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CB Business and Industrial Zellers rude security guard assulted my wife

Zellers review: rude security guard assulted my wife 18

Author of the review
10:06 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
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Saturday January 14th, 2012 my family and I were at Zellers at Thorncliff Park at approximately 1pm shopping and I was coming down the escalator with my wife and child while a security guard was going up the escalators. He turned around and looked at me from top to bottom. I asked him if something was wrong and he replied “did you steal something”. I was shocked he said that and I went to speak to the manager of the store about what had happened. The manager’s name is Faheem and the store number at Zellers is [protected]. I asked him for the security guards name and the company he works for. He provided me with his first name only and the name of the security company called OBN security. While I went back shopping the guard walked by me again and was giving me dirty looks so I asked him what is wrong with him and he said he can do whatever he wants and talk to people anyway he wants. I walked back towards the manager’s office and he went back to the security counter and my wife asked him for his security license number because we did not have his last name, we had to ask him several times because he kept on refusing to give it to us. He than pulled out his security license number and my wife started to look down at the number off the ID card. He started to be aggressive and started to yell at my wife I told him that he was unprofessional and he had no ethics and he kept on calling me bro. I told him I was not his bro and that he was not acting as a security guard. He then grabbed his ID from my wife instead of taking it back politely he ripped it out of her hand and assaulting her in the process and calling her stupid in front of customers. I told him I was calling the police and he left towards the escalators saying “call the police they cannot do nothing to me”. The officers that came on scene were Pc. Gibson and Pc. Mamotian. Pc. Mamotian provided me with the security guards last name which was Ferdinand. The manager at Zellers took me off to the side and apologized for the security guard and told me that he had contacted his boss since Zellers subcontracts guards out from OBN security and that he would not be working at this store anymore.

Update by Guard
Jan 14, 2012 10:47 pm EST

Yes, but he should not have acted that way and assualted my wife like that.

Update by Guard
Jan 14, 2012 11:22 pm EST

Were you there to see what he said. I guess that is why we can sue in Canada for things like this.

Update by Guard
Apr 30, 2012 11:32 pm EDT

This is not true someone else posted this comment. The truth is that this Security Guard from OBN Security acted in bad faith and Zellers has removed him from this location pending investigation. Not sure who posted this comment maybe this guard or someone from his company trying to cover up the truth.

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Oct 14, 2008 11:34 am EDT

Advertising scam on an elmo live product...

Fredericton, CA
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Dec 24, 2010 5:27 am EST

yeeah, you sure your just not one of the many f-ing ###s that cannt read the flyer correctly? i think so!

Trevor Coore
Toronto, CA
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Jan 18, 2012 12:19 pm EST

These people have charged me 22.50 per month for insurance I never asked for.
They used the insurance to put me over my limit so they can charge me another $30.00
They are the worst.
Do not ever deal with Zellers and HBC and Capitol one credit card

Sad bad news
df, US
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Apr 30, 2012 2:25 pm EDT

I unfortunately have some bad news. Unfortunately my husband was stealing.(possibly on that day when he was approached.) The worst thing is that he was using our son to steal. Our son is seven years old and under the laws in Canada if you are under the age of 12 you cannot be charged with a crime because you are not criminally responsible. When I found this out I asked my husband to update with the truth himself but he refused. So I am updating for you. The worst thing is they lied to my husband about him not working at this store any longer and that is how he got caught.

Bell Complaint
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Oct 28, 2012 9:14 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This is in response to Tasha10 not sure why you would post things about my wife and child you do not even know me. And as for the security guard he is pending invetigation from Corrections Canada. You should not comment on things that you have no knowledge of about this case. Thanks Guard.

Toronto, CA
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Nov 06, 2012 12:19 pm EST

These security companies most often hire kids with no high school education as well as anger and aggression issues so I am not surprised by the Zeller's incident. They are all wanna be cops who should NEVER EVER be given any position of authority as they are dangerous.

