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American Satellite Co review: Doesnt Pay employees 4

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10:51 pm EDT
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Company closed down, didnt pay employees, run by crooks

DOES NOT PAY EMPLOYEES! On Friday May 7, 2010, Owners of American Satellite announced they would be closing their doors and all us employees needed to collect our belongings and leave the building without pay, as they can not afford to pay us. It has now been over a week and select employees have been paid their final wages for 2 weeks of pay, however the majority are still waiting! It has now been a week almost to the hour and they still cannot give us a straight answer! May 17, 2010 by American Satellite Employee! Re-opened May 10, 2010 New employees, didn't pay old employees

DOES NOT PAY EMPLOYEES! On Friday May 7, 2010, Owners of American Satellite announced they would be closing their doors and all us employees needed to collect our belongings and leave the building without pay, as they can not afford to pay us. It has now been over a week and select employees have been paid their final wages for 2 weeks of pay, however the majority are still waiting! It has now been a week almost to the hour and they still cannot give us a straight answer! May 17, 2010 by American Satellite Employee! Re-opened May 10, 2010 New employees, didn't pay old employees

Owners, Managers and employees set people up. Nothing but a huge Rat's nest
The Company sells Dishnetwork

Todd DiRoberto -informant
Aza Olival - informant
Caleb Wickman - informant
Carlos Prado - informant

1660 Hotel Circle North
San Diego, California

old address
2667 Camino Del Rio South
San Diego, Ca 92108

Owners have employees turn rat. Every employee is a parolee or snitch. I quit there a few months ago.

One owner was serving a long sentence, couldn't handle it and rolled over on his own friends to reduce a sentence.

Company was founded by money obtained by theft from the case below.
Carlos Prado acts as owner and holds licensing for sales.

Stories City Lights News
Who Ran Zandria?
By Don Bauder | Published Thursday, Oct. 16, 2003

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San Diego — On December 6, 1998, attorney B. Roland Frasier III, who resides in Rancho Santa Fe, was touting his book, Asset Protection for Everyone: Secrets to Legally Safeguarding Your Hard-Earned Money, Home & Business.

"I never really thought about the need for asset protection until I experienced the effects of not having it, " sentimentalized Frasier, writing for "I watched my father and many of his closest friends lose millions of dollars through lawsuits, bad timing, and the relentless pursuit of fees by attorneys." So, claimed Frasier, he launched an "exhaustive search" that led him to "tropical islands, famous tax havens, and all sorts of interesting characters." The result was his book, which is filled with advice on stashing one's loot in secrecy-shrouded offshore tax havens.

But the government is prying into Frasier's offshore adventures, just as it has looked into the dubious activities of his daddy, B. Roland Freasier Jr., also a San Diego County resident. (It is not clear why B. Roland Frasier III dropped the first e from his last name, although Papa Freasier had a malodorous reputation in Virginia before falling in with a foul-smelling crowd in San Diego.)

Early this month, the Securities and Exchange Commission charged that Frasier and another San Diegan, Richard May, orchestrated a fraudulent scheme through which they gained control of Zandria, a once-hot San Diego Internet stock that soared above $6, then collapsed to a tiny fraction of a penny before going bankrupt.

And who ran Zandria? Well, on the same day, the Securities and Exchange Commission also filed a suit for stock market fraud against the company's heads, including Brian Lee and Todd DiRoberto, both of whom had been incarcerated for conspiracy to distribute narcotics. (DiRoberto had earlier failed with a sushi bar on Prospect in La Jolla.)

The securities commission charged that Frasier set up a dummy company named Shesado on the tax haven of Nevis, which with its sister St. Kitts is located in the Lesser Antilles in the eastern Caribbean. Nevis does not recognize monetary judgments by foreign nations -- an ideal place for the scam that the securities commission outlined in its charges.

Using Shesado as his alter ego, Frasier set up other empty corporations in Nevis with names like INET Capital, Jamestown Capital, Internet Investments, and Manitoba Systems. Then he distributed shares of those straw companies to compatriots, including May, who used the shells to conceal their control over Zandria.

