i bought into a time share with deeded property. everything looked good all the way up to when i went to set up a time for my son and my exwife.three years has gone by and they manage to finish building one building and build two other buidings which is about 66 units. the part that sold me was the water park attraction that was said to be finished last year now maybe finished next year. as i was told by the "acting property manager kim" the is no set time for the water park to get done and they can take as long as they want to build it. there is suppost to be alot more buiding a gym, resteraunt, stores, water park, lounge. writenow it is nothing more then a hotel/motel.
we can not be the only ones with this problem... if we had enough people to stick together i'm sure something could be done about it... but once again we would have to all get together and make a game plan to fight this injustice...
i'm not sure how to use the law, or even if we have enough people. there is people saying they r happy with thier time share. i'm sure we would have to have at least 3 to every 1 that is satified. if any one know how to do a web page or some kind of site that can get everyone together, let me know.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
My name is Donald Ross, I also have been scammed by these people. We bought the time share because of the water park, so we could take our grand kids. It looks like they will have their owen kids before we see this done. If a Class action suit is filed please include me. ziggy_ross@yahoo.com
There has allegedly been fraudulent activities with the management/development of Colonial Crossings by Land'Or International. Several of unsatisfied CCW owners are taking legal action. Join us. Now's the time to jump back in if you contacted Stuart Sadler before but there was no availability. The more the merrier. We are all sharing the cost of the legal fees but I think it will be worth it.
Stuart R. Sadler, ESQ
3079 Rockfish Valley Highway
P.O. Box 638
Nellysford, Va. 22958
I am continuing on with Stuart Saddler for the long fight! I refuse to give Colonial Crossings one more penny of my hard earned money!
The more people that join in the suit the better! Dave and Lynne Mitchell
Sarah Maitland this woman is a liar, a disgusting excuse who has used her children in more than place as leverage she has a history of Trying to sue anyone she can scam GET THIS she claimed to have a demon in her house and begged every one in the paranormal world to give her a exorcism! she finally got one and he is a fraud Reverend who is just some guy with an internet certificate! she claimed her kids had breathing problems and it was get this..not the mold she claims here but a DEMON, that's right a big'Ole scarey demon straight from Satan's army! It boils down to this, sarah maitland is a liar, she is a sue happy biddy who uses her kids (no wonder they were taken from her) as tools look up the email addy she uses its all over Google THIS>>>> maitland4u
I would like to pose that everyone thas have an existing balance with Colonial Crossings...STOP PAYING! If we all did that wouldnt the Judge and the Courts see that something is WRONG! and not with us! But with this Lying Company!
been owner since 2007 same scam now maintenance fees have gone up. is there a lawsuit or can there be one to get out of this timeshare that never was fulfilled ?
Colonial Crossing is now offering a 1/2 price weekend for 4 in on of their one bedroom villas through Groupon -$129. What's the catch to all of you "owners"? Renting rooms like a hotel hardly seems right after all I've read here. Should we be leary of going there now? They've sold over 1, 000 already. Good luck in your lawsuit.
It sounds like land'or international is conducting business as usual. They have done the same thing to members of club land'or in Nassau, Bahamas. False promises. I would know I have been a member for 20 years with less than 10 remaining.
I feel that my wife and I were lied to about the presentation about the future water-park at the Colonial Crossings location. Can someone please inform me of any possible lawsuit against the Resort. I am willing to become a part in justice being served. Thanks for your support.
Hi, If you are reading this post then you are more than likely in the same boat I am in. My name is David and I have a beautiful loving wife and 3 wonderful kids. I am a roofer by trade and my wife is a stay at home mom. You could say money wise I am not a rich man by any means. The life of a roofer is not easy, the work is hard for the most part and well, sometimes there is not a lot of work. You definitely have to set aside some money for the winter time if you happen to make enough to do so in the summer time.
I received a phone call from colonial crossings of williamsburg sometime in the summer of 2006. I was invited to come view their timeshare in return for some small incentives like a free dinner for 2 some other trivial stuff that amounted to nothing realistically. I am a big history buff and absolutely love Colonial Williamsburg and Jamestown. I had them scheduled us a visit just for the sake of taking a short trip to williamsburg with the family. What the heck, right?