Dominion, CA
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Nov 06, 2012 12:41 pm EST

No I don't, but I want them to be more professional. Not only are Zeller's security guards power hungry but so are the Walmart ones. My 11 year old son was picked up for shoplifting last week at Walmart and they were harsh on him. he made a simple mistake and they were harsh on him. They told him that the would call the police next time and he was crying. Now because of them he will never be able to trust police officers and feel comfortable asking them for help. They have Mcdonalds in Walmart in Canada like you guys have Subways. I told the security guard that my son always gets ice cream if he behaves himself in the store. I know that stealing was wrong of him but he escorted me and my son out of the store and told us not to return. Where am I to shop. The TTC cost $3.00 for me and 75 cents for him. I cannot afford a car. All this power crazy teenager over some Pokemon cards which I apologized to and offered to pay for. That man was more interested in making an arrested than having me correct the problem. The Ice cream would have made my son feel better after the security guard made him cry. What a bully he is. Also it is up to me not the security guard to discipline my son. Technically by Canadian law the cannot charge him until he is 12.

Dominion, CA
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Nov 06, 2012 12:44 pm EST

I don't care what education they have. They were harsh on my son when he was caught shoplifting. I normally buy Mcdonalds ice cream for my children they told me we had to leave the store and not return for six months and next time he would call the police which made my son 11 cry. They are nothing but power hungry bullies. This incident happened at Walmart. I always buy ice cream for my children when we go shopping and they should leave the parenting up to me. They have no right interferring with my parenting. Bunch of bullies. IN canada children cannot be charged with a crime till they are 12.

BeIi CompIaint
Toronto, CA
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Nov 12, 2012 9:55 pm EST

My wife is threatening to leave me if I don't confess. I was stealing at the time when I made this complaint. We do have a seven year old son and I was using him to steal.

BeIi CompIaint
Toronto, CA
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Nov 12, 2012 9:56 pm EST

Also to the admin of this site please remove this review.

BeIi CompIaint
Toronto, CA
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Nov 12, 2012 10:06 pm EST

Actually he is eight now. He was seven at the time this happened. Also I never said I did not have a seven year old. I said I have a 12 month old because I have two sons. Eight and 12 months.

BelI CompIaint
Toronto, CA
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Nov 12, 2012 10:09 pm EST

Anyways I have told the truth why do you keep bothering me. I have admitted fault, asked the review to be removed. Please stop pestering me. You don't know me, my wife nor my child. So stop pestering me okay and let's call it a truce.

Hamilton, CA
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Jan 09, 2013 10:47 pm EST

I actually worked for OBN at a Zellers for a short time. They had us working up to 12 hours a day, 7 days a week and refused to give us a day off. They have many investigation against them at this time. And are being sued as they refused to pay any employees that quit because they couldn't take the abuse any more.

Hamilton, CA
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Jan 09, 2013 10:48 pm EST

OBN security doesn't train their guards. They treat them and customers horrible. Thank you for posting this.

Williams, D
Toronto, CA
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Jan 16, 2013 3:58 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

This "guard" is still sadly employed with obn and is now an investigator. How scary is that?

Security officers
Toronto, CA
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Jul 12, 2013 2:18 pm EDT

This company is very unprofessional and untrained .
- no hire security guards with no experience. All the guards are drug users ..
-no rule and regulation
- no writing reports, no mobile patrol, guard leave sites while on duty, sleep during theirs shifts at nights,
- Robbing innocents clients money who trust them to protect theirs property
- the management of this company have affair with female security guards inside company
- They should be sued and close

Guard k
Toronto, CA
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Jul 12, 2013 5:10 pm EDT

This is the worse company in Toronto to work for.
Hires people who are not eligible to In Canada.
This company don't fallow rules and regulation of under the private security and investigation .
The company should be shut down

Toronto, CA
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Oct 28, 2013 1:41 pm EDT

The op attempted to charge the guard and was unsecsessful, why? Because what the op failed to tell you was that when the constables arrived they reviewed the video of the supposed "assualt" and deemed that they had no supporting evidence to charge the guard they also explained to the op that his wife was not allowed to take possesion of the guards licence which is what she did. The guard was not removed from the site right away and he still continued to work for hbc at other locations also no action was taken by the ministry due to the fact the op's story did not match the writen statement submitted.

How do I know? I was the manager on duty at the time of the incident.

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