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CB Online Scams Amazing Vouchers Can not use their vouchers!
Amazing Vouchers

Amazing Vouchers review: Can not use their vouchers! 33

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12:00 am EDT
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I joined amazing vouchers because i thought i would get value for money but up to so far i am just losing money every month. They offer vouchers ok, but they forgot to mention that their beauty vouchers are for whites only and they don't take into consideration where you reside. How do they expect you to travel +_ 70 km to claim a voucher. I believe this company is a scam and they don't have any happy clients.

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Aug 03, 2007 1:51 am EDT

My name is Mymona Nassiep, i was contacted by the amazing vouchers consultant who gave me a run down of this wonderful concept. I was told one can go eat at restaurants and coffee shops buy clothing at department stores, hair salons, manicures etc.

They did not mention you should have access to the internet to download the vouchers. That the vouchers allow you ONE FREE coffee, or if you have a laser treatment you allowed one FREE and the other Six will cost you R3600. The salons, spas, hairdressers are mainly in the so call white areas.

Now I am battling to stop the Debit Order, as one has to pay for 24 months.

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Aug 15, 2007 2:42 am EDT

Hey I'm in the same boat as you. When I was contacted they promised me all this wonderful things. Now I am stuck with a 24month contract after I repeatedly asked them if I can unsubscribe at any time...

I tried and tried but I can't unsubscribe! HELP! PLEASE!

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Aug 22, 2007 1:32 pm EDT

I think the Department of Trade and Industry should intervene to stop companies like Amazing Vouchers from robbing unsuspecting people who fall into these unscrupulous contracts. People who have money would probably not fall into these scams as they can afford the products, no need to be lured into some "amazing product". So it is people living below the breadline and the middle class who fall into these traps. The Department should simply shut down businesses like these, it's just not right to let them trade.

Amazing Vouchers
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Aug 23, 2007 2:07 am EDT

We are a sorry to hear about your bad experiences with some of our vouchers. Unfortunately it is out of our hands the way our Partners treat our Members and vica versa, however if you receive unacceptable service from a Partner, you can lodge your concerns with us as we will take it up with the relevant Partner.

Beauty vouchers are meant to be for all cultures and races, but if a Partner treats you unfairly, you can let us know and we will query that. Although you might get only one free voucher at a particular Partner, we have other Partners with similar offerings.

We add about 600 new vouchers every month, countrywide and it is important for our Members to log into our website regularly, as new vouchers get added daily. If you choose to use a lazer treatment voucher, you are not obliged to go for follow up consultations if you cannot afford it. The idea of such a voucher is for you to be able to have the opportunity to try it out at no cost. If you would like to go for continued consultations, the Partner may charge for that though. However, you were given a free chance to something you would have otherwise never considered.

You are welcome to contact our Customer Services Department with any queries.

Kind Regards,
Angela Marr
Customer Services Manager - Amazing Vouchers

Amazing Vouchers
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Aug 23, 2007 2:23 am EDT

Dear Kaytee,

We have Members across all income groups and all of these people can benefit equally from or vouchers.

Our company is fully compliant as per legal requirements and we are rather passionate about giving our Members the best offerings at a low monthly subscription. Our unique concept is organically grown and similar concepts are highly utilized in America and Europe However, for us to find these amazing vouchers, we do need commitment from our Members and Partners.

We are also rather serious about our product. We spent an amazing amount of time and effort developing a new Corporate ID and stunning new user-friendly website to be launched soon.

We will be distributing sassy new Membership and Partner packs, currently in print production and we are also looking at starting above-the-line advertising in order to iron out misconceptions about our company.

Kind Regards
Angela Marr
Customer Services Manager - Amazing Vouchers

Charlotte van Greunen
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May 06, 2008 6:22 am EDT

Good day Angela Marr,

I do believe that you might think that you are giving the best service possible, but it is defnitely not the case.

Why can't you contact your clients, I was also given the run around when I enquire about the promise
made by your consultants to me to get me to join . They told me that If you are a new client of amazing vouchers you will automaticly be able to stay at certain RCI. Resorts for two weeks, after twelve months of being a member, but I have to make my ressevations three months before the December holiday.

I have struggle to get anybody to phone me back with my resevation information and when the lady did phone me back the first time after about a month after my inquiry, she was VERY RUDE and told me that I am not the only client and that amazing voucher is busy designing a website where you could go and check which resort are used by Amazing vouchers..

