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Beatrice Marot

Beatrice Marot review: Racist - Homophobe - Stalker 6

Author of the review
4:48 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Over a decade ago, when I began my work as a professional psychic and medium, I worked for a telephone psychic hotline called One of the other psychics who worked for Keen was a woman named Beatrice Marot, who lives in California and calls herself “The High Priestess of Hollywood.” She claims that her main spirit guide is an ancient Druid magician named Merlin and that dead celebrities such as John Belushi, Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, Johnny Carson, Elvis Presley, Tupac Shakur, John Lennon, producer Marvin Worth and, most recently, famed atheist and skeptic Christopher Hitchens, frequently communicate with her.

At first, Beatrice and I were cordial to each other. We even spoke by phone a few times, although not nearly as often as Beatrice claims that we did. She recently wrote:

“And Chip did adore me for two years. We spoke several times a week. I shared my most intimate secrets with him. He was my confidante and my dear friend and I loved him like a brother. I shared with him all of my knowledge and wisdom about the spiritual realms and he was always the eager listener …”

Totally untrue! As I said above, we spoke by phone a few times, certainly not “several times a week” and not “for two years.” And to this very day, she and I have never met face-to-face. Beatrice would have you believe that she was my “spiritual teacher, ” my guru or my sensei, but nothing is further from the truth. And honestly, I never “adored” Beatrice. I liked her well enough, in the beginning, the way that many people like their co-workers. But that soon changed!

Psychics who work for Keen are able to set their own per-minute rates for the readings that they provide to Keen’s customers. Generally, I – and other top psychics in our specific Keen category, called “Voices from Beyond” – would set our per-minute rate at $2.49. On the other hand, Beatrice undercut all of her fellow Keen psychics by setting her rate at $1.00 per minute.

When many other psychics took notice of Beatrice’s lower rate, which was yielding her more calls that the rest of us were receiving, we lowered our rates to $1.00 per minute in order to remain competitive. As soon as we began matching her rate, Beatrice went ballistic, accusing us of trying to undermine her and steal her business, when all we were doing was leveling the playing field.

The situation quickly turned quite ugly. Beatrice does not like being challenged, so she went on the offensive, engaging in conflicts with many other Keen psychics. (This is a statement of fact that can be verified by numerous individuals. Look below for verification from two other psychics who worked for Keen.)

Beatrice would have you believe that I “rallied” other psychics against her, but I did not. Others who worked for Keen at the time can verify this. And I certainly did not have the necessary “clout” to have Beatrice fired from a multi-million dollar company like Keen! She managed to do that herself…and here is how it really happened:

Customers who call Keen for readings are able to leave a rating and feedback for the psychic that they speak with. During the time that Beatrice was fighting with other Keen psychics, she received a few calls from customers who left her less than glowing feedback. She incorrectly assumed that other Keen psychics had set her up to receive this bad feedback and she accused me of being their “ringleader.” Totally untrue!

Whenever Beatrice received negative feedback from a Keen customer, she would fire off a nasty email to that customer. (See the example I have posted below, sent to me by a mutual Keen customer who was appalled by Beatrice’s email.) Some of them reported those emails to Keen Customer Service and Beatrice was warned not to send them…but this did not stop her from doing so. She continued to send the nasty emails and to engage in conflicts with other psychics. Eventually, because Beatrice refused to abide by Keen’s rules, she was suspended and then, soon after, she was fired from the site.

Perhaps the only thing that Beatrice claims about me that is entirely true is this: purchasing the domain names and After weeks of receiving harassing emails and phone calls from Beatrice, I purchased the domain names for no other reason than to just to piss her off. Am I proud of the fact that I did this? Certainly not, but I’ll own up to it. (And I have been paying dearly for it ever since!)

Beatrice would have you believe that I am guilty of trying to extort $3, 000.00 from her for the purchase of those domain names. And that I “stole her identity.” Totally untrue! I purchased the domain names legally – owning a domain name is NOT “identity theft"! – and turned them over to my then-webmaster, Mark Ott.

When Beatrice discovered I’d bought the two domain names, she once again climbed up the crazy tree! She called me by phone, screaming profanities…and I advised her that I’d turned the domains over to Mark, provided her with his contact info and instructed her to call him if she wanted to purchase the domains.

Mark Ott is the one who informed Beatrice that he’d sell her the domain names for a cost of $1, 500.00 each. (Remember: According to Beatrice, I am the one who tried to “extort” money from her for the domain names.) Again, this was all perfectly legal. Beatrice went off the deep end and repeatedly called Mark and his assistant, screaming and cursing at them, demanding that they give her the domain names. Her harassment became so bad that Mark finally contacted the Los Angeles Police to solicit their assistance in stopping her calls.

