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CNN Complaints 381

7:25 pm EDT

CNN Libel. False information published as fact.

CNN has published falsified facts under the pretext of “opinion”. A story was published recently as the “opinion” of the person who wrote the story. But, during their opinionated rambling, falsified information was referenced as facts. In their story the person states the type of weapons used by suspects who attempted to rob a bank in North Hollywood, CA on February 1997, were “semi-automatic” AR-15 when in FACT fully automatic machine guns were used. The writer manipulated the details of factual events using false information to strengthen their arguments. Here is the link to the story:

Here is the YouTube video of the bank robbery:

At exactly 10:32 on the video from that day even the news anchor who is narrating the events as they unfolded live, states that “automatic weapons” were being brandished by the suspects. Clearly proving CNN published a story advertised as “opinion” when in fact lies are used as factual references used to strengthen their argument with the internet to sway public opinions.

Desired outcome: I want CNN to publicly admit they lied and ask for public forgiveness the same way they publicly stated false information as truth.

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3:59 pm EDT
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CNN gun control stops the violence!!!!

i might have a small solution about USA guns violence ... if guys want to hear me out get the word ...keep im just a regular joe thank you! Cristobal Ramirez jr [protected]@yahoo,com [protected] i email the white house no response ,,

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1:29 am EDT

CNN Racial bias - monkeypox

CNN is using only black people to show the symptons of Monkeypox on its channel. In so doing you are associating the disease with black people. Check your facts because the disease is prevalent in Europe and America and it affects all races. It's not a black disease. Remember that as part of racial prejudice blacks have been called monkeys in order to dehumanize them. Hence your behaviour has hit a raw nerve. In view of the above kindly issue an apology for using only black people to show the symptoms if monkeypox.

Wanjiru Kariuki


Desired outcome: Apology

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7:40 am EDT

CNN Weather on scroll bottom of screen

Why does the day’s weather scroll at bottom of screen only shows the eastern US, repeatedly. You do realize there’s a western half of the country and we would surely like to know what our weather will be each day. Especially since the unusually high temperatures and drought are allowing a 300k acre fire to continue. Every single morning this pisses me off that the western half of the country doesn’t matter to CNN.

Desired outcome: Scroll the western US weather

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7:54 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

CNN When are you going to move on to the news around the world

Same stuff day after day every 10 min. Buffalo ny. Why is it things happen around the world and for days you all go on on New York. Last time was same thing day after day of New York. Give coverage to other things going on.

Desired outcome: Fix your one sided programming

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1:10 pm EDT

CNN Reporting of even in Israel

Re: The May 13 article by Atika Shubert and Abeer Salman titled "Israeli police beat mourners with batons at funeral procession for veteran journalist."

By Atika Shubert and Abeer Salman.

The article gives the impression that the Israeli police just waited to attack the mourners for no apparent reason. There is more to the event, but the title leaves that out. This is in line with BDS and Aljazeera anti-Israel, and indirectly, anti-Semitic, propaganda.

I expect a higher journalistic standard from from CNN.

Paul Gilon, Vet

Desired outcome: A CNN statement regarding a more objective title of the event.

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12:28 pm EDT

CNN CNN news broadcast

Before you go and try to force Twitter to limit "misinformation" perhaps you should look at Twitter's and CNNs previous record for accuracy of censorship. Hunter Biden's laptop, Russian collusion, impeachment evidence, Covid vaccine efficacy rates etc.

That's the problem with censorship...well. that and the constitution of the united states. That's aa sticky problem too.

More people watch re-runs of Tom & Jerry than watch CNN in Primetime, That would be a great joke if it weren't true.

Censorship is treason.

Desired outcome: Fire Don lemon and burn the building.

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2:32 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

CNN Quality

Before you start charging for news how about doing a better job at the free stuff. Bad grammar, bad spelling, broken links. Not occasional-all articles. You show a picture with a news title but no pictures exist in the article. Obvious you hire people who do not have US English as their first language. No one edits the articles. Just BAD workmanship all around. I won't pay for something that clearly would be poor because you have no idea how bad you are. CNN and FOX run neck on neck in bad journalism. I read BBC most of the time because they cover US news better than you do. SAD. There appears to be a reward system for writers based on reads. You have links from articles I want to read to articles I don't want to read just to boost the score for a writer. Please kick these people to the curb. STOP allowing biased reporting. Just tell me the facts don't tell me what to think. Please Stop this bad reporting trend.