I was totally dumbstruck, does she really think we are so stupid to fall for that.

I joined amazing vouchers for the holiday that was promised to me and that is what I will insist on getting.

I will take this matter further, I still haven't heard from any of your managers and even if I have to go to court you should not promise our clients a certain service and then you do not keep your word.

So Wake up, Do what you promised, I do not want any more excusses, I want RESULTS.

I might be just another member, but you are taking my money monthly just as all the other members,

I will not be ignored any more.!

C.Van Greunen

Charlotte van Greunen
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May 06, 2008 6:37 am EDT


Lyn Hardie
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Jun 07, 2008 1:50 am EDT

I joined amazing vouchers and supplied a free treatment to try and get business for myself, but so far it has cost me and I have not benifitted at all, all your members take the treatment (value R90) and walk out with wet hair. I have even had a woman want to use my dryer herself but refuses to have us blowdry her hair. This is of no use to me as a business, What do I do Or how do I withdraw from amazing vouchers

Tumi M
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Jun 09, 2008 3:07 am EDT

Amazing vouchers is a rip off. They promise stuff that its not there.
They can pretent to be spending lots of time compiling this information, but its not fair on other people.

Bhavna Govender
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Jul 08, 2008 8:08 am EDT

Amazing vouchers is stealing money, they dont have any vouchers in my area even though the consultant assures you that they do, they do not remove suppliers that have closed down and they do not refund you for any mistakes they make! Please do not get conned like I was

farouk khan
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Nov 13, 2008 2:00 am EST

I also subscribed to amazing vouchers it took them 2 months to send my pack with my secret pin while the debit orders still went off. I still cannot use the vouchers as i was told . I was told i would get a free holiday in Cape Town if i subscribed but have not received anything regarding the holiday in the meantime money is eing witdrawnfrom my account. When i went on the site to retrieve my vouchers there was a snagi could get one treatment or one day at a holiday resort and pay for the other days and not on weekends.their way of describing the vouchers to u over the phone is a con they lie and promise u everything and then u cannot get out of this.I have spoken to my lawyer and he suggests i must cancel and take them to the media as the public needs to know the truth.I plan to do this as soon as possible

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Dec 04, 2008 12:12 pm EST

It's one of the biggest scams out there, I have a friend who worked there who they discriminated against and fired because her grandmother had a stroke and they did not believe her telling her that she had absconded from work. Apparently everyone who is in a managerial position in that company is related to the directors or has slept with someone to get to the top which is DISGUSTING and unprofessional. She worked there and I have heard stories about this company from many other people who I trust and I personally think that people who sign up for this have no common sense. Since the NCA National Credit Act has been up and running it is illegal to sell anything over the phone in this country, be it cell phone contracts or Amazing Vouchers. I hope that somehow we can bring this company down and all those other companies who trick us into signing up for things over the phone. Think about it like this, if this company was that legitimate and those people had nothing to hide then why is it that many of us have never heard of them? And they claim to have been around for quite some time. . . Why don't they advertise like every other legitimate company and if we the public are genuinely interested they should have an office that we can go to, speak to their consultants face to face and sign up for the package, yet that is not the case, instead they contact us, getting our details from Lord knows where and then somehow force us to sign up telling us things like, "The debit will only come off next month" and "you can cancel at any time"

They are up to no good, scamming us South Africans like that and look at the way that they treat their staff. . . If that were me I would take them to court for an unlawful dismissal.

Amazing Vouchers
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Dec 29, 2008 2:25 pm EST

We are very concerned about your post of serious defamation
containing false allegations of rumor and here-say. We will
be investigating this for further action. Herewith some
facts about Amazing Vouchers, regarding the statements you

Amazing Vouchers creates an equal opportunity of employment
to all South Africans across all cultures. The company
currently employs approximately 130 members of staff of
whom some individuals have been with the company for
several years. Discriminating against staff is an offensive
matter and something Amazing Vouchers does not support,
hence creating equal opportunity of employment.

We do feel strong about operating in line with the Labor
Relations Act of SA. When a staff member absconds, the
person has left work, or failed to be on duty for several
days without notifying the company. In positions such as
reception, it is crucial to have our switchboards manned at
all times during office hours to serve our clients.
Dismissal is legal if the candidate has been issued with
several warnings and still fails to cooperate and comply
with basic agreements of employment.

