i bought into a time share with deeded property. everything looked good all the way up to when i went to set up a time for my son and my exwife.three years has gone by and they manage to finish building one building and build two other buidings which is about 66 units. the part that sold me was the water park attraction that was said to be finished last year now maybe finished next year. as i was told by the "acting property manager kim" the is no set time for the water park to get done and they can take as long as they want to build it. there is suppost to be alot more buiding a gym, resteraunt, stores, water park, lounge. writenow it is nothing more then a hotel/motel.
we can not be the only ones with this problem... if we had enough people to stick together i'm sure something could be done about it... but once again we would have to all get together and make a game plan to fight this injustice...
i'm not sure how to use the law, or even if we have enough people. there is people saying they r happy with thier time share. i'm sure we would have to have at least 3 to every 1 that is satified. if any one know how to do a web page or some kind of site that can get everyone together, let me know.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
We also bought into the promise of the water park back in 2008 and were promised the park would be complete in 2009. Towards the end of 2009, we received a phone call from Colonial Crossings apologizing that the park had not yet been built. The excuse? ENDAGERED TURTLES' NESTING GROUNDS on the property that they could not build on! The asked us to come to the resort to meet with them to discuss, we refused. We are absolutely disgusted with the company, the lies, the excuses. We cannot sell (who would want to spend all that money for an overrated 'hotel'!) We have 3 children and were thrilled about the idea of a water park so near by that we were told, as members, we could use year-round at no cost. But now it is as though we are just throwing our money away each month paying our memebership and dues and for absolutely nothing. We had considered the possibility of pursuing suit against Colonial Crossings for breach of contract, but we did not feel we had much of a case. We considered selling, but again, who would buy?
We were contacted by a company last week who claims to be working with nearly 200 families in this same situation and they say that they can help us out of our timeshare due to the breach in the contract. My husband and I are meeting with them this afternoon. We are a little apprehensive after being taken by CC but feel it is worth listening to what they have to say. To get a full refund for all of the money we have put into their pockets would be wonderful! But at this point, we are really only looking to get out of our contract.
If anyone else is taking legal action, please let me know. This is something that absolutely needs to be pursued to the end!
Maybe ill give the company a call back this afternoon and try and setup an appointment to go sit in with their attorney(s). Keep us updated on what you find out.
Colonial Crossings was flooded with people when we bought our timeshare so I know there has to be more pissed off people than the people on this website.
I to was also contacted about a class action suit on CC. We also was told a water park would be built by a certian time which has came and gone. We were also told Disney World would be a part of CC or be built next to CC because The Williamsburg Pottery was being sold to CC for the land. We were also told that consturction was slowed down because the land behind the pool area behind the trees was a burial ground and the graves were being removed and once this told place consturction would resume. Then to top it all off we were denied our stay at CC this year because there was no space from May until Oct . Please some advise is needed.
I to was dupe by CC. I was told there would be a waterpark on the scale of great wolf lodge. This was in 2006. I do not think there was ever a plan to built a water park.I think we have a couple of smart con artist, I have heard about this class action law suit. I would like to be a part of the law suit. But I am not ready to join another traval agency to be a part of the law suit. I am clearly sick of CC . If any one has a way to get help .Please advice me . Ramrus@aol.com
Same here. Colonial Crossings owners since 2005. Never could use our week to go anywhere else. Never could do anything really except use the week in Williamsburg. No water park, not even a hot tub! Maintenance fees went up and we are stuck with them.
We made a complaint to the FTC, but if any one knows about this law suit that was mentioned please send us the info!
How can these people still be conducting business like this? I live close enough to their offices that I could go in and sit down with them. Anyone want to join me? I don't see how they can refuse that? We need to form a professional group, not be emotional and really get our facts straight. What do you guys think?
We should contact a local news station.
We have been to the same presentations for another travel agency. There is supposed to be a class action lawsuit for those that join the agency, but what about everyone else. My wife and I want our money back and get out. We cannot fairly trade weeks either, since the reviews at CC is subpar. If a class action lawsuit begins, and it will, then count us in for your support.
Please...if anyone can help us...we also purchased with colonial crossing, in hopes of seeing the reality of promises made. The deciding factor that pushed us over was the water park. We thought it would be great for the kids. Needless to say, we share in the same horror and the sea of breach of contract. So if there is in fact a way to get out of this timeshare, or a class action suit being filed, please let us know and keep us in the loop new developments as to getting rid of colonial crossing. Please feel free to email me Karen-kayjay1196@yahoo.com. We appreciate any help and helpful information. Thank you!
Can anyone provide the contact information of this "agency" that will file the lawsuit? I am tired of the broken promises and would welcome the opportunity to re-coup some of my losses. Email me at macgowan43@yahoo.com.
