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CB General Health Review of Aluna Ayahuasca Healing Center California
Aluna Ayahuasca Healing Center California

Aluna Ayahuasca Healing Center California review: Drug enforcement agency violations, witness tampering, supply schedule 1s 96

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8:08 am EST
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When the Drug Enforcement Agency do a raid at 13200 Pine Ave, Potter Valley, CA, United States, California and find lots of iilicit substances we will say they brought it on themselves (hoisted by their own petard) and throwing stones in glass houses (meaning if you are trafficking and dealing in drugs don't accuse others of the same crime).

They have even put their address online in clear view for the Drug Enforcement Agency 13200 Pine Ave, Potter Valley, CA, United States, California

Here is the DEA information

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Johannes posts) also means you better serve Aluna or we will report you to the authorities for supplying and selling ayahuasca. You can see its them and they are advertising MDMA and Ayahuasca online

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In United States law they are trafficking Schedule 1 contraband and then in a very "deranged" way, accusing others of their very own crime and then posting "we love it" referring to the game of reporting you to the authorities and posting you're a peadophile, and defaming witnesses who tip off DEA is witness tampering

For aggravated witness intimidation Penal Code Section 136.1 (c) It was malicious, it was repeated, there were threats of violence, there was implied blackmail, and there was making false allegations, and it was to extort money, so yes, these people are full of legal problems without remedy

Allison Hoots Hoots Law Practice and Chacruna Institute had to cease and desist involvement. They were legally advised defaming DEA witnesses with malice is witness tampering and you can go to prison for it.

The DEA wont like the story of Aluna

If you are selling drugs and advertising drug retreats online dont accuse others of dealing in drugs when its you.

All Chacruna is are a bunch of people blogging about ayahuasca, minority groups and their gripes with the DEA

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Eternal Heart Centre PT
Eternal Heart Centre PT
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Jan 24, 2024 7:27 am EST
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People associated with Aluna (this Johannes Maasland guy) kept posting my father was a peadophile, and that I was organizing ayahuasca retreats at Sinchi Runa Faro which is pure defamation.

My centre does not use ayahuasca and we have absolutely nothing to do with ayahuasca and people that use this substance are barred from my centre.

Aluna kept posting that alludes to them having problems with extended family and that refers to their story with Johannes and the cannabis sacks (well elaborated upon here)

Santo Daime Controversy Blogspot (Reply to Han Maasland's defamatory attacks )

Freedman, Daniela Mar and her family now at Aluna Sanctuary (minus Johannes) all ordered the ill-conceived aggression against me (including threats of violence and posting up I am a pedophile) and for that, there is much evidence.

Johannes who uses the screen name Han Maasland, as well as people involved with Sanctuary 1860 (Attila and Alexandra Akat now of the Ayahuasca Aluna Healing Center USA ), kept posting harassment, lies and threats to kill.

Their (somewhat deranged and deluded) story is we are obligated to service Daniela Mar, finish brahmachariya and fund Aluna, and do what their religious doctrines demand, or be ruthlessly stalked, persecuted and defamed for peodophilia and defamed for rape.

These people kept posting defamation and harassment to attempt to ruin our reputation and failed, and the intention to try and criminalize us for money failed, criminalized Dani Mar and Johannes with the cannabis sacks, and her entire Santo Daime Church with the prohibition (criminalization of ayahuasca), and a DEA raid for Aluna (the inevitable consequences of their actions).

It comes under trying to use harassment, legal persecution and intimidation to attempt to force us to service ayahuasca, and there are stiff karma consequences for such deranged ignorance.

The Ayahuasca Defence Fund were also involved, cursing them with bad legal outcomes for ayahuasca.

The end consequence of interfering in my work and legal business, is a curse of collapse on an international organization of ayahuasca and the criminalization for ayahuasca in all the courts in Europe.

They tried to criminalize me for Aluna, failed and then the DEA got involved, and they are to blame.

They kept posting via Johannes on our Facebook that we were organizing plant medicine retreats, supplying drugs and that we would be reported to the authorities, and that "we love defaming you"

Daniela Mar of the Aluna team was posting defamation about us on other websites and had to take it off, and Han Maasland used Retreat Guru to make hundreds of threatening posts, then they had him do it on my Facebook with Freedman's backing. These people put us on porn sites, sent us sexually obscene content, make disgusting sexual jokes and it came from Han Maasland and friends of Daniela Mar.

The DEA (or the foretold Aluna fire) will make these people stop their criminal behaviour called trafficking in Schedule 1's and Johannes kept posting karma payback is coming, and he is no doubt right.

Aluna and the Aluna team are fully responsible for their actions to break the law in the United States and then make a big drama about it, and then provoking people with law enforcement backgrounds.

The Ayahuasca Defense Fund, Adrian Freedman Santo Daime Church and others (including attorneys and solicitors), tried getting court injunctions (o they could keep defaming, stalking and threatening us and then us not being able to answer back), and they were all DENIED legal remedy.

aluna info
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Jan 25, 2024 7:01 am EST

dani mars visa story looks extremely suspicious to us. there was a usa border ban in the pandemic and only green card people could get in. later others could go in without green carsd but you had to have your shots. dani mar was posting im going into mexico july 2021 whilst pretending to be in the states on aluna. the woman dani mar doesnt have a green card and shes been on aluna for over a year. you have to have 3 month breaks for visa and aluna kept posting her on retreats all year. it means alunas lying or dani mars overstaying a visa illegal.

theres something not right as others have said. theres holes in alunas presentation and when they were looking for the smfs they are saying to derky wenaus and aluna. put her in aluna for ayahuasca retreats and if smfs says your looking for him make out he is ill. we seen dani mars facebook and what jon was posting. she hasnt been in america all the time since april 2021. she was at kims as well in july 2022 and andis for august 2022. she was at gravito in spring 2022 as well.

gravito were playing the game also and freedmans the main man. there just lookin g for smfs and say your gonna serve dani mar or we gonna make trouble, thats all. and there the ones in trouble as its witness stalking for drug enforcement authority informers. dani mar she went to america in november 2022 and the church brought her plane fares for other times to make a false cover. she hasnt been there all the time since november 2022. the border entry stamps for usa immigration dont lie.

26magic infos
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Jan 26, 2024 3:19 am EST

when the smfs star beings knew what was going on then for 24 and 25 do stones looting and it cancels 26 magic. everyone can see its change the website for 26 and get ready for 8.

they were doing ayahuasca and said to jon do an attack. its the same words that alexandra akat was writing and she was using jon. for return of karma its like a bad blow back for back end 8.

aluna lost at stones may 8 2022 not may 8 2023. for star beings divine interfere its emptied back out aluna ayahuasca energy every 3 months till there finished. its the reverse of 8 magic. dani mar tried 8 magic and the smfs star beings made him immune to 8 magic.

it goes with may 8 2023, aug 8 2023, nov 8 2023 star beings divine interfere and aluna keeps losing energy. it started may 8 2023 but the cause was may 8 2022 in sorcery notes. we can back up everything may 8 2022 to may 8 2023 what dani mar was doing. for divine interfere its the opposite of 8 magic star beings divine interfere. they lost at stones for may 8 2022 and that was when the stones were cast. when aluna go down it appears as a 8 curse. or a curse of the 8. we can back everything up.

the smfs aliens help themselves to the stones and it appears as alunas looting divine interfere. the smfs aliens got involved to do their own 8 magic and its 8 and 8 curse of both 8. its star beings divine interfere stones looting. they can loot whenever they want to loot and its finished 8 magic.

and 26 magic is prep for 8. thats all.

26magic infos
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Jan 26, 2024 3:24 am EST

aluna entire business structure has become dependent on the negative energy yields of failed 8 magic

and thats why they are behaving as they are, even the dates match up

may 8 2023 and july 8 2023 august 8 2023 and october 8 2023 then november 8 and january 8 2024

and the evidence shows Daniela Mar has been involved with Johannes this year also - she wont be able to deny involvement in incitement of Johannes to make nasty postings for the 8ths and solstices.

The intention has backfired and impacted Aluna's reputation

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Jan 26, 2024 8:59 am EST
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The woman named Dani Mar was interfering in my legal business with very dubious motives and without ascertaining the relevant facts in 2016 to assist a company to try and criminalize me in bad fath (which comes under the term of legal persecution) to sue me for 1.6 million in damages and without telling her now ex-husband to get rid of the 14 kilos of cannabis sacks.

That business was DENIED and that business is now PERMANENTLY CLOSED.

These people also attempted in various ways to interfere in an old lawsuit involving me in an attempt to get Euros 300,000 (for themselves), without any rightful claim, to fund ayahuasca retreats, their "extended families" and to fund a network of luxury ayahuasca retreats in Portugal (which then burnt down)

Using the defence of honest opinion - that interference was because I refused to go and live at Earth Connection Portugal, serve them and fund their work.

Adrian Freedman, leader of Santo Daime Church supported (and funded) these peoples actions, tried to interfere in my Article 9 religious freedom rights and as a result his own organization Santo Daime Church was stripped of Article 9 religious freedom rights in all of Europe.

When they (they meaning the leaders of Earth Connection Portugal to quote the Ayahuasca Defence Fund) were arrested with the 14 kilos of cannabis, they started attacking my reputation, persecuting me, and they lost an online smearing war that involved trying to discredit my reputation.

What then happened was the Santo Daime was struck with a bane (aka a curse) of what they complain to be legal persecution and its their karma for interferinng in my legal business and persecuting me en mass in the name of ayahuasca.

In 2017 they were warned, persecute me with malice and you will have the prohibition of ayahuasca in every country, and thats exactly what went down. They were also forewarned about these fires.

Santo Daime put up over 800 thousand (thats 5 times my original claim against them) to try and get court injunctions, gag orders, search orders and legal judgments, got absolutely nothing to show for it except a 26+ country continent wide prohibition on ayahuasca, a bunch of police raids, a lot of bad legal outcomes for ayahuasca and an extremely nasty controversy that they are the authors of.

At bottom the womans initial actions (with Freedman in support later) are the entire cause of the criminalisation of all of the European Santo Daime Churches including the cancellation of the Article 9 legal rights of the Mother Church of Santo Daime Amsterdam - of which the woman originally came from.

The ALUNA venture is built on a lot of bad karma and what happened is not my responsibility and in fair comment they have "extended family problems"

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Jan 29, 2024 2:14 am EST

The bigger problem this Daniela Mar woman has is the karma of lying to Homeland Security in her visa application about the fact that her and her ex-husband have a drug trafficking conviction for supply LSD, 14 kilograms of cannabis.

Aluna isn't legal for ayahuasca and purpose of visit is commit crimes in the United States called supplying Schedule 1 drugs. This woman lied in her visa applications and then used false names to confuse a Homeland Security background check. Lying to Homeland Security is a deportable offence.

If you are going to ask an attorney to threaten to deport someone, you will get back your intentions as Johannes wrote.

Never ever lie to Homeland Security as when they find out, they will deport you and as Johannes kept posting the authorities find out everything. That's why he never went there as he was smart

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Jan 29, 2024 5:32 am EST
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Replying to comment of ur1971

Wise people will see exactly what these people's intentions toward me are. Adrian Freedman, leader of the Santo Daime Church and the same person backing up Daniela Mar, tried to use blackmail, harassment, threats of violence, and threats to physically harm me and my wife, to force me/us to serve ALUNA.

We are not responsible for the intentions of these very "sick" people, and Freedman tried to force me to pay Aluna money to stop them stalking me (or be defamed for rape), so that would be blackmail.

Freedman's solicitor was DENIED an injunction. Freedman had to take back (and off the internet) defamation accusing me of blackmail, and its him that is the blackmailer.

Freedman had to stop calling my family, threatening them with violence against me, or to to prison.

8th magic information
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Feb 14, 2024 6:02 am EST

These Aluna people did exactly what the spiritual master said they would do. They did an ayahuasca work for the 8th and told Johannes to post harassment. It was straight after after the work. Then Daniela showed up in his energy and tried to make him be on a rope again but it wouldn't stick. The woman shows in his energy for 24 hours or so and then disappears again.

That's rope immunity across seas and he also became immune to this 8th magic. Its using magic to try and make someone fall in love with you for the 8th to get energy and use Pagan witchcraft.

