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Asurion review: poor service! 79

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12:00 am EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

P.O. Box 110656
Nashville, TN 37222

I ordered a replacement cell phone from this company when mine broke, and by the time I received it my old phone had started working again. They charged me a standard $50 deductible fee. When I called up Asurion to ask if I could send back the replacement, which was still in the box, unopened, they said to use the return label in the box and they would be reimburse me. There was no return label. I called them back and they said they would send me a return label. Two weeks later, I received an empty envelope with no return label. I had to call again and they sent me another return label, which a received two weeks later. I sent in the phone and according to the DHL tracking number, it was received and signed for on 5/31. I have still not been reimbursed, and so I called up today, 6/10, and was told that reimbursement is not an automatic process, and that I have to call to initiate it. I was never informed of this when I had called them any of the other times. I was then told that it would take 1-2 weeks to be reimbursed. The package that I returned was never opened, so there should be no reason for it to take this long. I am a college student, so $50 is a lot of money to be out-of-pocket for two months. However, what concerns me most about this situation is the principle. Had I not checked my bank statement, had I not called Asurion, I would have never been reimbursed my money, despite the fact that I had spoken to them about returning the replacement phone to be reimbursed, and that they had in fact received the phone in pristine condition. When I Googled "Asurion Wireless" to find their customer service number, the first two hits are from I think this says a lot about this company, especially since I pay $5 each month for insurance, a $50 deductible, and have to wait to be sent a replacement phone when mine breaks instead of being able to simply get one from the Verizon store. Though the customer service representative was very polite, I am very disappointed with the service and with the ethics of the company.

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Sara Joann Whitney
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Sep 19, 2007 6:03 pm EDT

Yeah, i am pretty sure that asurion SUCKS! I HATE asurion, my sister has had plenty of problems with them (like getting two brokcken phones in a row) and now i am starting to have problems. I accidentally dropped my phone in the toilet, so as you can see i need another one. I called Asurion and i got everything squared away, it took awhile because i could hardly understand the guy speaking and because he asked for like my whole life story. Finally towards then end of the call he repeated my shipping address. I heard him say California, and i said i live in OREGON. I corrected him and i thought everything was good. Boy, was i wrong. On the day i was suppose to reccieve the shipment (Sep. 17th), i was told that it hadnt arrived. I went onto Asurion, then to DHL to track my shipment. It said that it was waiting for a person to pick it up. Then i scrolled down to see that it was sent to El Monte California, after i had corrected the dingbat. I called Asurion, quite frustrated and said that my phone was sent to the wrong address. I was on hold for 3/4 of the call, which was 30 minutes. After i finally got everything fixed the lady on the phone told me that i was going to be charged an extra 20 dollars for a re-directment fee. I was like "WHAT?!". She asked if that was ok, and i said "well no...", then i explained that it was indeed one of her guys that messed up the order. Finally she began to comprehend my request, and put me on hold... AGAIN! When she came back on teh line she said that everything was fixed and that i would be reccieving my new phone on the 19th. Its the 19th today; no phone. I dont think that they realize how problematic it is to not have a phone, i also dont think they understand how frustrating it is. So i ahve no phone and am hoping to get one tomorrow. I wrote Asurion an email explaining my sistuation and basically saying that they suck. I know that my situation isnt nearly as bad as the person above me, but it is still frustrating. I suggest that you drop Asurion and get a different insurance provider or put it on your home owners insurane. Best of luck!

John Huston
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Sep 19, 2007 6:05 pm EDT


Augusto Martinez
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Oct 21, 2007 12:49 am EDT

I second the notion that "Asurion SUCKS". They offer equipment replacement warranty that is more expensive than just purchasing the equipment you want/need when you need it and most of the time you will be loosing money and limiting your choices by having this coverage.

This is how things add up:
1-You can only get Asurion coverage when you get a new phone. Your new phone comes anyway with 1 Year manufacturer warranty. You will end up paying Asurion for 1 year of coverage before you can take advantage of any warranty coverage from Asurion.

2- The replacement program covers phone loss or damage and does not cover accessories such as phone charger.

3- You have to pay a deductible that is few tens of dollars less than purchasing a new phone to get a replacement phone

4- The replacement phone will most probably be a REFERBISHED phone and it will only have a 6 month warranty verses a new phone that has a 1 year warranty.

5-By warranty for their replacement phones, they effectively mean that anything other than a PHONE THAT DROPS CALLS is considered out of warranty damage and you have 6 days from the date you received the phone to claim it; otherwise you have to pay a deductible to get the phone replaced even if you received a defective replacement phone. My experience with the refurbished replacement phones is very bad at best. They will break down on you within few months and you will have to pay another deductible to replace a substandard refurbished phone with another.