In a deal with DiRoberto, Frasier was to receive $300, 000 and seven million shares of free-trading stock in a Zandria predecessor company if he would find a shell company through which Zandria could go public. (Instead of going public in an initial public offering, companies that don't want their dirty laundry aired often merge into an empty shell, and their stock begins trading without the company having to file a tell-all prospectus.)

Predictably, Frasier found a shell owned by a "securities fraud recidivist, " according to the commission. (He is a chap in Utah who earlier spent 14 months in prison for conspiracy, wire, and securities fraud.)

The deal was pulled off. The Zandria predecessor was merged into the shell, and the new company was renamed Zandria. Then, through a daisy chain of sham transactions in Nevis, centered around Shesado, Frasier and his confreres got control of more than 90 percent of Zandria's free-trading stock.

When he agreed to the deal, DiRoberto did not know that Frasier controlled Shesado. "Roland Frasier took advantage of knuckleheads, " says Earl Wong, who earlier sued Zandria and got a court judgment but has never been paid.

After they got control of Zandria's free-trading stock, Frasier and his buddies hired a bunch of telemarketers who peddled Zandria stock to unsuspecting investors, as Frasier and friends merrily unloaded their shares, according to the commission.

I asked the commission's case prosecutor if capital gains taxes were paid on that stock sold out of Nevis straw corporations. She refused to comment.

The securities commission has reached a settlement with Frasier. He has been ordered to pay $456, 000 in penalties and has been barred from participating in penny-stock offerings.

That's not the first payment he has made as a result of this caper. Earlier, San Diego attorney Eric Benink filed a malpractice suit on behalf of Zandria against Frasier and the law firm he then headed, Gage Frasier & Teeple. Benink spelled out the Shesado fraud. The transfer of $300, 000 and seven million shares offshore did not benefit Zandria, according to the suit.

Benink says he provided his findings to the Securities and Exchange Commission. The settlement was confidential, he says. Wong believes Frasier paid $250, 000 to Zandria.

In November of last year, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Internal Revenue Service raided Gage Frasier & Teeple and carted off documents as part of a criminal investigation.

Shortly, Frasier resigned from the firm. It changed its name to Gage, Teeple. Now, it refuses comment.

It's fairly clear what the criminal investigation is about. And the main thrust is almost certainly not Zandria. I have interviewed several people who have talked with the government's criminal investigators. These sources say the feds are looking into whether Frasier helped embattled San Diego eye surgeon Glenn Kawesch evade taxes.

State officials have been trying to get Kawesch barred from the practice of medicine. As those hearings were going forward, Kawesch pleaded guilty last May to evading $4.2 million in federal taxes, greatly through offshore tax havens. The names of the attorneys who helped him set up sham contractual agreements in these havens have not been released.

Kawesch has been cooperating with the federal government. One of his capers, according to the San Diego U.S. attorney's office, went through Nevis. Assisted by an attorney and others, Kawesch drew up a fictitious marketing service agreement between his corporation, Southwest Eye Care, and an entity called Telco, which was supposed to provide marketing assistance to Southwest for a $1 million fee. If the services were not provided, Telco would make a capital investment in Sequoia, Ltd., which was based -- where else? -- in Nevis.

It was all a ruse to permit Southwest to take a $1 million tax deduction for marketing help that was never provided. In effect, Kawesch's income electronically drifted offshore to Nevis and then back to Kawesch, thus slipping past tax collectors' eyes and permitting the surgeon to evade taxes.

People who have been intimately involved in Frasier's activities tell me that federal investigators are eyeing him in the Telco/Sequoia phantasma. Kawesch refuses to talk about the subject with me, referring me to his lawyer, Michael Lipman, who also won't discuss the matter. Federal investigators are not talking.

Frasier and Nevis go way back -- back to his father, in fact. In May of 2000, a bank filed suit in Richmond, Virginia, against the law firm of the elder Freasier and his son. The suit charged that the pair had assisted a person who owed money to the bank to stash his loot in Nevis.

Court records from Virginia also reveal why the senior Freasier left Virginia. In an appellate decision, the court noted that in 1972, a rich woman hired her physician, Alvin Jarrett, to oversee her personal and financial affairs. Jarrett hired Freasier as legal counsel. "Through systematic physical and emotional abuse during the ensuing 14 years, Jarrett and Freasier induced [her] to relinquish to them total control of her day-to-day affairs, " noted the court. "As a result of their fraudulent activities, Jarrett and Freasier were able to divert a substantial portion of [her] assets to themselves and their families" without her consent.

