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CB Other Bazed Bet Outright fraud withheld funds
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Bazed Bet review: Outright fraud withheld funds 1

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4:38 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
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I need to share my infuriating experience with Bazed Bet to prevent others from getting scammed. My name is Daniel, and my username on Bazed Bet is omgclayaiken.I am outraged by Bazed Bet's fraudulent actions.

Here's What Happened:

I deposited funds into Bazed Bet, had a great run in sports betting, and ended up winning $22,000. However, when I tried to withdraw my winnings on June 11, Bazed Bet resorted to evasive tactics and blatant lies to avoid paying me.

Withdrawal Request: 6.377 ETH to my wallet (0xB1a7eBd35dD5492EDa9EAe7373ED32Fea2634F59) on Tuesday, June 11th

The Issues I Faced}

1. Fake KYC Rejection

Despite completing the KYC verification process, Bazed Bet dared to claim that I failed it. This is a complete lie, and I have screenshots and a screen capture video documenting all my bets and the withdrawal request to prove it.

Bogus Jurisdiction Excuse:

After passing KYC, Bazed Bet then claimed that Canada is a restricted jurisdiction for their services. This is an outright falsehood. Canada is one of the most crypto-friendly regions and does not restrict online gambling. This excuse was conveniently brought up only after I won a significant amount, which is beyond suspicious—it's infuriating.

My Evidence

I have gathered irrefutable evidence, including videos, screenshots, and transaction details, documenting my deposits, bets, and withdrawal requests. The evidence is so clear that even a child could see through Bazed Bet's lies. This casino is scamming people or, at the very least, attempting to scam me.

Why This Matters

Bazed Bet's actions are a direct assault on the trust and integrity of the online casino industry. By withholding my funds without a valid reason, they are engaging in outright fraud. This situation has caused me significant distress and anger, and if this is how they operate, no one should trust them with their money.

What I'm Demanding

Immediate processing of my withdrawal to my Ethereum wallet (0xB1a7eBd35dD5492EDa9EAe7373ED32Fea2634F59).

A formal explanation and apology for the unwarranted delay, false accusations, and fraudulent behaviour.

What I'll Do Next

If Bazed Bet fails to resolve this issue immediately, I will:

File formal complaints with relevant regulatory authorities.

Initiate legal proceedings for breach of contract and fraud.

Publicly expose Bazed Bet's deceitful practices to warn other potential customers.

This isn't a threat—it's a promise to ensure justice is served. Anyone considering Bazed Bet to be extremely cautious and take my experience as a serious warning. The company's actions are fraudulent, and their claims about Canada being a restricted jurisdiction are completely fraudulent. Every crypto casino accepts Canadian clients. Moreover, almost every casino out there accepts Canadians. There isn't a casino that blocks Canada, the most gambling-friendly nation with a 20-year online gambling history. This is a total scam and farce to avoid paying winners. It's unacceptable.

They don't pay people who win and make excuses to avoid paying, citing bogus terms and conditions to cover the truth. If you win, they don't want to pay you. It's as simple as that.

Please be careful and think twice before using Bazed Bet. If they rectify this situation, I will update you all and remove this warning.

Claimed loss: 23,000

Desired outcome: Immediate processing of my withdrawal to my Ethereum wallet (0xB1a7eBd35dD5492EDa9EAe7373ED32Fea2634F59).

Confidential Information Hidden: This section contains confidential information visible to verified company representatives only. If you are affiliated with company, please claim your business to access these details.

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Sao Paulo, BR
Jun 29, 2024 6:33 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I've found other victims online who've been denied their winnings too. This isn't an isolated incident. I've come across several discussions and complaints from other players who've experienced similar issues with Bazed Bet:

Bazed Bet — Outright fraud withheld funds

Let's band together. File complaints with your local authorities. Reach out to gambling regulators. If enough of us make noise, we can push for a proper investigation into Bazed Bet. That's at least $100,000 in scams and unpaid winnings.

Document everything emails, screenshots, betting histories. This evidence will be crucial.

I'm determined to see this through, not just for my own sake, but to stop Bazed Bet from scamming others. If you've been affected or have info that could help, please get in touch.

Let's show Bazed Bet they can't get away with this. It's time they face the consequences of their actions.