Amazing Vouchers does not offer any financial services,
thus the National Credit Act is not applicable to our
organization. Further, Amazing Vouchers is fully compliant
with the Department of Trade and Industry and all laws
governing the industry of telemarketing. We do not provide
walk in customer service, as we are a call centre and all
our business is conducted telephonically. We have a
- Hide quoted text -
dedicated Customer Service Department where people can
contact us to raise issues of concern or share their happy
experiences with our great product.

Amazing Vouchers is a direct marketing company. What you
are referring to is Above The Line advertising. As we need
to create a balance between members and partners within
specific areas of South Africa, ATL advertising is not
necessarily a suitable medium for us to operate in. Thus
targeted, direct marketing is most successful in order for
us to offer the best possible service to our members and
partners. This will always take first priority.

We currently have over 30, 000 members countrywide, who
enjoy redeeming vouchers on a daily basis. We have about
3, 500 partners, offering approximately 7, 000 vouchers
countrywide, who benefit greatly from the feet we send
through their doors.

"Apparently everyone who is in a managerial position in
that company is related to the directors or has slept with
someone to get to the top which is DISGUSTING and

This statement is simply libelous and untrue. Unfortunately
it is human nature of disgruntled human beings to invent
and spread defamatory messages, and such people should look
into their own lives to discover what makes them unhappy,
instead of projecting their feelings of anger into other
humans or organizations.

To read more about Amazing Vouchers, visit and

Nombali Nelly Phapho
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May 11, 2009 9:43 am EDT

i think ur aware that iam serving a three months notice here, cos after this two months coming u will never get a single cent from my acc.i spoke to one of ur sales to withdraw the account then she told me that i have to give notice for three months, so i hope u ar aware that i only left with two months from now.its very easy for u gays when u recruite people to join u, but when we want to sign out u make life get difficult for short ur service its very bad.

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Jun 05, 2009 8:55 am EDT

In September 2007 I received a call from one of the sales people at Amazing Vouchers. He did his sales pitch and I checked with him as to when and where I will be able to use the vouchers. I explained to him that I was working and that I am not able to get off during the week and that the vouchers would be of no use to me if I could only use it during working hours. He assured me that I could use the vouchers at any time I chose and wherever I chose. After he had given me the assurance I then recommended several people that he could call one of which was my sister. She discussed the same problem with him as she was in working in Paarl at the time. When we received our membership card and we went onto the website to check out the vouchers we both saw that the one thing we had asked the sales person about the time as to when to redeem the vouchers, he had lied. He had deliberately misled us and my sister got onto the phone immediately. She spoke with someone there and they said they would listen to the conversation and call her back. They called her back and told her to send an email to cancel her membership, which she did. I did the same thing and sent the same letter Amazing Vouchers. I have no idea why her membership was cancelled and mine wasn’t.

On the 14th July 2008 I called again and spoke to Diane who agreed that I could cancel my membership on condition that I make six payments on the contract. I agreed because at that stage I had already made two payments and needed to make four more. At the time I was on short time and wasn’t paid on a regular basis. Several debit orders didn’t go off but I ensured that the four payments were made. I was under the impression that the membership was then cancelled.

On 26 May 2009 I spoke with Janine who then said that the membership would be cancelled and that I had to request it in writing and agreed that for the month of May the debit would still go off my account as it was too late to reverse it but they would reimburse me for that payment. I then received a letter from Alphonso Slinger stating that my membership was cancelled. The payment went off on the 29th May 2009 and I sent a copy of my bank statement to show that the debit did go off. I received a letter back from Gabiba Razak saying that my file was dealt with by your financial department and that they will be refunding me an amount of R175 by the 12th June 2009.

On the 05 June 2009 Diane called me and told me that I had to make additional payments because 6 consecutive debit orders didn’t go off but 6 payments were made. So I don’t see how the agreement wasn’t kept to. I explained the situation to her but she was unsympathetic, arrogant and rude. I told her that she had to put all of this in writing for me and I would take up the matter. She didn’t get back to me at all and I then called her again. Again she was rude, arrogant and unreasonable. She told me if I insisted on going this route then she would make sure that I was held to the rest of the 24 month contract.

I find it extremely hard to believe that in a time of recession that Amazing Vouchers are still exploiting people! They should be ashamed of themselves!

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May 13, 2010 10:24 am EDT


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May 28, 2010 12:11 pm EDT

they are fool of [censor] all of them, i QUIT

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Aug 23, 2010 3:33 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

i have just joined amazing vouchers. i hope all of what i read doesnt happen to me! so far, the products are looking accessible but i hope i dont get conned.

