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CB Magazines and Newspapers Review of Tower Of Power Sales, Inc
Tower Of Power Sales, Inc

Tower Of Power Sales, Inc review: Fraudulant Company 46

Author of the review
12:32 pm EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Man at door asks to come in and subscribe for magazines, takes payment by check, has access to bank account number.

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Wichita, US
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Jan 24, 2009 12:18 pm EST

I live in Ft Knox, KY. These two girls showed up late one night peddling magazines. It was damn cold and they were on foot so I let them in. Nevermind that soliciting is outlawed on military bases, I figured that they were some fellow serviceman's kids so I decided to buy some crap from them. This was in early december and I haven't received anything and yet my check has already been clear for over 6 weeks. Yeah I think I got hosed and have had zero luck in getting ahold of the company. Be warned, Tower of Power is bunk.

Austin, US
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Feb 06, 2009 12:47 pm EST

Same thing just happened to me. I was lucky enough to find out they were a scam within 24 hours and called my bank to cancel the check. That kid won't be getting squat from me. Ticked me off royally because the "subscription" was supposed to be for my kid.

A Starks~ Temecula CA
Temecula, US
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Feb 18, 2009 8:07 pm EST

~My husband brought magazines back in Nov 2008 for
a 3 yr subscription from this company ~Tower of Power
sales~ We have never received any magazines and the
check has already cleared our bank account!

~ I think it is a shame that this company is allowed to
continue in it's fradulant activity and to have young
children to come to your door with a LIE~ What

southern california man
South Pasadena, US
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Feb 19, 2009 4:30 pm EST

I just had two young males come to my door, and asked to buy magazine subscriptions. I purchased two magazine subscriptions for two guys who were supposed to be struggling for thier college education.

I felt funny when I got their reciept which shows two company names on a one sheet. There are companies use two or more names, but usually those are big corporates. Small company like this using two names? I felt fishy, and checked online right away, then found this company is SCAM.

I was lucky that these guys are still in my apartment and asking other tenants for subscription. I got my check back, and right away I called police to dispatch officers.

southern california man
South Pasadena, US
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Feb 19, 2009 4:36 pm EST

This company is using these names:

Tower of Power Sales Inc,
Topline Marketing
Pacific Coast Clearing Services Inc, or PCCS

Seems always two young partners traveling from Seattle, and collecting checks and bank account information. One of them is acting as a trainee.

ex magazine kid
Sandpoint, US
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Mar 10, 2009 4:35 pm EDT

i just gotta say something to all of you, tower of power is not a scam. i worked for them for almost a year and hated when people accused me of trying to scam them! im not a liar or a cheater! all of this ### im reading about you people is what you think is just you being smart so you dont get ripped off. i think its plain stupidity, i mean your getting freaked out by two different company names!? i thought i had heard just about everything, just think for a second, or ask questions before you hand over your money. just to clear this up, pacific coast clearing services (A.K.A. PCCS) that is the office that handles the orders and makes sure you get your mags OK! tower of power is one of MANY companies that deals with the sales of the subscriptions. (which is the best, and if you do decide to buy from any company, buy from TOP) think of them as different teams, if youve been solicitted for mags before im sure they told you about a contest. ITS A REAL CONTEST! just cuz it sounds corney doesnt mean its not real, of course we do make money of the sales we make as well, WE GOTTA EAT RIGHT? im not saying you should trust every solicitor that comes to your door, not all people are good people and if you give em cash they might just try to pocket the order, ive met a few kids like that but they will get fired when they are found out. there are scam crews out there, ive ran into a few of them, i do know tho, that if the receipt says PCCS you can trust that company (and tower of power of corse.) and for the people that called their bank and cancelled theyre check or found the kid/s and got their check back, what makes you think you wouldnt have got your magazine? oh and when they say they want to use their winnings for college whos to say they dont, its slim chances of winning anyway, there is anywhere from 250 to 500 people in the contest. and if you happen to see some mag kids talking to cops, dont just assume theyre bad, soliciting is illegal in some places, ya but dont hate on these kids because theyre tring to do something positive with their lives, try to make a living, or just get by. ill never regret joining TOP its helped me to be a better person in many ways, and was a great learning experience for me. any questions just email me