The day of our trip to colonial crossings came, we all packed into our suv and off we went. I was kind of first shocked that the property was named colonial crossing but yet was closer to the Williamsburg pottery than anything. If anyone is familiar with Williamsburg or the Lightfoot area you do have to travel a good little bit to get to Bush Gardens or Colonial Williamsburg. Colonial Crossings itself is kind of in a desolate area of Williamsburg. I was given a reason for this later by my salesperson.
I arrived at our destination finally. really there was nothing special upon my first glance. Mainly what I saw was some condos in a clearing of some woods and the building they call their welcome center. We checked in and our children went to join some kids in another room and we were introduced to our sales person named Ira. We sat down at a table did some idle chit chat about our personal background. I must tell you Ira is a very pleasant person. I learned that his wife had passed and his kids were grown and he had missed spending a lot of time with them when they were young because of his work. I truly had empathy for this guy but could relate to the part where I did not feel I was spending the “quality” fun times with my kids through vacationing regularly.
We started discussing our vacation habits which were really non existent to my embarrassment at the time. Ira asked me and my wife do we like to vacation? umm Hell Yeah! Don’t get me wrong we have taken a few trips since we have been together, and I mean a very few due to monetary reasons naturally. He then asks me if I could visit anywhere in the world where would I go. Wow, Are you kidding me? Where do I begin? I told him just a week at pensacola beach, fla. would be nice. He asked me if I had ever been to the keys in fla, umm no but I sure would like to go! Ira said he visited the keys every year! Wow, that must be something to look forward to!
Good News! We have just met our vacation saviour! What? Yes indeedy! Not only that but where we are at what will become the premier vacation spot in the world! This property will be easy to exchange for any timeshare location in the entire world! Umm excuse me? Little to my knowledge did I know I was at the exact location where they…. and I quote Ira “just broke ground to build the world’s largest indoor water park!” Wow! I am sure as hell not going to buy, but I had to admit it sounded awfully damn awesome!
As if I was still not in shock about the wonderful news already, Ira went on telling my wife and I more about this wonderful indoor water park that was being built as we spoke. Get this, this park was designed by the people who designed Disney World! Not only this! Ira took us around and showed us pictures and models of the awesome water rides and the caverns and waterfalls, etc etc. etc.. But wait there is more! Not only were they currently building the world’s largest water park here but they would be a spa, a state of the art work out facility, a place to get a massage etc. etc. etc. But wait there is more! They are going to build horse stables and we will be able to ride horses here! That and the water park were the reasons for being in this desolate area. I am no timeshare Einstein but this does sound like it will be a wonderful place that will rival any other family timeshare vacation spots in the world! But I can assure you I will not be an owner! A future visitor is a great possibility but an owner is not even possible.
Ira then proceeded to take us outside to show us the models of the different size condo units available. My wife and I followed Ira out and looked at the condos. I have looked at other timeshares in the past and these condos appeared to be along the same line as the others, nothing really special, just a place to rest and kick back I guess. By now I know my 90 minutes is up and I know my family is hungry. To try and avoid any future sales tactics and hurry this along I let Ira know on the walk back to the welcome center that I am really not in a position financially to make a purchase like this in the near future. He says he totally understands and asks that I play the game just a little longer with him because his manager has to throw a few numbers at me or it would look bad on his part.
I really liked Ira he seemed like a genuine guy just doing his job to earn a paycheck. He appeared to be someone I could enjoy a beer with at a pub and shoot the ### with! Really! He really was not a desperate high sales pitch type of guy that most sales people are. He seemed to be a straight shooter! Honestly! He did! So I felt I owed it to him to spend a few more minutes and make his boss happy. After all he was not obnoxious and was a very pleasant person.
Ira went and got the prices for a few units asked me if it was something I could afford. I looked at them and told him there was no way with the current bills I had. He asked me if I could fit such a great timeshare in my budget what would I feel comfortable paying. I think I threw a number out like $150 a month just for giggles and to speed up this process so we could leave. Ira went back to his boss and came back with some numbers still over what I said I could pay. I let him know we were ready to go and had to feed the family. Ira called his boss over to the table.
