with my beliefs & I feel I have earned the right to have that talk with Jarom.
I apologized to Jimmy but I feel like if he is passionate about plant medicine & I am not we should still be able to coexist with respect and love in this group without issue. If we all must have the same opinion about doing plant medicine that should have been disclosed before joining.
Jimmy pitched several members of the group the Las Bottelas deal. It was pitched as 3 restaurants. Wags cap changed the deal a few times after collecting our money and ultimately landed on 1 of the spots being a nightclub. I didn't like being pitched 1 idea & then it changed to something else, so I asked for my money back. Jimmy being a man of integrity told me he would get me a refund about 8 weeks ago. A few weeks went by and Jimmy said Wags is not going to give you your money back, I'll just have to find someone to replace you. I said OK believing it would happen quickly. A few more weeks went by no refund, so I contacted Jimmy's lawyer and laid out the issues. Jimmy immediately issued me a refund. This evening however he was very angry saying that's not how you treat friends & that I never should have sent that letter & that's the main reason I was being kicked out of the group. Business is black and white for me & if you are pitched 1 thing and sold another, I have an issue with that & feel a refund is valid.
In summary I feel terrible being kicked out for the reasons above. I asked Jimmy several times not to kick me out, but he said that's the lesson you need to learn by being kicked out. I have been committed to being a better person since I joined & have made real efforts in my personal life through this group to do that. I admit I made a mistake for asking for the refund from Jimmy & I probably should have kept my mouth shut about plant medicine journeys. It was wrong of me to do this, and I am sorry.
I am not a perfect person, but I can say I put forth the best effort I could towards the group.
I will miss you !
You couldn't be more wrong! Yes, We Are The They is a men's group. But it's also one of the safest places for men to feel comfortable sharing feelings, successes and failures in life to be shown love and care from other men. This group changes so many men for the better and I'm greatful for Jimmy Rex and the movement he's created. Come check it out for yourself and see why it's so amazing.
Coaching groups and Gurus are not for everyone. And every one has a different experience with Jimmy Rex. Mine was in a real estate transaction. I didn't like working with him because I felt like he was a used car salesman instead of a finance professional. I don't know anything about this group or what it's about , but I do know everyone is allowed their opinion. If Jimmy Rex wants a better opinion he should focus on treating people better and correcting the wrongs he's done. When you read the posts above clearly there are some issues that have gone unresolved and if Jimmy Rex encourages members or people to use illegal drugs... even for healing or safety... that's still breaking the law. How can you argue that? It's pretty black and white when the law is involved. A quick google search will tell you this
Is Ayahuasca Legal? ... DMT, the main psychoactive drug in ayahuasca, has been illegal since it was listed in the 1970 Controlled Substances Act.
Jimmy Rex has personally made an immeasurable positive impact on my life. My relationship with my Wife, my Family, my Friends and myself have all vastly improved over my time with Jimmy’s coaching group We Are The They.
The experiences, the growth, the challenges and changes. In a little over a year Jimmy has helped me make multiple MAJOR life changes with the creation of WATT.
I absolutely stand behind this man and this group. The selflessness Jimmy has demonstrated throughout the program is inspiring.
I have personally witnessed similar spectacular life changes in many Men apart of WATT. What may look like a “frat bro” group from the outside is in reality 50 men working on themselves to be the best they can be for themselves and everyone else they encounter.
-Brad Kroepfl
During my exit I have thought about hiring an Attorney to sue Jimmy Rex and WATT to seek damages for the emotional damage & mental health issues I have suffered from joining the group. While meeting with legal counsel we compiled a list of members that we would subpoena in order to receive testimony about the Class 1 Narcotics that were introduced by Jimmy Rex and in association with the group. We have evidence that includes, emails, texts, pictures, phone calls & financial records that will support our claims.
We have 7 years in which we can bring these claims to light if needed, the issue I struggle with is the evidence we have would likely harm the members who used the drugs on behalf of Jimmy Rex. They could certainly catch a drug charge if we bring all of this to court. I don't want to hurt them & cause long term damage... like Jimmy hurt me.
As expected this post is going around the active members of We Are The They. I am a proud member of the group and felt the need to comment.
First off, this is an anonymous author. I give zero credibility to anything anonymous. I would advise you do the same.
This group is not about Jimmy Rex or his friends or business associates. This group is about men wanting to be the best versions of themselves. It’s about men expanding their friendships with likeminded people.
The group has never required or encouraged any member to do illegal drugs. It has never encouraged or discouraged any man’s religious beliefs. In fact, this is the most religionless group I have been a part of in my life. It’s about men choosing their own integrity and holding each other accountable.
The speakers we have had come from all sorts of backgrounds: good, bad or indifferent. I take a few things from each just like any other person I have met outside of the group. There have been speakers I don’t like as people and some I have the upmost respect for. This is common sense for everyone.