Lake Hopatcong, US
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Mar 18, 2009 1:05 pm EDT

ok so i've been surfing the web and looking at all these forums about magazine name is "WEEZY" and i have to say that people do get their magazines and as much as people don't wanna acknowledge it PCCS is a real company and they do reputable business.I worked for PCCS and Jaguar sales for 5 years of my life. not only was i an agent but i was also on the other side of the fence as a manager too! and i always hated when people said we were scamming them cause it's not the company that does u wrong it the kid u gave ur money to.i loved traveling and meeting cool people and yea we told some lies but everyody lies and if u can sit here and tell ur self u've never lied ur worse than me cause atleast i can own up to my mistakes! i made friends who i will keep for the rest of my life. and i lost relationships that i could spend the rest of my life tryin to get back. i'm not proud of all the things i did while on the road cause some of u people complaining prob met me once or twice. but just because u got hit by the wrong kid doesn't mean we're all bad. think of where u might b today if somebody would have not given u an opportunity and just wrote u off as a dishonest liar. alot of those kids work hard as hell and are honest and all they want u to do is order some ### so they can get payed at night for goin door to door all f'n day sweatin their ### off talkin to a bunch of skeptical ### non believers.

tower of power slave
Killeen, US
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Mar 30, 2009 12:24 am EDT

I work for tower of power sales and i only get 15 to 20 dollars per day. for about a month and still broke. this company scams not only u but us .sorry if i knocked ur door i just realize . and two of my buddies have to. they promised legit jobs that we were going to make mad money and travel the us. so far we have been put down and stressed out and pressured to the point of break!
All of the bosses are drugies! Matt Parker (our boss that lives in White Bluff, Tn) is Very wealthy, and flaunts his money in front of us while we struggle just to eat. every body is just getting brain washed daily and they dont even no this but a few have realize and leaving the next few days. people get left behind in cities and get put in jail for soliciting and tickits out the ###. which they promise to pay. We are like slaves should i just turn this fraud ### company in the grave well help

Hagerstown, US
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Apr 29, 2009 8:13 am EDT

Everyones needs to report this company to officials to start a case before someone gets hurts. To everyone do not buy Magazines, if you want a Magazine then go to a store and buy one. Hell go to thier website and get their great offers. If they came to your door tyring to sell you, close the door in their face, if they are crying to get away call the authorities as they are bad people who run this fake business trying to profit from suckers.

harnett, US
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May 02, 2009 2:16 pm EDT

I just got scammed not 1 hour ago in North Carolina, They a 18 guy came to my door. I would consider myself a pretty smart person, I run quite a large family buiss. well i would normally close the door on solicitors but I have four small kids and my daughter opened the door to him. He gave me the rundown on the competition, I thought i could help someone get through college great, what a sucker an I.! But I called the company to verify who they were, I got an automated voice message. So although i hesitated i handed over the check. He ran out the door and i watched him all the way down the street, Thats when it hit me your an idiot? So i went online to this site, The pccs had no contact information, Hell anyone can set up a site nowadays right. After checking this site, I called my bank to cancell the check, They advised me to clos e the account as they have my details on the check, now i have to go to my bank Monday and open a new account, Like I have nothing else to do,
called the cops the had stopped the same guy in Moore county, Now their in Harnett county North Carolina.I'm pissed..., The cops could do nothing as the check was not yet cashed and no proof for weeks to weather or not I would in fact recieve the Mags?

Grand Rapids, US
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May 20, 2009 4:42 am EDT

ok your all dumb as hell look I AM CINDY TOMPKINS. i work for TOP right now and have been for two years. sorry for the kid who worked for Matt and is complaining that you didnt understand the way a job works. We are indipendent contracters that means if we dont sell ### we dont make ###, so really you have the choice to go to work or not but when your boss is paying for you to live on the road and your not making any money your gonna get FIRED. And no i have never seen someone get just get left in the middle of no where with no ticket back to where they came from.
And to the guy that got all weird because me and shelly work for two different companys, your just silly cuz you should have just asked more questions, and if you felt the need to check us to make sure we are who we are then why not call the company, the number is on the recept for a reason GOT QUESTIONS?

Meriden, US
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Sep 07, 2009 12:26 am EDT

Whats Good To All I Sold Mags For Over Two Years For Marco Sams And Tower Of Power #5 I Travel The USA Had Fun Made Good Money And Met Alot Of Cool People I Have Stayed In Contact With 85% Of The People That Have Bought A Mag To See Me Win No I Did Not Win But I Have Placed In Two Of The Four Contest I Was In And If I Did Not Lose My Boys To Gun Play Back Home I Would Still Be Out There With Marco Selling Mags Door To Door Save Your Reciepts Cause If You Ever Have A Problem The PCCS Witch Handles The Order Once We Are Gone Will Be Glad To Help You Out Any Way Possible. Even Thou I Am No Longer On The Road You Can Call Me And I Would Be Glad To Help You My Little Brother Still Recieves His Mags I Bought From David Smith Over Two Years Ago.. Make sure you buy mags only from kids from top5 they are the reallest kids out there and the will put the money to good use.. Weezie [protected]

mag retiree
West Monroe, US
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Sep 30, 2009 1:43 am EDT

I was a mag kid for many years...I will tell the truth about matt parker and tower of power sales...Pccs is the clearing house...get it clearing house what do they do, the clear all the orders for many sales orginizations including top aka tower of power sales...I keep reading all these post from wabs as we call them in mag land...weak... a*s...b*t*Hes its an acronym...Here is the truth about matt parker and tower of power sales...I have worked for matt off and on since I was 23...He is my only friend...they do not brain wash anyone...they motivate people...they inspire strength, positive mental attitude and a strong work ethic...They do not tolerate, theifs, liars, or any criminal activity...Just as any other employer from schools to churches and even our government, u will find bad employees doing wrong...eventually these people are caught and sent here is the truth...matt began knocking doors for interstate subscription services as a 19 year old tall lanky morman from nashville tenessee...he answered the same add we all do...matt worked hard and sold tons of magazines to get where he is...and he gives opportunities to anyone with strength and balls...I was so close many times to being one of the top dogs but I was a weak [censored] beach...and i kept giving up instead of staying strong...U do get ur mags, they will not take more than they are supposed to and when my three year old daughter gets old enough I hope she has since enough to join a crew and learn some real true work ethic...basically if i were matt i would sue all u dumn nuts...for libel...blatant lies that hurt a business are very easily faught and when taken to court are usually heavily admonished...matt could own everything u have if he wanted but u pieces of fecies are lucky hes a better man than that...If anyone has any right to say anything bad about him...I assure u it would be me, but i appreciate him and the things hes taught me...i honestly can say I owe matt more than i will ever be able to repay...I no longer work for matt, , but i know hes fair and just...I took many [protected] and even 1000 weekly draws... matt has spent thousands on my medication when i was sick, bus tickets to family functions and funerals, dinners, birthdays and vacations...You people know nothing about matt...He is a great guy and i will tell you...I have an iq off the charts and could never be brainwashed...Matt is a playboy...without a doubt who does not try to hide his promiscuous nature, but a thief or liar or criminal, no not no but hell no...yes he lives in white bluff and yes he flaunts his wealth...he also freely shares it...if u took only 15 dollar draws u were not making enough to cover em anyway...If u were any kind of sales agent u would have taken 30 or more nightly...and the 400 on ur books is less than what he starts u with anyway...the day u get off the bus he puts 500 on ur books...if ur going to tell a story tell all the angles...look people in closing...these men make money by motiviating youth to live positive crime free lives...yes tehre are bad eggs but like grandma used to say u cant let one bad egg spoil a bunch...these kids are out working hard twelve hours a day to feel validated and useful when most would otherwise be on the streets or in jail...cant u be happy that they are not selling and doing drugs in ur neighborhoods? I mean them out...I mean seriousily...a sixty dollar subscription, will it kill u? NO...and so what if u dont get it which u do...i buy everytime they come by...just cuz i was them...but even if i didnt get my subscriptions id still buy...cuz id rather see a kid knock on my door for something he believes in and enjoys than on my corner sellin drugs to my kid or on the playground shooting up...come on people...stop being ignorant...get educated before making assumptions...

mag retiree
West Monroe, US
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Sep 30, 2009 1:45 am EDT

sorry bout the misspelling in my last post its not my day a lil desheveled

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Sep 30, 2009 2:03 am EDT

Tower of Power is Gold. I worked for the sales company from october 99' to july 04', when i started my own franchise, and ran my company for a year before leaving the road to start a family in 05'. Matt Parker is a good man who has done great things. I was kind of a loner 21 year old kid, when i started, who loved to get drunk and smoke weed everyday, as I was merely a restaurant cook. What I learned first is that to be successful in life, you have to put those habits to side and work and EARN what you want. From these sites that ex employees degrade the company, I read "the company ONLY gave me this and ONLY gave me that." I agree. In my 7 years combined working for the company, the company gave me minimal, I EARNED THE REST, AND IT WAS GREAT. So many younger adults out there right now feel the world "Owes Them"...I ask the question...Why? In my life I've learned that u Earn what you earn and there are no freebies except at the supermarket on weekends. I traveled the country for 7 amazing years, seeing things that 99.9% of the people in our country never will. I look forward to stepping into politics one day, because I have sat in the livingrooms of thousands of people across the country who I have always described as "America's Finest" and I've met them on their best days and their worst days, and even if they didn't buy from me, they still remain great in my mind because THEY OWE ME NOTHING. During the hiring process, it is made clear that it is a COMPLETELY COMMISSION BASED JOB. When new people start, It is pounded into them to not get swept into the drama, etc in an atmosphere of 20-30 20-somethings, it is pounded into them to LEARN THE JOB. When those agents don't follow that advice, they ordinarily fail in the business. But some listen, as i did, and the got to travel to 47 states including Hawaii and met amazing people with amazing backgrounds and met amazing people without amzing backgrounds. I watched my manager change the lives of drug addict teens, by teaching them ethics and giving them self-confidence that they take with them for the rest of their lives, and most importantly, taking the pipe out of their hands. THE CONTEST IS REAL, AND THESE KIDS GET TO GO TO AMAZING PLACES AND LEARN SPECTACULAR THINGS BY MERELY SELLING SLIGHTLY OVER PRICED MAGAZINES. AND YES SOMETIMES THE MAGS TAKE A COUPLE OF MONTHS TO GET THERE, BUT I ASSURE YOU THEY DO! Buying a magazine from one these kids, and yes, 20-somethings ARE KIDS, IS NOT ONLY GIVING YOURSELF, A FRIEND, OR FAMILY MEMBER A GIFT, BUT COULD BE GIVING THAT "KID" A SECOND LEASE ON LIFE!

oxnard, US
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Oct 12, 2009 8:41 pm EDT

They want me to work for them idk if i should some are telling me its a pyrimid scam wherei will get screwed over others are telling me to do it idk they are only in my town for a week

Nashua, US
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Nov 03, 2009 5:40 pm EST

Ya know i am not going to lie T.O.P is a real magazine crew i worked for pccs for about 6 months each time i went out. I had a blast yeah you had to learn a first 5 and a rip but what the hell did you expect you were going to go out there and just know what the hell you were doing nope i don t think so. LMAO wow some people but yeah i did i worked for Matt He is the ### BTW and i am thinking about going back out on the road again because it was cool goin diff places seeing new things cause for me to be in new england all the time ill tell you it suxx but yeah i will admit it sucked if you were neg all thee hell you going to make a sale if your neg your not thats how. but yeah hit me up people if you are thinkin about going to a real crew, i am prob going to be back out there. my names Traci

Nashua, US
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Nov 03, 2009 5:42 pm EST

978*552*9229 hit me up if you got any questions

mike paul skinny
Cornelius, US
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Nov 04, 2009 12:01 pm EST

my name is mike carter i worked for matt parker for 3 to 4 was allways a great friend just like many of you on here dont let 1 bad apple ruin a bunch. if you worked for matt i would like to hear from you my email is mike carter

las angelas, US
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Dec 18, 2009 12:30 pm EST

my name is emerson some people out there may know me as the other half to cookies and cream. lol ya but TOP is a real company any one who says its not is an idiot. as for the kids that worked for top that say it is fake are even more dumb, in my opinion they deserve to be slapped around a bit. i worked for this company for a year and i also keep in touch with alot of the people that tried to help me win this contest. alot of them say everytime they get the mag they think of me and how i made there day better or i made them smile. also matt parker isa pretty cool in my mind me and some close friends got a chance to travel accross the country and do some crazy things, got to go to vegas. ive down and learned alot more than most people my age. yes you have the kids with messed up minds who do stupid stuff...really stupid stuff but you just gotta use your own judgement and ween out the bad from the good. think of it this way, if you pick an apple from a tree and it has a worm in it, does that mean they all have worms? does it mean the trees bad? or does it simply just mean the apple was bad.

amber howell
Eldon, US
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Jan 12, 2010 12:59 pm EST

look i am an ex mag agent, i worked for matt parker on and off through out the 2009 year, he is a really good guy, great boss, top, tower of power, top line, none are scam crews, you people need to ###in quit complaining about the company and the "kids in the contest" there really is a contest ok, yeah sounds lil elementary schoolish but its real ok, we really do win money and a trip to europe! and to the one complaining about cindy and shelly, shut the ### up i know both of them ok, the are what is refered to top ###, if i didnt have kids i would still be working for him, my kids are the only reason i quit and came home, i have recommended joining matts crew to all my friends, i still talk to parker almost every day, and most of the other people from my crew! and emerson who comment above me, i did not know him personally but i have heard storys from kevin (one of my car handlers), and i do know this you can take his word ok, so stop with this stupid non sense.

name is amber howell my cell is [protected], got any questions, smart ### remarks or complaints, go ahead and text it!

Lawndale, US
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Jan 13, 2010 4:49 pm EST

Well about 4 months back I had the same experience as most of you.. A young man came to my door, very charming, fast talker, talking about going to Italy.. blah blah blah... I ended up subscribing for 20 issues of a certain magazine, and just like everyone else, was very suspicious of whether or not this was a scam. I paid with a debit card, figuring maybe I could talk to my bank later on if I don't receive the magazines as promised. After reading all of these comments, I got really nervous thinking, yep, my money's gone... Anyway, I decided to wait it out instead of stopping the transaction just because when I thought about it, I signed up for the magazine to help the kid out... I didn't order it because I knew I always wanted a subscription to that magazine. I actually don't really even like magazines... so anyway, as I was saying, I did this to help this kid out, so whether or not this money was actually going towards receiving a magazine didn't really matter much to me. I just figured, well, if I don't get them, I know to never let them talk me into this again. So now for the surprising part...

Today I am very happy to announse that my first magazine has arrived! Yes, it took 4 months and yes, I still think I overpaid for it but, I did in fact receive my first magazine and I'm sure the rest will be coming too. I was shocked, but pleased, so I felt I had to come and give them some positive feedback for once. I will admit, I do not like their process as much as everyone else. They're fast talkers which make it hard to say no, and I really feel uncomfortable with door-to-door sales as it is because these days, it's hard to trust people.. So anyway, if you're wondering if you made a bad decision, all I can say is, I have had a positive experience (as far as actually receiving my product), and since most of the people on here stopped their payments instead of waiting it out (which I honestly don't blame them, I was tempted to do so also), I say you just never know unless you wait and see. If you're more worried about getting something in return rather than just signing up to help someone else, than don't take the risk. But, if you're genuinely willing to help the kid out, then you've done your part and just have some faith that they'll do the right thing (and I would recommend not paying cash.. haha). Ok so, thanks for reading. Hope this helped some people out!

ana salinas
kenedy, US
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May 24, 2010 8:20 pm EDT

well actually i dont think its a fraud people out there are trying to make a living working hard even if the weather is bad raining any type of weather i dont see no appreciation towards there dedication of hard work acually if for instence it happen not all people are alike if it werent for us magazines wont be sold and companies well not get the product out there i think people should stop being so ugly well im actually intrested in working for matt selling mags well if anyone can find out the number i would be gratfull

Douglassville, US
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Jun 08, 2010 11:51 am EDT

i worked for TOP for abbout a year a year ago and Matt Parker is a great guy. i didnt sell many mags at first but Matt still kept me on cause i was always postive i got kinda good later with my high week being 30 high day 8 and high drop being 3 i also know cindy, wezzy, and traci who all posted comments on here like the say u do get yur mags sometimes it takes a long time but if u look on thr recipt it say it can take up to 120 days so all u pepole out there sayin were a scam well then yur stupid traci if yur going back call me cause im thinking about it as well my name is scott [protected]

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Jul 12, 2010 3:23 pm EDT

Just today july 12, 2010, New London Ct 2 kids came to my door. One Afro American and the other Spanish. The blackid (Jon Davis) didn't catch the other kids name because the black kid
was like talking 100 miles an hour while the Spanish kid listened and watched..From the beginging i had a gut feeling that this was a scam. But i went ahead and wrote them a check for some kids magazine for my grandaughter. He was so happy for the points because he wants to go to Italy he even asked if he could wash my car and pet the dog to both i of course said no, and i never let them in my house. He wanted cash because that would give them more points . He even asked for gailorate drink (how bold i thought). I told them i didn't have any and off they went. The gut feeling came back and this is why am writing this... I called my bank and put a stop on my check and about 1/2 later i was in front of my house with my daughter and who are crossing the street them two so i call them back asked them for my check and all they said to me was we lost our points have a good hoping this will be the end it.

south bend, US
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Jul 22, 2010 6:12 pm EDT

i'm i was tha most funest dude to be around when it came down to it! top rock and some of the people that was there in the crew with meh no that. no scams just some of them [censor] wholes that they hire out to go to door to door. isiah anyfool no meh city to city state to state!

Fayetteville, US
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Sep 15, 2010 12:47 pm EDT

Yo put it like ths...I also work for tower of power 5. I am keith...I been doin it since march..Its real...aint no scams no gmes no [censor]...Yea is a rough life but thats because all f the scam crews that are out there...Everybody that i have sold to has goten there mags..

Ken @ PCCS
Gig Harbor, US
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Sep 16, 2010 2:34 pm EDT


I am with Pacific Coast Clearing Services. If anyone has a customer service issue that needs to be resolved, please contact me directly and I will do my best to help. My phone number is [protected].

Thank you,

Ken Fryk

Siloam Springs, US
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Oct 20, 2010 6:37 pm EDT

at Isiah
the same exact story just came to my house an hour ago and from your description its the same person he said his name was Jon Davis and from florida working on getting points to go to Italy he even wrote on the recipt "Im going 2 Italy" called immedently and cancelled the check. Its [censor] that a company does that i wonder if it was the same person or just a drone they train to say that he even asked for a drink then lols a smoke. They just left my house an hour ago think im going to track him down

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Nov 21, 2010 11:52 pm EST

I found this thread tonight after I searched google for Shelly Boz. One of the other replies in this thread mentions meeting Shelly ~ March 2009. I met Shelly and a friend some years ago, I think it was 2007 or 2006. (So I gather Shelly worked this for at least a couple years) The meeting occurred in Liverpool NY, and pitch was same as described above- Shelly was acting as the trainer, and the other girl ( I don't recall her name) listened as trainee while Shelly gave her pitch. I bought a magazine subscription and happened to pay in cash. It took 8 or 10 weeks as I recall, but the issues did begin arriving. Worst complaint I have read in the threads above is about slow starting of the magazine deliveries- I did not see any indication of bank account or identity theft problems, or of anyone not being able to reach the business offices etc. Maybe I got lucky because I happened to pay in cash. Maybe the company manipulates its young workers. ... Or maybe we have a bit of a witch hunt here, where the hardworking young people are the unwitting victims. I searched Shelly's name because I just happened to remember after these few years- she is very attractive. Shelly if you read this- hope you're doing well !

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Dec 28, 2010 4:15 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hello, I'm a female from Fl. I was online one day. And someone gave me some I formation about working for myself as a magazine sales person. They promised to pay for my trip to them, through greyhound. Thought is was kewl. I was 21 at the time. So, they did pay. They told me how much money I would make and everything. Thought it was great. It was the most horrid experience I have ever gone through! You wake up about 8am and walk around to door to door until 9pm to 10pm. As a trainee you learn how to persuade and convince customers. Your only a trainee for the first week. Each day you get paid $20 for that week. Rain or snow you have to go out there and sell min. 3# magazines a day. This will pay for your rent at the hotel. As for food i had to use the $20 they gave me. My 2nd day as a trainee I got my first ticket for soliciting. I was even selling magazines the guy I was with training was. They promise to pay for your tickets. I'm not sure if the really did or not. All the walking around was horrible to my lower back and feet. So, I had to save up two days of the money they give us to buy cheap walking shoes from walmart. Are lunch break sucks, we have to use the money they give the trainees and the others have to use the money they made from their sales. A lot of my crew was between 18- 22. Males and females. I heard that. Lot of them got left behind in territory because they weren't making enough sales. In order to survive you need to sell more then 3# magazines. I have seen them leave some of the crew at the greyhound station to find their own way home. I was so happy to see a cop one day, just to have an excuse to tell them why I didn't make a sale. I got really sick and they made me go out anyway. I finally left because I found a friend who was able to lend me greyhound money. I never been so depressed :( :(

Elora Dannon
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Dec 28, 2010 5:41 am EST

My husband bought a book from these two boys who came to our door today representing Topline Marketing. They told him it would go to children in the READ Program or something of that sort. It's a real charity but we have no way of knowing if they will ever get the book. Fortunately, he paid in cash and he's only out the $60 (for ONE kids book!?!?). Do these young adults a favor and don't buy from them. They could be out getting jobs that don't paint them as scammers. They aren't exactly going to put this on a resume or mention it in a job interview, now are they. At least they shouldn't. (Potential Boss - "SO, you're one of those con artists that ripped me off last summer?!") There is no reason for these sales tactics anyway. There are several reputable organizatios registered with the BBB that help youth travel the world and still more that help them pay for education. They do not need to be bothering you to make it happen. As for the magazines, I think Vouge will sell just fine without these kids out there in the streets.

Elora Dannon
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Dec 28, 2010 5:58 am EST

And what's up with leaving personal meassages on this board? What's the matter scott? Didn't get traci's number big boy? Gotta leave her the same message on three different complaint boards?

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Dec 28, 2010 7:23 am EST
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Oh yeah, and Scott isn't one of the kids who sells. He's a manager.

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Dec 28, 2010 7:28 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Matt Parker find him on myspace. Google him. Don't be upset with the youth, a lot of them actually believe the non sense. There isn't a real contest. The ones who comments and leaves numbers are managers. And the ones who are too stupid defending TOP just like the alcohol they get from TOP

Tucson, US
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Mar 03, 2011 7:05 pm EST


Jacob Schueller
Hartville, US
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May 14, 2011 8:56 pm EDT

To Whom It May Concern,

I want to start off by saying that Matt Parker does not put up with drug addicts, thieves, negative people, or people that aren't motivated. I travelled over a two year period 32 states, everywhere East of Colorado Springs, Colorado. T.O.P. like any company in the world has individuals that do not have good morals. If anyone has not recieved magazines and feels that they got taken advantage of, first off, be patient, second off, maybe you did. Matt has ensured that it is near impossible for his employees to take advantage of their customers. He has done this by counting reciepts every morning and every night. These young adults typically take the job because they think it will be easy. "people aren't willing to do the hard work it takes to make selling easy." -Jeffory Gitomer

Most people that get into sales in general want the easy way out that makes the big buck, also known as the "American Dream". I came on crew and found out that it was intense and hard to keep up with these guys that have been in the business for years, but I knew that determination will make you the best, so I started reading sales books and learning what would make me the best. I stuck with it and Matt is the type who will take anyone on board and believe in them and treat them like family as long as they want to be there. The people that didn't want to be there were those that didn't want to work. I watched Matt spend loads of money sending people home because they had no determination.

"Go to college!" People said it to me every day as I was out hitting doors and the reality is, that our country has been driving our past couple generations to go to college so they aren't losers in life and so they can become something. Simply this is in my perspective a load of crock. Matt Parker is very wealthy and his drive has, and continues to inspire many, while all of my friends getting out of college are ending up jobless and 1, 2, or 300, 000 dollars in debt. I did not make any significant amount of money when I was on the road because a job like TOP doesn't teach you to save your money or to be responsible and so if your parents didn't instill this kind of foundations, you won't learn it then. I am now 22 years of age and I work for a company called Paratus Supply where I do Bussiness Management and I could have never got here without Matt and TOP. I don't have friends my age that make the type of money that I do with full benefits and 401k and no debt or that have the drive that I do because they party it up at college or work for bare minimum because they don't believe in themselves. My parents never taught me to believe in myself but Matt wouldn't have kept me on board to suck money out of the company.

I have learned that in life... you are worth what you are worth but only if you put your best foot forward. I woudn't be where I am today if not for that company, and the relationships that I made don't compare to many that I have found in life.

My email is or and my cell is [protected]. Thanks for reading and I wouldn't have typed this out if it didn't matter to me.

...and plus I have experince travelling, sales, training, management that no one my age does, not schooling that leaves me crying because I don't have security... TOP taught me that the last person that still has a job in a horrible economy isn't the scholar... It is the TOP motivated driven individuals

Best Regards,

Jacob Schueller

Chesapeake, US
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Jun 06, 2011 8:17 pm EDT
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It happened to me friday 3June2011 at my apt Belmont at Greenbrier. Two dudes by the name of Trey and Johnson Cortez! Said they was doin this for a trip to Italy! Ive been out telling my neighbors- the ones i seen them talking to! 205/103 Resident.

Prior Lake, US
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Jun 06, 2011 8:25 pm EDT

I worked for Tower of Power Sales (TOP) #5 sales crew on and off for around 2 years. It was an experience I have never regretted and frequently recommend to friends and family members struggling to find themselves. Yes, the hours were ruddy (typically 12 hrs each day), but if the general public didn't have so many security issues with door-to-door salesmen, it wouldn't take HALF A DAY, rain snow or shine, to make just the minimum 3 sales asked of us. TOP is not a scam company. Nearly 3 years later, I still feel incredibly lucky not for the sales experience, or the mega bucks made, but because I had an opportunity to talk to thousands and thousands of people in all walks of life and get a sneak peak into their worlds and lives. AND, again nearly 3 years later, my friends and family members are still receiving a ridiculous amount of magazines from the many wonderful people that bought just to help me out and wanted nothing to do with the actual magazine.

I went into the company a naive, uncontrollable, unfocused 17 year old girl, and left the company as a motivated, goal-oriented individual. They don't lie to you, you get your per diem $20 and if you make more than 30 sales during the week, you can pull money off your books on Saturdays. It sounds pretty awful at first glance, but then you have to think about the high turnover rate (since most kids come onto the job thinking it's a free ride across the country & have zero work ethic), the cost of transporting 10 to 40 of us all over the place, hotel costs, supply costs, etc. It adds up. SO, Marco and Matt or whoever, are out considerable sums of money if you don't do the job you were hired for. These guys never lied to me: I was homeless when I got the job and they told me straight out that I would be in for door-to-door subscription sales at least 10 hours day, but that the travel and hotel accommodations would be handled for me. I wasn't brainwashed, I knew exactly what I was doing.

They never, EVER encouraged us to lie, but nevertheless we all pretended to be whoever you wanted us to be in order to make that sale. If I had been honest during my pitch, it would have sounded like this,
"I'm a 20 year old high school dropout with so many previous drug convictions I can't get a job to pay for anything, let alone a college education. I'm not even sure I want to go to college, because even though I am now an adult, I have no aspirations in life. I got this cool travel job because I had nobody and nothing going for me back home, and I thought if I could only just get away, maybe I'd find myself and something to do with my life. I know I look kind of suspicious, when people are blatantly judging me I get a little nervous, and I know how you feel about door to door sales so I'm trying my best to not look shady. I'm trying to sell you an overpriced magazine so I can make my per diem and cover the cost of expenses. There's also a contest going on but you've probably noticed that though I am an engaging conversationalist, I'm not the best of the best at my job, so it's very unlikely I'm going to win. Please pay in cash, because we are paid nightly from our cash orders. Thanks."

^See that? That's the god's honest truth, and I sincerely doubt that it motivates you to buy a magazine. You'd rather hear about a young problem-free girl, taking a year off to travel the country, and possibly even Europe, before settling down back home to go to college for something she's always dreamed about doing and become the next CEO of your favorite Fortune 500 company. So that's usually what I'd tell you. Let's be real here: We are not a post-racial nation. If you're on this site, you probably feel nervous when black kids are at your neighbor's door selling chocolate -.-

Yes, they solicit in prohibited areas. Yes, they are probably lying to you about their aspirations or background. Yes, they are probably asking you for a drink or a sandwich. And yes, the door-to-door thing is suspicious. But T.O.P. isn't trying to screw you. I've seen the few bad apples fired and shipped out immediately following the transgressions. They do their best to keep these kinds of people off the crews, specifically because of what they do to the T.O.P. name and because if they stole from you, they probably stole from the crew, too. But like many have said before me, Matt Parker and Marco Sams give everybody a chance. They don't condone underage drinking, I was personally fined on several occasions and even fired once for imbibing. They do not brainwash, but teach that a positive attitude is the best outlook in life and in the workplace. I know almost every one of the previous posters vouching for T.O.P. (Ken, Cindy, Traci, Emerson, "Weezy"

Chesapeake, US
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Jun 06, 2011 8:57 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

So little do you know! Im a part of an interracial couple so I don't get scared when little "black kids" come to my door selling chocolates. I've been across the world myself and seen a lot worse than little "black" kids sell chocolate. Don't make this a racial issue! If you call the company for 6 hours straight and nobody answers... and it says "we r receiving a high volume of calls" and every option you pick it says that and hangs up ... it raises a flag SHIPMATE! When you look up the company and it says fraudulent all over the internet and you call your bank and they have an investigation out for this "company" already it raises another flag SHIPMATE! Lets think about this SHIPMATE! Thats great that you fixed your life up... most people do but people also need to know what's really going on! There are people out there that scam others! I had a white person and a black person come to my door-2 buddies! It has nothing to do with color! My husband is black n white and I am hispanic and expecting! Talk about a mixed baby!