His boss seemed like your normal high sales pitch ### but wait! Good News! A timeshare just became available from a previous owner that defaulted on their payments. This was no ordinary timeshare but a timeshare that had a charter membership tied to it! A what? What the heck is a charter membership? Ira looked pleasantly surprised and told us what an opportunity this was for us. He explained to us that this was only offered to owners that purchased at the beginning of this project and they were really limited! What? Like the equivalent to Willy Wonka’s golden ticket? Wait for it ..wait for it….But wait there is more! Ira explained to my wife and I that this charter membership was separate from the timeshare deed and could be kept and willed to our children and gave us lifetime rights to the world’s largest water park as well as all amenities throughout this resort! Oh my god! Ira is my vacation savior!
Ira then slid me his card and told me he was not supposed to do this but he sells timeshares on the side and could sell our timeshare for a good profit with no problem! But wait there is more! We could keep our charter membership with no maintenance fees and have exclusive all inclusive rights to the water park and amenities at colonial crossings! What? Pinch pinch ..am I dreaming? This is certainly a no brainer! Like Ira tells me I owe it to myself and my family! There is absolutely no way I can loose on such a great opportunity as this! Today the vacation gods have shined down on me and my simple family!
Also on top of all this great news Ira told me they would pay my first year in an exclusive timeshare club where I could trade with ease for any time share located in the world that we wanted to visit while I owned the timeshare. Also we would receive greatly discounted vacations as a member of this club! I tell you what! I am certainly no dumb ###! Sign me up! Ring that damn bell! Boo Yah! I am a charter member of what will soon to be one of the greatest vacation destinations on this planet called earth! I was making a no brainer investment and would be able to hook my family up with some “quality” vacations. I will tell you honestly Mike Tyson could have not knocked the smile off my face! Seriously he couldn’t have at that moment!
All of this happened in august of 2006, I payed my down payment began making my monthly payments on time, paid my maintenance fees. Every so often my children would inquire about the water park even before the deadline that was given to us. We kept telling them it was being built that we would go soon enough. Our first stay at colonial crossings was horrible we stayed 2 nights and left. The beds were torture devices and me and my wife chose to sleep on the floor the second night as the better alternative than the totally stiff backs we received on the first night. I even told the people at the front desk I did not know it was byob at colonial crossing (meaning bring your own bed!)
Two years past before the next time we stayed at colonial crossings we stayed for 3 days of the 7 we owned. At first they tried to put us in the run down section of the complex. I immediately went back to the front desk and they switched us to the new condos that were not there the last time I visited. The beds were a vast improvement from the other cheaply made mattresses they had in the other building. The small outdoor pool was open so we went for a swim just to do something. The actual highlights of our stay those 3 days was preparing our meals. This place is in a desolate area, it is not a “resort” in any shape form or fashion. Quite frankly there is a ton of way better places to stay way closer to the entertaining things of Williamsburg Virginia.
Over a period of time of calling and inquiring about the water park I was given different excuses on why it was not complete yet. I told them Ira had given us the completion time frame of 18 months – 24 months. I was told that Ira had been fired a while back. This was another lie because I have seen other peoples complaints online that purchased timeshares at colonial crossings of williamsburg and this was after I was told told Ira had been fired…and guess who the saleperson was for these people? Wait for it …wait for it…Ira Koonan! Hmm! Sounds like Ira could sell saltwater to a man drowning in the ocean! I inquired about what Ira told me about my charter membership as far as selling the timeshare and retaining rights to the water park. I was told there was no way I was told such things that the “charter membership is tied to the timeshare deed”! What? You are friggin kidding me right?
I kept paying my monthly payment and maintenance fees regardless, hoping that this water park would be completed soon. I was given an invitation to come to visit for an “owners update” at colonial crossing. I was led to a room where there was an old man that looked like a washed up wannabe mafia thug in a leather jacket. He told us to sit down and slid a paper my way about their “proposed costs per day to use the water park”. Umm excuse me sir? I am a charter member and have all inclusive rights to this water park whenever I want to use it! He said I would be given like 2 free tickets because of my charter membership but the water park would require daily passes that would have to be purchased.
