I decided to pursue a career change by going into the commercial trucking industry. I saw an ad in the local newspaper for Central Refrigerated Service which offer me an opportunity to train for my CDL and would give me a job as a truck driver. It sounded like a great opportunity a one stop chance to get my CDL and get a job.
The Company sent me a ticket to go to Texas (this is where their training facility was located) Upon arriving I realized that there were many trainees and not enough trainers. There were approximately 25 students between two trainers. There was 3 different levels of training amongst the 25 students some were studying for the written test, some were studying for the road test and some students were there to retest for the road test.
Trainers were stretch to the limit of teaching all the students on all these different levels you need to get your CDL class A license. The problem with this is that over 70% of the students were failing and retaking the Motor Vehicle exams over and over which entailed rolling over into the training of the new arrivals. Luckily I did a lot of studying and practicing on my own and with other students and I was able to past my written and road test the first time. All students practiced their road test on a 9 speed tractor pattern as well as take their road test exam.
After passing my exams and receiving my Class A license I was sent back to Conley, Georgia (my home base) for my 3 day orientation. After passing my orientation, I was assigned to a trainer for over the road tractor trailer training for 28 days. My trainer's tractor was W9 Kenworth with a 9 speed pattern. He was a very nice and patient man and taught me everything he knew about over the road trucking. For the entire 28 days I was trained on the 9 speed pattern.
On my 25th day we were in Iowa, I was suppose to head back towards Conley, GA for a my driver's upgrade (which mean I would receive my own tractor) and go solo over the road. But instead of heading back the Company sent me and my trainer back to the west coast region and on my 26th day my trainer was instructed to drop me off in Salt Lake City, Utah for my upgrade. On the 27th day my trainer dropped me off in Utah for the upgrade that would take place the next morning. My trainer gave me an excellent evaluation for my performance in his tractor.
On the 28th day, I started the upgrade by taking test on the computer after passing all my computer test I was ready for the road test on the tractor. My upgrade examiner took me to a tractor for my test to my surprise it was a 10 speed pattern tractor. Out of my 49 days with Central Refrigerated I have never trained nor driven a 10 speed. So I asked my upgrade examiner did they have any 9 speeds that I could take the test on and he said 'No, you should know the 10 speed pattern' and also told me that 'The Company is getting rid of all their 9 speeds and that they were obsolete.' Again, I stressed to him that I have never driven or been in a 10 speed and that I would need a few hours to familiarize myself with this pattern. He told me 'No, take the test' Well it would be no surprise to let you know that I failed this test. By not knowing the new pattern, I grinded the gears.
I went back to the office and they informed me that I had failed my upgrade. When I pleaded with them to give me a chance to practice on the 10 speed pattern. They said 'We don't do that.' This was Friday afternoon and they said I will be retested Monday morning on the same truck. I asked them to let me practice over the weekend on the truck by myself. But they refused and told me that I would have to find a owner operator, if I can and maybe they would show me the 10 speed pattern. I was not allowed to ask a trainer, a student or any employee of Central Refrigerated to help me. Unless it was an owner operator.
By Monday morning I was unable to get anyone to help me with this new pattern. On October 20, 2008 after 49 days with Central Refrigerated, I felt it was a 'No Win' situation and I had no choice but to leave the training facility.
To say the least, I was disappointed with the Company. I believed that with all I had went through with the training in Texas and being able to pass all my test the first time I took them and to get such and excellent review from my over the road trainer that after the 49th day Central was unable to give me 3 hours to practice on the 10 speed pattern.
Being persistent and determine to become truck driver, I decided to go to an independent trucking school to get my Diploma and most of all learn the 10 speed pattern. I paid $2, 560 for this training. Most of the time I sat around because I had already received my Class A license. When it was time for the Driving training I spent 3 hours in a 10 speed and maxed it. My trainer asked me what I was doing here he said you are an excellent driver. I graduated on December 18, 2008 with a 97% average.