6- The replacement phone they offer is the same make and model as the original phone unless they do not have it in stock then they will offer you a phone of their choosing. There is no option to upgrade even if you are willing to pay to upgrade.

In conclusion, DON”T DO IT. Asurion warranty will cost more money and give you less choices than just purchasing a new phone when you want or need to and I have not even gone through the headache of contacting Asurion dealing with their customer service and getting your claim processed.

Mister Omar
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Nov 01, 2007 6:47 pm EDT

They dont suck .. My first one was lost its a 200 dollar phone.. I called them up no problem they say I paid the deductible, and got my phone in 3 days...

Couple months later I leave my phone in my pants and as you can imagine.. Phone is dead as a doorknob.. No problem no questions asked I pay my deductible and I have a new phone...

How can anyone complain about them is beyond me.. I paid a total of 100 dollars and received about 400 dollars worth of equipment...

I love them , Im just sorry I used 2 of my 3 claims already...

dj dopes
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Nov 03, 2007 11:48 am EDT

I had problems with a tmobile sk3 and i payed 110 for a new one. When i got it back it was refurbished and there were problems with certain buttons. I called them and they told me the phone was on back order and had to wait 5-7 days. I got the phone and this one has problems too and i am getting ready to call back.

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Nov 07, 2007 12:34 pm EST

Not worth it.. my N80 broke so I called them.. they want to give me cheap phones (like the phones they give away with new 1 year subscription) and pay the deductible... DO NOT GET THIS INSURANCE!

Jeff Johnson
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Nov 20, 2007 3:49 pm EST

I agree, I got a refurbished phone and nothing is the same; I had a V3M but now I am not sure what I have. I can not find a model number. Some one has hand written a number 4 under the battery and there is a Motorola label but no model number. The insurance they offer is just wrong! I know it is all in the fine print some where but come on. $50 dollars for a refurbished phone plus a monthly fee on top of that! Some one will smoke a big one in hell for this crap! I will also remember this the next time my contract with Verison comes up again.

Sammie-Jo Therrien
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Nov 28, 2007 3:56 pm EST

I would have to agree with the majority of posters here that Asurion is just an absolute scam! Back in August I had made the mistake of leaving my phone in my pant pocket when I went to a rock concert, whereupon it got drenched in sweat and reverted to "car kit mode", incidentally becoming malfunctioning as a result of it's water damage.

I made my way to Verizon very nervously, expecting the worse as I knew that most plans do not cover water damage. I was relieved when they told me that I can call Assurion, who I apparently had a 5.99 a month insurance contract with, and they would replace the phone for a 50 dollar deductible. My joy and "luck" would be short lived, however.

I filed my claim and set everything up. Asurion didn't give me any grief about my phone being mishandled and water damaged and immediately sent me a new phone (the next day). Excited, I opened the package and put together my new equipment, after fully charging the battery, of course. Unfortunately, I would discover that I was unable to get to my pix place from my "new" mobile device.

After speaking to a Verizon tech over the phone, I took the replacement phone back into Verizon and they confirmed that, indeed, I was sent a faulty phone and it wasn't anything they could fix at the store. I called Asurion, as instructed, and after being put through a series of drills and tests that I had already gone through twice by now (once over the phone and once at the store).

"We apologize for the inconvenience but it seems that the phone we sent you is non functioning", the monotone voice explained. "Yeah, no ###" - I thought to myself. So they sent me a new phone which came a couple of days later.

I thought my problems would be over, but it wasn't long before I discovered that this phone, TOO, has a heap of problems it arrived with. Besides scratches and a very poor picture quality with the camera (I had come to love my original LGvx8300 for it's amazing picture quality), the antenna was flimsy and the memory slot would not stay closed.

Extremely annoyed and not wanting to go through the ordeal of filing another claim and getting an even crappier phone, I called Assurion and informed them of the second faulty replacement and told them I would just settle for the original replacement (which I hadn't shipped back yet) and send them back the second. A week into keeping this replacement phone I was receiving complaints from my friends about not answering my phone or calling them back. This was baffling to me, because I had not been receiving any calls. Turns out, my reception on this replacement phone, no matter where I may stand, is about as consistent as lightening striking, you never know where or when it's going to strike.

