Back in January of this year (2011), I joined a gym called Maximum Output. After receiving an error in billing, I called M.O to see what was going on only to have the woman answer World Gym. I said excuse me? And she went on to say that M.O is now World Gym. I do not know what has happened since I've joined the gym but either World Gym has bought out M.O. or they went out of business and World Gym took over, I am not sure. I never received a letter, phone call or e-mail about this which is my first frustration. 2 weeks later after having that error cleared up, I called up there and spoke the manager to have my membership cancelled. I do not like World Gym or it's location and do not feel it is fair I should pay for a membership for a gym I never signed up with. I tried them two years ago as a free pass with a friend and wasn't a fan then and I am still not a fan now. The manager said he wasn't even sure as to what was going on but he could not do anything for me since I still have time left on my membership. I understand that but my time left was with M.O, not World Gym. I never plan on using their facilities especially since I didn't like them then and had no idea that my membership was transferred there to begin with. I find it highly unfair I cannot get out of a contract with a gym I never signed up to to begin with. Well that was all he could say/do and was extremely rude about it, even more reason for me to cancel that membership if thats the level of customer service I'm going to get. So I called the World Gym in Peachtree City and spoke with the manager there who said she couldn't do anything but gave me the owner's email address and said I would have better luck explaining my situation to him. I've emailed him twice and have no heard anything back. I do not want to pay for a membership at a gym I never signed up with to begin with! I'm not asking for money back or anything else, just that this membership be cancelled. It's absolutely ridiculous that this is how they conduct business and treat "new" clientele.
Speedracer, after emailing the owner of the World Gym's (no response by the way), filing complaints with the BBB, the FTC and other numerous complaint sites, I tried calling up there ONE last time today and asked if there was a cancellation fee offered and if so, I'd like to pay it and be done with this. The manager said there was one but it would be about $50 which to me is reasonable in the sense I'm not paying for the rest of my membership. So I went up there, paid in cash, got a copy that I paid and he said he would push it through immediately and my contract is officially cancelled. I recommend you trying that and see if he'll allow it for you as well or anybody else that's stuck in our position because I just KNEW I'm not the only person who was/is pissed about this whole mess which is maybe why he finally let me get out of this insane contract with them. Good luck! :) let me know how it goes!
jezebel...I am also a Maximum Output member trying to get out of contract...they are not budging on this...World Gym is very inconvenient and I just want out! We need to band together and file a class action lawsuit against World Gym Fayetteville if we can get enough people! The sad part about this issue is this is a cut and dry situation. If the gym you joined goes out of business, then the contract is null and void period no questions...should have been an automatic cancel..Let's not let World Gym win this... Let's fight for the right!
I had a membership I canceled back in 2009 with World Gym because I moved. Since I have moved back to the area I tried to join again and found out my membership was never actually canceled and my charges have reached $3500! I never received a call or letter and had no clue that the cancelation was not done properly.
I have my leasing agreement but not my cancelation paperwork. What can I do? This is ridiculous!
if anyone can help my email is