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CNN Complaints 381

7:54 pm EDT
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CNN Hosting Donald Trump

I've been watching CNN for 30 or 40 years and you have been my number one go-to place to get the latest news updates. I am absolutely appalled at the thought of you giving Donald Trump an hour-long platform to spew his nonsense. This is one viewer you have lost. It's incomprehensible that you would change overnight like that. I guess ratings are everything right?

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Jon P. Smitherman
Vancouver, US
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May 09, 2023 11:40 pm EDT

I agree with what Lori Bevan and so many others have said with their comments about CNN's "Town Hall" with Donald Trump. You people are going to give this treasonous clown a full hour to spread his lies and conspiracies. Shame on you. Whoever is allowing this to take place is no better than the traitors that stormed our nation's Capital on January 6th. Their goal was to overthrow our government by force. It appears yours is to overthrow our government by giving a damn liar the airtime to reach more people.

I've been a faithful viewer of CNN's since the early nineties. No longer. You've lost this viewer. I can't, and I won't support a network that cares more about it's ratings and bottom line then it does for Americ and our democracy.

7:52 pm EDT
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CNN Trump Town Hall

SHAME! I have watched CNN for many years. I have been disappointed recently at the cowardice shown in not holding interviewees to account. But, allowing a man who is one crisis away from turning the US into a dictatorship to use CNN as a megaphone as though he is a legitimate candidate. I'm so mad I could spit. SHAME! I will not be watching CNN anymore longer.


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7:00 pm EDT
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CNN New Cnn Boss

I have watched Cnn for years.The new boss is ruining the show. I loved Laura Coates John King Dan Gloria and Anderson Cooper. You should leave them all alone. Hate the new guy you put on Prime time. Hate Haley mcenemy. Love Jake Tapper and Jim Ascosta and Wolf leave my show alone. I am 87 and watch it all day.I love Dana cnn should get a new boss and stop changing what we love. thank you Shirley Greenough [protected]

Desired outcome: Fire new cnn boss

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4:31 pm EDT
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CNN Donald Trump

What is wrong with you people? You are going to allow a man who did what he did on 1/6 to speak for an hour? To what end? Help him get to more people so maybe we can have an other Jan 6th! You will be no better than FOX! Do better be better. DO NOT LET HIM TALK.. or you will be responsible for so much IM DISGUSTED and will no longer watch your channel


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9:20 am EDT

CNN Trump Town Hall Meeting

I am a long time CNN viewer. I am appalled and disgusted that CNN would give their platform to someone who I believe tried to overthrow the government. I have no problem with CNN giving a platform to other Republican candidates, but not to someone who, in my opinion, committed treason. I do not understand CNN making this type of decision. It seems like an attempt to garner FOX viewers, but at what cost? I will be switching to MSNBC.

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8:15 am EDT

CNN Trump Town Hall Meeting

CNN's new policy change to give TRUMP a platform through this upcoming town hall meeting is a very NEW low which I thought CNN would never do...You are just trying to copy FOX for the ratings...I would watch CNN morning to night, but not anymore...I will NOT watch this town hall meeting and will switch from CNN to MSNBC...CNN is free to watch on my cable package, MSNBC is $4.00 a month but I don't care...The direction your cable news is now focused on is NOT what people want..certainly not me...good luck with that and I hope more people boycott you network.

Desired outcome: Got back to what you were, integrity vs cheap ratings.

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11:26 am EDT
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CNN New programming sucks

Please stop the madness and get rid of the talk show formatting. BEG Don Lemon to return to his former nighttime program. He and Anderson Cooper are the best personalities you have going for you. Firing him instead of understanding that the new leadership is the problem, not Don Lemon. Taking his time slot and individual program from him and moving him to mornings with those two airheads, most assuredly bruised his ego. He's human! Giving Allison Camerotta her own program was stupid! I thought it was a joke and that you'd quickly see that she has no business trying to carry a time slot on her own. Oh wait, that's right, she doesn't carry it all alone. She has a panel of random, unknown people helping her with her talk show. I hate the new morning programming. I dislike the afternoon programming. I watch Erin Burnett, Jake Tapper, and Anderson Cooper, and then I watch ANYTHING but Allison Camerotta. She's horrible, and if I wanted to watch talk shows, there are already a plethora of them on the air to choose from. I'm a newshound. I like to listen to the news all day. For now, MSNBC has a new viewer until the powers that be at CNN pull their heads and egos out of their [censored] and put the best news channel back together and back to being a news channel and not entertainment channel. Fox News already has that covered. Go back to putting news as your primary mission and not entertainment. You viewership is dropping fast. Surely you can see that.