Of the 3 years I've been with Verizon, I've lost maybe one phone call and have always had excellent reception. Now, all of a sudden, with the arrival of this "new" phone I was dropping calls left and right and receiving texts and voicemails from hours earlier. In addition to this, I learned that despite charging my battery fully, my battery life when I'm talking on the phone is at most, 30 minutes. I can charge my phone fully and then there have been times where 5 minutes later I am receiving an alert that my battery is low.

I learned to make due with the phone and its issues, and hoped that perhaps it would correct itself, or it was just being temperamental. Three months later, I have finally had enough.

With the approaching of the cold winter and the involvement in a long distance relationship, I realize that I can no longer go dodging outside to find reception and cannot constrain myself to remain in reachable distance of my phone charger. So I called Asurion, one last time (after going back to Verizon).

After enduring a series of their tedius questions, I was transferred over to the Claims department where I was told I would be set up with a new phone. The lady told me because I had dropped the phone at different points (I had the phone for three months... of course it will drop on occasion) that I had likely damaged the phone and the warranty was void, therefore I would have to pay an additional 50 dollars to file a new claim. After attesting heavily, she began the process of ordering me a replacement.

I asked her if I would be receiving a refurbished one or a new phone. She told me she couldn't tell me whether it was refurbished or new. I explained along the lines of "with all due respect, if I am going to be paying another 50 dollars for your faulty insurance phones, I was at least like to be assured that is new and not refurbished." Such assurance was never provided but she offered to provide me with an lg8350, all while still paying the additional 50 dollar deductible.

All in all, I will never go through Asurion again and it is a waste of my time and money. I think I am just going to wait for my new every two to expire come February rather than pay this company to "hopefully" fix a problem that was their own to begin with.

Asurion - quick service, crappy quality, overpriced, SCAM!

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Dec 04, 2007 8:31 am EST

Asirion is a rip off with their refurbished phones and rude customer service reps. Here are two numbers to call and report how dissatisfied you were the company.


Jane Do
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Dec 09, 2007 2:24 pm EST

Oh boo hoo.. You people need to learn to read your terms and conditions along with fine print.This would save a lot of grief and we wouldn't have to read these ridiculous posts..

The real one
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Sep 18, 2017 6:52 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Jane Do

Jane Do, maybe if u place your real name, so a customer can call your supervisor to let them know what you think of the people that provide for your job, yes! without customers and complains you would not have a job, so before you call customers ridiculous.

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Jan 11, 2008 3:09 pm EST

all this company does it dick me around. i cant stand it. and all tmobile says is, its the insurance company, not our problem. ive sent in my affedavit form THREE times and each time they find a new problem. frustrated isnt even the word to explain this. I just want my old phone, which i pay insurance for every month, to be about to use all tyhe features i pay for every month. that really isnt so much to ask for.

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Jan 30, 2008 12:00 am EST

Asurion customer service sucks. I am AT&T 2 yr plan and have been paying Asurion $5 per month for phone insurance. I had a problem with my battery and called to have it replaced. I was first told that there would be a $50 charge! I was then asked since when I had the poor battery problem to which I said that I have been having the issue since last 2.5 months.. I was told that they could NOT service my request all together as it is more than 2 months old and the customer rep HUNG UP on me! Can you believe it... post paying them regularly. Someone pls tell the brainless customer service that cell batteries don't have a date of discharge... it happens over a period of time!

Don't go for Asurion! Bad service... what's the point of insurance when you don't get the service when you need it!

Kathleen Thomas
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Feb 01, 2008 3:47 pm EST

Aurion and Verizon both have my vote for WORST service I've ever had on ANYTHING! My problem is going through all the hoops to get my phone replaced. The first one was defective. This time, I had to go through hoops with their automated answering system. They wanted the phone # and I couldn't remember it. I'm handicapped from a stroke. I finally got through, and then couldn't see my AMEX number - with noone available here to read it. So the agent gave me a claim # and said call back when you have it. So I call back and find that the aas [I'd take off one a and add another s if this was human] would not let me through without a phone number which I couldn't remember and had no record of. The phone was stolen. I have to look at the phone to get the number, because I can't remember. I also have difficulty with my hands, and punching all those numbers is a real problem for me. The aas hung up on me several times. I finally put in a friend's number so I could get through. The new agent told me the claim number was wrong. Trying to reach local Verison to get phone # was almost as bad. All service reps were always busy, and when I left a message, nobody called me back. So now they're sending me a new phone. But it's not worth it. I'm filing a complaint with the feds about their system. After one of those guys tries to get through, I'm sure there'll be some results. All companies are supposed to have handicapped access - and they don't. As far as the quality of the phone, we pay for REPLACEMENT; that means that we get a NEW phone, not a refurbished one or a broken one. These people work across state lines, so a complaint can be filed with the Interstate Commerce people at the federal level. I hope you all do that! They also have to comply with both state's insurance requirements, so your state insurance commission is another good access route. Further, on the insurance site - they don't have an email address. You are forced to deal with the aas. Maybe they do this to discourage claims? I'm changing companies. GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD RUBBISH!

