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CB Automotive Fueling and Charging Petro Canada 7015 Kennedy Rd, Mississauga, ON, L5S 1Y7, CA
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Petro Canada
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Petro Canada

7015 Kennedy Rd, Mississauga, ON, L5S 1Y7, CA
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1 complaint
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12:25 am EST
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Petro Canada - service/discrimination

I went to the Petro Canada location listed above to get gasoline for my vehicle on December 20, 2019 at approximately 11:05 pm. I filled my tank and went inside to pay for my fuel. When I went inside I saw two persons in line so I went behind them. There was two cashier and one cashier was chatting with the first person in line. Another customer walked up and the second cashier told him "I can help you here". I was waiting to be served before this customer who he served. After waiting in line for approximately 5 minutes with only the initial 2 customers in front of me the two cashiers finally acknowledged me. I asked them why it took so long to serve me and they both laughed. I payed for my gas and asked for a number to call to speak with someone about what just happened. The cashier that was serving me told me that I can find it on Google map and they both laughed at me in front of the other two customers. I felt humiliated. All the people mentioned in this complaint are middle eastern descent and I am a black woman. I feel that I was treated this way because I am a black woman. I await a reply back at which time if I am not satisfied with the outcome I will be filing a complaint with the Human Rights Commission. I can be reached via email at [protected] or at [protected].

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