Desired outcome: A return to news and stop the entertainment. If necessary, beg Don Lemon to come back to p.m. & either put Camerotta rpting. from Siberia or back in the wee a.m. hours. New ldrship. that doesn't come through Fox News wouldn't hurt either.

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8:43 am EDT
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CNN Town hall

Hard to believe that you are giving airtime to our past disgrace of a president. I have always got my news from CNN because I felt your channel brought fair and honest reporting. I also enjoy your reporters shows and specials. I feel that you are trying to pick up where Fox left off, obviously to draw in Trump supporters for ratings. As of today I will no longer be viewing your channel. Real shame. With you giving him airtime I feel that you support the insurrection

Desired outcome: Love to hear from you on why you would give him airtime, but I’m sure you won’t respond . I can’t think of anything you can say to bring me back to CNN

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5:51 pm EDT
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CNN Donald Trump town hall and no people of color being a host for cnn that’s not what America looks like

I am not watching cnn anymore because of no people of color that I can relate too. I also find having donald trump on is a kick in the face. The former president has lied, sexually assaulted women on a regular basis, not paid his taxes and has divided our country and is a racist like his father was. I strongly believe that having him on is normalizing his behavior and lies. I watch the news too get the truth, not too be entertain with lies and conspiracy theory if I wanted that I could watch fox news. I will make a point to only watch msnbc for the future.

Desired outcome: Build cnn like the White House is with people of all races and speak the truth

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3:15 pm EDT

CNN Trump Town Hall

I have faithfully watched CNN since the network began under Ted Turner.

However, the apparent decision of CNN to televise a town hall involving Donald Trump is a breaking point for me.

In my opinion, in addition to the open and flagrant criminality, Trump's 4-year reign of terror almost resulted in the end of our democracy. He's a pathological liar and continues to undermine our election process, as well as the rule of law. To give Trump any platform, isn't the solution to many of the problems that he alone created, but rather, is a significant part of the problem, itself.

I find it absolutely outrageous that CNN plans to provide a fascist and wannabe dictator with a public venue to disseminate his never ending flow of lies and misinformation.

That being said, my wife and I are done. And by the way, we are far from being alone.

David W. Phillips

Desired outcome: Intelligent decision making.

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Annette Buck
Schenectady, US
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May 10, 2023 10:34 pm EDT

I agree completely. Did CNN really believe that the moderator could fact check and control Donald Trump. CNN has lost a number of viewers because of this Town Hall.

Sun City West, US
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May 04, 2023 8:14 pm EDT
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Why on earth would you give a platform for this narcissistic dictator. It makes be cringe and throw up everytime I even look at the clown. I will not be watching nor will I be watching CNN anymore. If you think that this is a way to persuade and broaden your viewership, I think your mistaken. Trumpie followers may watch this townhall, but they will still go back to Fox.

D Solo
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May 03, 2023 8:44 pm EDT
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I agree with both of you guys regarding this clown show CNN is gonna put on for this liar ...they got rid of Don Lemon for this garbage to come on CNN

Not watching CNN

Fred C Hixson
Derry, US
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May 03, 2023 4:03 pm EDT
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I totally agree with the above concern. I will be leaving cnn as a source of information this support for a person who caused $30 billion in damages that we taxpayers are paying to restore and cnn is giving him free airtime is discusting! even worse you ended my favorite program when you fired brian stilter?

11:47 pm EDT
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CNN Trump Town Hall

As a lifelong CNN watcher and admirer, I am beyond appalled that you are hosting Donald Trump in a town hall. What a despicable, egregious insult to the American public. And if your excuse is that he's a legitimate candidate for the presidency, then shame on you. Just admit what you're doing. It's a bold-faced attempt to pick up Fox News viewers (on the back on Tucker Carlson's firing). What's next? An Alex Jones show? How on earth can you legitimize the candidacy of a person who: sides with white supremacists, tried to overthrow the US Government, was twice impeached, was a COVID denier, is currently on trial for rape (plus been accused by 20+ other women of sexual assault), financial misdeeds, habitual liar, freedom of the press hater and fascist. The list goes on and on and on. Do you really want to advance his candidacy? Isn't that what CNN did the first time he ran? Now that you know what he is, then double shame on you. I will never, ever watch another second of CNN programming and I will boycott any/all of your advertisers. Please think this deplorable decision through. Show some courage and cancel the Town Hall. Be better.

Desired outcome: Cancel the Town Hall with Donald Trump.

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6:55 pm EDT

CNN Legitimizing a traitor to our constitution

Town hall with Trump? I have been watching since the inception of CNN. This is a new low for CNN. Town hall for a traitor of this country. You want Fox viewers so bad to go this low. What's next? Hiring Tucker, the biggest bottom feeder of all time.