A.K.A Yo Momma
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Feb 10, 2008 6:08 pm EST

People who complain and give customer service reps a hard time are ###s who don't disserve any better. I work at asurion and it is people like you who make me not want to come to work every day!

The real one
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Sep 18, 2017 6:59 pm EDT

AKA Yo Momma, maybe need to go back to school and get yourself another job... it is sad that customers that pay for the salaries of customer service reps ( yes! without customers you and many others wouldn't have a paycheck), get this kind of treatment. Firstable it says how poorly is this company and from the HR and on and on.. Asurion is doing an awful job by hiring reps like you maybe time to get another job?, especially when there is soo many people that need a job and you don't want yours.

Sarom Nhe
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Mar 17, 2008 7:40 am EDT

I myself has had an awful experience with Aurion I had my phone stolen and i had my sim card taken out and they denied my claim because i put my sim in another phone and would only cover the phone i put it in. The customer service was very polite but i kept getting the run around and then by 2 hours on the phone i finally told them that i am writing to the better business burea and telling the Boston Herald about their little scam. Finally they tranfered me to a Co of the company and pretty much told me to go to hell without saying it very rude.. Do any dudes work there cause all i talked with were females.
Four of them in a row they were nice but i would rather talked with a guy could get mad at him.. I think that is their plan lol.. These phone insurance companys are terrible they should be wiped out and i personally think that T-mobile should take care of these things themselves.

Buck Rogers
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Apr 02, 2008 3:29 pm EDT

I dunno. . . I just filed a claim for my sidekick 3. Went through a lot of unnecessary validation crap and finally had my replacement refurb'd phone the next day. Cheap battery, cheaper charger, but an otherwise fine phone. Now I had to pay $110 for this puppy. I originally paid $399 for the first one (to avoid a contract). Replacements are hard to find even on eBay for less than $200 and then you really don't know what you're getting anyway. It sucks when your phone breaks. But what can you do? Short of keeping it wrapped in bubble wrap and tethered to something that won't ever get wet, at least the insurance keeps you talking.

I don't work for Asurion and I'll probably cancel my "policy" now. I've had my phone for nearly 2 years before it broke (21 months) and paid the $5.99 every month. So figure $126 + $110 = $236. So I'm $635 into the SK3. Had I signed a contract, the phone would have been $299. Had I not purchased the insurance, I'd have to buy a new one. Another $299 (or an extension and a reduced price of maybe $199.) So it cost me an extra $37 but I still don't have a contract. Now, in 3, 4, 5 or even 6 months if my phone happens to break again (ahem), that's another $200-$300 phone for $110 and only $20-$30 in insurance.

What do you do if your car gets hit? You file an insurance claim. And it will never be like "new" again. You can try to claim diminished value with your insurance company (good luck) but in the end, it's still not quite new.

My biggest issue isn't the replacement phones but the validation process. It all seems a bit intrusive and you have a "pass/fail" result. Do you know a) John Smith, b) Fred Thomas, c) James Jones or d) None of the Above? Um, I dunno... I think I might have known Fred. BUZZ! Wrong answer. Sheesh, they get these questions based on "public record" yet don't really justify why they're using potentially erroneous (or duplicate) information to validate your identity. I mean, they asked me where I lived between one year and another. . . and I was 11. What kind of public record could there be on an 11 year old?

If you don't like the hassle (and it is a hassle), don't get the insurance. Just accept that you'll pay in other ways when it comes time to replace the phone. Yeah, it sucks but what are you gonna do?

A Dingbat from Asurion
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Apr 03, 2008 12:43 am EDT

Listen I work for Asurion, and I know personally the hassle that we put our callers through, but for the most part, we try to make it as blissful as it can possibly be. It's kinda like dealing with a funeral director. No one wants to, but if you don't your stuck with a dead phone.

The reason that the prices haven't gotten higher, and you go through such a hassle on the verification process, is because of all the fraud. Believe what you will, but Asurion loses millions a year in fraud to the lagest fraud chain in America, and there are a lot them. So if you want to complain about the process, then Asurion will listen, but realize that Asurion is only doing what any other company would do to stay a float, cut costs and buckle up with more secure and tighter processes.