I look at the proposed prices and started doing the calculations in my head per pass per member of my family. Believe me when I tell you it was all I could do to not knock this old man out! What I did do was stand up ball his paper up threw it at him and told him he was “F**king crazy if he thought I was paying that much!” I walked out saw some potential victims being shown the pictures of the water park upstairs told them this place was a scam, whatever they did, do not to purchase here! Believe me when I tell you I was shaking from the rage I had, it was all I could do not to tackle the big bear in the lobby of the welcome center!
I looked at what I had already invested into this apparent scam of a property. I decided to continue to pay hoping to sell and maybe possibly recoup most of my investment in the future. I did not even use my timeshare the next time it was time for me to use. What was the point there was nothing for my family to do there and worse it would just piss me off that my family and I got screwed like this!
More time passed as the economy tanked and I decided to check into selling my timeshare and see the current value of it. After searching colonial crossings online and seeing thousands of complaints from unhappy owners I began to feel really at unease with this situation. There was people who owned the timeshare outright and was willing to pay the outrageous $950 title transfer fee and sell the timeshare for $1 just to get away from it. Ummm excuse me? Selling something you paid tens of thousands of dollars for $1 and pony up the $950 title transfer fee? Ummm I am absolutely screwed because I still owe damn near $5k still on my timeshare! But wait there is more! I read that there was never a permit or proposal of a water park to York county for Colonial Crossings of Williamsburg! Now this can not be true! Just someone talking crap on the Internet trying to stir the pot!
There is no way “our” government would allow a scam of this magnitude to happen! Because I know that ground has already been broken on this project! It is not complete yet because of greedy people using the economy as the excuse! Seriously! There is no way that the “world’s largest indoor water park” Cascade Cavern designed by the people that designed Disney World had not been proposed to the county or permits pulled and all that zoning stuff yada yada yada! Just no damn way! I mean this was the whole sales pitch to this “resort”. Without the water park that was being built this place was some some cheap condos in a clearing of some woods in a desolate area of williamsburg! And seriously who the hell would buy that? Throwing in a rinky dink pool would surely not make this place a resort? I remember clearly Ira Koonan saying they had already broke ground to build it and it would dwarf Great Wolf Lodge that charged almost $350 a night to stay there.
I contacted a few people online that were distraught owners, I was definitely down with finding a lawsuit to recoup my money since the water park had not been completed yet. Colonial Crossings had constantly blew or just blatantly lied to me with every inquiry of Cascade Caverns. One person online told me that for a fee I could get out of my contract because this lawyer knew a breech in it. Honestly, at this point I did not wanna shell out anymore money, I just felt a big distrust in people and I felt so damn screwed out of my very hard earned money! I told colonial crossings I would quit paying until the water park opened because that was the entire reason I purchased the timeshare in the first place.
Over a half of year went by and 2 days ago I received a warrant stating that Land’or International Inc. of Glen Allen Va is taking me to court. I am sitting here looking at the warrant as I type. I can not believe I was paying 14.9% interest on this scam. I tell you this company uses no lubricant when they rape you! Oh yeah! Guess what? Because I am currently unemployed I have spent over 6 hrs on the phone today and over 10 hours on the computer regarding this matter. I mean straight hours with the exception of one 20 minute break to eat and a handful of 5 minute bathroom breaks.
My phone calls consisted of calling Land’or International Inc. to inquire about the water park. I was given a guy by the name of John Rogers voicemail. I left my name, number and reason for calling. He called back while on I was on the phone with some people at the Federal Trade Commission. I called him back and stated the reason for my call was inquiring about the water park that had been promised. He told me had nothing to do with that just the money I still owed Land’or International Inc.. I then asked him why I was given his voicemail when that was what my inquiry was about upon calling Land’or in the first place. He responded he did not know nor did he care about a water park or any other promises I was made. He cared about the remaining balanced owed to Land’or. The conversation pretty much ended with each of us saying ..I will see you in court.
I actually went to york county’s website and called their commercial site and development number. NEWS FLASH! I was told by this lady that there has never been proposed a water park at this location of Colonial Crossings of Williamsburg to York county…ever! So the heavy equipment in the clearing of some woods behind the welcome center that Ira pointed to and said ” that is phase 1 of the water park” was a facade? Ok, breath easy! Count to 10! She also told me this is not the first time she had been asked this question and she seemed sympathetic towards me and irritated when she mentioned Land’or International. I know there is nothing that she can do for me other than relay that dreadful information to me. Nonetheless it still felt good to feel that someone felt bad for me.
