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Bethea Jenner / /

Bethea Jenner / / review: astrology and psychic rip off! 149

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12:00 am EST
Review updated:
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
The company left an official comment on this complaint.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Bethea Jenner and Rochelle Gordon send out fake astrology predictions and pretend to be psychics. They give people false hope, take their credit card details then keep taking money out of their accounts. It's unfair and immoral.

Bethea Jenner / / customer support contacts
Phone numbers

167 Cherry Street, PMB 292, Milford, CT, 06460, US

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Again, I ask that those of you who have been complaining in the last few days to get in touch with me regarding your specific complaints.

I can be reached via email at, or via the post at the address below.

If you wish to contact me via telephone in the U.S. Please call 203.825.3199, leave a message, and ask for my assistants June or Paul.

Many thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

Bethea Jenner
167 Cherry Street
PMB 292
Milford, CT 06460
Bethea Jenner / / customer support contacts
Phone numbers

167 Cherry Street, PMB 292, Milford, CT, 06460, US

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Dear Friends

I've been on this board for several weeks now, looking at all the complaints, posting my email address and customer service number in the U.S., AND emailing people who have complained.

Some people have got in touch with my customer service, and I have duly addressed their concerns. Thank you for that.

However, many people simply continue to post on this board without getting in touch with my customer service. This leads me to believe that they are not interested in having their problem taken care of. Perhaps they don't really have a problem at all, and simply want to exhibit their vindictive and mean personality.

It's a true saying that you cannot please everyone, and equally true that "you're damned if you, do and damned if you don't".

I have already posted hundreds of genuine comments from customers who have been helped by my services and products. But of course, the cynics here have said they are false testimonials. This is a lie and I urge readers of goodwill not to be taken in by the cynics.

I have posted my customer service details, email address and U.S. telephone number at which you can leave me a message - 203.825.3199. But only a handful of you have gotten in touch. And each week the posts about me on this board grow.

It doesn't matter to me if these posts are the work of 1 person or 10 persons. What matters is that I have given ample opportunity for your grievances to be addressed. I will refund purchases, re-ship purchases, cancel orders, what-have- you.

But I can only help people who contact my customer service.

Posting on these boards will not help you get a refund, although I am grateful to the few of you who have contacted me.

Once again, I can be reached via email at, or via the post at the address below.

If you wish to contact me via telephone in the U.S. Please call 203.825.3199, leave a message, and ask for my assistants.

Many thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

Bethea Jenner
167 Cherry Street
PMB 292
Milford, CT 06460
Bethea Jenner / / customer support contacts
Phone numbers

167 Cherry Street, PMB 292, Milford, CT, 06460, US

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Hi Everyone

Thanks for all the posts. We would also like to thank customers who have brought our attention to the trouble they have had with their purchases. We try and resolve all customer service issues promptly. To expedite the process please also email bejenner@betheajenner with details of your purchases and we'll try and respond as soon as possible. Thank you and we apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Bethea Customer Service
Bethea Jenner / / customer support contacts
Phone numbers

167 Cherry Street, PMB 292, Milford, CT, 06460, US

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Dear Friends

Many of you have posted your customer service queries on this board. We would like to thank you for this opportunity to respond and look into every complaint. Please note the quickest ways to get in touch with us:

Email Addresses:,

Post Address: Bethea Jenner, PMB 292, 167 Cherry St, Milford, CT 06460-3400

Telephone No: (203) 672-0089

Please include all details of your purchase when you email or call. We try to resolve all customer service issues as quickly as possible. Thank you.

Bethea Customer Service
Bethea Jenner / / customer support contacts
Phone numbers

167 Cherry Street, PMB 292, Milford, CT, 06460, US

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It is difficult to read such defamatory remarks about myself and my friend and former colleague Rochelle Gordon. I doubt that my comment is going to change the minds of those who have shared their thoughts above. However, as so many negative points, including false information, have been listed here, I feel compelled to clarify and defend both the astrological content of my free forecasts and the products I offer.

First, I want to say that I thoroughly believe in the power that astrology plays in our lives, both in its ability to provide understanding of events and personalities around us and its usage to tackle certain challenges we face. I strive to convey that understanding in my forecasts and hope that my forecasts provide support and inspiration to those who request them.