Freasier and son Frasier made their way to San Diego in the late 1980s. Freasier was both a lawyer and an executive for Melvin Lloyd Richards, a convicted stock swindler who dealt with offshore tax havens and has spent several stretches in prison. Frasier represented Richards, too, in at least one matter. According to the Securities and Exchange Commission, during his time at his former law firm, Frasier "purported to specialize in offshore asset protection."

And he wrote a book telling how to shelter assets offshore. Investigators reportedly read it with glee. Neither Frasier nor his attorney returned calls. Freasier could not be reached

12/14/09 at 01:53 AM Reply with quote #2


U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Litigation Release No. 18838 / August 19, 2004
Securities and Exchange Commission v. Brian Lee (aka Brian Lee Petrosian), Todd DiRoberto, Lonnie Dragon and Trevor Watson, Case No. 03-CV-1957-JAH (JFS) (Houston, J.)(S.D. Ca., filed October 2, 2003)
The Securities and Exchange today announced that on August 13, 2004, the Honorable John A. Houston of the United States District Court for the Southern District of California entered a final judgment against Trevor Watson, which permanently enjoins him from violating federal securities laws. The case against the other defendants remains pending.

The Commission's complaint alleges that between November 1998 and September 2000, Lee, DiRoberto, Dragon and Watson offered more than $10 million in securities and raised approximately $6 million from more than 200 investors nationwide in two purported private placement offerings of stock in Zandria Entertainment Networks, Inc. ("ZEN") and LevelRed Investments, Inc. The complaint further alleges that the ZEN and LevelRed Investments offerings were fraudulent because, among other things, the defendants failed to disclose that Lee and DiRoberto, both convicted felons, owned and controlled ZEN. In addition, the Complaint alleges that the defendants used high-pressure, "boiler-room" sales tactics and failed to disclose to investors the full extent of their commissions and other fees, which exceeded forty percent.

Watson, without admitting or denying the allegations, settled the action against him by consenting to entry of court orders that permanently enjoin him from violating Sections 5 and 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 thereunder. Due to Watson's demonstrated inability to pay, he was not ordered to pay a civil penalty and disgorgement of $26, 000 and prejudgment interest thereon of $7, 063 were waived

12/14/09 at 01:54 AM Reply with quote #3


Printable version (PDF)

Court Closes SEC’s $5M Fraud Case

Aaron Seward
August 23, 2007

A federal court in Southern California has entered final judgments against two San Diego men that the SEC originally charged with securities fraud. The Commission charged that the two men, Todd DiRoberto and Brian Lee, raised more than $5 million from an illegal private placement offering in two internet companies—Zandria Entertainment Networks and LevelRed Investments both internet companies.

The judgment requires DiRoberto to pay $94, 000 in disgorgement plus $41, 348 in pre-judgment interest and a civil penalty of $30, 000, for a total of $165, 348. It also ordered Lee to pay $66, 524 in disgorgement plus $29, 262 in pre-judgment interest and a civil penalty of $25, 000, for a total of $120, 786.

The court’s order also permanently barred them from involvement in penny stock offerings and from acting as an officer or director of a public company and enjoins them from violating the federal securities laws. DiRoberto and Lee consented to the court’s judgment without admitting or denying guilt.

In August of 2004, the court entered a final judgment against Trevor Watson, another man the SEC charged in the same scheme. Watson settled with the court and agreed to injunctions as well as a civil penalty and disgorgement of $26, 000 and prejudgment interest of $7, 063. But after showing his inability to pay those penalties, the court waived the monetary penalties.

According to the Commission’s complaint, between 1998 and 2000, DiRoberto, Lee, Watson and another man jointly sold private placements of Zandria of LevelRed stock. They allegedly offered more than $10 million in securities and raised approximately $6 million from at least 200 investors nationwide. The Complaint further alleges that the offerings were fraudulent because, among other things, the sales pitch failed to disclose that Lee and DiRoberto, both convicted felons, owned and controlled Zandria.