Finally, after several days of enduring Beatrice’s wrath, Mark transferred ownership of the two domain names over to Beatrice. FOR FREE! According to Beatrice, she was forced to wait for an entire year until ownership of the domains expired so that she could purchase them, but this, again, is totally untrue.

Since then, I have tried to ignore Beatrice, hoping that she will end her crazy vendetta against me, but to no avail. It is very unlikely that a sane, rational person would continue to hold a grudge for 10 long years. But in my opinion, Beatrice is neither sane nor rational. She is unrelenting in her hatred and harassment!

Just Google her name - Beatrice Marot - and you will quickly discover the kind of horrendous behavior she exhibits. You will NOT find numerous websites and message boards where I have posted about Beatrice. Conversely, she has taken advantage of any and every opportunity possible to berate me all over the internet.

And get this: Beatrice has even contacted my agents, managers and TV networks, hoping to turn them against me!

But undoubtedly the most heinous and unconsionable thing that Beatrice has done to me is to insinuate, on message boards here online, that because I am gay and work with children, I am a pedophile. How sickening and evil and WRONG is THAT?!?

She has gotten into countless online fights with many people. She has posted rambling, deranged, often profane comments on numerous sites. Some of her comments have included homophobic, religious and racial slurs. Just Google her name - Beatrice Marot - and I predict that you will be shocked by what you read.

Beatrice has had nasty run-ins with actors Billy Zane and Sean Penn. (According to Beatrice herself, Penn threatened to file a restraining order against her for harassment!) Dick Clark Productions allegedly threatened to sue her after she auditioned for them, then broke the confidentiality agreement that she signed by posting information about their upcoming project online. Currently, she is engaging in an internet battle with several women because of a pet rescue situation gone bad. (Beatrice threatened to send two dogs that she was fostering to a kill shelter after one of them chewed up some of her belongings!) And, as stated above, she was fired from Keen, a psychic hotline, for constantly breaking their rules.

Beatrice thrives on discord. She spends endless hours trolling the internet, searching for places to malign me and others. She accuses other people of bullying and victimizing her when, in fact, she is the culprit. Perhaps if she had spent time during the past 10 years focusing on her own career instead of fighting with others she would be more successful.

In a blog posted just today, Beatrice admitted that she recently “almost committed suicide” and “ended up in the loony bin on a three day involuntary hold.” (Her words, not mine.) If this is true, I sincerely feel sorry for her and hope that she will get the help that she so desperately needs.

Perhaps the best advice she could ever receive came from an unlikely source: BK Thorp of the James Randi Educational Foundation. Despite the fact that the JREF does not like me one bit, Mr. Thorpe had the following advice for Beatrice after she contacted them back in 2010 regarding me:

“The people here do not care about the internecine squabbles within the ‘psychic’ community, and they are not impressed by your struggle to clear your name. If anything, you are undermining your credibility by clinging to some long-gone feud while claiming to be a creature of love, light, acceptance, and serenity. From the perspective of a non-interested party, you seem vengeful and obsessive; hung up on something somebody said in some cluster of online forums that we've never visited. By carrying your fight to the JREF, you come off as the online version of those tipsy strangers one occasionally encounters at bars -- the ones who will cling to your shirt and tearfully attempt to involve you in their venal personal dramas. It's not compelling, it's not interesting, and it's not even meaningful, because nothing we can do will make you feel better. It's merely embarrassing.

“People seldom realize how much of themselves they reveal to the world as they go about their day-to-day, but that holds truer for some of us than others. You have an uncommonly large blind spot in this area. You speak about love and peace, but you demonstrate only an inability to overcome a perceived slander. This is not a persuasive advertisement for your worldview. We've all taken our knocks, Bea, and most of us move on. Why won't you?

“I'd suggest dropping your personal jihad against Chip Coffey.”

Sadly, Beatrice did not take Mr. Thorp’s advice. Just this past weekend, she called my office and left four long, rambling, hate-filled messages on my voice mail.

And today, she posted yet another blog about me, recounting, ad nauseum, the same 10 year old story. In the blog, she calls me a sociopath. In my opinion, she is projecting her own psychopathology onto me.

Beatrice posted the following on an internet blog:

Beatrice wants people to believe that I have stalked her, harassed her, ruined her, etc. BUT NOTHING IS FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH! Just Google her name - Beatrice Marot - and you will see that she is guilty of obsessively stalking and harassing me for 10 long years!

