Dear Reader,
I received a phone call from "Todd" @ Quickcert today.
He was friendly, and very talkative. During our conversation he was able to offer me amazing discount deals on bundled courses. According to Todd, the offer came from his boss, and it's onyl valid IF I made the purchase today (within 2 hrs of time).
That's when my alarm went off.
So, I hanged up and started to do some research online about, and I found some very bad reviews just as I suspected it:
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Through these reviews, I found that "Todd" does the same sales pitch to others... but more concerning is that, they scam people off their tuition and people have been complaining about their outdated, insufficient, poor quality educational material.
Also, I found that they are not a certified Microsoft Partner like it says on their website! I made the effort calling Microsoft and asked an agent about quickcert, and they have never event heard of quickcert at all.
So, i am glad that I took the extra time to look up quickcert! I really hope that you're reading BEFORE you got scammed by quickcert!
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I've known about QuickCert for many years as well as their sister organization Specialized Solutions and KeenSkills. I also know that they are Microsoft Certified Partners | Small Business Specialists and have been Learning Solutions as well. They have been in business since 1999.
Here is a link that has this information:
I have seen people post on other sites and many of them are either from several years ago or they deal with their older versions of courseware. I have seen a change in them since last summer in regards to the quality of their courseware. I invite you to at least demo the courses you were interested in, if you do not want to purchase that is fine, my concern is at least you will also see for yourself this new route they have gone. I really like their CCNA and CCNP classes, and CompTIA, CISSP, CISA, ITIL and all of their new Microsoft stuff is great too. They are not the same company as years before, in fact I know the same people are not in charge or own the company anymore and change is slow and takes awhile to show solid results as everyone knows.
They released a new version of A+ which they call 2009. CompTIA didn't change but they went ahead and upon customer feedback improved the course based on the 2007 exam version. This is the direction they are moving towards. Listening to customers, making improvements based on feedback. This is the same thing Microsoft does when you send feedback about something not working properly. Many companies are doing this and its done for the customers like us.
All companies have a few people that make mistakes. Companies struggle with trying to make everyone happy, but that is just not possible. Please read the posts that you are referencing, look at their dates, then look at what this company is now doing. I am not trying to change anyone's mind, only providing my opinion and solid knowledge that can be backed up with actual facts.
Make a formal complaint as to the sales tactics he employed, that isn't a fair representation of the company and I am sorry that you feel this way. I am sorry your first impression of QuickCert was ruined. I would ask that you give them a second chance. At least ask for a demo, ask them for 3 days to review the course so you can get an honest look at it. If you are still unhappy post here with an update. I would welcome your opinion.
The point is, everyone has made mistakes, some more than others. If you learn from those mistakes which I believe QuickCert has learned and you make strides to better yourself and improve, then those mistakes shouldn't matter. It seems that QuickCert is the only exception to this understanding. It takes a long time to build up recognition and one mistake to lose it all.
Long Time Customer & QuickCert Supporter
, (forgot)
I just renewed my second 2 year cycle of unlimited training for the whole quickcert website. After that, I decided to look at the reviews, and low and behold I see "Educational Internet Scam!"
First off, I was introduced to quickcert back in 2007 by doing some research online, then calling them to get some information. I took both the Comptia A+ Exams after taking the training online and passed both with flying colors to obtain the certification. I also used many of their training to get information for relevant job material during the 2 year unlimited training.
After seeing the post above, and seeing that Keen Skills Inc ( is truly a Microsoft certified partner, it re-enforced my faith in the company. I have a good relationship with one of the directors there now who keeps in touch with me, and the program is working. I have nothing but good things to say about this company.
So, you have every reason to be skeptical in this spam filled world, but in my personal experience this company is NOT a scam.
Getting the book is much cheaper, yes, but having online training and practice tests for a busy IT Professional and Family man is not only helpful and saves time, it gives me confidence going into the test and working world.
Hope this helps.