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Jan 31, 2011 7:56 am EST

Amazing vouchers is a scam and I regret joining it what the consultant told me is no where near what I've experienced.

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Feb 01, 2011 12:49 pm EST

Amazing vouchers is ripping people off their hard earned money. These bunch of criminals are cruel and something should be done to stop them once and for all. My girlfriend is a victim of this bloodsucking, greedy criminals. Their number [protected] doesn't exist anymore yet, still appears on their website. These hyenas should be charged with fraud and their back-door business closed down for good, of course, together with others like them.

Lindiwe Nkosi
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Apr 18, 2011 1:07 pm EDT

i want to cancell my contract its not even a month and not yet use any of the vouchers and the first debit order has went through, the thing is my lawyers has contacetd to come and sign the contract ive just bought a house so i wont afford to continue, i didnt have a chance to taste of how amazing these freebis are i hope my cancellation will be attended urgently.
thank you

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Apr 18, 2011 1:51 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

lindiwe, i never used a single voucher cause when i get to the places accessible to me, those people would want me to spend money first even though it was supposed to be a free and not a discount voucher. i went to redeem a voucher at a salon in hatfield for hair treatment and the owner said i must first pay for something, e.g relaxing my hair before getting the "free" treatment because the owner was tired of us coming for free treatments and never setting foot in the salon again. he said he was losing money cause of us. that was within the first week of joining! i immediately called to cancel my subscription and was told i have to give 3 months notice. so, ke sisi, you better be prepared to pay 3 months for nothing. i have learned my lesson. never sign up for ANYTHING over the phone. they will read out waivers without you even noticing and you will end up signing up for things you will regret.

joan scheepers
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May 05, 2011 7:28 pm EDT

i would like to cancell my contract again now its due to out of contract 21.04.2010 what is this a scam or what why dont they cancell your contract if you explain to them why you cancell i did not even received a contract like we discuss on the phone im going to the bank again for a stop order or els im going to close my account and move to another please im begging u people to please cancell my contract my name is joan scheepers telephone cell [protected] i really hope that this will be the last time u people are going to take my money from my account thanks

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Jun 02, 2011 11:23 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more


Is there any one who can be able to assist as I have the same experience with these criminals, they just dont stop to deduct money even id you sent email and your contract is a year as mine expired long ago but still they deduct . Somebody Please Help! We need to stand up together and invite Deborah Fraze Special assignment @etv to expose these crooks.

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Jun 04, 2011 9:55 am EDT

It's now 2011 and the bloodsuckers are still at it. Maybe their votes are more powerful because the state has done nothing about them. Will check with the police and an attorney.

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Jun 07, 2011 3:38 pm EDT

I joined only last week thinking that this would be the best for my tight budget. But reading all these posts, I am cancelling it now! Thank you for opening my eyes. This means a lot. I am changing my banking details and will make sure they get nothing from me.

wiseman Nakalebe
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Jun 27, 2011 7:24 am EDT

Please, help people to cancel they contract if they are not happy with our service. I am one of them i report my problem long be to cancel my membership but nothing their did nothing. thats why people said you are robbing them. please stop taking money from my account. if people are not following the proccured to cancel they membership, its good to tell them how to do it. not just eat for people.
the bible said knock and it will be open for you. if some-one want money must work for it.

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Jul 16, 2013 2:51 am EDT

I am a member at amazing vouchers when they wanted me to join the agent called me 10 times almost everyday. I agreed to join then I went through some financial problem i called the company to cancel and the are telling about the cancelliation fee which i was not told about it. The lady who was helping me said it was read to me in the term and condition, which when i remember when they read the term and condition the guy was reading so fast that I could not hear him he even said i should not worry about it i will receive a contract and if i need my recording i can just request it if i need them. I ask for the recording they dont wanna give me. Im forced to pay R600 cancelliation fee which i have never used any of their vouches and i was never told about it. Its been 2 months trying to cancell my memebership and everytime when i call the agent that helps me is always suprise when i say i have been trying to cancell my membership and which they never updated their system.

i got scammed
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Oct 18, 2013 12:37 pm EDT

Let me begin by saying that this is a (1) man show, and we all know what that means "nothing will ever be resolved"! After searching the web for more information on Pulsd, the only customer service rep (Mareza) is also the CEO and founder of this sham; meanwhile (5) team members are listed on their website. After expressing my concerns about my voucher her response was nothing but snippy, vague & unpleasant but not before I gave her a piece of my mind: needless to say I received my refund