I personally think they are scammers. I evoked the "right to cancel" within 7 days of signing the agreement as stated in Virginia Law. I know under the law they have 45 days to return the deposit and all funds paid under the cancellation but to this date, I still have not received my refund. You would think if they are a legitimate and did not want people to prove negative information about them, then they would honor their promise and information in their contracts. I am on day 36 with 9 days to go.
I see we as group file a petition against colonial crossings of williamsburg that I believe is the 1st step from talking to my lawyer...ppl that agree or are trying to figure out something please let me know! We also do have to write a letter to colonial crossings and to the state attorney general..please if your interested in filing a petition let me know.
We are also Charter Member owners and were duped into trading our Land'or property in Paradise Island for this property with all of the unanswered promised stated above. I believe the only way to settle this matter is for a class action lawsuit against Land'or the Holts and Colonial Crossing. On another note, I was recently sent to collection for missing one quarterly payment with Land'or, the only one ever due to an electronic glitch with our direct pay and no one from Land'or or Colonial Crossing ever tried to make contact to let me know I had missed a payment.
we are interested in filing a petition against C.C. of Williamsburg. We have already written a letter to attorney general. We will now write one to C.C. put us on your list for the petition. Dave and Lynne Mitchell, MaryLynneandDave@hughes.net
We bought into colonial crossing with the same idea that a waterpark would be built ...so far nothing...we want out...we also got a call from a company about getting a lawsuit going...we attended a meeting with this company..but so far we have not hear back anything about a lawsuit and would like to know whether anyone has any idea whether this lawsuit is actually taking place...because we would like to be part of it...we want out of colonial crossing and those scams up in that timeshare sued!
I would like a definite answer on to when the waterpark will be built. If they can not give me any information that is substantial then you all can count me in as well I can be reached at kcoles101@aol.com.. I would like a full refund from the time I started making payments.
Ditto the the vast majority of complaints. The water park would have been perfect, instead I am paying maintenance fees for a resort I'll never use. If there is a class action suit, please let me know by contacting me at mwp1331@aol.com.
My husband and I were also duped. the major selling point was the use of the water park even if we weren't staying there. Still NO WATER park and the maintenance fees keep rising. What can we do? I will try BBB and maybe call the resort in person again. At this point I am just consdiering giving it back. Of course I loose $17, 000 on the purchase price, but at least I won't have any more maintenance fees.
We have all been duped...sold a a dream of a water park that will never be and the maintenance fees continue to go up! I am contacting the BBB, and maybe seek legal advice.
We were ripped off as well. Still no water park. Maintenance fees keep going up. They can keep raising them and then what if they hit us with a special assessment? Trying to trade with Interval for something in Va beach is nearly impossible. I was thinking of calling them directly to see if I can give ours back. It was paid in full 17, 000, but I don't want to financial responsibility of maintenance fees for the rest of my life on something that is worthless. We live near by so we drive by it all the time and Nothing IS BEING DONE! It's just disgusting. If we can do anything or maybe call Wavy TV 10... any ideas . I would love to file a petition, join a law suit, something.
I am so sick of colonial crossings...just Jan 4, 2011, I received a letter from a Shawn Porter who is the Director of Guest Relations at CC, inviting us to a meeting to discuss the progress of the resort and the new owners's benefiot package etc, etc...anyone receive a letter like that...I plan on attending this meeting and see what they can tell me!
I agree with everyone. I want 100% refund they can keep the maintenance fees. I want out of this fraudulent, ridiculous mess. I throw my money away every month because I don't want the rude Tony Soprano jerk calling me and leaving offensive messages on my machine from New York. E-mail me at rachelwdavis@gmail.com. Unfortunately I made the mistake of letting a friend of mine take my contract to her lawyer boss to review and now it's missing. Any advice on that or am I stuck? I think we should demand a meeting with someone at Colonial Crossings. I am ready to do whatever, I'm in! Rachel Davis
We got screwed as well...we were promised 2 free round-trip airline tickets if we purchased and we never recvd them. They showed us pictures of Paradise Island in the Bahamas and told us we could trade to go there. We went on a cruise to the Bahamas and went to Paradise Island to check it out in person and inquire on swapping weeks and were told that they do not deal with c.c. or resort funding that they had there own timeshare co and you had to be a member of it it to use a timeshare. Please contact us with any info on a class action law suit. I am going to write the BBB and Atty General this weekend. We can be reached at holleyhomeimprovement@yahoo.com. Lavance and Natasha Holley.
After paying these lying scam artists over 16k for something we never used even once - and they even sued us early on for falling behind on the payments during a period of unemployment - we finally just told them to take the deed back, even though we still owed another 16k on the contract. We threatened to go to the media if they didn't let us out of the contract and also to file a fraud case with the Virginia Attorney General. It was the best thing we ever did getting free of that albatross. Consider it an expensive education on what *not* to do next time by cutting your losses and just getting OUT now, before it gets worse. You'll be so glad you did...seriously!
I never received an invitation to a meeting. I would love to attend one though. We are very disappointed that CC has not lived up to what it advertised to be.