I have fostered and built some of the greatest friendships I have ever had. These friendships will last a lifetime and have come at a time in my life where I am able to support and be supported.
I have become more grateful and present in all aspects of my life. I strive everyday to be an amazing husband, father and member of my local society. We Are The They has played a part in that mindset and I am excited for the final year of my program.
My name and contact info was written in the response, so to say I commented anonymously and that it should merit no credibility isn't accurate. I stand behind my comments and my experience with Jimmy Rex and his coaching group as being accurate. Your experience may be different than mine, but it doesn't make mine any less true.
I received a DM from one of the wives this past weekend, sharing her opinion on my comments and the group. I've attached it so you can see that I am not the only one who has different opinion about WATT.
The comments above about We Are The They and Jimmy Rex are written with a bias of someone who felt wronged by Jimmy and the group. The accusations of plant medicine being forced on members of WATT are false and inaccurate. As mentioned above, Hape, Cacao, and Kambo have been served at our retreats and they have always been voluntary. There have been many members who chose to not participate.
We have several members who are active members of the LDS Faith, and other members who are not. The group has been very accepting of all beliefs. One event, a member prayed to the universe. All beliefs and backgrounds have been accepted and loved within the group.
I personally believe that you can learn from anyone, regardless of past decisions or choices. I have gain nuggets of truth and inspiration from many of people mentioned above. Many are open to past their mistakes and share lessons learned.
I have been in the group since May of 22. Since joining, I have brought my life back into integrity, quit drinking, and have improved multiple facets of my life. I have increased my income, and I am a more present husband, father, and brother.
By the fruits you shall know them. Look at all the good Jimmy and We Are The They do. Many volunteer at homeless shelters, we threw a prom for special needs, we donate our time, money, and effort to multiple charities and causes. I’ve personally had 50 guys reach out to me during my darkest times where I almost committed suicide. I am living because of the love and support within this group and from Jimmy Rex.
You can contact me anytime if you have any questions or concerns about Jimmy or We Are The They.
Jeremy Macy
My comments on this post are based on my experience with Jimmy Rex. I'm allowed my opinion as you are allowed yours. You don't know my story or what Jimmy Rex did to me personally. You have a very different experience with WATT than I do, but please don't discount mine or call it un true. I stand behind what I shared.
If you are going to use scriptures like " By the fruits you shall no them" to describe Jimmy Rex. I would counter with this one.
What did Jesus say about lost sheep?
If a shepherd has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of the one that went astray? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that never went astray.
The greatest coach and mentor " Jesus Christ" didn't forsake sheep. He left the 99 as the shepherd and went to the need of the 1 who needed him most. I needed the group and the friendships and begged him to let me stay in it. I asked him let me fix the whatever wrong I had done, he had no mercy and rejected my offering. That's who Jimmy Rex is to me.
I’ve been a member of WATT for over a year now and can honestly say it’s been one of the best decisions of my life. It’s a coaching group. I despise coaching groups. I refused to even enter Group 1 because I thought, “I don’t need this.” But when I hit a place in my life that felt like rock bottom, this group of men and Jimmy Rex in particular pulled me out of that pit. At the risk of sounding glib, it’s interesting to me to look at one who claims they almost took their life because of this group versus someone who feels they owe their very life to the group. How do you reconcile that stark contrast? The answer is pretty simple. You can’t. You get what YOU put in. This isn’t a “Jimmy Rex problem”. This is a YOU problem. The entire course is built around doing inner work to better yourself and live a life of integrity. I welcome anyone into my world who strives to live that way…whether they’re in WATT or not, whether they love Jimmy or not. I’m clearly biased. I’ve been best friends with the guy since 6th grade. But that bias counts for something. I know his heart better than probably anyone commenting on this board, and that heart is pure. I for one love this group. But if it’s not for you, it’s not for you. For any growth, the work will still need to be done. I wish you well on that journey. We’re all on our own path.
Again your experience with this group and Jimmy Rex is different than mine, but I don't think it's accurate for you to say that I didn't put in the work while I was in this group. I never missed a call and attended every event & was very vulnerable with the members. I mentored several of the members for free while I was there, especially regarding business and finance. For you to say it's a me problem, would imply that you know me. You don't and based on this response you're making a strong judgment against someone you don't know at all, purely to stick up for your friend since 6th grade. Good for you sticking up for your friend, but shame on you for passing judgment on me considering we have never met. We are allowed our opinions, mine is based on how Jimmy Rex treated me personally.
I had to do more work putting my life back together because of the way Jimmy Rex destroyed me than I ever did before. My story and path involve Jimmy Rex being a Narcissit, showing no love, no brotherhood and making the group members turn their backs on me. That my story based on my events ...
