Although purports to advocate positive change it should make an effort to at least get the facts straight when it posts a petition. They posted a petition about a mother being charged with vehicular homicide in the death of her child which occurred while she was crossing a dark road outside of the crosswalk with several children. A person hit them and kept going. The driver turned himself in a couple of days later and pled guilty to hit and run. The mother was charged with misdemeanor charges and prosecuted by the Solicitor General's Office. The petition named the District Attorney by name and his office instead of correctly identifying the prosecuting authority. We cannot get in touch or get a reply from anyone at to correct this and it has greatly impacted our ability to do business due to all the folks calling and emailing about a case that we had no authority over. If they will not correct this error then how many other errors are there in the "petitions" they are creating?
I have the same issue with They don't vet these petition and many of them are from [censored]s with no knowledge of the Constitution. What finally set me off is a petition to strip Bruce Jenner of his Olympic medals because he always secretly considered himself a woman. He can consider himself a potato and it's irrelevant. Bruce Jenner was a man when he competed at the Olympics. Even though she/he is a freak show, he earned it. is a gatekeeper for vested interests. I signed & added some comments which would help the guy recover completely from his cancer (cancer is NOT terminal) - & my comment was removed. I opened a ticket asking why my comment was removed - no response.
Want to cancel membership & revolving credit card payments as it relates to If more information needed call Lloyd Hudson [protected]. I tried calling you with no answer & your voice mail is full! Call any time. Hope this is enough letters, etc. to get er done!
I was checking my Credit Card account a little while ago and discovered a $4.00 charge from I do not know who they are much less have an account. I never authorized the charge. My big question is how did they get my information. Now I have to go through the fraud process with my bank to receive a new card. What a pain! Be vigilant.
I started a petition on and discovered that if you want them to put it in front of people, you have to pay them to "Promote" it. It took about a dollar to get each signature, and so I would occasionally send them $20-30 bucks as I could afford it. This was just an issue I cared about -- I'm a working person, not a big organization with a budget for marketing. Well, about a year later, after I'd invested about $200 in getting signatures which was a decent amount out of my budget, they closed the petition because it had been open for so many days. I tried to reopen the petition according to directions on their web site, but it failed after several tries. They don't have a technical support line, even for people who pay them hundreds of dollars, and so I had to use their online form to contact them. They never responded. I called their press line because it was the only one I could find on their web site, and left a message asking for someone to get back to me. Nobody responded. I've now found their corporate number on Bloomberg and plan to continue trying to contact them, but I consider them to be very unethical and wouldn't recommend them to anyone for a petition. is a company that makes millions of dollars, and they can afford a help desk but choose not to. It also costs a lot to promote a petition if you can't get big press stories on it to drive people to the petition. Find a different petition site! allows to sign a petition a few times. It collects multiple votes from one person for each petition this person signs. The website doesn't recognize multiple votes. And I think it is not bad programming but scam. You can't remove or modify the newsletters. You get again and again an invitation for signing the petitions you already signed. IT IS SCAM!
This site is appaling, I have many times tried to get signatures to print off and night before we are meant to go to the council it crashed as they updated it but it's no where good enough. There's no contact number and we have planned to hand it in.
It is amazing to see how millions of people around the world fall naively into the game of Change-org. This platform is a scam company dedicated to capturing emails for free which are sold several times to companies specialized in promoting advertising through social networks and emails. It is here that Change-org makes millions of dollars of profit because each email is sold several times to different companies. The problem starts when people who naively delivered their data in one of the hundreds of pseudo campaigns that Change-org has in the world begin to receive inexplicably tons of junk in their email and walls and do not understand why. They do not remember that they gave their information months before. By the way, these scammers do absolutely nothing with the "signatures." Once these have been sold, Change-org are automatically deleted from the system...until the next scam campaign
On October 19, 2019 the comment feature was removed on the "Stop UK funding for Meghan Markle & Prince Harry's lifestyle." There was no formal announcement as to why this happened, yet it was abruptly taken down. Doing this stifles the legitimate concerns of their constituents, and it is problematic.
This happened to me as well although it was more severe since the same people who took down my benign petition rebutting another petition allowed the petition which I was abutting to remain on their site and damaged my reputation for the lies it had in it.
I've been charged $8.00 but I had cancelled membership ages ago. There is no contact number or email address when I googled them or on website that I could find.
I don't know how many other people are aware but any money that is donated to your cause and petition is pocketed by
I've filed a complaint in court against If anyone is interested in being part of it, please let me know at
I just want to contact customer service to stop any and all reoccurring credit card charges and/or bank debits
Apparently posting charges to my CC since Aug 2022.
I may donate again, but the reoccurring charges must stop.
why am i not getting my petition. More than 3 people have sign the petition but i only see 3
today i went to my checking account and noticed money was taken by change ,org illegalily took 20.00
There are constant charges on our credit card, 8 times this past month of over $200 and there is no way to call Change. Org and settle this matter!