Daniela on the 26th told Aluna to move the work to the 8th and then said to Johannes harass him so I can get in his energy and make him be on a rope with me. She tried to take his energy and the opposite happened and thats why he keeps winning stones.

He foresaw Aluna on fire and he got filled up with white stones. That's front end 8th looting and they are trying it on him first and it curses them back with energy losses. That's rope immunity across seas and Daniela lost at astral planes stones war.

She wants him to be back on the rope in the astral planes and she is using Johannes to harass him with offensive insults and defamation. She wants him to serve her energy in the astral planes and there is evidence her family are involved and thats why he gets harassment at solstice or after any ayahuasca retreats for the 8th or around the 8th with Daniela in.

They keep attacking the spiritual master using Johannes after solstice ayahuasca retreats and also for Aluna retreats around the 8th. When he foresees a fire they are trying to get in his astral energy with ayahuasca around the 8th and he became immune to 8th magic. 8th magic is try and make him be joined to her energy with witchcraft and he became immune to astral planes fusion of souls with 8th magic.

In legal defence of the spiritual master its proof of 8th harassment with ayahuasca to try and make him be back on a rop and Aluna posted ayahuasca retreats for after the 8ths. In the website of the spiritual master is some articles about 8th magic. It means try and get into his astral energy with 8th magic and harassment. He has become immune to being joined to her astral energy against his will with magic.

Its attempting to steal energy and what happens when they try it his Star Beings take energy back and its divine intervention by Star Beings. That's what cancels the 8th magic as well as rope immunity over seas.

The Aluna people keep losing energy 2 times every 3 months for the front and back end 8ths and its only because Daniela Mar keeps trying to make him be back on a rope with 8th magic, or do an attack on his work for solstice using Johannes.

Aluna were legally advised to stop it and there is evidence to back up the statements made.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Feb 16, 2024 3:55 am EST
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These people need to comprehend and understand I or my community want nothing to do with Aluna, Ayahuasca or Daniela. These people have problems taking no for an answer and Daniela legally estranged herself from me, my energy and my community by her own actions. I suggest she deals with it, takes responsibility for the breakdown of her marriage and in her words to me "start growing up". All this failed 8th magic is, is trying to manipulate my energy to try and coerce us to serve her using harassment and stalking whilst trying to get me in legal trouble when it's her, and her family, and her Church, breaking the law.

legal exempt infos
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Feb 16, 2024 9:38 am EST

on legal meaning to be legally estranged means if the spiritual master did have a soul deal he is exempt legally. we think this soul deal is dubious and we seen the info for vitiated consent. thats chacruna. when she made a rope on his astral body with ayahuasca then afterwards a soul deal appeared. its the effects of 8 magic, when the rope isnt there there isnt one. the woman tried to cause confusion and its to make him serve her energy. shes tryting to get back in his energy to make him think he has to have her and thats false. for exempt legally it means legally there through. we seen info where the magic made him have an astral romance and he never agreed. when he won at rocks it means he won energy and came off the rope.

legal exempt infos
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Feb 16, 2024 9:52 am EST

we seen info santo daimes lost all their energy so the spiritual master could get out of a soul deal. it means he won at rocks. it goes with marmots immunity and legal immunity. it doesnt matter whether he had a soul deal or not he won either way. we back everything up and the woman tried to make him serve earths connection in 2016 and then for 2021 try the same for aluna but hes got rope immunity over seas. thats why the rope wont stay in his energy and it means hes clear of whatever obligations people think he has

contribution comment
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Feb 17, 2024 6:06 am EST

I have seen the evidence in this particular case and I can say two things.

1. I did some metaphysical research and read what happened to this man and its energy manipulation with ayahuasca and that's why they are doing these co called 8ths retreats. They are trying to manipuiate his energy with ayahuasca and where it says about you need lots of astral stones to make the gateway, that refers to Daniela taking everyone's else's astral stones to try and connect with this mans energy. Because he isn't in agreement he then wins the same stones and that is why everyone else loses energy to him. Then there isn't enough energy to keep the gateway and I mean the rope. That is why the rope won't lodge in his energy. I think she is obsessed with his astral energy and she isn't allowed to use it. I agree that is why these fires happen and its tampering with his astral body invoking a curse that people don't know what they are dealing with. I am sure he agrees as he wrote the same thing.

2. Daniela's visa story doesn't add up. I can see through it and other people can see though it as well. When she makes these intrusions Aluna are manipulating the dates, taking her off certain pages and they are trying to see if he will fall for it and make him say he wants her. Its just attempted astral planes seduction for these periodic 8ths. That's the manipulation and lets face it if you have to stay out of the country for months at a time to reset a visa, you want somewhere to doss and for free. That is why she is trying the connection and that's why its only periodic. Thats also why Freedman keeps harassing him using Johannes at the same time. When he doesn't play into it then they put her back up and say to Johannes harass him some more till next time. I will back the spiritual master up and agree with the facts. I know the history of the story with the arrest of Johannes with 14 kilos of cannabis and the legal background. I also saw what the family said about the spiritual master and its all lies. Freedman lied about him as well.

contribution comment
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Feb 17, 2024 6:17 am EST

When I read though Alexandra Aluna's page they keep posting up about Daniela going there in April 2021 and she never even went there until the end of October 2022. I saw her in some videos for September 2021 in the Algarve and then she posted on her page I am looking for a vacation rental in Baja Mexico for July 2021. If you have a residents green card visa you wont be hanging out in Mexico when you want to be in community with your family in California. Daniela has not been where people are making it appear she is at particular times and there's loads of inconsistencies in her story. I saw what Aluna were posting as well.

baby shamans
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Feb 17, 2024 7:06 am EST

If I was this Spiritual Master and someone kept posting I would be defamed for raping kids and snitched out to law enforcement for doing drugs when I aint, then write I love doing it and you cant stop me doing it. Then let me tell you something when I see your doing drugs. The first thing I will do is turn your names over to law enforcement and come on guys you were really begging for it. People are right this Aluna place is a circus show full of lunatics nutters and people off their rockers. Freedman's people were cracking arson jokes about how they love stalking the Spiritual Master and his Star beings crippled Freedman's race at A1 sorcery. Freedman was in Portugal for these 8ths and Johannes Maasland wrote keep going, keep going, we all loving it. Daniela kept writing he is an autistic baby and needs to grow up. Its growing up time for some very immature and babyish idiots, law enforcement will give these people life lessons in growing up. Thats if the fire doesnt come through and burn you to a crisp. Quit the arson jokes people..

baby shamans
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Feb 17, 2024 7:08 am EST

If I was this Spiritual Master and someone kept posting I would be defamed for raping kids and snitched out to law enforcement for doing drugs when I aint, then write I love doing it and you cant stop me doing it. Then let me tell you something when I see your doing drugs. The first thing I will do is turn your names over to law enforcement and come on guys you were really begging for it. People are right this Aluna place is a circus show full of lunatics nutters and people off their rockers

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Feb 17, 2024 2:01 pm EST
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In legal evidence Aluna has been legally advised of a foretold fire and the response was inciting Johannes harassment from an email Daniela was also using, so she was involved, and some of it is in fact her own writing. It means if you won't serve me and my family (and be back on the rope), we will keep doing it (harassing you for the 8ths before my womens works) and that's what she has been doing for years.

Freedman is involved with Daniela and her intentions, and Freedman agreed with Johannes actions, and I became immune to this woman's "8th magic" on the energy of her Church (see my blog for elaboration)

These people do not have any legal defence for threatening me with violence and 800+ counts of witness harassment and intimidation on top of the legal story about the 14 kilos of cannabis (even with the fires story aside). Aluna has legal problems coming of their own making on top of their extended family issues.

These people should finish their work with ayahuasca, if they don't, and the fire comes, I am not to blame.

In fair comment, simply "attempting" to get in my energy with harassment and this failed "8th magic" is enough to invoke a fire curse and there is plenty of evidence to back up the statements made.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Feb 17, 2024 2:17 pm EST
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For further elaboration on this story and legal comments search for

Santo Daime Controversy Articles, Blog Reposts and Legal Perspectives. Santo Daime Fires Controversy

Earth Connection Portugal Controversy - reply to Han Maaslands attacks


The woman, backed up by Freedman and the energy of half a million+ ayahuasca drinkers, falsely believed they had the right to use my energy and then become powerful as an empire on it, which comes under previous rope magic comments (violating Article 9) and on cancellation of this Article 9 energy violation (aka rope magic, binding magic, on which the woman was drawing from the entire race to do), the organization known as Santo Daime Amsterdam (aka Céu da Santa Maria (Amsterdam) who the woman admitted being from, lost all their energy, and then lost on Article 9 in the European Court of Human Rights.

The legal facts of this case is this woman and a lot of other people believed I could be coerced to serve ayahuasca and put up with death threats, harassment, defamation and numerous GDPR violations.

Freedman himself admitted he had 1,000+ emails warning him to address the problems, and with his own email, had people keep going, and keep going, and the disgusting harassment was coming from this woman, her family and her Church. Freedman and the Ayahuasca Defence Fund backed up their ill-conceived aggression and as foretold, got hit with a curse of Europe-wide criminalization of ayahuasca.

This empire of ayahuasca in honest opinion lost all of their energy to counteract this "rope magic" (aka Santo Daime black magic), resulting in "race waste" (aka "carcass race in sorcery").

In legal evidence this same "rope magic" backed up with Santo Daime intimidation had a large part to do with all these fires burning down their retreat centres.

Adrian Freedman and anors was warned in May 2017 and July 2017 (and at many other times) of catastophic fires destroying ayahuasca retreat centres, after which he had me threatened, stalked and smeared as mentally ill, for which there is much evidence.

Such fires then happened as foretold and after Freedman's ayahuasca work in October 2017 a second (foretold) deadly fire gutted a bunch of additional ayahuasca retreats on top of the June 2017 fire that gutted Gravito.

Not only was the Gravito fire foretold but the Earth Connection Portugal fire was foretold, the Sanctuary 1860 fire was foretold, the Caminho da Luz fire was foretold, the Lagos fire fire was foretold, the Monchique fire was foretold, and a fire was foretold in Temple of the Earth, Dharma Garden and Senses Camping.

The woman is BARRED from our community and our retreat centre, we are not serving this womans work with ayahuasca and a fire was also foretold several times at Aluna Ayahuasca Retreat in the USA.

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Feb 19, 2024 1:56 am EST

The spiritual master is correct. I ran some website monitoring sequences on the Alunas website and analysised the results. What they do its take Daniela temporarily down from the women retreats page and then send the spiritual master harassment emails from ancient ways of healing to get his attention so he can see. Then they say to Johannes threaten him with violence, harassment and post some lies. Alexandra and Johannes were sending each other emails and cc spiritual master. Its there own emails and its full of links to death threats and defamation. I saw Freedman had to take it down in the legakl protocol emails. Its all to try and get in his energy and force him to serve Aluna. They do it for the 8th and that is what there doing and when they take her off. They say to Johannes write to him and harass him, its Danielas email from Breath and Sound. Its to make him say he will serve Aluna's works or they will do it again. It says in the fires controversy notes mocking me makes fires come and hes right. When he posts he wants nothing to do with Daniela they put her back on and get ready for the next 8th.

magic ropes infos
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Feb 25, 2024 2:20 pm EST
Replying to comment of M.Simpson

In mastery teachings the opposite of non consenting soul fusion and witchcraft magic rope. It appears as being dissolved of an energy cord throughout the human race. We can back it up. In the teachings of karma immunity, if you have no rope in the human race. you are done with their karma. It means. if you become immune to marmot, you don't have to come back to earth. You can see what the reversal of a magic rope has done. The side effect is that one is outside earthly courts and earthly laws, then it resembles crown immunity.