I also feel as though I've been duped by Col. Crossings. If anyone has any info about how to move forward on the Class Action Suit I'd like to hear it. Thanks. stevej3658@hotmail.com
Okay ppl we need at least 50 members so please if your trying to get out your contract b/c you feel like colonial crossings has cheated you then msg me!
All those people that want to get out of Colonial Crossings:
contact: ssadler@attglobal.net by e-mail
He is legitimate and will explain the suit he is getting together!
his address: Stuart R. Sadler, ESQ
3079 Rockfish Valley Highway
P.O. Box 638
Nellysford, Va. 22958
He is handling our Colonial Crossings Timeshare problem!
Stuart R. Sadler, ESQ
email him to find out about the suit he is taking on against Colonial Crossings! ssadler@attglobal.net
thanks everyone I just sent Mr. Sadler an email an hoping to hear back from him asap. I am starting to get daily phone calls from colonical crossings.
Dave and Lynne are right. I just got off the phone with Mr. Sadler, esq - if you want out of colonial crossings call him he know what he's do'in.
Contact attorney Stuart S Sadler for info about getting out of your contract with Colonial Crossings!
He is our lawyer and he is getting together a suit for several people!
The more people that join the less the total fees for his clients!
phone: [protected]
I e-mailed Mr. Sadler two days ago and he called me within a couple of hours, I think it's time to move forward and remove my family from this burdon at Colonial Crossings. I hope more CC owners read this and take advantage of Dave and Lynne's advice. Best of luck to all of us!
my husband and i are also very upset regarding the state of the timeshare. we purchased in 2007 and spent 1 weekend at the timeshare last year. the room was outdate (19 inch box TV in the bedrom), dirty and we did'nt even have soap for the bathroom. when we ran out of toilet tissue there was no housekeeping to bring more, my husband had to go to the club house, in the middle of the night, in the cold, to get more. i'm not sure why we are paying maintenance fees. i'm planning on contacting virginia's attorney general to see what can be done. i have no faith in this company in finishing the timeshare plans.
Received a phone call solicitation from iGlobal Saturday. There were a number of red flags:
- needed to come today or tomorrow
- needed to bring ID and credit card
- two free airline tickets plus free $100 gift card
Clearly Israeli team of folks. Recent twists:
- "We are opening a call center in Round Rock (Austin), TX, come by and tour and see what we do."
- "We are calling with and on behalf of Marriott"
Folks, this isn't a "SCAM", but it's also not straightforward. This type of business (vacation club) is legal, but it's also very high pressure and for most will not ever pay off. Most, you should be weary of giving these folks your credit card info to pay for a deposit, taxes, fees, etc.
Finally, these are the same folks staffing your local mall kiosks. Israeli youth come to the US to legally sell merchandise at huge markups with high pressure. They're good at it because their culture is high press sales. Does this sounds familiar, "try this lotion made with sea salt, here try some, let me put it on your hand"? They're just reselling the cheapest lotion they can find in a fancy bottle. Cost = $.55 and profit = $29.45. How do I know? A good friend from Israel owns kiosks and brings his friends and family in to staff them.
We also were scammed! I will call the number for Stuart Sadler. Thanks so much for all your posts and hopefully we will all get our money back! Suelee68@aol.com
We were also scammed and lied to repeatedly I just emailed Stuart Sadlery I'm getting in on this hopefully he will call me back soon
Please let me know also if there is a lawsuit somewhere against Colonial Crossings. I want to definitely be part of it. My email is pmdiane@aol.com
Can someone email me the company information that is calling everyone. I've been a owner since 2008 and never been able to use the resort, also they are nasty to deal with. reese2092003@yahoo.com . Thank You for any help!
This is the Consumer affairs complaint form, we might want to fill that out also
The Genaral attorney is Ken Cuccunelle
Office of the Attorney General
900 East Main Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Complaints about Virginia Business
If you have a complaint about a business, such as an automobile repair facility, a charitable organization that solicits funds from the public, a health spa, or a retail merchant, you should contact the Office of Consumer Affairs ("OCA") in the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs. If you would like to file a complaint or determine if any complaints have been filed against a particular company, you may:
call OCA toll-free at [protected], if you're outside Richmond.
call OCA at 786-2042 if you are locally in the Richmond area.
write to Office of Consumer Affairs, PO Box 1163, Richmond, Virginia 23218; or fax [protected].
click here: OCA’s Counseling, Intake and Referral web page where you may read more about OCA's activities and obtain the OCA complaint form.
click here: OCA Complaint Form to download the OCA complaint form directly from this site now. Instructions on where to send it are included.
This Office does not have the legal authority or the staff to investigate routine consumer problems. If the OCA has reason to believe a pattern or practice of deception, or other wrongdoing, in violation of any of our consumer protection statutes is occurring, it has authority to investigate and to refer its findings to this Office and to other governmental offices for an appropriate enforcement action.