Another thing to consider, only about 1% of our customers are sent a phone that needs to be replaced. Asurion does not like sending out defective phones. Everytime they do it cost the company money. They cover all the shipping costs. Think about it, if you get a 2nd replacement sent out you, Asurion pays for shipping both ways. They also don't charge you for the 2nd replacement as long as it is under warranty. Obviously Asurion is not going to replace a phone that has a crack, broken LCD, broken or loose charging port, or any other physical damage. If it's a malfunction, and we can't fix it, we replace it, and we start a new warranty. If you go to your carrier, they only cover the warranty from the purchase date, even if you've had it replaced before through them.

Asurion is not saying that it's coverage is for everyone. It is a definetely a personal decision based upon the cost of your phone and how long you think you will have it before it gets lost/stolen, or dropped in the toilet. If your a clutz like me, then its a good thing. Fifty bucks is definetely cheaper than a new phone every 6 months. Asurion is the OPTION as equipment protection, and every major carrier uses our services. Maybe there is a reason they want to be our clients instead of doing it themselves.

Other than that, I hope that your next experiance is better. We are definetely not in the business to dis-satisfy customers and we do apologize for any inconveinence. Please try to remember that the next rep you talk to, is not the last rep you spoke to, so being a little nicer to the next one when trying to express yourself, would probably make the experience smoother.

Have a good day, and thank you for CHOOSING Asurion.

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Jun 09, 2008 4:26 am EDT

I have a LG9800V that needed to be replaced. I called Verizon then Asurion. They were pleasant and sent me a replacement phone that within one month no longer worked properly... screens were whited out and you could not hear unless it was in hands free mode. I called again and I was promptly sent another 9800V. Never got to even activate this phone because it too had a problem with the speaker. I called again. As you can imagine I was just slightly annoyed and asked that before they sent another phone they please use more than their usual QC process to check it. They very nicely agreed to do this. I actually believe they did check the speaker because I can now hear clearly... only one problem.. the person on the other end cannot understand anything I am saying due to the distortion in the microphone! Needless to say I will be calling again but I may just send back the faulty phone and upgrade. I doubt its worth the aggravation on either end.
Anyway quality is horrendous but customer service reps were never once rude to me.

A. Almanza
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Jun 09, 2008 6:49 am EDT

I had lost my phone on May 20th and placed a claim w/Asurion. I was told by Asurion that I needed to pay a $70.00 dollar deductible in order to have a replacement for my lost phone. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to pay the deductible until June 6th and was informed by Asurion that I will receive my phone on Monday, June 9th.
On Monday, June 9th I checked my email and received a notification from DHL confirming delivery for June 9th, but the address was incorrect. Asurion gave DHL my home address for delivery when I repeatedly requested delivery to my office address, and had them confirm the address of delivery. I had to contact Asurion twice to have them correct the delivery address and I was placed on hold repeatedly for over 20 minutes. I was not able to receive my phone on date requested, because now they confirmed a delivery date for next day shipment for Tuesday, June 10th.

Upon checking my email once again, it was noted that the delivery address was incomplete and I had to call them once again to make sure that the address is correct and complete. I was on hold for another 12 minutes.

Asurion is a very irresponsible company that does not pay attention to customers request. Their service is poor and unprofessional.

A Random Geek
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Aug 09, 2008 5:53 am EDT

I've never had a problem with Asurion. *knock on wood* I will be going to pick up a phone today on insurance. And in the past (only one time) when I had a phone break on me, they gave me a brand new phone. It could be my area, because I live in a small town (yes there is an Alltel store here) they don't carry refurbished models and it's easier to hand me a new phone but either way, I've never personally had a problem, now with HTC I have, but that's a different story. *knock on wood*

Completely Frustrating
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Aug 24, 2008 4:17 am EDT

I have been in a battle with Asurion for weeks now. I have spent HOURS on the phone with them and I still do not have a resolution to my problem. DO NOT GET THIS INSURANCE. The company is unprofessional. (called my house after midnight to clarify information) The company lies. (pay the copay and we will send you a phone...I paid copay...but got no phone) My experience has been so dissatisfing and unbelievalbiy painful that it would take too long to share all the ways in which Asurion has been incompetent.

The CEO of Asurion is Kevin Taweel. I attempted to send him emails about my experience but they were intercepted by someone lower in the organization.