From today, I am boycotting CNN and all advertisers. We all will. Trust me. I am so very disappointed and disgusted by CNN. We will pressure the advertisers to re-think their arrangement with CNN. Back in the early days of CNN, you strive to be a reputable news agency. And looking at CNN today, it's another FOX News. (not a reputable news agency.

Desired outcome: Cancel the townhall

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4:31 pm EDT
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CNN Product

Covering a town hall meeting with donald trump is appalling.

CNN is one of the reasons he was elected!

I am swearing off CNN and its advertisers for good.

letting anti American despot wanna be have a platform makes CNN.

This puts right up there with FOX. Next you,'ll want Tucker back.

I'm Done! _

5/02/23 Date I heard of this criminal getting a platform for propaganda,


Alan Lance

Desired outcome: Cancel it.

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10:49 am EDT
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CNN Hosting Donald trump for town hall

CNN has lost all credibility hosting a town hall with trump. CNN knows he is a fascist that tried to destroy our Republic. I have supported CNN my entire adult life. You crossed the line.

CNN loses all credibility. Questionable Ethics and Integrity.

This isn’t about Freedom of Speech. Trump attempted to over through our government and create a dictatorship.

I will never support CNN again.

Carson Bowman


Desired outcome: Cancel Town Hall with Donald trump

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10:48 am EDT
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CNN Firing of Don Lemon

It is shocking to know that I won't be able to watch Don Lemon. It was bad enough when he was taken off of his own show. He had a way of conveying a point like was talking to a small group, but I believe he reached many people. He was so informed on all the issues! I think he was not given the opportunity to shine as a third guest host in the morning show. I think CNN has made a big mistake here!

Desired outcome: Re-hire Don Lemon with his own show.

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Lin Martin
Baltimore, US
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Apr 28, 2023 9:56 am EDT


10:03 am EDT

CNN Firing of Don Lemon and treatment of seasoned anchors in general

I have stood to the side and watched all the “in the name of viewership” changes that have been going on at CNN since last year, but can no longer support what used to be my favorite news network. Seasoned anchors are treated as if they are not valued. John and Brianna were put in limbo land after having done the same to Alysyn, which I didn’t object much because I am not a great fan of Alysyn. However, there are anchors who are not meant to share space and mingle in some fake camaraderie…and Brianna, Kate, and Don are some of those…what is happening at CNN gives me a headache to watch…the threesomes daytime format is ridiculous! So, I anxiously watched all the changes and tried, really tried to watch Alyson in the night time slot quiz her guest panels as I imagine their brain cells vanished one at a time during “the contest, and tried really tried to find Laura elsewhere to be able to see genuine delivery of news and well thought out opinions, and tried, really tried to watch the new morning show just so that I could hear my man Don deliver news and real talk interviews/guest panel discussions only to have to suffer through Caitlan and Poppy constantly pulling the “female in power card” trying to offstage and rudely spoke over him. I was watching when Don made the “women in prime” and “whatever your ethnic background” comments and was not offended, and I am a moderately feminist and someone with a different ethnic background than Don. He is real and imperfect, and yes, maybe could have explained himself better to the benefit of his hyper sensitive co-hosts, however, nothing he has done in front or behind camera should have caused breaking his contract. CNN has done this to other very respectable and seasoned journalists/anchors, and I for one, feel that there should be legal consequences.

Desired outcome: Apologize to Don’s fans and bring him back to his 10-12 night time slot either by himself or with Laura.

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6:50 am EDT
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CNN Not in agreement & Unjustified

I would like to personally share my disappointment and frustration of Don Lemon termination. First Chris Cuomo, now a minority committed long standing anchor. He stood for principles and truth. Also, admitted when he was wrong or made missteps. We all no one is perfect. These talented anchors added a lot of value, transparency, authenticity, to the network. I will no longer be watching. As well as lot other viewers I hear.

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Linn Martin
Baltimore, US
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Apr 25, 2023 10:20 am EDT

Amén, sister! I tried to stick around after CNN let go of anchors who stood for principles and the truth while reporting/interviewing and played time slot chess with seasoned anchors “for the sake of viewership”; firing Don was the last drop!

1:24 pm EDT

CNN Firing Don Lemon

I am not going to be watching CNN ever again because you fired Chris Cuomo and now Don Lemmon. There was absolutely no conflict of interest when Chris interviewed his brother. Plus the “women in their prime” excuse to terminate Don Lemmon is as lame as you can get. I hope CNN has to pay Don a lot of money for this obviously wrongful termination. I enjoyed watching Chris and Don switch from one show to the next. It was kind and heartwarming occurrence that is rare. People like to see that kind of interaction but I guess CNN would like to begin leaning toward Trump type hatred. What is wrong with you? They were the best and now CNN isn’t worth watching. Wrongful termination for both.

