This very unprofessional named Aubrey Strausbaugh ( just google him if you do not believe what I have to say about him) has posted a complaint about me on this website with my personal information and lies to go along with it. You can find his post through going to my profile and looking at my last posted comments. This guy has anger issues and does not like to be told the word NO. I refused to do any modeling work with him because he does not have a good reputation at all and many models have posted in different forums about him letting other ladies know to never work with such a person. All I had to do was google his name to find out creepy and ridiculous things about him. I even found recorded voicemails on youtube of aubrey strausbaugh threatening a client and cursing them out, not just 1 voicemail either, 5 OF THEM. It started in May 2013 when he messaged me asking to get a hold of me to set something up, I did not reply to him for a few minutes because this is when I was doing my research on him just like any other model would want to make sure they are not going to work with some creeper or psychotic person. After not replying to him for a few minutes he then messages me saying "I wanted you to model for us but you had to go and do a topless shoot" and continued to tell me I have no self respect and so on. First off I wasn't even completely topless or nude, and second, he should be professional about things and never even mention that sort of thing when you are trying to hire someone for work. I checked out his photography and his work looked like someone snapped pictures of young/underaged girls with a digital point and shoot camera, none of it looked professional at all. He kept telling me he works for macy's modeling ads and for bioware. I know this is a complete lie because I asked to see his work for macy's and everything and all he could do was link me to his facebook like page that had his super unprofessional looking pictures up. For him to even have my personal info such as my phone number and address is the most creepy part. I have no idea how he got a hold of that information. He was telling me those voicemail recordings of him were lies, then I found his youtube channel saying how he was sorry about doing that and how his reputation is ruined now. Well no wonder. I am pretty sure he wrote those lies about me on his complaint thread to try and upset me some how because I had posted print screens of what he said to me on my facebook and over 4k people saw it. He got what he deserves though, and every model should know now not to work with such a person. He could not even make any sort of logical sense about me in his post either. Let alone provide any sort of proof that I would do such a thing. I have a great reputation for freelance model work and have never had any problems with any photographers, many of them recommend me. So for him to post those lies is just a fail on his part. this is part of my job field for what I get paid for and to tell someone they have no respect for what they choose to do in their own lives is a complete insult. I told him I would not want to work with someone that unprofessional anyways who can't even respect someone for being their own person and doing what they choose to do with their life and I let him know that his photography and work was very unprofessional anyways so I would not want to waste my time even working with him. All you have to do is GOOGLE Aubrey strausbaugh and you will find all the information you need about him to prove my complaint about this post, I even have print screens of him calling me the B word and many other things over facebook which I had posted on my facebook to let everyone know to never work with such a person. He seems insane and has a horrible temper. He is the most unprofessional person I have ever had contact me for work. He even lied and says "She may or may not remember who I am but years ago you screwed me over and now that I discovered this website, I intend to write about. Avoid her at all costs". First off this happened in May 2013, not years ago and I did not screw him over, unless saying no to someone is screwing them over some how? Anyways I think I have said enough, like I said if you do not believe me, just google him and you will find all the negative feedback about this person.
Here is his link to his facebook page so you can view his very unprofessional work as well. It won't let me post the full link so just paste this after the facebook dot com
This supposed "professional photographer" named Aaron Aubrey Strausbaugh which he isn't at all, wrote a complaint about me on this website. He has no proof at all about me doing such things, so I will post some of the proof.
Posting lies about me and making up the most ridiculous things and did not even make any sort of logical sense about me or what he has said that I have done. Below is the link to the post he has made about me. In May 2013 he wrote me on facebook asking to work with me because I do freelance model work. Of course I am going to do my own research on any photographer before I work with them to make sure they are not some creeper and have legit work. I found youtube videos of him and posts on many forums about Aubrey strausbaugh saying to never work with him because he has either threatened them in some way, never gave them their photos from their shoot, and his work looks completely unprofessional anyways like it was taken with a digital point and shoot camera. He says he works for Macy's ad models and does the photography for them and I could not find one piece of decent evidence of him ever working for them and when I had asked to see his work for them, he refused to ever show me. I missed one of his messages one night so he got upset and started writing me very rude things such as " I wanted you to model for us but you had to go and do a topless shoot you have no self respect". I do freelance model work and this is part of my job field for what I get paid for and to tell someone they have no respect for what they choose to do in their own lives is a complete insult. I told him I would not want to work with someone that unprofessional anyways who can't even respect someone for being their own person and doing what they choose to do with their life and I let him know that his photography and work was very unprofessional anyways so I would not want to waste my time even working with him. All you have to do is GOOGLE Aubrey strausbaugh and you will find all the information you need about him to prove my complaint about this post, I even have print screens of him calling me the B word and many other things over facebook which I had posted on my facebook to let everyone know to never work with such a person. He seems insane and has a horrible temper. Below is one of the screen shots where it all started. He is the most unprofessional person I have ever had contact me for work. I mean all the girls he does photoshoots with look underage as well. It's funny he posted about me saying that I am unprofessional to work with when he was the complete unprofessional one, if someone says they do not want to work with you because of the reputation you have and your work doesn't seem legit at all, then let them go and don't threaten them or call them names like he did to me. Let alone it's really creepy how he somehow found my address, phone number, and email from like 6 years ago so he must have stalked my old myspace or something to try and find that email, I have no idea how he found my address or phone number since I would never put that on facebook or any other social networking website. Well I believe this says it all about it, like I said, if you do not believe me or think I am just trying to upset him some how just go google his name. No one recommends working with him at all.