Both groups think they are above the spiritual master, they are wrong. its root downfall in buddhism. then the spiritual master also operates above the law from another higher plane and gives moral lessons. He was born into many generations of police and both of his parents were also police. His star beings channelled all the legal defences and thats if anyone can get him into an earth court

It means that the opposite of non-consenting soul fusion is done with the energy of the human race and its karma. dissolved the energy bond with the entire human race. What has been done with the energy of the spiritual master and the story of the fires is beyond human understanding

magic ropes infos
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Feb 25, 2024 2:26 pm EST

we have seen information about a yellow rope and that fits with the information about marmot immunity. it says that the energy of the race is immunity to marmots. and it is the crown defense. what marmot means is be on the yellow rope and it is 45 days from 8. its soul trapping magic and that is what has stopped. we back up its not allowed.

we seen info for marmot he was inside dani mars energy and stuck in there. thats the yellow rope. it goes with ropes immunity over seas and use santo daimes energy to stop it. thats 8 magic. we seen info what 8 magic means. its make 2 souls be together in the astral planes in marmot he never agreed to it.

we seen info when he was in marmot. he saw burning ayahuasca retreats and where 8 magic was done. the fire went there and it cancelled 8 magic. for cancel 8 magic his aliens took energy back and it was for cancel marmot.

we back this up everything for 8 magic. the energy of the race was used to cancel marmots. it goes with his aliens took out the rocks and its stones change. thats whats been done for aluna his aliens keep taking out the rocks and it cancels 8 magic.

his aliens stopped it done and it goes with ropes immunity over seas

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Feb 29, 2024 9:29 am EST
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This Church (starting in 2016) interfered in my Article 9 rights and legal affairs in bad faith and as foretold, they cursed themselves with the ban on the sacrament “aka stripped of Article 9 religious freedom rights”

The deeper issue that was on trial (behind the scenes) was whether my Article 9 and free will was worth more that the Article 9 and free will of an empire of several hundred thousand ayahuasca people.

The spiritual implication of the judgment can be interpreted as my Article 9 was of greater worth – the meaning being – Divine (aka Karmic) Law supersedes Earth Law and that my Article 9 rights isn’t something to be interfered in.

In Earth Law it appears as an absolute (aka inviolable or sacrosanct) Article 9 right for me.

The Article 9 rights of several hundred thousand others are not absolute, and the authorities can interfere in them (and make a prohibition on ayahuasca), and the illegal status of ayahuasca is not really my problem and it is a problem they have had that predates the dispute with me.

Nor am I responsible if the Higher Powers favours me over them and makes divine reparations for interference in my energy and work including making karma white stones transfers to cancel “rope magic”.

The legal facts are these people had many advisories explaining that I was not interested in servicing their religion and information related to the issue of “not wanting the rope“. which is in essence interference in Article 9 and free will, and this Church refused to accept I had free will (the root cause of the dispute).

All “rope magic” is (aka hex magic, voodoo, witchcraft or soul binding magic), is interfering in free will and making a non-consensual rope on someone’s energy, and in this case planting the other end in (to use Borg terms) the “Central Command of the hive-mind” which was the root chakra (aka the power base) of the Mother Church of Santo Daime Amsterdam and a lot of ayahuasca retreat centres that then burned down in these foretold fires.

Wise people will see “the rope” was root cause of this Santo Daime “Sorcery War”, the fires and the criminalization of Santo Daime – and being free of the rope (that I never agreed to have) and being free of legal persecution karma that was not mine to start with – has far more value than the religious freedoms of several hundred thousand ayahuasca people, a position strengthened by the decision of the European Court of Human Rights.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Feb 29, 2024 9:50 am EST
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Whatever PR spin the ICEERS Ayahuasca Defence Fund (or the Santo Daime Church) want to put on it, it is no doubt the worst possible legal outcome for Ayahuasca (a landmark defeat ruling impacting the whole of Europe), the organization has been totally dissolved and outlawed, and the Santo Daime Church has been cursed with a (foretold) continental level criminal ban on Ayahuasca.

There is a salutary lesson for powerful organizations with a rotten ethical base wanting to gain some type of superior advantage or to become more powerful on my energy, power and merit, such intentions never end well as this story demonstrates and the end result was Santo Daime power base collapse.

Aluna is founded on extremely rotten ethical values also and they are fully responsible for their part.

As Johannes kept writing, Aluna is a drama, a circus and everything they do its a drama. He is right and Aluna's work with ayahuasca (which is not legal), or Aluna's story, has absolutely nothing to do with me.

Eternal Heart Centre PT
Eternal Heart Centre PT
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Feb 29, 2024 11:15 am EST
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Contrary to mistaken belief my Eternal Heart Centre business is NOT Permanently Closed, Freedman's is and by legal definition Freedman's Eternal Heart Centre is Permanently Closed and not mine.

My Eternal Heart Centre business is NOT Permanently Closed

The accumulated merits of that business has simply been incorporated (legally) into the greater whole of my main business (see above comments transfer of stones aka merits) and it simply no longer serves our personal paths to do in person retreats. As stated this Daniela woman is barred from our private retreat and all this 8th stalking is, is trying to get access to our private retreat for very dubious and sinister motives.

However, we do, and we will, retain the business name in law, and because we legally owned, and legally own, the business name legal rights, each time Freedman did, and does, ayahuasca under the table with MY business name, around these 8ths, he and all the people who attend his gatherings lose their merits "aka stones". He moved his Santo Daime retreats to these 8ths and that's how they all lost energy.

Wise people will see how these energy transfers worked, what the rope was, how it was made, and what the counter-magic that cancelled rope-magic was, the end result was Divine Compensation (stones) taken by divine decree out of a large race of ayahuasca people that took it upon themselves to interfere with me, us, and my/our work, to their detriment (and legal standing).

These Aluna people in fair comment have heavy lessons (to quote Johannes) in maturity and wisdom, and he himself posted he had lessons. His Facebook page is a ramble of admissions.

The legal evidence shows each and every ayahuasca retreat that interferes with me and my work keeps losing energy (aka stones) until they go out of business.

Eternal Heart Centre PT
Eternal Heart Centre PT
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Feb 29, 2024 11:27 am EST
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Complaints Board admin under this comment

He moved his Santo Daime retreats to these 8ths and that's how they all lost energy.

add also this comment

Its the same for Aluna, they moved their retreats to these 8ths and that's how they all lost energy.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Mar 16, 2024 2:37 pm EDT
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Commenting on this matter and for legal clarity. Freedman dissolved his Eternal Heart Centre business in 2018. He refused to make reparations for a campaign of vicious abuse that he backed up, therefore, the merit (the stones) from his Centre was forfeited, went into me, thus became mine, and therefore those merits (the stones) became legally incorporated in my main business as explained above.

Everyone involved in this ill-conceived war against me lost their energy (the stones), each time Aluna (or Freedman) order some harassment via Johannes, or try this "8th magic" they curse themselves to lose energy. They are responsible for their intentions and they were advised to correct them.

The Ayahuasca Defence Fund admitted discrediting and defaming me with malice, by the time they realized it was a bad idea, the legal damage had been done, legal damage they too are responsible for.

In their own words and by their own admission, unethical behaviour in ayahuasca leads to bad legal outcomes which is what they got. Those outcomes being landmark defeat rulings for the Santo Daime Church, appearing as a loss of legal status of ayahuasca throughout Europe.

The Ayahuasca Defence Fund admiitted the ECHR decision dismissing the Santo Daime complaint was a "death blow" for the legalization of ayahuasca and Freedman's Santo Daime Church was stripped of legal legitimacy. These people were advised in 2017, persecute me with malice and you will have the prohibition in every country, and that is what happened. They are legally responsible for the prohibition of ayahuasca.

The Ayahuasca Defence Fund and The International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research, and Service were DENIED injunctions.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Mar 27, 2024 3:04 am EDT
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In legal proceedings Church leader Adrian Freedman he was denied any and all remedies against me including injunctions and shut up orders, his claims were thrown out and he had to take down and delete all the offensive content he posted (or caused to be posted) about me and my police family in England.

Freedman was ordered to pay me and my business, the sum of GBP 625,000 (six hundred and twenty five thousand pounds in damages).

He had to assume responsibility for, and foot the legal damages for, the behaviour of Han Maasland.

The woman named Daniela Mar of Aluna was DENIED any legal remedy, and in 2021 also made an undertaking to pay damages in Court (Oliveira da Hospital, Portugal).

The woman instead put the damages into Aluna and that is the root cause of their current problems (a curse of losses at Aluna), and a decision that she is responsible for.

Freedman was ordered to post a public apology on his website and social media channels, work to deal with the GDPR issues, and cease and desist further Santo Daime Church cult-based harassment.

Roger Moore 881
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Sep 25, 2024 3:20 am EDT

What started off as 1 police raid on a Santo daimes cannabis farm turned into a legal carnage all over Europe. The evidence shows the ICEERS were inciting Han Maasland to cyberstalk and post witnesses and their families were mentally ill, sick (censor) and would be murdered, and have their reputations smeared. Now if you are dealing Class A drugs and then growing big bags of cannabis to the tune of 14 kilograms, do not then pick fights with a police family and threaten to smear people on the internet mentally ill, these people are in fair comment extraordinarily stupid and its them that are mentally ill.

The Santo Daime organization had to take off his rants and threats, and assume legal responsibility for his behaviour. It was cannabis for Freedman’s and Sanctuary 1860’s ayahuasca retreats. The Ayahuasca Defense Fund admitted it was cannabis, and had to take off from this website comments it wasn't cannabis.

The Sanctuary 1860 now defunct also, aka PERMANENTLY CLOSED, tried to deny it was cannabis and tried to pretend they had nothing to do with Han Maasland. The evidence debunked Alexandra Akat and everyone else who denied having anything to do with him, as liars. They were all parroting from a false narrative script that was fed to them by Freedman, to parrot from. Freedman lied about his involvement with Johannes Maasland and he was growing weed for the ceremonies.

Adrian Freedman lost lots of money on a weed deal that went bad when the cops took it away from the house of Johannes Maasland in November 2016. They found people to say the cannabis was not cannabis but the police posted on their website pictures of 14 kilos worth of ready grown weed in black sacks and glass pots destined for sale in the Santo Daime Portugal.

Freedman had to apologize for Johannes death threats and he wrote it from his own email, Freedman also had to take down defamatory allegations that he had Johannes post, and he was caught making the same allegations from his email.

Adrian Freedman as a member of a criminal international organization of drug traffickers was disgraced by the behaviour, was stripped of his religious liberties by the authorities and was condemned internationally and many times for his involvement.

Roger Moore 881
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Sep 25, 2024 3:25 am EDT

Charlotte Walsh of the Ayahuasca Defense Fund stopped laughing when police arrested several drug dealers and caught her ex husband selling weed undercover.

In February 2018, the Ayahuasca Defense Fund, led by Charlotte Walsh and Kiko Castellanos as advisors, published statements implying people was discrediting a sacred cause. That seemingly sacred cause involved lawbreaking, drug trafficking, harassment of witnesses, threats of violence, abuse, and a whole host of other problems.

In August 2018, just six months later, poetic justice taught Charlotte Walsh a harsh lesson, her partner was arrested in the United States of America selling 6K worth of marijuana to undercover law enforcement. The sheriff's search noted assault on law enforcement and heroin was also found.

legal infos
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Jan 25, 2024 7:06 am EST

As of 2023 all these centres are PERMANENTLY CLOSED and all of them were involved in posting sick peadophile jokes, harassment and were all involved with the ayahuasca work of Dani Mar.

Breath and Sound is PERMANENTLY CLOSED


Sanctuary 1860 is PERMANENTLY CLOSED

Earth Connection Portugal is PERMANENTLY CLOSED


Sanctuary of Renana is PERMANENTLY CLOSED

They had to finish their work with ayahuasca and there is legal evidence they were involved with Dani Mar, in fact anyone in Portugal involved with this woman's ayahuasca work and the womans intentions went out of business, closed down, had a police raid, a fire, or some other misfortune.

The Aluna Sanctuary in Potter Valley, California which used to be Sanctuary 1860 in Portugal were lying about the SMFS in emails and slagging him off as mentally ill. They tried to pretend they had nothing to do with Jon and thy were threatening the SMFS with having his reputation trashed and its when Dani Mar had a court letter. and the day after she said dont make assumptions about my astral body. Thats what she did to his and she made an assumption about his astral body,

When he objected to the rope the woman was inciting harassment. The Aluna Sanctuary at the time of formation founded it on posting threats, lies and inciting harassment, Freedman backed it up, the Akats in May 2018 started attacking the SMFS and it was when people had court letters so its witness tampering.