In the past, I have tried to ignore Beatrice’s insane, irrational behavior, but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

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Update by chipcoffey
Sep 18, 2012 11:19 am EDT

All that anyone has to do is do a Google search on BEATRICE MAROT and you will be shocked at what you find!

Update by chipcoffey
Sep 18, 2012 8:05 pm EDT

Beatrice, you ARE a homophobe! You threatened to accuse me of being a child predator. You made many nasty comments, both to and about, a young man whose partner is transgendered.

And when you called my home phone last week, you called my Cousin Kenny a "###."

If that isn't being a bigot and a homophobe, I don't know what is!

And you are a racist, too! You called an African-American man a "gorilla" and an Asian man a "Jap." (You also made fun of the Asian man's genital size.)

And what about this comment you made recently on a blog:


Update by chipcoffey
Sep 19, 2012 1:18 pm EDT

This is where Beatrice Marot belongs.

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Update by chipcoffey
Sep 21, 2012 9:24 am EDT

Here is a partial list of the UNSOLICITED emails I have received from Beatrice Marot over the past 14 months. (see photo)

Also, a photo of a comment from one of my fans that she harassed on Facebook.

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Update by chipcoffey
Sep 26, 2012 9:24 am EDT

Tanila, I will be hosting a new radio show starting soon. Would you like to be a guest and discuss your story of being harassed, maligned and cyberstalked? Perhaps Tammy would like to tell her story also.

Update by chipcoffey
Sep 26, 2012 11:24 am EDT

I just got off the phone with a detective at the Threat Management Unit of the LAPD. He advised me to get a restraining order against Beatrice Marot here in my local jurisdiction and have it sent to them in California. I will be doing this as soon as possible, pending my busy schedule. May I suggest that anyone else who has been harassed by Beatrice Marot do the same thing: take out a restraining order against her and submit it to the Threat Management Unit of the LAPD.

It is time to legally hold Miss Marot accountable for her harassing behavior. If she violates the restraining order, she could be arrested.

Update by chipcoffey
Sep 26, 2012 11:49 am EDT

FYI, Beatrice: You stepped over the line when you called my office number and left several nasty messages. You again stepped over the line when you called my home number and called my cousin, who was listening via speaker phone, a "###." He will be joining me in court when we petition the judge for a restraining order against you. Placing harassing telephone calls is against the law.

Very soon, that knock on your door might be a police officer...

Update by chipcoffey
Oct 04, 2012 5:30 am EDT

Beatrice Marot certainly spent a lot of time focusing on "more positive endeavors."

On September 30, a Google alert was issued about me (Chip Coffey), indicating that someone had posted something about me on the internet. Beatrice, who has, in force, a Google alert on my name, quickly trolled herself over to the website and posted a nasty comment about me, with a link to her blog that defames me and others.

Beatrice will avail herself of any and every opportunity to malign me and others and yet she claims that WE are the ones harassing and cyberstalking her. In truth, we only respond when SHE goes on the attack.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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M3C QueenBee
M3C QueenBee
Defiance, US
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Sep 17, 2012 6:14 pm EDT

Watchout! Brenda is "THE CLOSER! "

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Sep 18, 2012 8:30 pm EDT

You saggy tit gray haired wrinkled ### oughta take up a new hobby. Like knitting, with blunted needles so as not to hurt yourselves.

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Sep 18, 2012 8:32 pm EDT

That goes for you too "Chip". You disgusting fat ###.

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Sep 25, 2012 6:38 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Какое прекрасное фото вашей собачки. К сожалению, она появляется фотография была сделана после того, как он умер за неделю до.

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Nov 03, 2012 7:49 pm EDT

You need Jesus! That trash is demonic.

Beatrice Marot
Send a message
Dec 14, 2021 4:17 pm EST

Hi Chip,

I have contacted you once by phone and sent two emails to your assistant Greta and now I am trying to resolve this amicably and asking you to take down these blogs please. You know this is not the truth and I would appreciate it very much if you would take them down. After finding out that the worst of my cyber bullies Kimberly Glasnapp died of an overdose, I felt it was time to forgive and move on and I hope you feel the same. I thought you were my friend Chip Coffey and you know that is the truth. You just got upset that I became number one on Keen and that is also the truth. If only you had been happy for me or asked me to change categories on Keen, we would still be friends to this day. I wish you all the best. Thank you, Bea

Beatrice Marot — Racist - Homophobe - Stalker

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    6145 Shoup Ave, Woodland Hills, California, 91367, United States
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    Mar 26, 2025
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Beatrice Marot is ranked 3 among 20 companies in the Psychics and Mediums category