Im an electrician in Littlefield, Texas. We are a small town of about 6000 people. Years ago, when we needed a temporary disconnect, all we had to do was cll our local xcel office, talk to a lineman and request a disconnect. They would come usually within hours unless there was storm dammage or line repair going on somewhere. Now we are required to call a builders call line and listen to about 3 minutes worth of different phone menus, pressing various numbers, waiting, and after finally getting to the right department, you are placed on hold for who knows how long until a customer representative gets to you. I've been doing electrical work in Littlefield for 18 years and I know how my local xcel linemen operate. They hate all of the red tape, regulations, phone menu's, and the run around we are given as much as we do. I talk to somone on the xcel builders call line and they tell me that they have no openings for a service disconnect until the next week. But I call my local xcel lineman and he tells me they are not busy and can be there within the hour. The person on the builders call line has no clue what is going on in Littlefield, Texas and this system of customer service has to be the worst system in the business. Hire some knowledgeable people to answer the phone and direct our calls. This is ridiculous.
Desired outcome: Change the way you operate your builders call line. Get some people back at the local level to answer the phone.