I (Stupidly) bought into the whole training thing from QuickCert last year. I went to their site and asked for information. I was losing my job and need to get SQL certified. Their salesman called me back and offered me a "limited time" deal on SQL Developer training. (He was going to put me through as an employee of the company he was currently working on. Well, I payed the money, got the "package" (3 DVDs) and started the training. The "instructor" made CONSTANT references to "your book" which I did not receive a book, was not a very iinteresting teacher and WORST OF ALL, when I tried the "Sample" test, I had several issues. QuickCert guarentees your money back IF you pass their sample test with, I believe, 95% or better prior to the cert exam. After going through the sample tests (and getting 10 out of 10 correct - based on the answers THEY provide), the BEST score I could get was 8 out of 10 = 80%. Additionally, some of the questions were mis-formatted so that half the question was written across the answer bullets and the answers were all group together under a single bullet or the answers are listed in some of the points and an entirely seperate question with answers is porvided in another bullet. I emailed the person I bought the software from with a description AND screen shots of my concern. Well, here it is nearly a year later and I am STILL waiting for a response. This training is shoddily put together and the company did not stand behind the quality (and yet I continue to get emails soliciting me to buy more of this trash). I expect more for nearly $1000.
Date:6/16/2010 - I too was contacted by QuickCert with an unbelivable, one of a kind opprotunity to join another contractor who is currently enrolling in the A+, Net+, & Security+. They had negotiated this great deal with the Co. and I was privledged to piggyback theyre efforts. Something didn't sound right. Im sorry if this just happens to be a true story but its hard to believe with all the simmilar complaints and tactics being used. Dont know if the Pkg. is a good deal but I can tell you that I wont find out with my own money. ------------Be careful and always research anything you pay good money for. ----------------
I was also contacted by an individual from Quickcert around the same time as "Jarhead2098". I found them online and because they are local to me, I decided to see what they had to offer. I was looking for classroom originally but found that these options were way too expensive.
I found this site after I made the purchase, just to check out the company.
I was also given the same option as "Jarhead2098". I wasn't pressured into making any type of decision and was just told that this was an opportunity that they had going because a lot of the contractors are being required to get the certifications done by the end of the year. I know this to be true because I have friends in the field who are in that situation. That is what prompted me to look into getting certifications.
The individual with whom I spoke to was extremely friendly and very knowledgable. He gave me different options to look at, even outside of what they do, and suggest future career paths once these are completed. (Not many salespeople will bring you to a competitor site. They usually try to cram what they want you to buy down your throat.) I did not get this approach from this individual. I forget his name off the top of my head or I would post it. He took the time to find out what my situation was and why I needed to get this done. Anyway, after reviewing thier training program, I decided to jump on the opportunity. The investment was for the A+, Net+ and Security+. Shortly after signing on to the program, I received an email from the instuctor. He is extremely knowledgable as well. I have sat in various live sessions with the instructor and found them to be very useful.
I would definately recommend the training. I am a seasoned IT professional with over 10yrs experience. I am learning more than I would of thought.
Jarhead2098, if you are seriously trying to find a way to get this done, I would try contacting them back to see if you can still get on board with the program. I can tell you that it is not a scam and I have received everything that was promised to me and more.
yes. they are too good to be true. they start out with a very high price and by the time they've called you a few times the price is very low and the material turns out to be out dated and very poor quality.
On 2010-06-16, Jarhead2098 wrote: "I too was contacted by QuickCert with an unbelivable, one of a kind opprotunity to join another contractor who is currently enrolling in the A+, Net+, & Security+. They had negotiated this great deal with the Co. and I was privledged to piggyback theyre efforts."
The same thing happened to me after looking into their products at the QuickCert website (where they do not offer pricing for some reason). The gentleman who called me, which the company refers to as a "QuickCert Career Consultant", was quite a salesman over the phone and the offer to "get me in on his special package deal with some other contractors" seems to be their standard tactic to get you to believe you are getting a deal. He even said, "I've got to close this deal by Friday, because I am going on vacation, " intended to indirectly pressure me into buying. Granted they have to sell their product somehow. My thought is that if their product is good enough, they shouldn't have to deploy such tactics.
The salesman's "deal" was for three certs, COMP TIA A+/Network +/Security + for $1425.00 whereas the regular pricing was supposedly $1200.00 per each certification ($3600.00 for all three). I looked up eLearning options at the official COMP TIA website and they offer the same three certifications bundled for $809.00. This is a deal through the actual company who creates the certifications, not some third party company like QuickCert which advertises they are on the "COMP TIA Board of Directors".
I am researching (as best I can) the company and looking for reviews online. I am seeing enough complaints to decide not to go with their services. I have seen that Specialized Solutions representatives are combing the NET for complaints about their sister company and replying with a standard statement that they are "under new management" and they are "rebranding their sister company name" and "the coursework has been redesigned and certified by COMP TIA's third party firm". I am very skeptical. Don't just take my word for it though. As always do as much research as you can on any product or service you are going to spend your hard earned cash on. Good Luck!
QuickCert is a scam for sure - At least with me. I did my research on this (at least I thought I did) I talked to the sales rep at QC several time about the DoD-8570-1 and CCNA packages. I decided on the CCNA, called several more times before I purchased it asking what I would be getting. I was told that I would be getting QuickCerts Study Guides (2) and QuickCerts DVDs (plural). Along with all the on-line Videos and over 2K worth of other stuff. I was told this several times over a period of 30+ days while I was on a contract job. When I got home, I decides to buy it. $1035.43 dollars latter and having to wait an extra 5+ days to get it (they shipped it to a different city and state). When I got the product, opened the box and to my surprise it was the Cisco Press CCNA Official Study Guides that you can get at Barns & Noble for 59.95. On top of that the so called on line videos (training) is outdated. The instructor even discusses the 2006-07 time frame and also makes mistakes and makes comments "How did that happen? What is this? and oops, I should not have done that.) Then says that he does this on purpose to give us real world situations. Come on, I have 24+ years in IT and been to training before, when a class is taught, the instructor (a good one) will either tell you or hit to the subject or item is or will be on the test and to please pay attention or make notes. Not once did this guy say this or even hit to it, in fact is was a bit confusing with all the rambling he was doing. To sum this up, if I knew I was going to get the CISCO Press Kit and the home made DVD (one) I would not have bought this. I'm currently in dispute for the charges, they have refused my return shipment. I would suggest to anyone seeking training is to go with CompTia, Cisco etc directly and pay for it. Personally I will be doing the 3600.00 boot camp for DoD-8570 & the CCNA Boot Camp sponsored by CompTia & Cisco with live instructors and testing on-site. QuickCert, in my opinion misrepresented there product just to make a sale, shame on them.
I too have received the same call from a QuickCert rep stating that if I buy now I can be included with a group of marines which need the A+ cert to bid on DOD jobs. Glade I started to do some research and found this site.
The sales person has called several times trying to get me to buy and then when I refuse he pushes the time up that he can get me the deal.
Hello People, I am really lucky to have read all your comments on, since I was on way to nearly buy the comptia A+, N+ and Security+ and other microsoft certifications from them. The salesperson from quickcert have already called me 4 times between thursday and friday and many emails have been sent to me, pushing me to buy the package as quickly as possible to get the best deal now.
Thank you all guys for your comments. I was in confusion whether to enroll or not as me also I had a bad feeling about whats gonna happened if this turns out to be fraud... Now am clear to step away from this bogus company and thank you for recommending directly to the comptia, ccna etc web.
Quickcert is not a scam. I was sceptical too because it seemed to good to be true for such a low price but I decided to take a leap of faith and purchase Quickcerts CCNA course. Two months later I'm a CCNA! It wasnt easy by any means but the training was great. I think the key to the whole thing was the lab stuff that comes with the program. The video lectures help but the lab stuff was like 80% of the test. For the price I don't think there's a better program out there .
Make your own judgement and if it didn't work for you I'm sorry just wanted to let you know my experience with them was nothing but positive
- Pramod
Yep, just got off the phone with a rep who made me very suspicious with the limited time deal that ends today. When looking to better yourself and seeking training from a reputable school you should not feel like your being pressured to buy now. This led me to this site and I'm glad you all left your comments to share with me. I won't be returning their calls. I find the positive reviews on here quit funny because you can tell they were left by quick cert employees. If you are happy about your decision to use them, why in the h*ll are you looking for reviews on them?
Quick cert is a FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE. dont get scamed lol, i just called and a girl answered and gave wrong name first off of the company lol, then she put a voice simulator on the phone which used a mans voice and he quickly wanted to know my number. luckly im one of the guys who track down fake sites like them and make sure they dont get people with there scam. you work to hard for your money to be cheated out of it, we have a strong dedicated group of IT personnel who make it very easy to point out the fact that quick cert reps are not who they say they are. not to mention if u go to there address listed on there site, its a fake as well. had 3 different members go and verify that it is indeed a fake. there were no signs or anything there to represent quickcert. save your money and you trusted Comptia sites or vendor specific sites. pay the money and get the real deal. Quckcert are idiots because why would you try and scam individuals who are seeking degrees and some already have degrees in the IT world. we are most def going to get them as they have scammed local US military in my current location. They have no shame when they take away from the people who fight and die for them to live and be idiots. To all members apart of quickcert scam, i ask you formally one time and one time only to have morals and stand for something. stop the scam and get a job like the rest of the world. its hard enough just trying to live, theres no need for this type of behavior and especially to our troops i mean really. imagine trying to take your mind off missing your family by signing up for a course that you think will help get you transition and build a future, only to find out that in mist of the war you are fighting and the emotions you are dealing with you jus found out you were scammed out of your very hard earn cash. you can tell a site is fake off jump when they have a contact number that you call and it goes straight thru with out having to press a number on the key pad to reach the actual office, that was the funny part, lol its 2012 nobody gets to talk to the office direct on a call lol you have to talk to the computer first then press a button. come on quickcert, get official and at least put money behind your scam, at least the last site we shut down gave us a challenge. thats how you can see there greed and greed always gets ya caught up.
I rarely leave reviews about any thing, products or otherwise. I appreciate it when others do and feel reviews are very helpful. But unless I feel strongly about something, I usually don't bother. I filled out QuickCerts online form just to see their instructional materials and get a feel for their training materials before I made a purchase. And that's when the calls and emails started...within minutes. In the last 6 weeks or so I have been contacted probably 3-4 times per week. They also spoof their phone number, so it doesn't look like a toll free number, but rather a local call, so you don't know to not answer. I recently answered a call because I was expecting another local call and sure enough it was QuickCert. The gentlemen I spoke to, though not unfriendly, was clearly in a high-sales, pressure environment. I told him I wasn't really interested in their training products, but had been curious before. I had looked at literally DOZENS of their training videos and was not impressed at all by the quality of them. Teaching is my main profession...I use other products or create my own products and have done so for almost 2 decades. What I saw on their site was some of the poorest quality products I have ever seen. I could honestly create better products in my home, and I am by no means a videographer! Overall, after seeing the products, being somewhat harassed via email and phones calls, and after speaking to someone from the company, I would NOT recommend them for training purposes.
RUN. RUN AWAY - They have it set up so that you'll NEVER collect your money back, by ALWAYS ensuring that you FAIL "THEIR" test . So it doesn't matter to them whether you Pass the real deal. Get it? First clue, is that their "Practice tests" are FULLY 50% on material NOT COVERED in the EC Council's book (yes, I DID study all 1, 000 plus pages - TWICE!). The questions are on completely different subjects and sources (not in the book, not in the video) from the content that I paid to get from them, THIS IS WHY EVERYONE WILL FAIL THEIR TEST BY DESIGN AND THEREFORE NEVER HAVE GROUNDS FOR A REFUND.
PLEASE EVERYONE - forget the Better Business Bureau - Let's all file complaints with the State of Florida and Pinellas County Dept of Consumer Protection. File on-line or call to [protected]. Next is my complaint to GE as this Internet Scammer is using the GE logo to endorse their products. THIS is a flat out lie. Not allowed by GE, ok? File with the State Atty General's office also, folks. THEY can shut them down! Put the in Prison, too - cause these scammers don't read online reviews. But they HAVE to answer to the authorities. P.S. Since its "interstate commerce", involve the FBI and the FTC for good measure. I will! So can you, folks. Good Luck to all.
I just hung up from a sale rep who offer a very good deal for the certs package. Three crets for one low price, then I came across this site, I am so glad I did. Thank you for taking the time to post.