Lee and DiRoberto sold the Zandria securities through First Choice, a telemarketing business that they owned, said the SEC. They used high-pressure, “boiler-room” sales tactics and didn’t tell their victims about the full extent of commissions and fees attached to the transactions, which exceeded 40%, according to the Commission.

Furthermore, the unregistered securities touted in the offerings were not exempt from registration, the SEC said.

The SEC also named a fourth and final man in its complaint against the Zandria/LevelRed scam: Lonnie Dragon. From June to September 2000, Dragon allegedly raised $887, 503 in the unregistered offering of LevelRed stock. The SEC also said that Dragon had no affiliation with any broker-dealer while he was involved in the offering. In February 2005, the SEC barred Dragon from association with any broker-dealer.

In 2003, the SEC settled with Roland Frasier III, Zandria’s legal counsel. In the suit that led to that settlement, the SEC charged that Frasier conducted a series of transactions that transferred more than 90% of all of the free-trading shares of Zandria to four offshore corporations secretly controlled by himself, DiRoberto and Lee.

Frasier also allegedly arranged for Zandria to become a public company through an asset acquisition transaction with a public corporation in which he fraudulently pocketed $100, 000, according to the SEC.

The Complaint alleges that during the offering of Zandria stock, DiRoberto and Lee used high pressure boiler-room techniques to pump the securities while simultaneously selling $1 million of the stock that they controlled into the inflated market. Frasier allegedly received approximately $180, 000 of the offering’s profits.

In the settlement, the SEC barred Frasier from participating in any penny stock offering, ordered him to pay $280, 000 disgorgement plus $65, 898 in prejudgment interest, and imposed a $110, 000 civil monetary penalty.

Registered: 12/14/09
Posts: 5
12/14/09 at 02:00 AM Reply with quote #4


Company rips off its employees and sets people up. It is crookedest place I ever saw
Cut a deal with the Feds to operate and rat people out.


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Registered: 12/16/09
Posts: 11
12/16/09 at 02:42 AM Reply with quote #5


I know one of them. Keith Harlan is a rat. He works there. He turns people in.


12/16/09 at 03:06 AM Reply with quote #6


Ian George Lockhon - #170081
Current Status: Disbarred
This member is prohibited from practicing law in California by order of the California Supreme Court.

See below for more details.

Profile Information
Bar Number 170081
Address 721 Queenstown Ct #C
San Diego, CA [protected] Phone Number [protected]
Fax Number Not Available
e-mail Not Available
District District 9 Undergraduate School Chapman Univ; Orange CA
County San Diego Law School Univ of San Diego SOL; San Diego CA
Sections None

Status History
Effective Date Status Change
Present Disbarred
3/4/2004 Disbarred
1/27/2003 Not Eligible To Practice Law
10/25/2000 Active
7/9/2000 Not Eligible To Practice Law
5/2/1994 Admitted to The State Bar of California

Explanation of member status

Actions Affecting Eligibility to Practice Law
Effective Date Description Case Number Resulting Status
Disciplinary and Related Actions
3/4/2004 Disbarment 02-O-13429 Disbarred
9/26/2003 Ordered inactive 02-O-13429 Not Eligible To Practice Law
6/30/2003 Ordered inactive 02-O-13429 Not Eligible To Practice Law
1/27/2003 Ordered inactive 01-O-03522 Not Eligible To Practice Law
7/9/2000 Discipline w/actual suspension 97-O-17508 Not Eligible To Practice Law
Administrative Actions
9/16/2003 Suspended, failed to pay Bar membr. fees Not Eligible To Practice Law

Copies of official attorney discipline records are available upon request.

Explanation of common actions

State Bar Court Cases
NOTE: The State Bar Court began posting public discipline documents online in 2005. The format and pagination of documents posted on this site may vary from the originals in the case file as a result of their translation from the original format into Word and PDF. Copies of additional related documents in a case are available upon request. Only Opinions designated for publication in the State Bar Court Reporter may be cited or relied on as precedent in State Bar Court proceedings.

Effective Date Case Number Description
3/5/2004 02-O-13429 Order of Correction [PDF]
3/5/2004 02-O-13429 Decision [PDF]

California Bar Journal Discipline Summaries
Summaries from the California Bar Journal are based on discipline orders but are not the official records. Not all discipline actions have associated CBJ summaries. Copies of official attorney discipline records are available upon request.