A quick fun fact as all these Pro Jimmy posts seem to come flying in at his request. The more you post on a complaint site, the stronger the complaint gets ranked in google.
No judgement at all with your opinion or experience. Only pointing out that for either of us to have completely opposite experiences in WATT underscores the fact that personal growth is personal. I’m not suggesting at all that you haven’t or aren’t doing your own work. I’m only saying that complaints about a coach in a coaching group should probably be turned inwards. As with most everything in life. When I’m upset or feel wronged I usually find that it’s a ME thing more often than not. I do sincerely apologize if you felt judged at all.
And I in turn appreciate your loyalty as a friend to Jimmy. Being a loyal friend is something I value very much. I look inward often and I did specifically in this situation with Jimmy. If you read my farewell letter to the group I explained the issues regarding the investment deal Jimmy pitched and me trying to talk a friend out of doing Ayahuasca. That friend told Jimmy I was trying to convince him not to do it. They rented a house in Eden, spent 2 days doing Ayahuasca and DMT & on Sunday I got the call from Jimmy that it was mandatory to meet him.
We met & he was very upset. I listened and explained my position regarding his concerns, but then I looked inward & I asked him. " How can I make this right, What can I do to apologize and correct what ever wrong I have done. Let me know as I am willing to do whatever it takes. I value this relationship and I don't want to be kicked out of the group.
In that moment Jimmy had the choice to practice what he preaches and embrace me as a brother and as my coach and show me how I can correct the wrong. Or he can rule with the heavy hand and banish me, showing No love, No mercy & No brotherhood. He chose the later... and in doing so the last thing he said to me was...this is the lesson I need to teach you & that's to kick you out of this group.
He held a call 2 days later with the other 49 members of the group. Told them I wasn't living in Integrity & that it was mandatory that I be kicked out. Many group members spoke up on that call, telling Jimmy they should not kick me out & in fact if this was a brotherhood no one person should be able to just kick someone out with out the groups input. Jimmy said NO, it was his decision and that would be that. Again full Ego, full power on display.
When you say " it's often not the coach it's the player who has the issue", there are circumstances where that's not true. People doing good are capable of doing bad. Look at Luke Wren. He was introduced to the group in Moab by Jimmy as one of Tony Robbins coaches. Jimmy referred to him as a good friend and someone we can trust and look up to. Luke Wren was arrested 1 year later for child molestation of a 6 & 10 year old girl. Luke Wren was doing good things with his coaching business, but was still capable of dark crimes.
I asked and begged Jimmy Rex to make it right, which is all you can do when someone says you have wronged them. If they refuse to allow you to make amends, thats on them. Since kicking me out Jimmy tells people he wishes me the best, but how many times do you think he's reached out to me this past year to see if I was actually in a dark place or not? The answer is Zero...
Many people have been kicked out of WATT and or left on their own accord for various reasons. Most of them have reached out to me personally to express what Jimmy did to me was wrong. They also say once you are out, you never hear from Jimmy again. He's only your friend & showing up in your life if you pay him $15k per year.
He's only concerned about this post because it affects his reputation. If I would have died last year quietly, Jimmy wouldn't have cared nor reached out. He cares more about his reputation than he does people. That's why he throws Free Fireworks parties & and does $1000 Tip dinners, so he can post about them and create the narrative that he's an amazing guy. #Reputation
Real Work and care gets done when no one is watching, Real charity is done when there's nothing to gain by giving to someone.
Again I tried & begged him to make amends and he said NO, it messed me up a lot and I'm still broken and putting myself back together with professional help. That's my story & that's my truth with Jimmy Rex.
I received a DM from one of the wives of a member in this group. See the attached how she feels about the group and wether of not there is real change.
My experience is that Jimmy and his group do more damage than good. While he talks about making men better husbands and fathers, his disciples put the WATT brotherhood above and beyond everything else. There is tremendous pressure to put WATT and your WATT brothers first even if that means missing critical family events like anniversaries, birthdays, and family trips. I would look closely at the definition of a cult when you look at this organization and its leader.
A cult is described as a system or group of people who practice excessive devotion to a figure, object, or belief system. Its characteristics include having a leader that preaches an explicit belief system or ideology and who is followed by unquestioning believers.
Isolating members and penalizing them for leaving
Seeking inappropriate loyalty to their leaders
Dishonoring the family unit
Absolute authoritarianism without meaningful accountability.
No tolerance for questions or critical inquiry.
No meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget, expenses such as an independently audited financial statement.
There is no legitimate reason to leave, former followers are always wrong in leaving, negative or even evil.
The group/leader is always right.
The group/leader is the exclusive means of knowing "truth" or receiving validation, no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible.