Stay away from this website unless you want to be charged, never receive the goods and never see your money again
After they charged my credit card without having the goods for delivery they offered something completely different and I refused
It was agreed than to cancel the order and refund the charged amount
After more than 2 months, several unanswered emails and many phone calls, I have still not received my refund
Every time they say that they already processed it, but it is never true
Hope that you can help me to recover what is mine
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I agree-seller is totally dishonest. Sold me defective merchandise and will not talk to me, issue a refung, or provide an exchange. What a crook.
I agree also. After more than two weeks with no shipping information, no tracking, nothing - I phoned. They don't have any goods in the USA, they order off-shore for drop shipping to your address. Their "7-10 day" deliver is more like 21-30, if you ever get delivered. I don't believe anything they tell me and neither should you. Find a better option.