March 4, 2004

IAN GEORGE LOCKHON [#170081], 39, of San Diego was disbarred March 4, 2004, and ordered to comply with rule 955.

In a default proceeding, the bar court found that Lockhon committed six acts of misconduct in two client matters.

He charged $1, 200 to represent a client charged with driving with a suspended license. The client gave him $300 and electronic equipment valued at $650, and Lockhon said he could pay the balance after the case was completed.

Lockhon either did not return phone calls or told the client he was too busy to talk. He did not appear at the hearing, and the client did not appear because he did not know about it. As a result, the client’s bail was forfeited and a bench warrant was issued. After numerous attempts to reach him, Lockhon finally told the client the case had been sent to civil assessment.

The client learned the truth from the bail bondsman and went to court himself to explain his failure to appear. The client resolved his case himself.

The bar court found Lockhon failed to perform legal services competently or return unearned fees and he committed an act of moral turpitude and abandoned his client.

In the second case, a woman had a free consultation with Lockhon about possibly representing her son. She paid him $500 toward a $5, 000 retainer and agreed to return the next day with $4, 500 to sign a retainer agreement. Her son then refused to retain Lockhon.

When she sought the return of her money, Lockhon became angry and hung up on her. She left phone messages and sent a letter requesting a refund, but Lockhon did not respond.

The bar court found that he did not refund an unearned fee and he didn’t cooperate with the bar’s investigation.

Lockhon was disciplined twice previously for similar misconduct and for mishandling his client trust account.

July 9, 2000

IAN G. LOCKHON [#170081], 36, of San Diego was suspended for six months, stayed, placed on two years of probation with an actual 90-day suspension and until he makes restitution, and was ordered to take the MPRE within one year and comply with rule 955. If the actual suspension exceeds two years, he must prove his rehabilitation. The order took effect July 9, 2000.

Lockhon stipulated that he commingled funds in his client trust account, wrote checks for personal and business expenses on the account, wrote checks to “cash” numerous times, allowed his health club dues to be debited from the account, and wrote two checks against insufficient funds in the account.

Because his actions diffused the nature of his client trust account so creditors or other third parties could not readily identify it, he endangered client funds and his actions constituted dishonesty involving moral turpitude.

Lockhon stipulated that in a second matter, he improperly withdrew from representation without protecting his client’s interests and he failed to refund unearned fees. In that matter, he withdrew from the case after discovery deadlines and after a date set for his client’s deposition, forcing his client to represent herself in those matters as well as at a case management hearing and a scheduled mediation.

In mitigation, Lockhon has no record of discipline since his 1994 admission to the bar and he cooperated with the investigation.



AZA KL OLIVAL [protected]-White-M 09-05-2001


September 13, 1997

WILDCATS PLAYER Robert Riggs was charged Friday in a federal grand jury indictment of taking part in the robbery of a courier at Fort Riley, Kan., that netted more than $36, 000. Riggs, 23, was charged with aiding and abetting the armed robbery of a federal facility, conspiracy to commit armed robbery, solicitation to commit robbery and conspiracy to steal government property, said Jeff Lanza, FBI spokesman in Kansas City, Mo. Riggs was arrested in Manhattan on Friday morning, Lanza said. Two others, both military policemen at Fort Riley, are serving sentences at Fort Leavenworth following convictions in military court.

Lanza said Aza K.L. Olival and Andrew Szentmiklosi attacked the courier at gunpoint as he attempted to deliver money to the Army and Air Force Exchange Service. In the robbery March 15, the courier was sprayed with Mace and a military escort was hit over the head with a shotgun. The robbers threatened to kill the courier, Lanza said. The indictment does not allege that Riggs was at the scene, but that he bought the Mace, Lanza said.

Riggs, a former military policeman at the post, is a non-scholarship player from Lake City. He was forced to leave the team last year after developing a kidney problem that resulted in the loss of a kidney. He begged to return to the team after signing a waiver that released the university from liability should he be injured playing football, Wildcats coach Bill Snyder said.


08 June 2000

RCPD Warrents To Be Served

The Riley County Police Department will serve 800 warrents on Friday June 9. If your name is listed below you can go to the Riley County
Police Department at 600 Colorado and pay the bond before being served and arrested.