The harassment came from San Fransico and thats when Attila was there. Alexandra Akat threatened the SMFS with police and tried lying about her part in it and she was slagging SMFS off as mentally ill.

The Aluna Sanctuary supply MDMA and ayahuasca, and they are not legal. That is their business unless you want to make trouble for others. In 2018 the evidence shows SMFS said to the Akats keep posting lies and your gonna get a visit from Drug Enforcement Authority, they still wouldn't stop posting lies and harassment, so the DEA were filled in on their actions.

The evidence shows they had the warnings to stop it, and to top it off Freedman tried to force the SMFS to serve Aluna and thats when he kept foreseeing a fire there and thats on top of the previous fires.

The woman should have gone there discreet, done her own thing and left SMFS out of their drama. They tried to draw him into it and it appears as a fire or a police raid like everywhere else.

Sd 583
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Mar 10, 2024 5:15 pm EDT

Add Senses Camping Ayahuasca to the list. They are PERMANENTLY CLOSED.

Sd 583
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Mar 10, 2024 5:17 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Sd 583

Johannes kept posting profile jokes there and that's what did them in.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Jan 26, 2024 8:42 am EST
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Commenting legally on this complaint and its the truth Aluna and their extended family kept posting sick peadophile jokes, defamation, harassment and they asked to be reported to the DEA by their own actions.

The legal facts of this dispute are that since 2016 Dani Mar and the ayahuasca community were advised that I never wished to serve this woman, the ayahuasca community nor her family at Sanctuary 1860 citing the disallowed use of my energy in service of ayahuasca. Since then the woman and the entire ayahuasca community objected, making false arrogation claims on my energy in ayahuasca.

The end result is the Santo Daime Church criminalized, stripped of energy and stripped of legal status, which was their intentions. The woman interfered in my legal business with bad motives, failed and cursed Santo Daime with the ban (on honest opinion)

The woman and anors were warned repeatedly in 2017,2018,2019, 2020 and 2021 to stop posting intimidation before ayahuasca, to stop ayahuasca (because of foretold fires), to clean up their ethical (and legal act) after which en mass the ayahuasca community with the backup of Adrian Freedman began a series of malicious attacks designed to force me to serve ayahuasca.

Johannes Maasland kept sending me website submissions via my website threatening me with violence, defaming me for sexual offences, telling me I would be reported for raping kids to the police, and the woman at ALUNA Daniela Mar and Adrian Freedman incited him to do it.

Also the extended family of Johannes Maasland was then impersonating him and pretending to be him, and posting defamation, lies and threats under his name and it was May 2018.

The nexus of Adrian Freedmans actions were, serve the ayahuasca work of Dani Mar, or we put you in a wheelchair and smear you as a mentally sick pedophile, and report you to the cops for pedophilia and rape, and we will pay people to do it, and we will keep stalking you and your wife, and we wont stop doing it until you serve ayahuasca, and the Ayahuasca Defense Fund will back me up (as they did, to their detriment, appearing as prohibition for ayahuasca).

Freedman's story is he has the right to force me to self incriminate for rape and that is the purpose of the harassment, blackmailing us into sex so they can then say it was rape (to back up their manifestly ill-founded allegations), legally it means, if you don't have sex with Daniela Mar, serve my Church and pay the Aluna Sanctuary money (to stop it) we will keep sending you obscene sexual harassment, so that would be blackmail.

Freedman was accusing me of his own crime and he and his Church admitted defaming me for rape and unsuccessfully relied on CPS defence and necessity. The CPS threw out Freedman's defence and made a legal finding he had no right to coerce sexual consent which is what he was doing, lying about it and inciting sick peadophile jokes because I wouid not bow to his and her sexual demands.

Freedman and anors kept posting I was a coward, ill, sick, deranged, and I had to put up with it, the idiot in legal definition is clinically deranged and needs treatment. Freedman's Santo Daime Church is totally destroyed and the woman's family backed up Johannes vile harassment.

All the woman wants (in honest opinion) is my sexual energy to then say it was rape (or pay my family money to stop us prosecuting the charge), and the Ayahuasca Defence Fund and Freedman backed the woman's intentions up.

Legally it means, self incriminate for rape and be Daniela Mar's (censor) buddy or we won't ever drop it, and we will have Johannes keep posting we love defaming you. It means our Church will make you finish brahmachariya and you can't stop us stalking you.

In legal definition and in the defence of honest opinion, Freedman and Daniela Mar are a pair of sexual obsession predator stalkers, involved in inciting the posting defamation and sick sexual harassment jokes to coerce sexual consent on the back of failed "8th magic" which is defined as "witchcraft with ayahuasca".

In legal evidence a fire has been foretold many times at Aluna, and thats in addition to the background story of the other fires, and as said elsewhere I am not responsible for Aluna's work.

Any foretold Aluna fire is nothing to do with "rope magic" as this "rope magic" was cancelled out between June and September 2021, it would be a karma curse for shoving my damages into Aluna (as per the 2019 evidence) and then attempting to blackmail me to fund Aluna and the womans family, which is what at bottom the womans intentions have been since 2016 (interference in my legal business to get money).

For further information find me online and there is evidence to back up the statements made.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Feb 16, 2024 4:00 am EST
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For more information about the story of these fires or if people have concerns about Alina and their work, or had problems with them, people can contact me via my website

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Mar 08, 2024 3:35 am EST

Writing on condition of anonymity I wrote to this Spiritual Master and reviewed the evidence he sent me. The story interests men as I used ayahuasca before and then came out of that path like he did also, I have to concur the team at Aluna have glaring blind spots and its a disgrace to all of us.

There is a lot of abuse in the ayahuasca community that people dont want to heal. That's a responsibility issue for those calling themselves healers. The Aluna team were mocking him online and I saw all the threats of violence Han Maasland was sending. He's telling the truth and I think a lot of people want to discredit him because he chose a different way. Daniela had no right to interfere in his spiritual path and that's responsibility too. I saw Freedman's emails as well, so Freedman's obviously behind it as well.

Ascent is a complicated writiong but the message is about free will. The Spiritual Master had free will and he isn't obliged to serve Aluna, of course not. They tried to make him serve their way and then abused him for pleasure. For them its a game of sadistic abuse and pleasure, serve us or be abused. It's typical cult dynamics for abusive cults and there having the karma consequences. Aluna need to heal it before presenting themselves as healers.

Han Maasland is Daniela's ex so I see. The Spiritual Master wrote he isn't responsible for their relationship and he' is correct. She is and it says she tried to interfere in his marriage and them blamed him. I also read the detailed information on the legal story. I don't know why these people are leading ceremonies as they are clearly bad actors.

They thought they can slave him to service Santo Daime and clearly that's why they lost the legal cases. He wrote he won on Article 9 and that is the truth about what happened.

His perspective on the fires and the texts about 8th magic makes sense and I understand where he is coming from. In my opinion they were trying to manipulate his astral energy and no its not allowed. It says they were threatening him with violence and insulting him before the ceremonies. Then I saw the proof so its the truth.

In the traditions I worked with bad actors like this would never be allowed to run ceremonies.

Magical Susan
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Mar 10, 2024 2:52 pm EDT
Replying to comment of O.Fulles

The large number of foretold fires means its black magic and I am an expert in witchcraft. I read through all the information about these fires to come to my own conclusion. When Daniela tries to plant an energy cord in the astral body of the Spiritual Master he is foreseeing a fire. They are summoning the dark forces in ayahuasca rituals to influence his energy. It involves using someone expert in black magic and calling in entities to try and forge an energy cord in his energy. Spells are paid for with energy so that can explain why he became immune to the energy cord because the energy gains from the collective consciousness was more than the energy binding cost of the magic. The fire element is the innate sorcery force in the Universe and nobody should be tampering with it using black magic. That will explain very well why he foretells a fire when the magic is attempted on his energy and before he became immune the fires destroyed the retreats. That explains why he foretold so many fires. The sorcery force of the primordial fire element has burned off an astral energy cord that shouldn't have been made. It is not something I would ever recommend people do and its highly irresponsible. I cant see any situation where such an energy cord would ever be allowed as such. In Wicca and the traditions I am from, this would definitely be called black magic. TGT

Retreat Guru Booking Support
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Mar 11, 2024 6:04 am EDT
Replying to comment of O.Fulles

Regarding this situation.We understand some people will have reservations.

We are refunding anyone that has paid for any retreat with Aluna and wants to withdraw participation.

Contact us at Retreat Guru support

astralbody infos
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Mar 17, 2024 4:05 pm EDT

we back up everything for the fires. its 8 magic and post bullying to get in his energy. thats the sanctuary 1860 fire. all the fires. onanya joni said its the relationship with the teams that was doing the fire and it goes with fires finish off bad tea jobs. its what was done to his energy that did all the fires and we can back it up.

its a curse of star beings for 8 magic and for race waste its cancel the magic. that means the energy of the race is immunity to marmots. marmot means be on the rope and thats whats been finished.

for back end looting its compensation for use jon for 8 and it goes with aluna back end 8 looting from march 20 equinox to back end 8. thats april 8. thats why they gone flat as the battery is finished and theres more looting. thats what finishes off aluna and its a curse

we back up everything for astralbody magic and we seen info how its finished. and its star beings looting each 3 months. and thats whats finished the magic. we seen info dani mar was told in 2017 finish ayahuasca and when she carried on thats whats looted everyones energy. it goes with the info for astral planes parasites and thats what finished the church. ts why its womb and womens work for 8 in red writing.

thats like sanctuary feb 2018 it was 8 in red writing womb immersion. we back up everything for womb work 8 magic and whats going on. thats why he saw a fire in veerles as well. temple of the earth

we seen info when the looting finishes in a place. then a fire goes there and next is aluna and we seen info

that explains rope immunity over seas.

aluna fire info
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Mar 17, 2024 5:56 pm EDT

What happened here was full blown astral planes warfare that crippled the entire race of Santo Daime.

It started with a woman using witchcraft hoodoo magic to try and bring down the spiritual master, then meddling in a lawsuit trying to get him extradited on false evidence, then threatening to break his legs before ayahuasca ceremony and put him in a wheelchair.

Then people joined in the harassment, smoking weed and cracking sick arson and (censor) jokes. That was until a bunch of nasty fires ripped through the centres of those involved killing people and people finished laughing.

Nobody could stop the relentless crackdowns and police smashing peoples doors in, doing busts, and persecuting those carrying the sacrament.

Freedmans Santo Daime church was crippled with broken legs and put in a wheelchair, karma turned them into a slave race when Mandy flipped the tandweil slave/master.

What has been studied is witchcraft on astral planes and we can back it up with evidence. We can say that if you make a rope on spiritual master with ayahuasca, it will create fires that burn ayahuasca retreats.

The amount of evidence is very large. predicted fires and then burnt ayahuasca retreats.We have hundreds of emails with fire warnings and the spiritual master never wanted anything to do with ayahauscas, energy ropes and forcing his energy with pre-session harassment.

We can back it up. Forced union of souls is forbidden and we can say that this is the reason for the fires.

He previously predicted fires and people predicted A1 fire asteroid piece. 1,500 dead and 30 ayahuasca centers destroyed. We have data on the Aluna fire prophecy

It is God who makes it clear that the spiritual master is done with ayahuasca and Dani Mar

The spiritual master is incompatible with ayahuasca and even more, Dani Mar, appears as burning fires in ayahuasca. We can backup everything

The spiritual master is not responsible or part of Aluna’s work.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Apr 08, 2024 7:33 am EDT
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All Aluna, Daniela Mar and Adrian Freedman have done (on the defence of honest opinion) together is arranged a safe hiding house for Johannes in Holland, as it is living with others and he lost his own assets (as a result of the dispute), he is what is called in law "judgement proof". They then keep ordering attacks and when questioned by police, Freedman complains he is not responsible and has nothing to do with it, and he is the one ordering it (through the others), in legal evidence one thread of attacks is Daniela and Aluna ordered, and the other Freedman ordered. Freedman is a pathological liar and a false victim player.