Ok, I am livid at this point, I mean out for blood! There is no way a snooty, [censored] pink shirt wearing, sporting a solid gold watch that I obviously paid for person like John Holt (yes I saw your ridiculous you tube video on your website) and his goofy Conway Twitty look-a-like brother Ron Holt could conjure up such a scam of buying some cheap land in a desolate wooded area of williamsburg. Then build some crappy condos, a welcome center and sell people the largest indoor water park in the world named Cascade Caverns and not deliver! There is just no way! America has a great government that protects us right? A government for the people by the people? Surely not for the crooks by the crooks!
Remember this one? I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The definition of Republic is: a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law. Or even better let’s define justice: the quality of being just, impartial, or fair :(1): the principle or ideal of just dealing or right action (2): conformity to this principle or ideal : conformity to truth, fact, or reason. I am no Einstein by far, but I assure you I am not a dumb ### either. (well that is debatable at this point I reckon). I would not label myself a dumb ### realistically but more naive and trusting! Believe when I tell you that I could not have possibly fathom that I would be caught up in a scam of this magnitude.
I guess I was fortunate to be poor enough to dodge the Bernie Madoff ponzi scheme bullet. Umm where is he anyways? Oh Yeah! In prison with the rest of the “conmen and criminals”…wink wink John and Ron Holt! Hell they even threw Martha Stewart in jail for christ’s sake! Really? Martha Stewart? So far I have filed a report with the Federal Trade Commission as I will do every single business day that they allow me to.
The Federal Trade Commission recommended I call the Attorney Generals of Virginia office which I did. They recommended me to their Real Estate Board which then recommended me to Eastern Virginia Legal Aid Division which said they could not help but gave me a 1-800 number to call and I could get a 30 minute consultation for $35! Really? At this point I think I will just listen to Bob Marley’s Three Little Birds for free. I even ran across online where the FBI office had took on some timeshare scam cases. I perked up on this. I read that these were primarily timeshare resell scams scamming people for hundreds of dollars not an actual huge company like Land’or International scamming people for tens of thousands. I called the FBI office in Norfolk, Va gave them all the info I had on the “Land’or International Inc. Colonial Crossings of Williamsburg scam” it appears that the were not interested! Really? Seriously? A blatant scam that has obviously taken millions from thousands of people and this is not worth investigating? But small potatoes goober on a laptop raking a few hundred here and there is the priority? Seriously? Gotta love those American tax dollars at work!
Also I found out upon researching the property known as Colonial Crossings of Williamsburg at York county’s website at the address of 200 English Garden Way was sold by Land’or International to English Garden LV LLC. Is this because pending lawsuits? Does the the Holt brothers own this LLC if anyone knows please give me information on this. It is 2 a.m. and I have been working on this since 9 a.m. yesterday. I guess that 24 oz ice coffee was a sound investment for me unlike Colonial Crossings! I still have to study a bunch of laws and learn my rights. I promise you I will post everything as it happens on this website so always come back for updates and such. I have two goals. 1. Recoup all of my money invested at Colonial Crossings plus additional damages caused to my family and I. 2. Find an government agency that will take a look at my case seriously and the cases of thousands of others and know that this is not a conspiracy of liars but rather hard working people who got shammed, flim flammed, badoozled, scammed and taken by some common thieves by the name of Land’or International Inc. and seek rightful prosecution of these individuals. Until these goals are accomplished I will work diligently and with purpose and I appreciate any help with this that anyone can offer. I wish everyone in the same boat with me the best of luck, but wanna say don’t give up! Cause this chit ain’t right dude! You feel me? Peace!
I agree with you. I'm sorry to hear your dilemma. It appears that there are many people who are in the same boat and are trying to figure a way out. I saw something about a class action suit but, didn't see any follow ups on it. I filed a claim with the BBB because apparently they are sporting an A+ badge of honor on their website. I hope you do get through and if you do get it resolved. I'm sure there are thousands of people that will hail to you as the saviour unlike Ira ( who by the way was their when I purchased mine in 2008) who is the devil's henchman in disguise.
