I have been charged $15.00 for an 7/07/10 inquiry. At no time did I ever receive the service/information because I could not get the final location of person.
Please credit my credit card account #[protected] in the amount of $15.00.
Thank you.
Umm... Not a good idea to put your credit card number on this public forum! I'd remove it ASAP
I did not know there were so many stupid people in this world. I would try and contact someone and see if you can delete this post and if not then cancel you're cc# !
I can not aford to pay for this, and I wish to cancel. I did not know when I sign up that this was going to cost me anything, and I tryed to decline but Icouldn't figure out how so I just clicked off.PLEASE CANCEL MY ACCOUNT! iI did not use it.
Katherine Reynard---Dariz
I'm attempting to cancel, but cannot find out how to do that. I've cancelled out my credit card and have disputed the charge in the amount of $15.
Tim Schumacher
I am cancelling my account.
i wish to cancel my account 7010Z240004 as of this date, i have been charged 39.00 and have nt used it. wbkindere@hotmail.com
Go into your account on classmates.com and then billing info and delete the credit card number from your account. I just did it because they have been charging me automatically for years, even though I stated that I wanted manual renewal when I joined. They are scammers! We'll see if they'll renew me automatically next year!
This company is owned by United online and if you go the their site and click on contact forms there are options to contact Classmates as well as their United online public relations dept.
I wish to cancel my account [protected] (I think this is the number) as of this date. I have been charged $39.00 and have not used it.
Bonnie Branfort bonniebranfort@ymail.com
I have been charged 39.00 and did not order this
I did not order this & was charged 39.00 would like my money back& cancel this now
Seems there are alot of charges where there shouldnt be. I also was charged $39. would like it credited and cancelled. thank you
I wish to cancel this account, was billed $39.00 on my lastbank statement and don't even use this. Credit my account for the $39.00 please. Evidently I'm not the only one that has had this problem!
Loretta Hamme
1504 Rt. 116
Spring Grove, Pa. 17362
Apparently these scammers have upped their charges. I just found a $59.00 "automatic renewal" membership fee that was withdrawn from my bank account. I am disputing the charge with my bank, and I've deleted my debit card information off of their website. If there is a class action lawsuit filed for Classmates.com I certainly would want to be involved in it. They have obviously made a financial jackpot off of scamming people.
I have been charged twice for my golden membership ----- on my 2 different visa credit cards. Would like to cancel both .I do not want to put my visa #'s online. Please give me a phone # to call so I can resovle this. Thank You. Grace White
I too was charged $39 without my authorization. I am trying to find out how to cancel. C.T.
Please cancel this. I cannot afford $39.
Thank you.
Could you please find a copy of the 1965 Chief yearbook. I know there must be someone from that class that still has their copy, so if you could post a request for them to send a copy to you so you can post it on Classmates.com, I would very much appreciate it since I have lost mine a long time ago, and it seems you do not have that year for the yearbooks, you now offer! T
This is the SECOND time I am cancelling my Classmates.com. The 1st time was in Feb. 2011. I am still getting billed for $15.00. Now, it is MAY, 6th, 2011, I wish to cancel for the second time and final time. Stop sending a bill for this service. Your automatic renewal should work as well as your need to cancel system.
While checking a recent credit card statement dicovered an unauthorized $39 charge for renewal to Memory Lane. Original membership was entered with Classmates.com. several years ago. Upon discovery of the fruadulent use of my dormant account attempted to contact them via their info on their home web page which is a joke. You can only correspond via internet. Received lame expalnation that I had signed up for automatic renewal which I never, nor did I receive any notfication or receipt to authorize the chage. Finally notified via their customer service email that they would remove me from their register following the expiration of my cuurent term. Refused to accept this explanation. Chose to cancel credit card due to compromise and received a credit from my card provider. In agreement with the majority of complainents. Consumers should be aware of the underhanded and strong arm practices/tactics of this business
good move by you
afraid this is going to become the norm for businesses now that the economy is re-tanking; just charge as many cards and bank acounts as possible and maybe people don't notice...
nice try CoffeyRoss; sorry that your life sucks
Upon checking my bank account today I see that Memory Lane has deducted $39.00. I have never signed up with Memory Lane and have never authorized them to deduct from my account. It appears that this is happening to alot of people. Think of how much money they are making off of us! I see a Class Action lawsuit in their future. Just because they take over Classmates.com doesn't give them the right to start eroneous billing practices for a site that was previously free. You can bet that the family attorney will be hearing about this one. I urge everyone who has been affected to do the same.
blah blah blah.