Now this is the kicker, I applied for a trucking job and the Company pre-approved me to work for them and then I found out that Central put on my DAC report that I was terminated from training and the Company told me that they couldn't hire me, because I was terminated from training. Which was not true I left them. I never worked for them . I was never upgraded as a company driver.
Now Central wants to charge me $2, 900 for training. Training that never produce me the career that I wanted and wasted 49 days of my life and time with my wife and 5 year old son.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
To Mark098, no I am not Cody. Haven't met him and don't care if I ever do. I am out of the Fontana, Ca. terminal and rarely ever make it to SLC. I feel more than qualified to make the remarks I have made. I have been driving truck for 37 yrs. now. As I said before and will say again most of the complaints on here are the direct result of SELF INFLICTED MISERY. Get it? It just makes me laugh when I read where these people always claim that they were perfect. "Its always someone elses fault. I didn't do nothing wrong. They said run 2 books." Oh please! We have been on electronic logs for almost 2 years now. How are you going to run 2? It just doesn't make a damn bit of difference who you drive for. The only thing that changes is the color of the truck, the name on the side and the name of the guy who dispatches you. They are all the same. Service is all they sell. Grow up, grow a set and quit whinning. It is pathetic.
What Company Can I train For free...I'll pay my Dues for 3 weeks school, No Money, $450 week for 4 to 6 weeks...Then Dedicated ?
What Company Can I train with For free...I'll pay my Dues for 3 weeks school, No Money, $450 week f
Well I'll tell you I read the first paragraph and left the page in disgust. If you can't spell check your writing, and place proper punctuation, I am not going to bother reading. Just saying.
all big companies have their problems i have worked for 2 other big trucking companies this sounds like a normal thing for the trucking business . i have a shirt that explains it all for you . Trucking is driving down the road at 65 looking for a new job. i have talked to people from different companies and everyone says the same thing you just have to weigh out the bs you can deal with. CRST is just as bad as England who it sounds like you all just need to go to a desk job and stop your complaining and do your job.
Anyone ever heard of or dealt with Mario Herrera, Central Recruiter? He tells me to call but never answers his phone or returns calls. He sent me 6 links via email, for background checks but the links don't work and he won't let me print and fax them.
Any input on this guy?
I'm dealing w/ Mario Herrera, he is a good guy, answers the phone ever time I call and is getting me into my CDL.
Also, the 6 links you're refering to...click on them and fill them out you dolt. lol
To let everyone know: I have court with Central in the morning. They sent me for my initial physical during my training and would only give me a 6 month health card due to my sugar and blood pressure being high. After my 28 days I wad puf in the hospital and place on insuline and have had a minor heart attack. Needless to say my healthcard was revoked. Well, tomorrow I go to court for the $3000 they are holding me accountable for. These people are unreal!
I failed my test last week on purpose f** central
that 41 hour bus ride to SLC was the worst
It doesnt matter if its a 9 speed, 10 speed, super 10, 13 speed, 18 speed. Whatever. If you wont look at or read your rpm you will grind. You have to understand rpm numbers. Bringing rpm up with natural speed to shift...or slowing down to rev the rpm to shift down. This concept takes one day to learn, if that. So, after 28 days you didnt learn this- its your own fault.
Central Refrigeration is by far the worst company that I have ever worked for. Since I got my cdl way back in 1989 and already had
experience, I went to Central to become an Owner Operator since they did not have a credit check policy. First thing that I found out
since I was African American, they would not give me a new truck. Policy like these have been in effect for awhile, I first ran into this back in 1886 with Steven's Transport in Mesquite, Tx. Next, I decided to get into a specialized division, once again I was denied access, and told to wait a month or two. My room mate who arrived without a cdl and was white, was allowed into the specialized division before he even got released from a trainer, with 3 weeks experience. The fact that he had an accident while driving with his
trainer, because he failed to yield to a 4 wheeler merging onto the freeway did not matter. Next, I drove from Maine to Florida, and
Florida to Boston, without ever receiving a pay check. I drove for one entire month, and no pay check. When I decided to deliver my final load an hour from my home, and then went home, I received 3 months later a bill from Central Stating that I owed them over $9000. Simply put stay far, far, far, away from this company, they Suck !