I myself do believe in the ability of talismans and spiritual tools to make life better, richer and safer, and for this reason, I send messages to introduce new products to the subscribers of my Health, Wealth and Happiness forecasts. However, I don’t want anyone to feel obligated in any way to respond to my offers, and more importantly, these offers should never feel like a burden. And when purchasing any talisman or spiritual tool, it is important to request only the products that you yourself believe have something real and meaningful to offer you.

I stand by my refund policy and if you have any questions, returns or refunds to address, you can do so at the following address.

Bethea Jenner
167 Cherry Street
PMB 292
Milford, CT 06460

Many thanks,

Bethea Jenner / / customer support contacts
Phone numbers

167 Cherry Street, PMB 292, Milford, CT, 06460, US

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It is difficult to read such defamatory remarks about myself. I doubt that my comment is going to change the minds of those who have shared their thoughts above. However, as so many negative points, including false information, have been listed here, I feel compelled to clarify and defend both the astrological content of my free forecasts and the products I offer.

First, I want to say that I thoroughly believe in the power that astrology plays in our lives, both in its ability to provide understanding of events and personalities around us and its usage to tackle certain challenges we face. I strive to convey that understanding in my forecasts and hope that my forecasts provide support and inspiration to those who request them.

I myself do believe in the ability of talismans and spiritual tools to make life better, richer and safer, and for this reason, I send messages to introduce new products to the subscribers of my Health, Wealth and Happiness forecasts. However, I don’t want anyone to feel obligated in any way to respond to my offers, and more importantly, these offers should never feel like a burden. And when purchasing any talisman or spiritual tool, it is important to request only the products that you yourself believe have something real and meaningful to offer you.

I stand by my refund policy and if you have any questions, returns or refunds to address, you can do so at the following address.You may also call my Customer Care at 1-203-672-0089 they are available Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm ET. You are also welcome to send an email to

Bethea Jenner
167 Cherry Street
PMB 292
Milford, CT 06460

Many thanks,

Bethea Jenner / / customer support contacts
Phone numbers

167 Cherry Street, PMB 292, Milford, CT, 06460, US

File a complaint Write a review
Many people simply continue to post on this board without getting in touch with my customer service. This leads me to believe that they are not interested in having their problem taken care of.

Posting on these boards will not help you get your issue resolved. I would be happy to help you with your claim as soon as I have the adequate information.

I can be reached via email at, or via the post at the address below.

If you wish to contact me via telephone in the U.S. please call me toll free at 888.548.0848 or 203.672.0089.

Many thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

Bethea Jenner
167 Cherry Street
PMB 292
Milford, CT 06460

The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.

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Jul 23, 2008 4:10 am EDT

Yes it is outrageous.
I've been the Police but they haven't contacted me back yet, they should do soon though. They said what she's doing isn't 'Fraud', but it is 'Theft', because she holds onto your account details without your permission.

Its really frustrating!

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Jul 23, 2008 1:52 pm EDT

She doesn't just hold onto the bank details, she takes money out without our permission and this is what is getting people so upset. People are posting all over the net saying they are ending up so out-of-pocket that they can't feed their kids because of her money-making racket. How can she go on justifying this? I notice she has posted hundreds of new stories about how wonderful she is on the net now to redeem her reputation. She would be better off just stopping what she's doing because it is immoral and likely to end up with a court case.

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Jul 23, 2008 2:05 pm EDT

I know she doesn't just hold on to your details because she has taken £200 off me so far and I have a 2 year old daughter to feed.

Bethea is just Evil.

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Jul 23, 2008 2:18 pm EDT

Why anyone believes it when they're told magic will make their lives better is beyond me. Psychics, astrologers, and clergy are all just con artists.

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Jul 24, 2008 4:44 am EDT

It depends on how your feeling at the time she e-mails you Bill, but I know I will never believe in that rubish again.
I've made a website to try and stop people from buying from her, I've also put a Forum on it for people to talk about her.

The wesbite address is:-

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Jul 28, 2008 3:21 am EDT

I have purchased this Archangel Michael Medallion from with a 30 day money back guarantee. After my last payment I received an email from to ask me if I was happy, and I wrote back that I was NOT. She emailed me back with the address and phone number to send it back, she will refund my money. I have a delivery confirmation number from post services that it was delivered on 7-9-08. Today is 7-26-08 and I got an email from bethea and phone call from her 'assistant' that it was never received. And now I am not even getting any responses from the company or any individuals. This company and their services is horrible and their products are fake. If they will not refund, do not lie to people just to make them buy.

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Jul 28, 2008 7:41 am EDT

This may be of interest in the Law section of Wiki questions:
" Why haven't British laws taken effect to stop 'psychics' like Bethea Jenner from making false claims yet?"
In: Health, Business and Finance, Police and Law Enforcement

The law will need approval by parliament. The Office of Fair Trading says enforcement of the new regulations will be used against foreign mass mailshot fraudsters extracting money so the fraudsters should soon find their number is up.

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Jul 30, 2008 5:59 am EDT

I ordered a medallion from Rochelle and Bethea and did make an online ayment through my HSBC credit card but till date I have neither received a confirmation email or number regarding the same. All i received was a web link to log on which never works So they are fake and cheats. So please waste your time and money on these cheats. and this was the link I gotto log on https://www2.myhealthwealthandhappiness... Cheats they cheat people in the name of God and he will never forgive them.

Kenneth West
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Aug 10, 2008 6:38 am EDT

I received an email from Bethea Jenner. She offered a free reading and so on and so forth. Then when you send your birthday info, you are sent to another web page offering to sell you a lucky charm bracelet and other junk. When I saw this, I googled Bethea Jenner. And like the character out of Gommer Pile USMC would say... Shazam! There were all these reports of people getting ripped off. So, thank you all for your stories and personal experiences. MY guess is that Bethea Jenner better run fast because the flames of hell are licking at her heels. The only way out for her is to refund all the money, make a full public confession and do community service. That is just MY Guess. I am not a psychic, and I don't claim to be. I have my own problems, just like everybody else in the world.

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Aug 10, 2008 6:48 am EDT

I thought of something similar Kenneth. There is an episode of South Park where the boys hear the girls in the playground playing with a 'fortune telling device'. It turns out to be one of those paper games little girls work with their forefingers and thumbs, cat's cradle-like, with numbers and letters on the corners. The boys really believe it has magical powers and hatch a plot to capture it. It's hysterical. Your point about Bethea Jenner's passage to hell is spot on. If she really believes in cosmic power and kharma and good and bad vibes and so forth, she better look at her misdemeanours long and hard instead of blaming 'vendettas' and such like. She is indeed maligned here and on other sites, but it is BECAUSE OF HER ACTIONS not because others are vindictive. Do unto others Bethea. If you were ripped off or in some way duped, you would complain and be angry too.

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Aug 11, 2008 11:14 am EDT

Re: Bethea Jenner: I agree with the last post. Not only that but her predictions are phoney. I signed up to her 'service' a few months ago and nothing she said rang true. I had just split up with my boyfriend of five years and was feeling low or I might not have been taken in. What a waste of money that was. Bethea Jenner sucks people in when they are feeling desperate. Either she believes she can see into the future in which case she's one delusional old biddy or she is ripping us off with the pretence. Look at her photo on her website - that's one fake smile for sure. And she is attempting to saturate the internet with her glowing testimonials too. More are added every day it seems, like a kid faking her own school report card.

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Aug 13, 2008 1:49 am EDT

Thanx to you all, l have also been recieving mails from her and was about to purchase a bracelet from her but know l have changed my mind.

The only person we should trust is JESUS!

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Aug 17, 2008 7:49 am EDT

thanks for the advice, may have just saved me a lot of wasted time.This did look genuine to me, but something made me think to google her, maybe I had a psychic insight lol!

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Aug 18, 2008 8:25 pm EDT

I've never had to unpleasant experience of dealing with her. Just for fun, I tried a few lines of her numbers awhile back for a lottery here in Canada. She was asking me to buy a pendant from her, which of course was to bring me great wealth. I'm thinking as any logical woman would think...hey if you think I'm going to be that wealthy, why not ask to call me? Then set up a date to let me know how, why, when etc. Then I would have offered her a cut in my winnings, but of course I realized she is a fraud. I tried her numbers and not one of them was correct. So I wouldn't have anything to do with this woman. BTW, anything stated as too good to be true in any aspect of one's life, is probably exactly that! Too good to be true. LOL

Oh last week I was to buy a medallion which was supposed to guard over me and today a hand bag to fill up with all my riches. Too funny..and I can't believe anyone would believe her poop!

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Aug 19, 2008 12:23 am EDT

Your right of course, it is all poop and Bethea probably has one of those handbags herself to fill up with all the riches she got ripping people off LOL. But at least something is being done about it and she is clearly been panicked into refunding peoples money as there are messages all over the internet from her now, saying how shes helped people (hilarious) with her powers and knowledge and all. What a charlatan.

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Aug 31, 2008 5:57 am EDT

hi people!

thanks to whoever put this site up.
i was about to buy one of her products.

lucky i found this, i dnt wnt to be suckererd into a scam.
remember people astrologers and money dont mix unless ur're dealing with them in person.
Listen people im just curious. Did any of these astrologers daily readings actually relate to anything in your life?
because a few of the readings i hav receive did appear to be true.
if anything similar has occured to any one of u please put it on this site as i would like to know if im the only one.


Rhonda Caldwell
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Sep 27, 2008 3:37 pm EDT

This company is not what it seems to be . I ordered a necklace nov 07, i then put the necklace on only to realize it had broken . I was told by this company to send it back. i sent it back in nov 07 . Today is october 08 and still no return.All i would like to say is KARMA! These ladies have no idea the karma they are now creating for themself.

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Nov 21, 2008 1:56 pm EST


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Apr 05, 2009 4:12 am EDT

I just want to thank you all for airing your experiences. I don't do anything without checking it out first, now because there are so many scams going on. I hate that so many people have had such awful experiences, but the fact that you are sharing them have helped me from making a huge mistake. You're all fantastic for giving all this information and I think it sucks that you've had to go through all this crap.

Pasadena, US
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Apr 06, 2009 3:58 pm EDT

I have read everyone complaints. I wanted to tell everyone do not order by credit card, and on her official website there is a link to order by mail without using a credit card. I do suggest order by mail without using a credit or ATM debit, only by check this way you can ask your bank to place the check on hold, especially since there are of scams and I have read on different sites people have been trying to get a refund. I have never order any readings or products from Bethea Jenner.

Passaic, US
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May 07, 2009 11:08 am EDT

I've read all of the posts. She's not scamming, she's just in business to make money. Maybe she just has a very error-prone system of charging credut cards.

The posts that say that her necklace didn't bring luck or didn't work made me laugh. Thanks! Of course they didn't work. There aren't psychics that work and psychics that don't work. They all don't work.

Believe in yourself. Not psychics, biorythms, tarot readings, or even deities.

There has never been a study that has shown any of it to actually work!

Of course some of you may know in your hearts that it works or know someone that had an experience or saw a show, read something, heard something, etc.

Look a little deeper and you'll find that anyone promoting this stuff is either in it for the money or in it for control or both.

Jersey City, US
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Jun 03, 2009 2:30 pm EDT

Where can I make a complaint about a Psychic reader who robbed me of my money --650$, promised to create a energised gold-silver ring, and doesnt give it now. She promised 6 sessions of consulting for which she gives excuses everytime and is now demanding more money. I think she is a complete hoax, she is based in new york city. Her name is Samantha Rees

Hazelbrook, AU
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Jun 21, 2009 7:49 am EDT

I have been receiving my "Weekly Astrology Forecast" from Bethea Jenner for over 2 years is a TOTAL LOAD OF RUBBISH. She can't even get the Latitude and Longtitude of my birth-place right! I've written twice now to ask that it be corrected...and you guessed it no answer! SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA is not exactly hard to find in any Atlas... I also get weekly "offers" from her, or her "dear friend..Bernard C. Bielerde Buhem", trying to entice me to buy their shoddy, wares.

I have been studying and practicing Astrology for over 25 years, I am also a Reiki Master/Teacher and a "Deep-Trance Chanel", so deep that I don't know what has been said through me until I hear it back on a tape recording, that has been implemented by a trusted member of the Meditiation Group that I have attended for the past 15 years.

I will do very comprehensive Astrology charts for those who request them, I DO NOT use a computer based programme to print out a load of drivel. I spend many hours, studying individual charts, the aspects and meanings, then and ONLY THEN do I put pen to paper, and write up to 40 foolscap pages for the individual concerned. Yes, I DO mean the good old-fashioned writing tablets with the blue lines on them, and a blue or black ball -point pen. Anything that REALLY shouts out at me I write in RED ball-point pen.

For this service I charge $40 Australian...which is a very fair price, I think, for the days of work involved.

I always warn people about computer generated charts...the person entering the information, be they "psychic" or not, are only human, and can, like the rest of us, enter a wrong word, letter or number. When doing a true Astrology chart one wrong number can make a HUGE difference to the outcome.

Lastly, if all of the tawdry "lucky" bits and pieces were so great, and REALLY worked Bethea, Rochelle and Bernard would all be so fabulously wealthy, that they could run a website GIVING AWAY all of their" bits and bobs", so that their "Dear Friend" on the other end of the email, would be able to access a piece of the "magick", become wealthy themselves, and PAY IT FORWARD!

Karma is a wonderful thing, it eventually jumps up and "bites" when one least expects it! So some of us may yet get to see the charlatans of the world receive the Karma that they offer to "protect" the rest of us from.

Love and light to all

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Jun 29, 2009 6:39 am EDT

Get your critical thinking heads on and note all the times when you have previously encountered seeming insurmountable problems. wasn't it that you happened upon your own solution or commandeered some help from someone you knew.

These outfits are basically a fomulaic business model based on exploiting people's uncertainties-and we are all uncertain about something in our lives everyday.

There is a good book 'soul mates' the author escapes me but in it the medium explains what you should expect from a genuine reading:
actual names, actual facts, actual events, dates etc.

I don't doubt these people have abilities, I just know that these abilities cannot be switched on to demand, like a machine. Same goes for for busy phone-line psychics or anybody doing it on a production line.

It's a special ability that does not perform to the daily grind. sometimes there, sometimes not. In Sarah Freders or Bethea Jenners case-often not- given the number of complaints.
I get these emails every day. Innitially I was slightly moved by them but I can see the same patterns in them over and over. Its a business model these people have developed.
Meditate, pray, seek wise counsel. That will tell you a lot x

Sarah Phougat (Niku)
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Jul 09, 2009 11:59 pm EDT

hello this "Niku Phougat(Sarah) from INDIA i was about to buy thngs from bethea.i searched her address on google and i was so shckd aftr seeing the link "bethea jenna fraud".i thank you guys for writng ur experiences with her.

if u people really wnna need some help to cure problems of ur life thn plz contact "swetta jumaani" .she is the famous numerologist and lives in pune.i consulted her last year.her fess is 3759 rs only .and only one time charge. if any one wants details about her then u can contact me at or visit her website at

thnkx n lv u allllllll...

9th July 2009

Easton, US
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Jul 22, 2009 8:20 am EDT

As with many others, they seem to have the same M.O. They charged my credit card once, but I never received item. Even after several emails and telephone calls. Bethea is either a big scam rip-off (you think?) or the worst, most unorganized business woman ever!

Dayton, US
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Sep 13, 2009 1:50 am EDT

I sent my braclet back also, and I have a confirmation receipt, dated July 22, 2009. I have not received my refund.

No1's Fool26
Miami Shores, US
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Oct 06, 2009 5:27 pm EDT

I am a little different from you guys, I've also subscribe to Bethea for her free reading but as soon as I accepted my free reading she immediately asked for money... I didn't fall for her ###, I knew she was a con artist... Her reading stated that I have some money coming to me but I won't be able to recieve this gift unless I get her help which will run me about $50-$60 ... Yeah right! I believe if I have money coming to me I wouldn't need her help in collecting it... I would've NEVER sent her my credit card information or any money... A couple of years ago I sent $10 to this physic ( it wasn't bethea)and she kept using that same check to withdraw money from my account I promptly called the bank and stopped payment immediately it cost me $35 but it was worth it... Since then I've become very aware that people claiming to see into the future are Fakes! As soon as they request a payment from me I delet their emails... Bethea's horoscope aren't clear and she also include a special bracelet for $29.95 which is suppose to bring you wealth... ###! Bethea is a FRAUD! And so is Sara-Freder... I've never really had any contact with Rochelle but I'm very aware. Of bethea and I notice she responds to these post saying the same thing" please contact my customer service" yeah right! You probably would have a better chance in getting into contact with bethea if you are sending her more money... Bethea I hope you rot in hell where you belong

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Jul 16, 2018 8:18 pm EDT

Wow! Cant believe she used the same check over and over. I goggled "Bertha" because I received two emails stating that money was coming my way but only If I purchased her gold dice...yeah okay, just like pigs fly! How the hell do they get away with this. Why should I give money first? Shouldn't they first prove they can actually do a reading correctly before money is exchanged?!

sincerely not
Clinton, US
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Nov 05, 2009 11:13 am EST

I chose to reply to Bethea's offer. Here's what I replied.

Dear Bethea,

Thank you for the personal email you sent telling me how I will become wealthy and happy using your "Medallion of Hope" along with the other symbols. It's sounds like I can't lose using your medallion. I have a proposition for you that you would be crazy to turn down. Send me the medallion and all the other symbols free of charge including free shipping and what ever money I make after receiving the medallion I will personally give you 25% of the total. So if I should make a million dollars you will receive $250, 000.00. Not bad for the cost of the medallion wouldn't you agree? Plus the total money received could even be larger if what you have told me is true. I know I can trust you and you know you can trust me so why don't we make some money for each other. What do we got to lose? Knowing me the way you do and what my future holds for me amassing a great fortune by using the medallion I would think it would be a no brainer for you to agree to my proposal unless what you have told me is not true. All you have to do is send me the medallion along with the other symbols free of charge and we can both share in my wealth and happiness. If you would like this agreement to be more binding we can have our lawyers draw up the contracts. I don't think that will be necessary do you? I know you have my best interest at heart and I yours. Once I have received the medallion and the other symbols I will contact you and let you know how much money we are both making. I'm looking forward to my 365 day lucky streak, my life changing forever, and our lucrative partnership. If by chance I don't hear from you regarding my generous proposition I'll assume you chose not to accept my proposal and were actually trying to take advantage of me for your own personal gain. If that's the case please do not contact me ever again. I hope this is not the case and you will accept my proposal. The sooner I have the medallion the sooner we can both start to make money. Hope to hear from you soon Bethea. I'm so excited. How about you?



Cleveland, US
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Dec 23, 2009 5:47 am EST

I've been recieving messages from Bertha and Rochelle for almost 4 years now. I will say if for nothing else they're consistent. We live in a world of dreamer and with great expectations. We all know if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. I receive daily sweepstakes winnings and they always want me to send in registration fees. The psychics are no different. When you are in search of hope it's easy to be mislead. If you say what people want to hear they will follow you off a cliff. As a novice writer I could get you to send me $5.53 to tell you that you need to hear more of what goes on in my mind. Out of the millions of people who search for hope on the internet. A few will respond. It's just that simple.

Toronto, CA
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Mar 02, 2010 2:49 pm EST

Bethea Jenner IS a liar and a fraud. Physic? CERTAINLY NOT. I'm not buying her crap and lies. I hope they ban her from the internet permanently and throw her jail.

Lexington, US
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Apr 16, 2010 3:12 pm EDT

Lexington, US
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Apr 16, 2010 3:22 pm EDT

Sorry about my last post. Mistake.

Why is this lady still in business? With all of the complaints that I have saw on websites about her, I am suprise that nothing has not been done about her yet. She needs to be made to pay people their money back, including pain and suffering right along with putting her out of business for GOOD!.

She think that she is really winning now, but people who do other people like this will sooner or later get theres. It is an old saying that "what goes around comes around"...

Palm Beach Gardens, US
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May 10, 2010 11:49 am EDT

I was suckered in but I only spent no more than $13 something and immediately I canceled by visa card in case of future charges...what a relief. I have never had an major issue with these astrologers-it is the curiosity that gets me to purchase.