They keep ordering these attacks for these 8ths or solstices and the intentions are to try and get the now dissolved rope back and the rope doesn't come back, in legal parlance its just using harassment and stalking to make someone serve your energy when they are not interested.

In divine law they are simply astral planes energy stalkers, black magicians and psychic parasites who steal energy off people in ayahuasca. The counter magic destroyed their Santo Daime race of ayahuasca on a divine curse, and they lost all their energy to me on these 8ths as a curse of counter magic explaining why all these ayahuasca retreats went out of business, and its their own fault.

Aluna posted up women's retreats for these 8ths which substantiates the facts, and Freedman moved his ayahuasca works to the 8ths and he kept ordering Johannes to post or send harassment. Aluna were writing to Johannes and they gave him the words to write as his English is bad, and it proves it was them all along, Freedman got in later to back them all up. ICEERS are just the legal back up and all they have is a mass curse of criminalization of ayahausca, and they admitted between the lines it was their fault.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Apr 08, 2024 9:03 am EDT
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To add, because Freedman used someone who is "judgment proof" and was completely complicit, he is fully liable for the damage for Johannes behaviour. A GBP 625,000 (six hundred and twenty five thousand pounds in damages) on top of being stripped of religious freedom rights internationally and being condemned many times as a mentally sick idiot that did not know when to stop.

It serves as a lesson in being made an example of in the dangers of smoking weed and behaving like an arrogant, stuck up, "king of the castle" attempting to build an ayahuasca empire on the karma of genocide.

This so called "commander" of a Santo Daime Church and his "Queen consort" have both been "de-throned" (see comment below referencing Chacruna the unity of hubris as a male/female dyad) and as always, pride comes before the fall. See also the blog Santo Daime "race waste"

As said in 2017, never again in this life will the Freedman see the freedom for Santo Daime.

witchcraft information
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Apr 11, 2024 5:54 am EDT

The spiritual master became immune to a witchcraft induced soul tie on aggregations of white rocks in astral planes sorcery for countermagic. The countermagic destroyed the church and its Atums curse. The woman was polluting his energy with psychic garbage and 8th magic in womb work. Its very nasty and obscene magic of the worst type. The fires and Mandy countermagic stopped it and Freedman admitted he was dumb. and ignorant as to what happened. The video in Julia's blog talks about piggybacking someones energy in ayahuasca and thats what Daniela was doing. His aliens finished this ayahuasca magic and its a soul tie with a witch. It says on the blog about witches and soul ties its diabolical magic and its demonic. Thats what makes fires come. Freedman joined forces with Daniela Mar in attempted 8th magic to make him be back on a rope. Its evil magic and its finished the church. and its their evil. People should stop them doing ayahuasca and save themselves from their evil. It was a witchcraft soul tie. He became immune to this magic on the energy of Santo daimes race and the rope wasn't allowed. The spiritual master won all the white stones and thats what cancelled binding magic or rope magic.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Apr 11, 2024 8:39 am EDT
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Commenting on this, this woman should never go near ayahuasca and recklessly irresponsible are those who backed up, funded, sanctioned and supported this woman's actions, and her work with ayahuasca.

They are all completely and fully responsible for their actions, and the backlash of supporting reckless ayahuasca facilitation is the fault of the Ayahuasca Defence Fund and ICEERS, who sanctioned the work.

These people are beyond ignorant and clearly deranged, mentally sick criminals. Aluna were touting themselves as experts in divine law and they are in fair comment dumb, ignorant, mentally ill, and stupid.

Adrian Freedman has a serious attitude, arrogance, defiance, hatred and ignorance problem (which he admitted) and in fair comment he has been punished for the crime of past life genocide, and punished for a long list of other ugly crimes (both legal and moral) in this life with a 26+ country prohibition on the Church.

Never again will he live to see the freedom for Santo Daime and the dumb idiot will have to suck it up, him and her have a story that does not concern me,

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Apr 14, 2024 8:44 am EDT
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All that happens is each 3rd 26th the woman gets ready to try and get the rope back for the next 8th and people can see it for what it is (try and get the rope back).

Commenting on "energy matrix soul body comments" that means in sorcery people have an astral body matrix that "stores" white stones (or merit). The purpose of 8th magic is to go in someones astral body with ayahuasca and change out the white for black. Its known as "stealing stones" or "stealing merit".

Where it says

"this mans star beings reversed the energy stones exchange done with illicit soul fusion magic"

"The spiritual master became immune to a witchcraft induced soul tie on aggregations of white rocks in astral planes sorcery for countermagic" and

"The spiritual master won all the white stones and thats what cancelled binding magic or rope magic".

It means a supernatural force from another dimension got involved to cancel the rope, put back the white stones, (reversing an illicit and unauthorized transference of merit stones) and "de-merited" everyone involved (aka change back the stones). These people lost at astral planes stones war.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Apr 14, 2024 8:51 am EDT
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As elaborated upon in the Ascent blog – it took the energy of an entire hive-mind of ayahuasca (as in several hundred thousand people) and an astral planes sorcery war to then cancel the aforementioned rope – and I then became immune to this “rope magic”. From 2018. "If an energy cord (aka the rope) cannot be removed from a collective or energy, astral forces intervene and curse the whole movement with collapse so it can be removed" and that is exactly what then happened.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Oct 25, 2024 10:12 am EDT
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It can be added, if you refuse to have anything to do with this Santo Daime "drug cult" (and they are a cult), in the worst case, they can single you out for extradition in false evidence, imprisonment on false charges, being falsely accused of rape, or even assassination by its top so called commanders.

In this case my Star Beings got involved and finished off Freedman's nasty cult, condemned in every Court of Europe, and the sick idiot can do nothing. He ordered a war on police family values and got royally screwed by his own deranged ignorance (and he "loved abusing me"), and as a result thousands of innocent people worldwide blackened by his karma. Freedman admitted his own father seriously traumatized and abused hinm, raped him and the idiot tried accusing my police father of his fathers sins,.

Freedman is a parasite on the human race, a toxic cult leader and in legal definition a drug dealing mentally sick criminal involved in blackmail, and the idiot needs to take his own life.

Never again will ayahuasca attorneys see legal freedom for Santo Daime in Europe.

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Oct 27, 2024 10:11 am EDT

Aluna was sending the Spiritual Master emails saying he was mentally ill and there was offensive content of bestiality and comments about rape and blow jobs. The rest are not emails but just copypasted from this complaint and when they proved it was Aluna they stopped it.

They were stalking him to make him do Freedman's punishing arrangement and Freedman admitted making false allegations, and he was parroting Johannes saying he was mentally ill and full of froth.

They were doing it for these ayahuasca 8th retreats also and where it says 8th harassment it means do an ayahuasca retreat on the 8th and tell Johannes post he's a pedophile. Then say you never did it and your lying. The Spiritual Master is beyond reproach and that means without blame.

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Oct 27, 2024 10:12 am EDT

Freedman was lying through his back teeth and the ayahuasca defence fund attorneys told him to do it.

Retreat Guru Booking Support
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Mar 11, 2024 6:05 am EDT

Regarding this situation.We understand some people will have reservations.

We are refunding anyone that has paid for any retreat with Aluna and wants to withdraw participation.

Contact us at Retreat Guru support

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Mar 18, 2024 5:57 am EDT
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Commenting on this, the business named Retreat Guru of which Deryk Wenaus is one of the founders, did in the end apologize for posting defamation and lies about me. He was deliberately approving and posting comments made by Johannes Maasland, people pretending to be him and members of the Aluna team (impersonating me and linking to death threats, lies and defamation), and Deryk Wenaus from his own email admitted responsibility, apologized for it (in a round and about way) and Canadian Data Protection Authorities forced them to cease and desist violating my privacy (which they were).

Suffice to say Retreat Guru are legally responsible for their own problems" and it is the truth they consented to "being ok with" making financial losses after which large numbers of retreat centres went out of business, raided by police, gutted by fires, etc, including Senses Camping, Sanctuary of Renana and a long list of others. Retreat Guru had to foot a lot of losses and they consented to it in writing.

Nobody should use Retreat Guru to book an Aluna retreat, if you have booked an Aluna retreat and Retreat Guru wont refund you or Aluna get nasty, contact me for more information and I can advise.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Apr 16, 2024 11:26 am EDT
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As a legal comment (update) this "Johannes Maasland" finally deleted and took off all his smears, lies and defamation posted about me including 48 comments in a very ill-conceived "Aluna ordered" December solstice attack on my reputation done on Facebook. No doubt Adrian Freedman (and Benjamin Meeus, legal advisor for the European Santo Daime Churches) in the end had to make this "Johannes" idiot behave, but far too late for the legal status of Santo Daime (destroyed internationally) and Aluna's reputation. They (Aluna) and Freedman ordered Johannes defamatory attacks, smears, threats and lies, and threatened to ruin my reputation, now these people will have to experience what they wanted for me.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Apr 16, 2024 11:33 am EDT
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Except in this case all the comments about them are "predominantly true" and/or matters of honest opinion, fair comment, privileged remarks, reply to attacks (on me), public interest comments, self defence comments and a long list of other legal defences apply (including written consent to the postings).

In fair legal comment, if you are dealing Class A drugs and then growing big bags of cannabis to the tune of 14 kilograms, do not then pick fights with a police family and threaten to smear people on the internet as mentally ill, these people are in fair comment extraordinarily stupid and its them that are mentally ill.

rope immunity infos
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Apr 16, 2024 12:55 pm EDT

It will be said that immunity to rope magic for life is the energy of millions of ayahuasca people and the main downfall of a race. If you think he should have the rope, people are mentally ill and you see rope magic summoning fire in ayahuasca retreats. The fires were intervention of star beings and the US immigration narrative is a defense for the acquittal of false obligations, so there is no way he can be forced to serve ayahuasca and the woman’s family and read Mandy rope immunity across seas.

All that matters is that the SMFS is free from the rope and everything else is other people’s problems.

rope immunity infos
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Apr 16, 2024 1:03 pm EDT

The whole purpose of this "rope magic" was to make an illicit and forbidden stones exchange in the astral planes (aka stones theft by force a stones exchange in the astral planes) and change places in the astral planes in rank. What "Star Being interfere meant" is they took command of the rope and "reversed back" the illicit-stones exchange, de-ranked the woman back down, exchanged the legal stones, transferring the Santo Daime stones to the SMFS as compensation, that too is irreversible and tanked out the entire race hive-mind on stones

The woman keeps trying to force a stones exchange with 8th magic and its not working, to force a "stones exchange" it means ordering harassment for the 8th, do ayahuasca somewhere and try and get in his energy using everyone else's energy and" tanking out the race", that's all this "crude" 8th magic was.

Then they resorted to ordering solstice attacks to try and do a stones grab.

It summarizes as the woman and her Church believe the SMFS is obligated to swap out his white stones for Aluna and that's false, and they keep resorting to 8th stalking, 8th harassment, solstice attacks, shadow coercion, manipulation, posting lies, etc to coerce the stones exchange, and so they keep losing stones as the solstice (and now both 8ths as well) is star beings interfere.

If they attack for solstice the stones just come through a few days after. See it as first they keep wasting (and thus losing) energy trying to get the rope back (see Mandy rope immunity over seas) and secondly Aluna keep having to make stones restitutions for past offences and its obligatory on "Star Being decree", they cannot survive the ongoing "stones loss", they also backed Johannes up

The "rope" wasn't allowed and thats the whole point, everyone keeps losing energy to cancel "8th magic"

The SMFS became immune to 8th magic.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Apr 18, 2024 4:01 pm EDT
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Johannes defamatory attacks are totally cleaned off my FB and his FB page, everything here that comes under "answer back" is legally privileged. Most importantly because Aluna, ICEERS, Freedman and Retreat Guru "authorized" Johannes attacks, any comments about them here are in fact legally privileged and they can do nothing about them legally (and they are not allowed to retaliate in the circumstances).

You can also legally attack back those who "authorized" or aided and abetted" the attack using the legal defence of reply to attack, and to the degree necessary to stop relentless, vicious and malicious attacks from criminals and a criminal organization condemned in every Court of Europe, who write "we won't ever stop it, we love what we are doing, and you cannot stop us defaming you".