Here are some voicemails that he left some of his clients threatening them and cursing him out as well.
and here is the link to the complaint that he posted about me. Which is all lies because this was not years ago, this was just a few months ago around May 2013.
Just listened to the Youtube videos of his phone messages.
What a piece of work.
I know this is 2 years old but I can vouch about this "man's" professionalism, or lack of. And he can call it bullying, but it's not bullying if it's true. I met him way back in 2003 and he told me he was a freelance makeup artist. We became friends, but my husband and I thought his behavior and attitude towards models/makeup/photography seemed a bit shady. Even my friends were afraid of him. I called the authorities voicing my concerns and found out some things about him. I also found out by MAC and 2 Walgreens that he was constantly going up to minor females trying to get them to "model" for him. He also told me he was working on a movie with Robert Rodriguez and needed to start practicing on bondage style photography. One time he opened his trunk and had huge tubs of marshmallow fluff and rope that he planned on using for a photo shoot. I did also talk to his mother about my concerns with his intentions especially with minors and she made constant excuses about his behavior. He is a predator and I don't care who disagrees with me, because I saw it firsthand with my own eyes.
YOUR ALL A BUNCH OF 1ST RATE LIARS. I CAN PROVE THIS IN A COURT. TRY TO TAKE ME I DARE YOU. [censored]TER. I have facts. What facts do you have. Wheres your PROOF?
Just for the record: He is still at it and still acting like a completely unstable psycho. He message my friend asking if she modeled and would freak out when she took 2-3 min to reply. He's trying to say he works with PAXsouth right now.
Thank you so much this man messaged me today asking me to model for him and I'm only 15, and i declined is offer then he threw a tantrum and was being really rude and trying to get me to still model for him. I also asked him if his offer was a scam and he got even worse then what he was acting like before being really rude and unreasonable. And he would not take no for an answer and would not leave me alone. He even would type in all caps as if he was yelling and would send me work saying it was his even though it obviously wasn't. He even told me I was unprofessional (even though I said I didn't want the job) but he was arguing with me aka a 15 year old over the internet. Aaron also said that he would win over some case and would have a huge name, then threatened that he/d make sure I would never become a model (even after I told him I didn't want it as my career). But he's very rude and VERY unprofessional and I hope no one works with this jerk.
those you tube voice mails are not threats to any client. They are personal calls to Curtis Reynolds, edited buy Curtis Reynolds, Certx64. Of course he put them on the tube to make himself look good and incriminate me. He is the man that started all the lies about me "hurting" girls. Ask him how I have hurt girls. He makes the statements, the burden of proof is on him. Anna Stratton I don't even know you. Was it fun for you to make up a story about me. However, if you are on facebook or somewhere else like a modeling site, claiming you would like to model, you are fair game. I suspect you might know that, so don't claim to be an innocent. Any models I've had that are younger than 18yrs, modeled with their parent's consent and with them at the shoot. I have the contracts to prove it. Does Lori tell you models to lie? She thinks I "hurt" girls and probably gets that from Curtis Reynolds, certx64 he puts that in everybody's minds and will even call you, if he gets your number, to fill your head with lies about me. He has been trying to get me to stop the model management for years I'm not sure why . I guess he is a jealous person or just a crazy man. Why is my life any of his business?Make Lori Gonzales and Curtis prove their statements about me"hurting girls" in any way. If they can't, they are the people telling the lies.You are the people believing the lies and passing them on. Maybe you don't care because all your friends like to report me so you want to also. Shame on you. .By the way, asking you to model is what a model manager does and being persistent is part of it. I can also, express my opinions of you or anything else. That is a first amendment right. Doing that is not called harrassment. Youexpress your opinions about me all the time. You are the people who legally harass and defame me when you say things about me that you can not prove. Thus, you arejust like Lori and Curtis. Think about that!
Hi friends. I just wanted to let you all know he is still at it. Confrontational, pushy, aggressive, and unprofessional. Please don't work with this person.
He just messaged me today, so...sad to say he's still at it in 2021.
I know this is an old post but i'm here to say he's still at it he contacted me asking to model for his new agency i didnt sign the contract yet the way he's handling buisness and communicating with me was severely unprofessional and i suspect that he has any real buisness with macy and mac as he claims he has no office no real studio at his place how can one does photography when he doesn't even have a simple backdrop his makeup bag look like it wasn't touched in ages, after 5 hours with him hoping from one store to another to buy his stuff i expressed to him that alot of time have passed and i was supposed to be home sooner as i have other obligations and we agreed that this was supposedly done in 3-4 hours he started yelling throwing tantrum and verbally assulting me and my partner! i grabbed my things and left and he was trying to stalk me outside on foot as i had no car. Im reporting him to police DO NOT DEAL WITH THIS PERSON
Just an update. Aubrey messaged me claiming to have 3 businesses in New Braunfels and Austin. After a quick Google search, because my friends warned me about them, I stumbled upon this thread. That's beyond creepy and he sounds like a dangerous man.