RCPD Director Mike Watson said many of the people with outstanding warrants will be able to bond out and those who can't may be jail in
Riley County or sent to a nearby jail.

At the RCPD ask to talk with Officer Dan Duckworth or Chris Robinson. Arrest Warrents Have Been Issued For: OLIVAL, AZA KALIKO-LEHU


"aza olival has 4 complaints of sexual harrassment filed on him, ..."

2 years of video show company employees breaking into cars, using drugs and placing feces into food of other employees

Registered: 12/16/09
Posts: 11
05/13/10 at 04:54 AM Reply with quote #8


Place got closed 5/7/2010
Reopened on the next monday.


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Registered: 12/16/09

05/27/10 at 09:01 PM Reply with quote #9


Check out the 2 inch diameter holes drilled in the ceiling first floor men's bathroom inside the light fixture along the north wall.


Lanza said Aza K.L. Olival and Andrew Szentmiklosi attacked the courier at gunpoint as he attempted to deliver money to the Army and Air Force Exchange Service. In the robbery March 15, the courier was sprayed with Mace and a military


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Jan 28, 2009 4:03 am EST

Ordered standard 4 room system for DirecTV service. Scheduled installer to come out the following week. They actually showed up like they said that would. Something DishNetwork couldn't seem to do. Everything is working beautifully. AmericanSatellite was helpful with my questions.

ft leavenworth, US
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Sep 09, 2010 12:51 am EDT


San Diego, US
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Jun 18, 2012 12:13 am EDT

This complaint is utterly ridiculous and has ZERO merit. I am Todd DiRoberto, the once CEO of American Satellite. The business was being run on cash flow since we were in the process of expanding and adding 200 new jobs when DISH Network abruptly decided to cut our license. Our license was cut on Friday May 10 via fax and we were not sent the $450, 000 commission payment due that day. I. myself, pulled $35, 000 out my personal bank account to cover that weeks payroll. I very easily could have not paid and filed Bankruptcy. The ignorant employees that post these RIDICULOUSLY FALSE posts must not understand. I VOLUNTARILY took $35, 000 out of my bank account just so the immediate payroll could be met and the employeees would be paid until they could file for unemployment. Not 1 employee recognized this NOR even thanked me. I did finally BK Amsat, but never recouped my $35, 000. Talk about stepping up and doing the right thing. How many CEO's would ever do what I did? NONE that I know of. There are several ex employees who have committed atrocious slander & libel regarding myself and other high level execs. They obviously do not understand that I could have EASILY walked away and not paid a dime with ZERO consequences to me. Dish Network stole over $9 million which was rightfully owed to me. When I attempted to collect, I was basically told " f*** YOU, SUE US". I then stupidly spent over $150, 000 of my personal funds trying to sue a $29 Billion Company. What a fool I was. I am truly sorry that many people lost their livelihoods as well as their identities. NOBODY paid the price that I did. There are a few employees who constantly take any chance whatsoever to slam myself, the company and many other upper level execs. Holly Hansen is one of them. She should be the last one to ever say a word since she was written up over 5 times for having sexual relations with men and women while in the offices of American Satellite. She also gave several employees the GIFT OF HERPES. She cannot take that back. In my opinion, charges should have been filed against her. She was born with the birth defect of having a hair lip palate and is far far from attractive. Due to her appearance, she feels she must give up sex to anyone that will allow the chance. I truly feel sorry for her and just want her to know that we did not discontinue her employment by choice. I wish her and everyone else the best of luck in life and in all endeavors. Life is far too short to hold a grudge and to waste our time on negativity. HAs William Oneil states " HOW YOU THINK IS EVERYTHING.THINK SUCCESS, NOT FAILURE. BEWARE OF A NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENT. " Good luck all

Sundt Construction Peeping Tom
San Diego, US
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Mar 11, 2014 11:02 pm EDT

TODD DIROBERTO IS A RAT FOR THE FEDS. He drilled holes in the ceiling of 1660 Hotel; Circle North First Floor men's bathroom and observed tenants, visitors and employees while they were in the bathroom. Part of a Law enforcement action. The building management at SUNDT Building knew that the public was being observed.

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American Satellite Co - Dish Network Installation
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