Deliberate and pre-meditated malice, and complicity, on the part of Aluna, ICEERS Ayahuasca Defence Fund, Freedman and Retreat Guru (working collectively to "authorize" and "order" Johannes attacks) is proven and made out. The purpose of the attack by Johannes (extended family member of Aluna) for December 2023 has also been legally made out (see March 20th 2024) and they were legally obliged to retract and take off all of the defamatory statements made by Johannes (all 48 of them).

26th info
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Apr 20, 2024 1:23 pm EDT

All that happens is each 3rd 26th the woman gets ready to try and get the rope back for the next 8th and people can see it for what it is. The spiritual master is right and they are doing that. Aluna's actions appear as a very strange manipulation. They keep refreshing their site for each 26th only of the third month and it is getting ready for the next 8th.

They put Daniela up ayahuasca rituals up for after the 8th and update the website for the 26th the month before so that its refreshed. They have been doing it since October 26th 2022 like clock work. Every 3 months update the Aluna website for the 26th. The only intended audience is the spiritual master and his legal advisors. they are making a point about what they are doing. It is like look we are doing it again.

Its do ayahuasca in 8th rituals and then start preparing for the 26th to get ready for the 8th. After the ritual for the 8th the woman tries to force herself into his astral body. Then the counter magic it eats up all their stones like it says on the magi site and astral portals. Its charged with stones and that is where their stones went. It is try and make a portal in someones energy with 8th magic done after the ritual try and ram his astral body to make him be in marmot. back on a rope and this super natural force it stops it on stones and that is immunity to 8th magic. He has immunity to marmots or 8th magic that was in September 2021 and he came off the rope. They want the rope back and that is what is going on. They are playing into his hand and vindicating his story with evidence.

26th info
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Apr 20, 2024 1:27 pm EDT
Replying to comment of 26th info

Meanwhile Freedman is getting prepped up on the other side of the ocean and he does ayahuasca. He is stealing everyones energy in Lotus Cura rituals and sucking the life force out of the people. Its the same as what Daniela is doing. Its both of them stealing energy off hundreds of people. thousands. the energy of the whole race like two big parasites. When the 8th come they do some bizarre ritual to make the spiritual master be back on the rope and the divine force blows them back out. Its rope immunity across seas.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Apr 21, 2024 1:06 am EDT
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Replying to comment of 26th info

On this point it summarizes as whatever energy and stones they muster up for the 8th to try and force my energy, they lose (stones fill up for 8th) and then the Higher Powers cancel the magic (on transfer of stones). Then they keep using Johannes to send rounds of vitriolic abuse, and they are ordering it when they can't get the rope back. They keep doing it and that is why they keep losing energy. It's Freedman that's stuck in her manipulation and his manipulation, and I am not responsible for the effects or the results of their intentions.

han maasland infos
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Apr 21, 2024 9:41 am EDT
Replying to comment of 26th info

I read the information about Johannes postings. Its Johannes Facebook and he used Han Maasland. He was defaming the Spiritual Master and it is the truth. I don't know how they can deny it when its his own profile Han Maasland. He was spelling very as ferry when he wrote i am looking for love for a ferry long time. He cannot spell a basic word. Johannes definitely does not know how to spell condemned, traumatized and other long words. He does not know how to write proper grammatical sentences. Its a perfect grammatical paragraph and its at odds with his other postings.

When he posted the commissioned posts somebody wrote it for him and then told him to post it. That is what the truth is and he was writing about Jesus on the same day he said the Spiritual Master was not allowed to answer back. He was allowed to answer back. I saw Freedman had to have it all taken down and they put it there on purpose using the Aluna team to make him say he will serve Aluna or Johannes would trash his reputation with made up lies. Johannes never used the email with condemned in and the gmx back links it came from California time zone so it was them pretending to be Johannes.

Someone wrote the Church leaders are excused from purifying and do not have to correct their flaws, instead they can stick it on someone else and that was Freedmans undoing. He tried to stick his black karma on the Spiritual Master and I understand how it was done. I read the legal whiteness article and it means the Spiritual Master is legally clean. He was exonerated by God by the exchanging of the stones and it was their black karma to start with, it says he was restored to pristine purity and it was done by God.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Apr 27, 2024 9:25 am EDT
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Aluna stopped posting up these after 8ths retreats as it was too obvious, they changed the dates for other dates. To summarize what 8th magic was (on legal privilege) the following sums it up.

Aluna posted about solstice and equinox cycles (and rituals) so it was them all along behind it, its black magic and energy war with ayahuasca, and THEY LOST.

There is a lot of feedback from various bloggers about what 8th magic is. The consensus is, it is a traditional type of Pagan / Wiccan love magic designed to manifest a romantic and sexual partner for the following solstice (or equinox), and you do the spell at cross quarter (between 1st-8th).

It is creating such a relationship using Pagan magic to make one appear with an intended target.

in this case that was not even Daniela's intention, she was only abusing and misusing "Pagan magic" to impose (imposter) to only pretend to want that using the magic (starting for the 8th, that is what marmot was (a process to make someone say they want you) and then when they don't behave as you want, attack them at equinox or solstice (see September 2018, December 2018, March 2019, September 2019, March 2020, March 2021, September 2021, June 2023, December 2023).

You can see it requires a rope on someone's astral body and when that fails (rope making, 8th magic, the process, etc) you just have standalone equinox or solstice attacks.

The problem with this type of magic is it needs huge amounts of energy and it came out of the Church, and when it is cancelled, the one that had the magic done on them wins the energy, and people are compelled torecast like a bad gambler. It makes the caster endlessly "try and get the rope back" and that is what she was doing, and Freedman has a perverse belief I have to be back on the rope.

You can see September 2016 wasn't Pagan 8th magic at all, but everything after was and its done to manipulate someone's energy with magic to make them want you, to get energy and/or to make them say independently you want them (see March 2021).

When that fails, to get the solstice energy you have to do some other type of 8th or solstice behaviour (like 8th stalking using Freedman) or order some solstice attacks (which is what they kept doing).

You can see the woman does not even want such a relationship and the purpose of attempting such magic was only to get energy for the 8ths or for the solstice (see the texts using intimidation to make an energy anchor for the 8th). See also countermagic "stones transfer" which is immunity to the magic used.

Aluna and Freedman were ordering the equinox or solstice attacks and it was to try and get the rope back, and they forgot the part about "rope immunity over seas" and "countermagic immunity"

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Apr 27, 2024 9:31 am EDT
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The intention of Freedman (for May 8th - June 21st 2024) will be, say to me (me meaning Freedman) you will serve Aluna, say you will agree to perjure to Complaints Board (saying you lied about what happened and lied about the cannabis), or we will do it again for June 2024 (we meaning Aluna, Freedman and Johannes, doing another attack).

So no, these very "deranged" people are not going to get what they want, and if these people order a June 2024 solstice attack, we can back up why. It means, say to Freedman I will serve Daniela, pay her family money, do the perjury to Complaints Board and give the woman FWB (on her terms and minus the friends part) or there is no escape and I (Freedman) will make sure of that (using Johannes), and until you do what Aluna want for me (me meaning Freedman), I (Freedman) wont stop ordering the attacks.

Here is Johannes page live (missing loads of posts) and he cannot even spell very properly (FERRY long time) so you can see how credible this Johannes is going to look in a controversy.

link removed

He cannot even spell "at" or "to" properly so Aluna Healing (California) commissioned the FB posts for December 2023 (lot 1 and 2) (Freedman the 3rd lot), you can see Johannes is not capable of writing complex paragraphs spelt correctly, when Clare got a data letter they had him take it off.

responsibility info
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Apr 28, 2024 10:48 am EDT

Retreat Guru were colluding with the poster known as Johannes Maasland. He used the screen name Han Maasland as well and the email condemnedmanytimes gmx. He was using it but the Akat's made the email and it was to post harassment on Retreat Guru about the Spiritual Master. In the selfie image where Johannes was pointing and said do as you are told I am your Master. That was Johannes. He kept posting the Spiritual Master was a loser. It says offend the Spiritual Master and everything you have will be taken from you. That's April 2017. The fire took his house, he lost his wife, all his money, all his weed and karma stripped Johannes of everything. That's the curse and its the same for Aluna. They are next and that is what Johannes means when he said payback comes and you recognise what it is. It's karma.

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May 15, 2024 10:37 am EDT

again and again. cannabiis bags story. canabbis bags. cannabbis bags.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Jun 02, 2024 7:54 am EDT
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These people proved this statement as legal truth. The legal meaning of Aluna's actions were if you wont be back on the rope (see below) we will have Johannes order some harassment. It is always 24 hours after Daniela is told I do not want to serve her energy with ayahuasca (and be back on the rope).

It always happens during or right at the end of her ceremonies, and the woman (with Freedman and Aluna) believes it is allowed to threaten the Spiritual Master with violence to be back under a spell of black magic witchcraft explaining the divine curse of the fires and the divine punishment of a cursed and criminalized Church. The woman had to take off defamatory claims about me from her website.

The legal facts are "the rope" in itself was illegitimate (in Earth and Divine Law) and whatever the woman's subsequent intentions are, or were, are therefore legally "moot", and the Santo Daime "hive mind" lost all its energy, legal status and stones, to cancel rope magic (binding magic to the soul of the herd or hivemind using witchcraft induced sentiment) see also, "the freedom of one man is worth more than the free will of the many (hundreds of thousands of people) in the Santo Daime hive mind" (Ascent).

The predominant motive (as defined in law) of the woman was make an "illegitimate rope with black magic" and attempt to force servitude to the Santo Daime "hive-mind" with black magic, and to "coerce free will" contrary to Earth and Divine Law, the countermagic dissolved the same "rope" made into the Santo Daime "hive-mind" and emptied the race of stones.

The "illegitimate rope" was dissolved at the expense of the legal legitimacy of the entire European Santo Daime Churches (including the stones of the Mother Church) and the "hive-mind" was wasted - on loss of stones - in Sorcery war. Freedman had to "suck up" the curse of the prohibition.

All that "legally matters" as others (and I) have said is "the rope was not allowed" (as it wasn't) and "all that matters is the SMFS is free from the rope and everything else is everyone else's problems" (as they are). The woman known as Daniela Mar of Aluna was ordering harassment through Johannes to try and get "the rope" back (made out on the legal defence of truth).

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Jun 20, 2024 8:55 am EDT
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The evidence is clear and beyond dispute, these Aluna people kept using Han Maasland (as well as pretending to be him) to write and send threats of violence (wheelchair, inevitable) and they were writing I was going to serve Daniela which wont be happening (using Han Maasland).

The threats always come at the start and finish of Daniela's ayahuasca ceremonies and it is done to try and get the rope back, and it doesn't get the rope back. They did not get what they wanted for solstice either, that being, the rope back, and compliance with Freedmans "punishment arrangement".

As said in 2021 (three years ago) we are finished with Daniela Mar, her work with Ayahuasca and I never agreed to serve her, her family, nor will I, and these people have a deranged obsession with my energy.

These people spent 7 years trying to make me serve this woman's energy, they failed, and it destroyed the race of Santo Daime (race waste on rope immunity, and vitiated consent, see above comments).

All Aluna did get is some renewed attention from the Drug Enforcement Authority, a lot of cancelled bookings, some bad PR and they had to take Han Maasland's lies off, and the story of the Aluna fire (as a divine curse or supernatural punishment) is already well made out.

These people are advised to completely finish their ayahuasca work and stick to breathwork with yoga, with meditation, and purify their karma in dry works (meaning without the ayahuasca).

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Jun 21, 2024 5:22 am EDT
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In case law Article 10 (of me) prevails, and Freedman, nor anyone else, ever filed a legal claim in the statue of limitations (which is 1 year), and it was because on legal meaning the allegations these people tried to coerce sexual consent to say it was rape are in fact true. They were doing it and the Ayahuasca Defence Fund admitted backing them up and Daniela Mar herself ordered the harassment emails admitting I was being defamed for rape, and that is why everyone failed to get injunctions (as they were the ones harassing, stalking and threatening me, posting "we are loving it all the way" and it was defined as "using threats of violence, harassment and stalking to coerce me into a sexual relationship that I never wanted" on top of failed 8th magic. The Ayahuasca Defence Fund *was as in past tense" behind a campaign of making threats of violence, harassment and stalking, with the intention to coerce sexual consent.