Desired outcome: Good, direct, news.

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11:14 am EDT
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CNN Interruptions during a news story.

In my zip code, 78539, with Spectrum cable, there are breaks during a news story where ads are inserted. The news story does not pause, but continues and is picked up after the ad. Very frustrating.

Is this a problem with CNN? If not, CNN needs to pressure Spectrum to not cut in during news stories.

This happens at all times, all days, and as far as I know, only happens to CNN.

Desired outcome: Is this a problem with CNN? If not, CNN needs to pressure Spectrum to not cut in during news stories.

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12:14 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

CNN facebook pages

lately CNN facebook pages are being overrun by trolls! I emplore you...start moderating. I am not suggesting to delete posts, but SOMEONE really needs to start keeping an eye on all the misinformation and lies that are being spread on the news feeds and hold against it with facts and better information. Please...we saw what happened in 2016...DON'T ignore what is happening now.

Desired outcome: moderate your news feed on facebook!!

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9:03 am EDT
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CNN Cuup commercial

We were shocked when we saw the Cuup commercials on CNN news. These commercials are soft porn. We understand commercials will be on but the kind of commercials play a part in whether we continue watching CNN. Now I have to worry if my kids walk in the room? These are young girls posing and moving in seductive ways. These kind of commercials affect young peoples self esteem and plays a part in the outcome in their life. I have to ask what is CNN trying to prove? Are your ratings so low you have to attract men with soft porn?

Desired outcome: Take CUIP Commercials off the air

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5:11 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

CNN CNN/Bianca Nobilo

I like Bianca Nobilo’s news program but I also very much enjoy Jack Tapper’s. I am so annoyed that Nobilo’s program now starts 5 minutes before Tapper’s ends. I watch Amonpour, Hala Gorani, Fareed Zakaria and it is only between Tapper’s and Nobilo’s program this happens. WHY?

This has happend every evening at 10:55 European time this past week.

Desired outcome: Change the timing!

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4:46 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

CNN Cable television complaint

CNN indicated that they would cover the commissioning of the Submarine Delaware. Over the weekend. Rather than allow for President Biden, First Lady Jill Biden and other dignitaries actually be heard, Instead there were the usual analysts telling us what they might say, what they should say, and other unneeded personal opinions. We tuned in to see and hear the commissioning ceremony and its speakers. Poorly and insultingly done because CNN viewers are actually capable of interpreting what speakers say and do. Allow event to actually occur without the usual drivel. At lest, it wasn't Wolf Blitzer telling us every five seconds, repeating what an attack submarine is.

Desired outcome: Let intended dignitaries actually be seen and heard. Save the anaylsis for afterwards.

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10:44 am EDT

CNN Donald effing Trump

Please move on from Donald Trump quit talking about him . nobody cares about him except the stupid white trash from Fox channel. Only fuels the [censored]bags ego when you keep talking about him please stop.

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10:02 pm EDT

CNN The need for the return of Chris Cuomo

I am sorry, but CNN's evening programs need the passion and delivery of content that Chris Cuomo brought every night. He and Don Lemon-- one coming on after the other-- provided news and commentary that so many of us needed. Your other hosts do well, but something vital is missing. Cuomo could have been suspended for a time for helping his brother. However, I think in firing him, CNN has cut off its own foot. I would like to think it was just a shot in the foot because the foot can heal. I really enjoyed Cuomo for the morning show and then for his evening program--so informative! I am telling you--CNN needs Cuomo back!

Desired outcome: Rehire Chris Cuomo. I would like for him to be back on his evening program. There is a serious need for him at CNN!

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5:36 pm EDT

CNN Audio level is too high during whether reports

The audio level varies and is too loud during whether reports and clips.

Desired outcome: Audio level should be the same or similar to the program's level.

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8:38 pm EDT

CNN Illegal use of CNN, Warner Bros content

Hi I am writing to you in regards to a streamer illegally using your material on YouTube and Twitch!

Everything YouTube acts and removes the content for breaching Warner Bros copyright another stream pops up, this content provides not only CNN live streaming but links to PayPal and Twitch as YouTube doesn't monetize this channel!

To view this content simply search CNN filter upload date and live for the result , links that can be found are www.gtvstreams or gtv.sherlock for website or twitch links.