Asurion is fraudulent and disinterested in honoring the contract. SOMETHING MUST BE DONE ABOUT THIS COMPANY.

emily maitz
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Aug 25, 2008 2:34 pm EDT

Maybe i am just lucky or i know how to treat people the way i wanted to be treated, Asurion has ALWAYS been nice to me, and to all you ppl out there who insist they always give out refurbs its not true, my first two phones (htc touch)one was lost one time the second time it was stolen, asurion sent me brand spanking new phones w/all the goodies, the last and final replacement was for my samsung instinct, which i lost they sent me a refurb this time and it was not working correctly, i called them, they said they were going to send me another one, i should receive it in 2 days, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!they didn't make me jump thru hoops like some of you people have stated, hey maybe it may be where i live or i just know how to talk to people, but they have always been nice to me!good luck to all you people out there, and remember when you call asurion next time, try speaking to them the way you want to be treated and then maybe you will get what you want!

emily maitz
Send a message
Sep 16, 2008 4:55 am EDT


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Sep 17, 2008 10:26 am EDT

THIS COMPANY SUCKS ###!...My story starts off with my screen breaking...Sprint Customer Service says that they will personally replace my phone for free eventhough I have I have them send it to my dorm...about a week later...there is still no I call Sprint back and they tell me that the paper work was filled out but not processed because the Insurance company had to replace it and for me to call ASURION...well I call them and the computer program tells me its faster to fill it out i go online fill out the forms and they say they will send me a 'refurbished' phone...Im like okay cool i just need my phone immdiately they take the 50 dollars out of my i wait a day or 2 and I have still not recieved my I call back and these ###s say that I have been approved but the phone has not been I talk to Customer Service and they say it may take anywhere from 10-15 BUSINESS days for me to recieve my phone due to Hurrican going about an entire month at college without a damn cell phone...this ### is ridiculous! I HATE ASURION aint nothin SURE about this damn rip off!

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Sep 17, 2008 10:26 pm EDT

My daughter dropped her phone in a swimming pool over the weekend. I called Asurion today and sent my daughter to the Alltel Corporate store to pick up a new phone. Easy peasy! She paid the $50 deductible and is good to go. Honestly, we've been with Alltel a long time (11 years) and this is the first time we've used insurance. In the past, if we were still under contract, our only option was to add another line and purchase a phone on that line. Of course, this entailed us continuing to pay for the "old line" but was the only way we could take advantage of the 2-year contract price. We had no problems with Asurion and the new, refurbished phone came with a 1-year warranty. I wouldn't insure all the phones we have (4 in the house) but for my teenager who we make pay the $5.00 monthly fee it's worth it.

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Sep 21, 2008 1:11 am EDT

So heres my story. Phone gets rained on, I call Asurion like I know to do whenever my phone stops working, and I talk to someone who was very helpful, even agreed to replace my phone(centro) with an htc touch, because it is a comparable device. Order was placed last friday and was supposed to be shipped out that day, and be here by monday.

Wednesday rolls around, no phone. So I call asurion to find out whats wrong and they tell me because of a hurricane that hit on tuesday, my phone has been delayed. I say why did the hurricane that hit on tuesday affect my phone that was supposed to have been shipped friday and noone has an answer for me. They also have the audacity to tell me I wont have my phone until october 6th! Note, I placed the order september 12th. Those with even the most basic math skills can tell thats 6 days from being a month without a phone.

I basically get no help over the phone, so I've been emailing sprint. Three different sprint employees told me I could get my replacement from a repair shop and that they should do the phone switch for me.

I waste the gas to drive to the nearest sprint store, emails from sprint in hand, to get looked at like I'm an idiot and get told "we don't handle insurance replacements here"

After dealing with sprint and asurion to see if I could get my phone at a different dealer, they tell me there's nothing they can do and my only option is to wait. They also tell me I won't be receiving the HTC touch I was promised and that they don't do comparable device replacement no matter how unsatisfied with the device you are.

When I agreed to pay the $50 deductible for my replacement, it was for an htc touch NOT a palm centro. This means that not only are they charging me for a device I DIDN'T WANT they're making me wait almost a month, and still expect me to pay for my service during this month.

The BBB is being contacted because of this, and I will be cancelling my service and changing providers and selling the phone I receive from asurion.