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Jul 01, 2024 3:43 am EDT

The Spiritual Master doesnt have to do what Han Maasland says. He is not answerable to anyone in the human race and that includes Daniela. and also it means he does not have to do what Freedman says. Freedman is just a little weed smoking [censored] and a musical savant who is mentally thick and stupid.

Freedman was bumming off everyone else, stealing energy and Freedman tried bumming him off his money. He was doing festivals on his money and posting look what I can do. Freedman is the [censored] and everyone thinks so. Even his own Church who voted to strike him off the board.

Johannes is what is called a loser. Freedman was a bloated up parasite feeding off the entire human race and Daniela was an astral planes tick. His aliens finished these over bloated self entitled parasites and the Santo daime was a scourge on the human race.

His aliens sent him to earth to finish Santo daime. The VY Canis Majoris that is the Spiritual Master. When he swelled up on energy he won at stones. It means he is the boss and the master of the scene.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Oct 18, 2024 8:19 am EDT
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Replying to comment of whos.boss

Freedman learned a hard lesson after spending 40 years smoking cannabis and acting like an arrogant idiot, pointing the finger at the authorities and then fighting with the spiritual teacher and lying about his involvement in threatening to bust up people's legs. He was slapped with cease and desist orders, legal paperwork and had to keep quiet about the spiritual teacher after police warned him.

The matter became so serious that Santo Daime was outlawed internationally and the organization was condemned many times as criminals and hard drug traffickers who threatened people with violence and murder.

An attempt to sabotage people's Paypal and bank accounts to hide drug payments was unsuccessful, if a court advises you to stay away from drugs before being sentenced on serious drug charges, never post photos of yourselves themselves with the drugs in question and never post that police families are pedophiles and child rapists with smiling faces that say it's funny.

A Belgian man named Miguel Humblet, a friend of Ben Meeus and Adrian Freedman, was caught offering to share information about a court witness over the phone to help people find him and subpoena others, kill before the police can help, send to hospital , or put in a wheelchair. Miguel Humblet stopped laughing when they caught him.

You better deal with Johannes Maasland's pedophile jokes or we'll create some nasty problems for you. If you threaten to murder ayahuasca drug trafficking justice witnesses and say the cop dad is a rapist and make 580 smears and pedophilia jokes, the witnesses can do a lot to teach you lessons. Even more so when they know how to carry out police actions and arrest people in Santo Daime for importing tea.

The woman does what Freedman does and before the ceremonies begin she tells lies about the spiritual master. As Freedman traveled the world, the spiritual teachers' website tracked IP hits and showed the connection between Freedman's events and that country's hits. If an international ayahuasca ceremonial leader continues to lie about the spiritual master and incite intimidation, the spiritual master will terminate the organization internationally with crown immunity.

Chacruna Institute for Psychedelics
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Oct 26, 2024 7:53 am EDT

To be very clear. We are not associated with Adrian Freedman nor are we associated with any of the other people referred to in this complaint.

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Oct 27, 2024 10:08 am EDT

We believe Daniela's intentions for wanting to manipulate the free will of the Spiritual Master. is to get money for her family. it says in the Exeter University notes about magic and intentions. behind every magic spell is an intention and she wanted 300.000 for the family in 2016 without rightful claim.

Daniela is a liar and is manipulating everybody else for 26th. For 26th it means get someone else involved to back up her intentions, tell false stories to rope them into it and we can see through it.

All the people got involved for 26th. Charlotte Walsh and Chacruna. Gravito. Miguel Humblet. Onanya Joni. Aluna on the dates. Ipswich Buddhist Centre. ICEERS. Sinchi Runa and Adrian Freedman. Its the same pattern right through.

It means try and coerce the Spiritual Master to give her access to his house for 8th, or make revenge for equinox and solstice that follows, or swap and switch like equinox to front end 8th. That's the repeat cycle and Aluna posted about the cycles so they were involved.

They used to post threats of violence and harassment of the Spiritual Master for 26th to 8th. His aliens just reversed the intention of the magic and started pulling stones out of the same people for 26th to 8th and thats front end 8th looting. Whoever got involved for 26th had a curse of 26th to 8th looting.

When Allison Hoots had the email about 26th and 8th womb rituals with ayahuasca she had Aluna make different dates as it was too obvious, and Miguel Humblet tried to get him to do a phone call for 26th and then attack his reputation for solstice with Johannes. It's like when he wouldn't go with them to Alvaro and then attack for front end 8th and the Charlotte Walsh bad denial letter for 8th.

The Spiritual Masters aliens wizened up and they started pulling the energy out for 24th and 25th. That's what stops it and it goes for who was involved like Sinchi Runa. Faro. and Sinchi Runa lost their Paypal.

Every ayahuasca retreat involved lost all their stones and went out of business, and Sinchi Runa are on

We believe under Daniela's sexual coercion attempts it is really to get money and its done by try and manipulate someone into a sexual relationship with black magic, and afterwards say, if you won't fund my work with ayahuasca I will tell everyone you raped me and thats blackmail. Daniela behaves like someone out for revenge and its because of what happened with the police and the 14kilos of cannabis.

That's what is going on and we are talking about the evidence where they kept writing to the Spiritual Master and say Daniela and Johannes defame for rape. and Adrian makes false allegations.

Aluna was sending the Spiritual Master emails saying he was mentally ill and there was offensive content of bestiality and comments about rape and blow jobs. The rest are not emails but just copypasted from this complaint and when they proved it was Aluna they stopped it.

They were stalking him to make him do Freedman's punishing arrangement and Freedman admitted making false allegations, and he was parroting Johannes saying he was mentally ill and full of froth.

When Allison Hoots was called out she had to make them stop it and Chacruna did an about face.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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May 28, 2024 9:33 am EDT
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As a follow up legal statement, I am legally cleared to talk in a video call (privately) to anyone that has had a negative experience with Aluna based on various reports from individuals alleging bad shamanism, facilitators drinking alcohol before ceremonies, energy abuse, inappropriate behaviour, mixing the substances without experience in how to guide the journey properly, psychic attacks - or disturbance - or mistakes in conducting the ceremonies or abuse of participants after the sessions - or difficult in-ceremony experiences that they need some clarity on.

I also say the above with many years of Ayahuasca experience having drank the "medicine" almost 1,000 times up to 2016, and many of the bad experiences people have had with Aluna are attributable to causes for which there is clear evidence.

It comes under the category of inexperienced facilitators with bad intentions (bad Ayahuasca shamans).

In no way should these people be leading ceremonies and people should not be drinking ayahuasca with these people in any circumstances and these people are bad Ayahuasca shamans (on evidence).

Anyone who has had a negative Aluna experience (man or woman) and wishes to have my insight and input on it, they can find me online and ask for a free private video call (if you have proof of a booking, so you are not just "free call fleecing"). You can block out your name and private information, so you can talk anonymously without me knowing who you are.

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Jun 10, 2024 3:04 am EDT

Hi just wanted to chip in here- I had a horrible experience with Aluna Healing Center and know of another person who also had a bad experience. My own was not handled with care what so ever and I was really disappointed as I had worked with them previously. I highly recommend you take yourself elsewhere with real shamans.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Jun 12, 2024 4:50 am EDT
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When it comes to getting a refund from Aluna or Retreat Guru, even if it is just days before the retreat (and they tell you it is too late to cancel), it is very simple.

Tell them I foresaw a fire in the Aluna retreat and then tell them that being burned to death in ayahuasca ceremony isn't on your bucket list, and you want out. ]#

If Aluna or Retreat Guru then say I am lying, mentally sick, deranged, etc (as they have been doing in emails to others, for which there is clear evidence), contact me with those emails and I will give you the legal arguments and evidence (including information about all the other foretold fires that burned ayahuasca retreats to the ground, and burned people to death in the localities) to use to get your refund.

Legally, if you want out, in the circumstances they have to refund you and in full, even just days before.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Jun 21, 2024 5:44 am EDT
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The evidence is clear and beyond dispute, these Aluna people kept using Han Maasland (as well as pretending to be him) to write and send threats of violence (wheelchair, inevitable) and they were writing I was going to serve Daniela which wont be happening (using Han Maasland).

The threats always come at the start and finish of Daniela's ayahuasca ceremonies and it is done to try and get the rope back, and it doesn't get the rope back. They did not get what they wanted for solstice either, that being, the rope back, and compliance with Freedmans "punishment arrangement".

As said in 2021 (three years ago) we are finished with Daniela Mar, her work with Ayahuasca and I never agreed to serve her, her family, nor will I, and these people have a deranged obsession with my energy.

These people spent 7 years trying to make me serve this woman's energy, they failed, and it destroyed the race of Santo Daime (race waste on rope immunity, and vitiated consent, see above comments).

All Aluna did get is some renewed attention from the Drug Enforcement Authority, a lot of cancelled bookings, some bad PR and they had to take Han Maasland's lies off, and the story of the Aluna fire (as a divine curse or supernatural punishment) is already well made out.

These people are advised to completely finish their ayahuasca work and stick to breathwork with yoga, with meditation, and purify their karma in dry works (meaning without the ayahuasca).

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Jun 22, 2024 6:41 am EDT
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All Aluna did get is some renewed attention from the Drug Enforcement Authority, a lot of cancelled bookings, some bad PR and they had to take Han Maasland's lies off, and the story of the Aluna fire (as a divine curse or supernatural punishment) is already well made out.

ICEERS Barcelona
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Jul 24, 2024 4:02 am EDT

We are not recommending Aluna Healing Center to anyone and we are working to bring ourselves into full compliance with our legal obligations. In response to an earlier Pre Action Protocol legal letter we have had Han Maasland remove all of the offending posts about the Spiritual Master. We accept the posts were defamatory, false and malicious and we are not in agreement with Han Maasland's actions.

We have seen the evidence of renewed harassment of the Spiritual Master on the part of the Aluna team and Han Maasland and we are not in any way in agreement with any of their intentions against him.

International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Service

C/ de Sepúlveda, 65, L'Eixample, 08015 Barcelona, Spain

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Sep 23, 2024 2:54 pm EDT
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Aluna also lost their Instagram page with 2,500+ followers, they were using the platform to promote illicit substances including ayahuasca and MDMA, and Instagram deleted the account for alunahealing (there is also evidence to substantiate the statement made).

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Sep 23, 2024 2:58 pm EDT
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Aluna also had their website delisted from search results as a direct result of the dispute and the intention to forge a take down order at Google in my name backfired badly on themselves. Google delisted and deleted all the fake news they kept posting up links to and as commented above, ICEERS had to take off all of Johannes defamatory comments, lies, harassment and threats. These people are responsible for their own problems, of which they have many and Retreat Guru agreed to foot their (large) losses in this matter.

Ayahuasca California
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Oct 07, 2024 5:12 am EDT

Aluna Healing Center. There is a complaint about them with some pretty intense stuff. Some fight kicked off after someone in the family got busted growing herb and then a bunch of people got arrested for trafficking. Apparently they kept threatening some Shamans with violence smearing people's reputations and it says an X-Files curse of fires burned out various retreats.

You can get information apparently and you can get your money back if you are not happy. Sounds like there is a legal story running as well. They tried to get injunctions to shut up some Spiritual Master that spoke out. They were threatening him with violence to gatecrash his energy and then fires destroyed the retreats.

He foretold the fires as well. Go to his website and there is an article about a fires curse that destroyed a list of ayahuasca retreats in Portugal and he keeps foretelling more fires. It says on the first post about the fires it is the same people that are in Aluna and they used to be Sanctuary 1860 in Portugal. When they try and gatecrash his energy with black magic and threaten him up with violence he foresees fires and there is a paranormal story of burned ayahuasca retreats.

People have had problems with Aluna Healing Center and they threaten people with violence if you call them out on their actions. I read some of the reviews and I am talking from experience from people I know who were harassed and threatened by them.

Rumour has it Retreat Guru had to refund a lot of Aluna bookings on safety issues, reports of inappropriate behaviour and harassment. Aluna Healing Center were harassing people.