Shame on you! From what my friends and family are saying, I believe you are losing thousands of viewers!

Lana Cooke

Morgantown WV

Desired outcome: Put Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo back on CNN with a big raise and apologize.

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Lin Martin
Baltimore, US
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Apr 28, 2023 9:58 am EDT

Agreed…new management at CNN is loosing perspective of the loyal viewership. I can no longer stay loyal.

12:56 pm EDT
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CNN News

Stop talking about trump. He is gone and that is all jake tapper has. You should tell him to stop already. People are sick of hearing the same thing every day from him.

Is there any other news than trump? All the newsmen on your station are obsessed with trump. You are making him just the way he wants you to make him. I am wondering how jake tapper and all the rest including Erin can say they are professionals. Listen to David Muir if you need to take lessons. Your viewership will continue to tank if you don’t get rid of these has bens

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4:35 am EDT


CNN published a report on 04/18 by Clare Duffy about dangerous content on TikTok that highly misrepresented a number of items.

First of all, the story claims to have asked one 14 year old and their parents to set up the account for them, which they then used as identity to access TikTok. As anyone can set the age on their own tiktok account to 14, I have to assume that we are either not given the mist relevant criteria they were after here, or the authenticity of the 14 year old seemed a relevant message. However, later Ms Duffy mentions looking through the accounts, plural. That means that there are ethical issues with the representation of the research methodology.

Duffy continues to show us glimpses of TikTok content which she then judges for us to be dangerous to a teen. She here shows images of food and claims that these are about eating disorders. This is possible, but the videos do not have the evidentiary character that she seems to promote. More problematically, some of the videos clearly have different intentions to the ones she implies. The audio snippet of the original in the CNN take suggests it is made to reach out and help, and it is portrayed in a general discussion of exposing teenagers to dangerous content. There could be a real discussion here, but for that, the team would have had to dig much deeper than simply watch a few videos through their bias and talk to one person.

The most intense misrepresentation is that of the song Hi Ren by the musician Ren [protected]@renmakesmusic. It is singled out as one of two videos at the beginning to show the shocking content that is accessible to teens, and by highlighting one phrase out of a 9 minute video. The video represents toxic self talk and how to live and survive with it. If Duffy had watched the video to the end, as she claims, she would not only have found a reference to the positive survival of suicidal ideation, which Duffy highlights as being expressed here, but she also would have found a spoken word section that contributes to figuring out how to do that, by the growth through acceptance of the issue to be able to work on it, with it, in an eternal dance, with the help of a good therapist as mentioned at the beginning.

Hi Ren has gathered 10 million views within the first four months, solely through word of mouth and reactors. A whole community has grown around the musician, who gives voice to struggles of chronic health, mental illness, victims of violence. Just read through the thousands of comments on the YouTube version of Duffy's piece to see that impact at work. Literally millions of people with chronic illness and/or depression have finally felt understood, me included, and found hope to try again and reach out and find help. Parents actually decided to share the video with their children and use it as a starting point to talk about these difficult topics. There were weeks of group catharthis between reactors who were almost invariably moved to share their own struggles and then join the wave to the next reaction, almost like a massive group therapy session, all while Ren himself is treated for his own physical fallout from undiagnosed Lyme Disease.

You will find a large representation of mental health professionals, both reacting to it like Rosalie reacts or Dr Nic, etc, as well as in the comments, who have shared this and other videos with colleagues, patients, and students. Dr Nic actually posted his first video in order demonstrate for his students how ACT Therapy works, and was surprised by the amount of people he reached to talk about mental health and therapeutic options.

All of this is easily visible by just looking at the comments under the original video in YouTube, and even more so by searching for it on YouTube to see the array of reactors. This man is changing so many lives for the better, but instead of talking about what musicians and psychologists alike call a once in a generation artist and message, CNN has chosen to villify him in seconds by a crude misrepresentation.

Desired outcome: CNN should fact check it's own article, apologize to Ren and other misrepresented people publicly, and report on the positive impact this video had on so many

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Overview of CNN complaint handling

CNN reviews first appeared on Complaints Board on Oct 17, 2008. The latest review A Balanced Perspective on Edition.cnn was posted on May 15, 2024. The latest complaint cnn presents: mystery of jesus the man was resolved on Dec 25, 2013. CNN has an average consumer rating of 1 stars from 388 reviews. CNN has resolved 11 complaints.
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