PayPal address is https// , i hope you find this helpful if not please forward to the relevant department

Desired outcome: Please resolve or pass on to relevant Warner Bros department for illegal copyright of your content

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6:40 am EST

CNN Selection of videos shown

It is 3 am and I can’t sleep because I am so angry at whoever allowed video of Ukrainian people being thrown into a grave. The picture of a man’s clothed leg bent as he was tossed in was graphic and disgusting. I am a longtime 70 year old viewer who has supported CNN for years. I am ashamed of the producers or directors who allowed such things to be viewed. There are children in airports watching this! The body was someone’s father/son/friend. Have some sensitively and respect towards this human who has just tragically lost his life! Use some discretion. This is not a video game, it is real life! You do not have to show everything! It is bad enough that this is happening! I struggle to find the right words to talk with my already traumatized granddaughter about COVID and now Ukraine. Shame on you! You have just lost my viewership!

Desired outcome: For directors to think of what/how their show is being viewed by their audience. Use more discretion and sensitivity regarding subject matter. Quit trying to reach for polls and consider young minds.

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5:16 pm EST
Verified customer The reviewer confirmed their account using Google. Learn more

CNN Jake Tapper

What the hell is wrong with Jake Tapper? He is baiting, misleading, and just terrible news reporting! Is he just looking for a job with Fox News? This is [censored] and I won’t watch CNN if he keeps this crap up!

I’ll just watch MSNBC for a balanced view. I don’t need any more [censored] news or having a “reporter” try to manufacture controversy! Enough!

Desired outcome: Fire the egotist!

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1:57 pm EST

CNN CNN article is 100% a lie to American people

Donald Trump calling Vladimir Putin a 'genius' was no mistake

Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large

This article states that Trump said Putin is a Genius for taking over the Ukraine. This was a total lie. In the link that has Trumps actual words, it says (SARCASTIC).

This article is trying to frame Donald Trump to like Putin and think his illegal war crimes is good.

This is wrong by CNN and frankly evil.

Here is the real article on what Trump said from their article

Desired outcome: The need to write a new article stating that they made a mistake. Trump is deeply upset by the war. They need to admit this was a smear campaign.

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CNN is a global news organization offering 24-hour coverage through television and digital platforms. It provides breaking news, analysis, video, and feature stories across a wide range of topics including politics, health, entertainment, and business. CNN also offers various multimedia services and mobile apps for news on the go.
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2. Navigating to the complaint form: Once logged in, locate the 'File a Complaint' button situated at the top right corner of the website and click on it to access the complaint form.

3. Writing the title: In the 'Complaint Title' field, concisely summarize the main issue you have encountered with CNN. Make it specific and clear, such as "Incorrect Billing on CNN Subscription" or "Unresponsive Customer Service at CNN".

4. Detailing the experience: In the complaint description, provide a detailed account of your experience. Mention key areas such as customer service interactions, quality of news content, technical issues with CNN digital platforms, billing and subscription problems, or any other relevant aspect of your experience with CNN. Include specific dates, times, and descriptions of incidents. If you've had transactions with the company, describe them and include transaction dates, amounts, and what the transactions were for. Clearly articulate the nature of the issue, steps you took to resolve it, and how CNN responded. Explain how the issue has personally affected you, such as causing undue stress or financial loss.

5. Attaching supporting documents: Attach any relevant documents that support your complaint, such as email correspondence, receipts, or screenshots. Be cautious not to include sensitive personal information that could compromise your privacy.

6. Filing optional fields: Use the 'Claimed Loss' field to indicate any financial losses you have incurred as a result of the issue with CNN. In the 'Desired Outcome' field, describe what resolution you are seeking, whether it's a refund, an apology, or another form of rectification.

7. Review before submission: Carefully review your complaint for clarity, accuracy, and completeness. Ensure that all the information provided is correct and that your desired outcome is reasonable and clearly stated.

8. Submission process: After reviewing your complaint, click the 'Submit' button to file your complaint on

9. Post-Submission Actions: Keep track of your complaint by regularly checking for any responses or updates on You may receive feedback from CNN or from other users who have had similar experiences.

Overview of CNN complaint handling

CNN reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Oct 17, 2008. The latest review A Balanced Perspective on Edition.cnn was posted on May 15, 2024. The latest complaint cnn presents: mystery of jesus the man was resolved on Dec 25, 2013. CNN has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 388 reviews. CNN has resolved 11 complaints.
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    Sep 16, 2024
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