Retreat Guru who run the booking setup for Aluna offer refunds without quibble and they couldn't get the post off to cover up what's going on.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Oct 16, 2024 1:50 pm EDT
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The whole story can be summed up as Daniela's hidden agendas and intentions toward me gone bad. The woman is responsible for her own actions, intentions and consequences of them. The woman decided in 2016 I was going to serve her family, and in honest opinion, decided I was going to give her a sexual relationship, change woman, and she wanted to get rid of Johannes.

The woman had a set of intentions that nobody else was even in agreement with (or even knew what they were until they got sucked into the story and had to examine what the womans intentions really were), and it comes under manipulating someone's free will with ayahuasca black magic (using illicit "soul-binding magic" and "8th magic" which is a type of "love magic" to compel someone be in love with your energy, to try and make someone agree to a sexual relationship when you otherwise would never agree) and that's Danielas intentions all along.

Johannes kept posting I had subconscious intentions and they were Daniela's intentions imprinted on my energy with black magic in ayahuasca ceremony (done remotely, I was not even there for the dates September 11th/12th 2016. Daniela wanted to change Johannes for me, and "tried to change man" using magic and interfering in my legal business.

The woman subconsciously intended for me to give her a sexual relationship and that is part of the dynamic going on, and I became immune to this woman's magic, and the legal story mentioned means interfering in someone's legal business (without telling Johannes to get rid of the weed) to try and make someone serve your family when they would never agree, and then everyone else got involved to try and coerce me to agree to serve the Aluna Sanctuary (and its a repeat of 2016, deja vu) and it is the woman's groundhog intentions that did it, and thats what "marmot" was, a groundhog cycle seeded by Daniela's intentions on my energy.

Daniela's complicated intentions (complicated as they are masked and not clear for ordinary people to see without an extraordinary level of insight power) "changed the legal stones", cursed the Church with criminalization of ayahuasca, and the intentions to smear my reputation backfired on them.

Daniela was behind the harassment of me the whole time, and it is all revenge because I wouldn't go and live with them and serve the Sanctuary and its a rehash of her relationship abuse karma that actually has nothing to do with me at all, and Freedman has a background of an abusive father who in his own words abused him and made him bitter, angry and makes him take things out on teachers. The whole story needs "healing" and people will agree, and the healing is called taking responsibility, something these people don't do, and karma teaches them lessons (heavy lessons) as Johannes keeps posting.

Once Aluna lost their Instagram and their customer base with it, they left me alone, but the damage has been done. These people tried to make an ayahuasca business on nasty transgressions toward me done maliciously (we love what we are doing and we won't stop it) and there are very stiff and unpleasant karmic consequences on black stones returns (arrests, police raids, legal problems, fires, family curses, etc).

It should be added, anyone that gets involved with the intentions of Daniela Mar, what then appears is a curse of losing energy, legal problems and a stack of other problems, and its proof you got involved. Its the same everywhere in all places. The problem people have is they believed in her lies, and also Freedman's lies, and never ascertained what her intentions was, and they all told themselves a story they wanted to believe even though it was false (and can be proven to be false).

Freedman was also peddling malicious falsehood. If you get involved in something and you never discerned what was really going on, you got sucked in to a story (as Freedman wrote). Then its your fault and not mine. More so if I advised you not to get involved.

If people need more clarity on what the truth is, I can fill people in on the facts, the actual facts of what really happened.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Oct 16, 2024 1:56 pm EDT
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Someone in the ayahuasca community can agree to give Daniela a sexual relationship and it will cure many of the mass spawn-offs of problems caused by the woman not getting her needs met.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Oct 24, 2024 8:58 am EDT
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Freedman's abuse dovetails perfectly with Daniela's, its 1 man and 1 woman that "love abuse" and "derive pleasure from abusing spiritual teachers, and Johannes transgressions, bad as they were, are nothing compared to the king and queen of Santo Daime "hubris".

There can be no doubt the unity of sin alluded to by the Chacruna Institute is the direct cause of the mass strippage of the legal status of their race of ayahuasca and it is a divine curse upon their race.

Every man and woman of Santo Daime have been blackened and stained by their sins, and in fair comment, the pair will be reborn many times.

Freedman and Daniela compelled and condemned to relive each others stories, abusing and blaming one another, stealing energy off each other, and as Johannes says, there is no escape (and the countermagic condemned Freedman to be eternally ropebound to Daniela, and the idiot moved his retreats to the 8th's, and thats how he got "roped in" and how I got off this (censor) rope.

Freedman and Daniela have a lot to learn from each others stories, and their stories do not concern me, as said before in 2021 (the days of the Santo Daime ban have arrived), it is a man and a woman with "false persecution stories" and together in unity, they will pull down the Santo Daime, and their stories do not concern the Spiritual Master (me), and that is what happened.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Oct 24, 2024 9:00 am EDT
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In fair comment, Freedman must have done something very nasty to Daniela in a past life, and in this life, she screwed up his Church, so he had his karma back, and whatever their karma is, it doesn't concern me.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Oct 24, 2024 9:02 am EDT
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That is why Freedman cannot get out of the story, and its his karma to clean up, ideally in dry works.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Oct 25, 2024 9:24 am EDT
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As a legal update Allison Hoots of Hoots Law Practice was DENIED an injunction, in full and frank disclosure in attempting to get a Court Order (so Aluna could keep posting defamatory and malicious lies) the attorney had to disclose she was involved in DEA witness tampering, attempting to coerce sexual consent against someone's free will, her involvement with Aluna and the fact her own Church wasn't legal, and she had to disclose the backstory about the big sacks of cannabis (that was not my cannabis, but Johannes cannabis).

She also had to disclose to the Court Aluna's actions of ordering threats of violence and in Aluna's words "we will report you through a lawyer" (Allison Hoots). The attorney was DENIED any legal remedy (as was everyone in the whole story), was denied a without notice Court injunction (as was Freedman and ICEERS), and Aluna have no right of legal claim, as their business is not even legal.

They were even forging Court Orders to try and get Complaints Board posts deleted, and failed in their endeavours. Alllison Hoots was advised she could be made the laughing stock of the psychedelic attorney community on legal immunity (which permits the ridicule of dumb attorneys on First Amendment), and (wisely )for her own good) decided to withdraw from the story.

Johannes admitted on his Facebook writing false information on the internet, and it was an admission of wrongdoing that fits into ICEERS retractions, and Allison Hoots had to have Aluna take my details off some porn sites and have them stop posting up 8th and 26th retreats with the ordering of "peadophile jokes" as nobody in the ayahuasca community (having been penalized with a continental level prohibition curse) is left laughing.

Legal Claims were made on Sinchi Runa for passing off, the dumb idiots kept posting up ads using my brand to market ayahuasca for these 8ths, and they lost their Paypal as a punishment.

They were also involved with Aluna and Johannes, Sinchi Runa had to cease and desist making those ads, pay damages and they were advised to pack up and go back to Peru.

Complaints Board, be advised, Aluna people "forge take down orders" to try and get Complaints Board posts taken off via Google Legal.

Never ever lie at Google Legal (and never pass off as me) as they won't like it.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Oct 25, 2024 9:29 am EDT
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Allison Hoots in the end condemned Aluna, and she did it from her own legal email, to my legal email.

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Oct 28, 2024 8:57 am EDT

we have seen evidence about the spiritual master foretelling a fire in aluna sanctuary and he becomes famous for foretelling fires in ayahuasca retreats. the fire purifies everything about the whole story.

retreat guru cancelled the secure booking for aluna healing as there was too many refunds and now if you want your money back you have to get it off aluna. they will tell you lies about the spiritual master.

send it to him and you can get your money back and his star beings channelled legal law. aluna isn't a legal church and its supply mdma and ayahuasca for payment and say your not for profit. its a scam and a lie. retreat guru had to stop inciting johannes and they were in the drug enforcement emails.

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Oct 28, 2024 8:59 am EDT
Replying to comment of

han maasland keeps ranting on facebook with the f word.

Chacruna Institute for Psychedelics
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Oct 26, 2024 7:49 am EDT

The facilitators at Aluna in our view are not behaving responsibly and we cannot recommend this Ayahuasca retreat center to anyone. We would rather refrain from comment but the safety of other people comes first. These leaders have behaved irresponsibly and have abused Ayahuasca.

To be clear in our standpoint. Their ethics and values do not align with our published code of ethics and our guidelines on responsible use of Ayahuasca. We are not associated with Aluna.

We are dealing with difficult situations with the developments on the DEA front and denial of religious exemptions to Ayahuasca churches here in the USA. The actions of Aluna brings all our freedoms in the USA at risk. We do not support Aluna and we strongly disapprove of their actions.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Nov 12, 2024 7:50 am EST
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Chacruna Institute was involved with Aluna, of course they were, the whole time. They just wrote this to make it look like they weren't when things got too "legally hot". Chacruna Institute are just a bunch of people promoting the utopian idea of a psychedelic renaissance and promoting ayahuasca. They keep rambling on about how ayahuasca suppliers and medicine carriers are being "persecuted" and how they are being bullied and unfairly treated by the authorities (false and false). The record is stuck on repeat.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Nov 25, 2024 4:51 am EST
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Aluna are not even legal nor is it a religion or legally recognized Church and that's also why they wrote this as its a touchy subject in America on legal risk, quoting them from 7 Best Practices for Ayahuasca Legal Harm Reduction (search for it).

Be Discreet. Do Not Publicly Promote Ceremonies

If you publicly promote your ceremonies, you risk attention from the DEA and media. This can have a domino effect; you might bring attention, not just for yourself, but to the broader community who are not seeking attention.

Use Only One Sacred Medicine or Sacrament

If you are using multiple substances—especially other controlled substances, such as San Pedro, psilocybin mushrooms, or even cannabis—it will be hard to argue that ayahuasca is essential to your religion.

it calls into question whether one really has a coherent spiritual practice and doctrine. There are existing precedents regarding this.

Chacruna Institute had their Wise account banned and it was for promoting psychedelics and then they started spelling psychedelics wrong on Facebook to try and avoid their page being deleted by Meta.

They were involved with Aluna.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Nov 16, 2024 9:10 am EST
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Daniela wrote a sorry email and it is in relation to me, and it came from Aluna's email so it is a sorry and a vindication of me, from them. People can see it for themselves and the words.

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Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Nov 16, 2024 9:16 am EST
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There are also other various admissions of wrongdoing from various people, in summary, I am totally innocent and blameless in this dispute, and Daniela vindicated me and my story.

I published it as so many people maliciously discredited me, and public vindication is right and proper.

Daniela and her family are responsible also for payment of damages, forgiveness and confession is one thing, making good is about restorative restitution, moral responsibility, taking responsibility, that is maturity and wisdom and in Alexandra Akat's words, life changes when people take responsibility.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Nov 25, 2024 3:21 am EST
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These people also tried (unsuccessfully) using legal threats and harassment, and a failed smear campaign against me, to prevent the story "getting out", that being the story of Santo Daime's legal problems, the truth about the cult, what really goes on inside the cult, the truth about the fires, and the rest of it.

The story will "get out" as its public interest and a necessary lesson for the entire ayahuasca community, and people kept boasting everyone will know everything, so clearly, that is what they want, and the whole story, including the legal story, portrays these people and the Church in a very bad light.

If you are a journalist and want to run a news piece or do an interview, on any of these topics, go to my website and send a message.

Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
Spiritual Master Free Spirit.
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Nov 27, 2024 8:15 am EST
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Just today I got such a legal threat (albeit it very manifestly ill-founded one), referring to me as a name I am not, and it basically said take off all these comments about Aluna, Ayahuasca and Ipswich Buddhist Centre, cooperate with us or be incriminated for crimes and we will publish comments about your business that won't be in your interests (aka blackmail). They used a court judgment that is not even relevant to the dispute in hand. It used an email address that Aluna have used before and clearly, they want the truth off the internet before it "gets out". Obviously it was Aluna trying to get key legal evidence and incriminating posts (about them) off the internet, and they are getting desperate to delete the comments as too many ex-clients of Aluna are asking questions (confidentiality is maintained in the specifics of what is said) and Aluna are losing business.