Me: I am requesting a refund on my voucher, apparently every time i went to this place they were packed and was not taking reservations, at this time this is becoming way to difficult to redeem this voucher. I am requesting a refund immediately back to my credit card
thank you
Jane Doe

Pulsd: Hi Jane Doe, Thanks for the note. This voucher expired over a month ago. You purchased it 5 months ago. We've sold 1, 000s of vouchers to S*#@%$& and not once experienced someone having difficulty in booking.
If you would like to use the voucher, we may be able to extend it as a one time courtesy but can't refund you.

Me: Hi MAreza, I dont appreciate being questioned about a voucher I purchased from your company when I tried to utilize it. I cannot speak for your other customers I can only speak on my own behalf about my experience. If you feel like your giving me a courtesy by extending a voucher I was unable to redeem then the only conclusion I can see is I will no longer purchase from your website & will not recommend anyone else to do so as well. I am really disappointed in the way your company treats your customers

Pulsd: Hi Jane Doe, Thanks for the note. There are many other resources you can use and I encourage you to do so. 1, 000s vouchers sold, zero complaints - plus, don't forget, you contacted us nearly 2 MONTHS after the voucher expired.

Me: Mareza, I would appreciate a supervisor to contact me in reference to your customer service skills along with the way you tried to resolve my issue as a customer. If i do not hear from anyone I will have no choice but top contact your corporate office, my credit card company as well as BBB. Please confirm your corporate office's contact info listed below:

Pulsd: Jane Doe, I don't want to deal with you. You are a dishonest person who contacts me 2 MONTHS after a voucher expires with lies.
I PayPal'd you the $29. Now, just go away. Don't use our website again.

Me: Mareza, After looking up your company it seems like you are the only employee, CEO and founder, besides the Team you have listed on your website. If that's the case, then most likely that means my issue would not be addressed accordingly and resolved. Can you please confirm your contact info so I know where to direct my complaint. After thoroughly searching I see you have several addresses listed in different parts on the US, Brooklyn, NY, New York, NY, Palo Alto, California and Washington. I wanted to handle this matter in a more amicable way but it does not seem like i have much of a choice. Understand, I will not pay for something I did not receive or utilize. To render payment is to receive of service or merchandise, I did not receive either.

Pulsd: Jane Doe, Nothing about you is amicable. You are a disaster. We're a team of 5 and do millions in revenue - which more than covers people like you (the 1 in 1, 000s) who choose to rip us off.
Enjoy the karma and one final - goodbye

Me: Mareza, Excuse me, who do you think you are? You definitely have authority issues maybe that's why your, your only employee. As for dishonest, the only person guilty of dishonesty here is you and your one man show website. You should go find a honest living and stop stealing from the customers that are putting food on your table; or maybe you should sharpen up on your customer service skills or hire someone more qualified. Your unprofessional ism and tardiness only describes your character and the "company" I'm dealing with. You don't have to worry about me or anyone in relations with me ever purchasing from you or the 1 man show front your running. You are a prime example of a FAILING BUSINESS! Good luck & god bless
Jane Doe ;)

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Feb 03, 2015 7:13 am EST

I agree, they did the same thing to me. They are asking for a proof that I'm no longer working, why should I show a proof when they registered me they didn't ask for it?

Nontobeko Nxumalo
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Aug 18, 2016 1:33 am EDT


In 2009 i joined a company called amazing vouchers, they made alot of promises and offering discounts on beauty and traveling .After two months i realised this was a scam, cause they offer vouchers for places that are far from you and at ridiculous items. Ive been trying to get them to cancell but everytiome i call them they avoid the request and end up advertising their products and finishing my airtime, ive tried to cancell their debit order at the bank, but it keeps coming back. Can u please help!

Thantaswa Mandoyi
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Oct 26, 2016 12:59 am EDT

Hi I'm Thantaswa amazing voucher their promisses did n't comes true but keep on deducting my money I tried to call them &email them bt still keep on take my money I'm afraid even now they gonna deduct they did n't wait plz help me

Bradwill Julies
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Mar 23, 2023 5:20 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I cant even use my voucher but they keep deducting money from my account

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Amazing Vouchers Category
Amazing Vouchers is ranked 169 among 233 companies in the Online Scams category