I purchased two male kittens from AngelOfSiberia, one in 2017 and another in 2021. While I initially had high hopes for both, my experience has been extremely disappointing.
The first cat developed a severe urinary disease at the age of 4. Despite all efforts to help him, it became incredibly difficult for him to survive this condition, and his health deteriorated significantly. Unfortunately, the second cat, purchased in 2021, experienced the exact same issue at around 4 years old. He suddenly became blocked, and despite spending over $4000 on veterinary care, we were unable to save him.
It’s clear to me that AngelOfSiberia is more focused on selling kittens than ensuring their long-term health and well-being. Both of my cats faced serious health problems related to the same issue, which makes me believe the breeder is exploiting these cats rather than caring for them properly. This breeder operates out of a small house with little space for the numerous cats and dogs she sells, which makes me question her ability to properly care for them. She is fully aware of the low health quality of her cats but continues to breed and sell them for profit, which I find to be an extremely immoral practice. She is making money off sick cats and putting owners who fall in love with these animals in the heartbreaking position of watching them suffer and die.
This is a truly grim and heartbreaking experience, and I strongly advise anyone considering purchasing from AngelOfSiberia to think very carefully about the health risks involved and the ethical concerns surrounding this breeder’s practices.
Recommendation: DO NOT SUPPORT THIS BREEDER!!!! You will be in heartbreaking position of watching your lovely friends suffer and die.
I am so sorry to hear this. I had the EXACT same experience with my male Siberian purchased from Angels of Siberia in 2016. Our vet actually adopted him as we could not afford the 10,000+ dollars of treatment he needed, and she had fallen in love with him. We were heartbroken but glad he would be cared for. She said she would put him to sleep if treatment didn't help. We signed him over and agreed not to ask questions which was very difficult.
We adopted his sister at the same time in 2016 - and now she is having problems that look like possible leukemia. She is the sweetest baby, and we had to take her to the emergency clinic this weekend for pain, costing us thousands. They found low white blood cell count. We are seeing vet now to figure out what is wrong. She is strictly indoor cat, eating very high quality food and has always seemed healthy. Again - we are heartbroken but hopeful she will be ok.
I agree with the original poster - absolutely DO NOT SUPPORT THIS BREEDER.