For your information, some claim to be astrologers and they are not, they use a software program that spit out exactly what the customer needs to hear and that is it. These fake astrologer give a bad name to others that truly want to help.

The best astrologers are the one you can see eye to eye and can be very expensive but accurate.

Someone needs to stop this person "Bethea" seriously. She is lucky I do not live near her...

Los Angeles, US
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Jun 18, 2010 12:21 pm EDT

I personally had a very nice experience with Bethea Jenner / Rochele Gordon (My Health & Wealth). When I had problem with product, I did not receive any refund by sending emails, however I contacted their service center (given tel number) and spoke with a lady in person, and they actually send me the refund check in mail. It was handled very professionally, and I had a very nice experience with them.

In other notes, Bethea / Rochelle can provide you with tools, however it is up to you if you can make it work or not. Have you heard of 'the law of attraction'? If you think negarively, it would attract the negative energy. If you think positively, it would really attract the positive energy. There is no guarantee if products works or not, but we are the one to make it work... don't you think? So far, I am attracting positive energies! Thank you very much, Bethea / Rochelle. AER

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Jul 31, 2010 12:07 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I to am not believing this . I ordered a cross bell from betha on the 19th of july, with the promise to pay after 30 days after recieving it. well i have not recieved it. and I definitely dont want it after i seen these reviews, IT IS THE 30TH OF JULY. I cannot believe that someone would give such false info to people who are depressed and down on their luck. I am foolish to believe in this anyway with my faith in God! Do not seek psycics, fortunetellers, mediums, astrologers, witchcrafters, or wizards! THEY ARE FALSE AND ARE THE DEVILS LIARS! ALL WILL HAVE TO FACE GOD, AND BE BOUND IN THE PITS OF HELL!
Margaretha Kelley

Crawley, GB
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Sep 20, 2010 10:10 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I wonder if this is the same Bethea i am waiting for a Bracelet that has never arrived (PURCHASED IT ON THE 17TH AUGUST)each time i ask her about it there IS A SILENCE NO RESPONSE SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE ABOUT IT. IF SHE CLAIMS SHE IS AN HONEST PERSON SHE SHOULD RESPOND TO A PROBLEM IN A PROFESSIONAL MANNER

Okeechobee, US
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Sep 26, 2010 10:22 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I got E-mails asking to buy a nice silver bracelet and when it arrived, what a joke! It had a clasp that would only be seen on a childs bracelet. Two round circles with a T. Very gaudy, not something a male would wear. I was also advised to contact Bethea's friend for further readings, at a price of course. Nothing I was promised was delivered, in fact the free necklace with my purchase fell in peices right out of the box...JUNK! As far as her readings, they were also a joke. Just say "no thank you", but you'll still be harrassed by these people, and not by Bethea, but her assistants. DON'T DO IT!

Ithaca, US
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Oct 24, 2010 7:03 pm EDT

Hi there.

People who need people are the luckiest people on earth. I agreed some of the posting here. God is the only pychic you need in your life. I believed in prayer because it happened to me. So people put God first in your and you wont need psychic scam.

Rosa Bae
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Oct 27, 2010 8:59 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I bought something from bethea 3 years back. They didn't dispatch it until I had to send a rude mail asking if they are yet to parcel my goods via bullock carts. But they sent an email saying they will check if it's done or not. I did receive the product 2 weeks later. They did not do anything malicious with my credit card. But your sad testimonials got me worried.

But I did suffer a loss of around 350 USD through another company - Siteground hosting that hosts websites. Although I wouldn't blame them but their description and billing page was so confusing or evasive that I was led into believing I am about to be charged for the first installment - 5 USD but to my horror the next confirmation page showed they charged 350 USD. I still have to return that much money to my family. It has been so embarrassing that I just kicked that website and could not use their domain and [censor].

I was left with no money so I could not create any more websites but have been living with a sorry face ever since. This is my Ex-site by the way -

[censor]. sorry im angry.

I dont think I could handle another financial attack from madam bethea. I feel she is ok, probably her staff is lazy.

Thx for letting me vent.

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Bethea Jenner / / is ranked 6 among 16 companies in the Astrology Readers category

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scam and cheating!
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