Schwab is nothing more than a bunch of thugs and crooks who will highjack your money and create a level of anxiety that one should never experience.
For my own security, I locked my debit card yesterday via the authenticated portal. The next day I left and forgot to unlock my card so I called Schwab and played the 20 questions game. Schwabs trains these low life clowns to ignore everything you say until you finish their favorite share your PII game over insecure phone lines.
After 8 phones calls to complete a simple task, I ended they day with no access to my debit card and no ability to see my stock investments in the portal, because the thin skin low life that are suppose to support the customers who pay their salary, caught an attitude with me the paying customer and decided to lock me out of everything out of spite. I will file complaints with the BBB, FINRA, and The Texas state board of mortgage and banking. Based on Schwab infinite wisdom, verifying me at a branch office means that all future use of my debit card and logins to my stocks portal will be made by me? Really...I can't make this stuff up. Pure ignorance and spite, that's all this is and as soon as I regain access, I will fire Schwab, they are useless.
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Charles Schwab’s conduct here is completely uncalled for. Their customer support is pitiful, failing in all areas and causing exasperation as well as locking you out of what is rightfully yours through abominable ineptness or mischief. Once you manage to get back in, it is best to transfer all of your assets to a more trustworthy firm immediately. Raise disputes with FINRA, CFPB, and any other relevant financial regulators. Tell everyone with whom you come in contact to keep their eyes open for this kind of experience so that you don’t have to go through it. Do not allow them to treat you this way and get off with it.