East Orange, US
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Mar 03, 2009 12:12 pm EST

P.O. Box 110656
Nashville, TN 37222

To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is to inform you of the poor customer service I have encountered with your company Asurion. I took my burgundy Palm Treo 755 to be serviced on Sunday, February 22, 2009 and was told that the phone could not be fixed so I would have to contact the insurance company. Without checking the phone to see if the problem was correct since I was told it couldn’t be fixed I contacted Asurion who informed me that they would send me a phone within 1-2 business days. I received the Palm Treo 755 (blue which wasn’t the color of my phone) on February 24, 2009. I charged the phone for 12 hours as recommended. During this time I was using my old phone, which charged with no problem (which I was informed could not be fixed). Even though it began working properly I switched to the refurbished phone that was sent to me by the Asurion Insurance Company. The first day I noticed that the phone would shut off periodically throughout the day. When I noticed this I changed the battery from my old phone into the new phone sent by Asurion and it did the same thing.

On February 28, 2009 I contacted Asurion and notified them about the problem and informed them that I didn’t want your company to send out another replacement phone anymore because it would be the same situation and I didn’t have the time to keep going into the Sprint store to have my numbers and to have to store all my personal information into. So I asked the representative that they not send me another refurbished phone since my old one was working. I was told that your company would not refund the $50.00 fee that you charge. Management was unable to assist me with solving this problem either. I am truly disgusted in Asurion’s customer service and policies. I am extremely disappointed that I have paid approximately $170.00 in insurance fees for the past two years I have had the phone, not to mention the $50.00 that I am being charged for a phone I don’t have. I have never been so disgusted with any companies’ policies and procedures in my life!

Due to the poor service at Asurion I have cancelled my insurance plan on my Sprint Account. Once my contract is up on May 29, 2009 I will also be canceling my services with Sprint because of two companies rudeness, poor customer service, and lack of understanding. I will make sure that the next carrier I choose will not use this company as their insurance carrier for their customers. I will also make sure to inform all my friends, family members, co-workers etc. to reconsider insurance plans with Asurion and Sprint Services. Hopefully this will allow you to reconsider the customer service you provide your customers with. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this matter.

Disgusted Customer,

Nana N.

Tim Berry
McClave, US
Send a message
Mar 21, 2009 2:32 pm EDT

P.O. Box 110656
Nashville, TN 37222

BAD NEWS. Been paying their fee for 5 phones now for almost 3 years. My father lost his phone out on the farm. Tried to file a claim on line. Gave me a claim number but would NOT SHIP to his address. Said it was a PO BOX. It is NOT. It is an Rural Route address. The address IS RR2 BOX (number). If I was to burn the house down and call 911 I would tell them that SAME RR address. So, it being Sat I have plenty of time, I called the 888 number. Tried to file the claim so I could explain to the lady what was going on. She said it had to go through another "account vitrifaction" or some ###. Told me to call back Wed. Wed!?!? WTF is that? It is advertised as a 24hr turn around. I should have phone in hand Monday or Tue. Not be starting a claim wed.

What a screw.

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May 17, 2009 4:54 pm EDT

Ok, so apparantly I abused the phone because I charged it. This is the 3rd phone!

Espanola, US
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May 26, 2009 2:06 pm EDT is better to not pay the premium and get a new phone. They should be put out of business or at least forced to become customer friendly and accountable for there products!

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Jun 26, 2009 9:11 pm EDT

I'm just wondering if anyone who posts a complaint about Asurion speaks English as a first (or second...or heck, even third) language. Seriously...half of these posts, I can't even understand. Are you guys in 3rd grade? Seriously. It's rather pathetic.

Anyway, how is cell phone insurace any different than, say, car insurance? When you total your car, you get the value of THAT car at THAT time.

People here expect to wreck a 1985 Ford and get a 2009 Mercedes in replacement.

Asurion actually has one of the highest customer satisfaction rates. What I find typical are the people who are pissed off "lost" their phone in hopes of getting an upgrade. Or they called the insurance line at 9:45 pm on Friday night and are pissed that they didnt' get their phone by Monday morning. It's silly, really.

Sorry folks. Doesn't work that way.

Schenectady, US
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Jul 04, 2009 7:50 pm EDT

You people are ###s. I read half of these posts and most of you obviously don't know how to write at a 4th grade level. Also, most of the stuff you're complaining about is ridiculous. Especially the initial complaint. You're complaining that you got a new phone for $50 but you were too stupid to know the original wasn't even broken. Upon discovering this, you [censor]ed at the Asurion people until they sent you a box to send you a box... which you didn't deserve in the first place. Then you complained AGAIN that you had to pay the shipping because of your ridiculous mistake?

Grow up. The world doesn't revolve around you, ###. In the end, Asurion obviously lost money by dealing with you and you complain that they weren't speedy and pleasant in the process.

I've used Asurion 3 or 4 times after losing or breaking my phone and every time I got a new phone in a retail box with all accessories the next day.

