I took a contract phoe with them 2008 and by then my pay date was month end until January when it changed to the 15th of each month. I notified them and I was told that they were or have moved offices and not to worry it will be ok. I waited for about two months without any deductions. In March I found out that there was a debit from them again I relaxed. In June 2009 04 a man by the name of Patrick came with garneshee documents for me to sign I then showed him proof of payment from my phone and he left with the documents saying there was nonproblem I only have to fax him my back statement so that he can attach on his file. I dont have to worry about it again I relaxed. In December I found out that I was garnesheed for the phone that I have been paying still. Jeniffer told me that I have to pay their attorneys and she hung up on me. I since been looking for help all over because the amount now is far too much.