I originally signed up for a minimum membership of $5.00 every 3 months and now I'm being charged $15.00/month. I have apparently forgotten my log-in information because I NEVER use the service. Consequently, I cannot access my account information to cancel my subscription and they do not post any other means of contact; no phone, no email, no option. FRAUD!
Made charges to my credit with out authorzition. Was not sign in as a member was a guest over a year ago had not been interested since. Thought I was thru with them till I find they are going to bill me even if I don't want their service.
Classmates.com is where this site told me they got my bank information from classmates.com. Classmates.com when I called was told let us explain why your account was debited for 15 dollars, I had purchased the 5.oo membership to find out about my 30 year reunion. Needless to say I had 9 dollars in the account they took 15 overdrew me to the tune of 70 dollars, and then I get mail from greatfunsites.com when I call them (angry) they hung up on me. The response from classmatescom was a refun, and a free gold meembership for three months, yea right I couldn't sign in and could not get a response for my password. I now have a free membership at classmates, and if great fun try's to debit my account my bank is ready to dispute it, so it all starts with classmates.com folks. They shared our banking info on a so called secure site. yea right what a rip off I did not get a refund and I did not get a free membership, this is sad to know now Americans are scamming americans. lol i use to jsut worry about the UK and Nigeria, it's getting to be a scary sad, cyber world we live in. Can't trust anyone on here it is distgusting.
I signed up for classmates.com andwas $3900 out of luck. the very next day, Reunion.com got $60.00 from my acct. and they say they arent connected. This year they automatically made the same deduction, with out my permission!
I searched for my name to see what would come up. Reunion.com has my name and OLD email address
up there on the Internet. Classmates is a scam as well and I believe they are connected and was upset
when I cancelled my account there and lo and behold, my name is up there on the Internet for all to see
under Reunion.com but they won't get anywhere as that is an OLD email address. I cancelled my account with Reunion.com a long time ago and recently cancelled Classmates.
I am going to the consumer complaint web site though.
Currently dealing with Classmates.com for unauthorized charges which were never disclosed.
Classmates.com automatically renewed my Gold Membership and charged my Visa $39 without authorization. According to a customer service representative, they set account preferences to auto renew and expect the client to remember to change this option to manual. There is no printed record of this agreement, and never any kind of courtesy reminder of the account renewal date. Classmates.com has already faced multimillion dollar class action suits, so this unethical business practice is not entirely surprising. Avoid this site at all costs!
my credit card bill does not show address, telephone, number or state.they charged my account for $39.00. i did not authorize this charge. i dont even know what they offer if any thing. so i am lodging this complaint. i dont have a confirmation code. unless 6fc96 is it. If my printer worked id send you a copy of my credit card bill .
I changed email addresses and informed you of my change, since then, I have not been able to get into my Classmates.com account. I am a Gold Member. If you can not fix this, I want to be refunded for the 2 yr membership that I was signed up for because it has only been available to me for 3 months tops!
I have gone through and done what you said and tried to change the email address to roses21656@yahoo.com and you gave me special numbers to use which I did and it didn't work.
Either get it to work, or refund my money. I am tired of waiting and playing around on the computer while not being able to communicate with my Classmates!
Sincerely, Rhonda/Ronnie Bauer 2/16/[protected]
Classmates.com, I tried to change my email last january. got ahold of people in your office,, was on hold much of the time. I had subscribed for two years at a good discount, but I could never get my email changed. we had dumped at&t and went to spectrum. I tried numerous times to enter the new email, but I could not do it myself. I had to have calssmates.com do it and they never helped me out!
So I cancelled my subscription and got my money back. I have been pestered ever since with emails to my old email address which does me no good (still don't know how i'm getting mail on this old email addy).
Anyway, i've gotten so much mail from classmates.com that i'm going to take another stab at it if I can get classmates.com off their dead [censored] and help me get my email changed!
And stop using the universal excuse "we are experiencing heavy call volumn due to the covid-19 pandemic" and get this "big" job done people! unless you have millions of pissed off customers calling in to cancel their subscriptions!