This company has been a waste of my time and I wish I would've went to another school. They did nothing that the recruiter told me they would do for me. I completed my full 200 + hrs only to be told that I was a good driver but didn't meet the company standards. I called Swift and find out that Central put false negative reports on my DAC report preventing other trucking companies from hiring me. I tried to call to see what I violated only to have the phone hung up on me repeatedly and being told that they couldn't discuss it over the phone. I am in am the middle of filing a class action lawsuit against Central because the company itself is full of it. Reading the comments above ensures me that this company needs to be put out of business. If anyone is reading this please get in contact with me @hallmaneric86@yahoo.com
Central isn't that bad the weekend ppl suck, some of the driver DM suck I've never heard of anyone getting fired for being late, you have to wreck a lot before they fire you, I've been with them for 18 mo . I'm thinking about looking around, leasing a truck is not for the meak ya gotta tell them how it's is . Somtimes I think I might get messed with because I speak my mind, but I'm there to work not make friends . If anyone could get fired for being mouthy it would be me . I don't like the insult of loads that don't make the truck and me money . And every time I'm in Chicago they try and make me a local driver I tell them no . But when your new company driver ya kinda gotta put up with a lot of abuse . Ounce you clime the totem pole get a good safety and on time record you become a value to them and they have went out of there way to make me happy at times . But I had a legitimate complaint that 10 spd deal don't cut it if your that stupid you Probley shouldn't be driving truck
Central is the worst place to work for I have been there for 7 months and my truck broke down last week and has been in the shop for a whole week then today I get a call asking me to bring the truck to Rochelle il bobtailing there and asked if I was getting fired they said they could not tell me that until I got the truck to them then this morning I get a call from them asking when I would be there I told them I was cleaning my truck out and would bring it up to them as long as I was not being fired then they told me that once I got the truck to them I would be put on a bus and sent home from there DO NOT WORK FOR THEM I WISH THEY WOULD BURN IN HELL
I just think you guys are looking to point fingers because you failed. Central Ref is a great outfit. Its not a easy job and all companies have some down falls. Man-up about it. Maybe you had the wrong dream. I see people come and go, all because they cant handle it. Most people cant make the cut. just saying and be safe. Truck driver 18 years now!
WOW! I have went through the process to start at their school, its supposed to be final approved tomorrow and I'm suppossed to be on a plane within a couple weeks or so.. I am backing out because of all that I have read and I WILL tell them why and what I have read. When you have carbon copy complaints from several different people, that's an eye opener! Does anyone know of a school program like this with a company that's actually good? I read reviews about the company PAM (or something like that ) and their reviews were as bad as the ones here.. ugh...
The way it sounds like to me is not one of you actually took the time to read your handbooks or even the brain to talk with your TDA about the company how they pay how you get paid and how the company pays for everything you should expect to pay them back when you don't stay woking for them for the 13 months after that they pay you back in 13 months. So if you leave after 45 days with them of course your gonna have to pay them back. I mean come on ### in life aint free. And about what the person said on here about getting fired for problems with the truck well come on every where tells you handbook everything YOU MUST DO A PRE TRIP INSPECTION AND EN ROUTE INSPECTION. Come on think people. i plan on going to there California school by September i just started reading the book on my own and know about the inspection you getting fired could have been solved if you just would have thought about what you were doing and went back to basics. In a nut shell YOU ALL ARE FULL OF ### BIG TIME ###
This is my response... years later after writing my earliest post here.
If Central Refridge is all that and a bag of chips... Where are they now?