Scottsdale, US
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Aug 06, 2009 1:56 pm EDT

Absolutely BEYOND HORRIBLE! Put whatever amount of money you pay for equipment protection into a savings account and, if something happens to your phone or whatever, put the money you saved toward a new phone.

It has been THREE WEEKS since I filed a claim. I have heard every imaginable b.s.excuse, have waited days for them to communicate the way they said they would. Forget the on-line order tracking system. "Your request is being processed. Please check back in 24 hours". ISN'T TRACKING!

I finally got to a live person who could tell me that my claim was approved weeks ago, I was quoted shipping times that AREN'T EVEN CLOSE to what was promised only to be fed more b.s. excuses about why. If the claim was approved weeks ago, WHERE IS MY #%*#$*&# PHONE?

If you read these comments and still do business with this company remember, you asked for it!

Orlando, US
Send a message
Sep 01, 2009 4:29 pm EDT

### you KarenTheEnglishMajor, I wouldn't piss on your teeth if your face were on fire.

Newark, US
Send a message
Dec 19, 2009 4:35 pm EST

P.O. Box 110656
Nashville, TN 37222

The reason why you have those problems with Asurion is because some of their suppliers are
companies with no reputation and lack of ethics as PCS Wireless. PCS Wireless, LLC based in New Jersey is
one of their cellphone's supplier. PCS Wireless is a cellphone distrubutor company of reconditioned, refurbished
or used phones. PCS Wireless in-house refurbish cellphones but they do not have the endorsement of brand companies
such as Motorola to do it and they also do not have neccessary equipment to test the phones once refurbished.

You should see the conditions of the cellphones and accessories they sell.
They received them in boxes all mixed and dirties and some of them are lemons.

They separate and clean the cellphones with handsanitizer and acetone to have the logos removed. Other group refurbish them, have the housing and/or keypad changed, weld interior parts and try to
make them look like new but the reality is that the exterior is new but the interior is a crap, a garbage.
When they refurbish the cellphones they do not test them for performance because they have no equipment to do it.

It is not the point of receive an upgrade phone but a good one. I work for PCS Wireless once I started there and saw
how it was I cancel right away my insurance with Asurion.

You pay tons of money for the Insurance to Asurion and they use cheap companies. Asurion is not a legitimate company.

matt cc
enfield, US
Send a message
Jan 12, 2010 11:37 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am just upset, not going to go on a rampage but want to share my story. I had an LG dare with verizon. The phone worked perfectly. One day it slipped out of my pocket. I called Asurion and they told me LG no longer makes the dare so they would send me this new phone called the voyager. I was not too happy about that since I liked the dare, but was willing to accept this because it was the only option. So I asked the rep if it had micro USB since I already bought a gaggle of chargers and accessories for my two vehicles. He assured me it did! Well this voyager shows up with some flat plug I have never seen, the phone is basically falling apart on is hinges, and pretty much is older technology than my dare by a long shot. I AM UPSET. Not much I can do. Live and learn.


Jane B. Doe
Send a message
Jan 17, 2010 1:44 pm EST

Asurion is awful. I am on my second week of waiting for my "next day delivery", have spent over three hours over the last week "on hold" between customer service representatives who simply tell me that it is my problem and that I should be dealing with UPS since they wash their hands clean once the shipment leaves their warehouse. They refuse to give me my $50 deductible back, pay my Verizon phone bill for the time I have wasted w/o a phone, or take any responsibility for the fact that my agreement is with ASURION and not UPS. I am canceling my policy and recommend that others find a different provider.

sd, US
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Feb 16, 2010 5:29 pm EST

### Asurian phone insurence! I spent an hr in kinko's yesterday filling out paper work and faxing them info and they denied my phone claim. You think with a 130 dollar deductible they would be eager to send you a piece of ### phone that was made out of USED parts of other broken phones! Im buying a new G1 off of craigs for less than that anyways though

Palos Verdes Estates, US
Send a message
May 16, 2010 9:13 pm EDT

AWFUL! I pay $8 a month for one year then my screen cracks, so I call in the insurance and it is $100 deductable and they send me a refurbished phone. TOTAL BS> I told them I would wait until they got a new phone and they say NO. very rude. AWFUL I wish Sprint didnt use them

South Jordan, US
Send a message
Jul 06, 2010 8:06 am EDT

Asurion wants to charge me $130.00 deductible for a phone that you can buy new on Ebay with free shipping for $124.00. What you think I am stupid! This is not insurance it is a scam!

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