I received a past due notice from Colonial Crossings for maintenance fees Aug. 22, 2012. I have been an owner since 2005 (was an owner in the Bahama's and they "saved" me from those outrageous maintenance fees). I quit paying them 2 years ago. Payments on the timeshare and owner assoc. fees. This later states that Land'or Williamsburg, LLC ("Land'or) no longer has a presence at the resort due to foreclosure on August 5, 2011. Anybody know anything about this or the ramifications?
I am also disappointed with my purchase of this Colonial Crossing Time share, that is why i have filed a full complaint with the Better Business Bureau, and contacting a lawyer. I feel we were taken advantage of, they new the only way they would get anyone to purchase this time share was to include this Cascade Cavern Water Park. I will not stop seeking compensation and termination of this agreement until i am reimbursed in full. They should not get away with this, nobody should be treated like this, I also feel they should have contacted every owner as soon as the Builders, "Land' or Williamsburg LLC" foreclosed.
I find that there used to be over 225 complaints on this web site, now there is only 12.I did not know they had foreclosed.
I will file a complaint also, BBB last time I checked gave Colonial crossing an A+.
My husband and I have been dealing with CC since 2009 when we upgraded because of the many promises we were told during the office visit. We are being HARRASSED on a daily basis about payments and maintenance fees that we have gotten behind on due to economical issues we have been having-we have been yelled at, they have hung up the phone on my husband who has only wanted to work with them in getting the account caught up by one month. We have been struggling to pay this account and why, when they continue to lie about what we were told we would receive with the upgrade. We have tried to sell it, but can't because its unsalable-no one wants to buy it because of their scam they are pulling on all of us. I wished I had never been introduced to them. This has really left a very negative impact on us and will run from the nex
I just spent the week before Christmas at Colonial Crossings and like every year I set up an appointment with the on-site manager to ask about the water park that was promised when I bought the unit 5 years ago. The manager told me that the water park is NOT going to be built and that the company who made the promises and sold the units were foreclosed on in August. The brand new building that cost about 1.5 million dollars and has been completed for over a year does not have any furniture in it thus they can't even be sold. The maintenance fees have risen over 40% in 5 years and continue to do so even though there are less grounds to keep up with. Those of us who bought into this con have paid a lot of money for nothing. I have written Resort Funding a letter asking to get out of the contract due to being lied to and conned but have not received a reply yet. I really believe they were in it with the company who sold us the units with promises of a water park, shops and stables. What a mess. If there is anyone that can give me some advice as to how to rid myself of this nightmare my address is: William J McCarron, 1613 River Creek Dr., Suffolk, Va. 23434 and my email is billm1972@yahoo.com. I have complained several times over the pass few years to the BBB and to the state but nothing has come of it. For anyone thinking about buying into Colonial Crossings you will be throwing your money into the toilet so do your research and go someplace else. Bill McCarron
would someone please give an update on the status of your lawsuits. Have you been able to get out of your contract? I have been with Colonial Crossings for about 7 years I think. I was with Club Landor and they convinced me to change to them. They said they were apart of Club Landor. Like everyone else I seen the amazing pictures and plans for the the waterpark but it was all lies. My contract is paid in full however these maintenance fees are rediculous. I have never stayed at this resort and have only traded one time. I noticed last year I got a call about a new address to send maintanence fees then I asked about the park and complained about high fees and not having the park that was promised. I asked to speak to the manager. The next day the manager called me back and informed me that the park was never in our contract. He said they are the new managing company and the park will NOT be built. He apologized but said there was nothing he could do for me if I didnt like or want to stay there. I dont care about all the thousands of dollars I have loss over the years but I do not want to continue throwing money away with these fees. I live in Chesapeake and without the park at this resort it is useless. They do not have anything to offer but they promised such a luxury place. migodiz@msn.com
It's comforting--yet very upsetting--to know that there are so many others, like myself, who have been ripped off and harrassed by Colonial Crossings. I paid cash for my unit in 2005, haved used it only once and traded it once. Boy, the vacation I could have taken for that money! It's all gone, but I stopped paying the maintenance fees 2 years ago. The harassment continues with a collection agency and damage to my credit rating on Experian.
Was the group lawsuit ever filed by Stuart Sadler, ESQ? Previous posts 2 years ago mention a big movement to do just that. Mr. Sadler's email is:
I'm going to send him an email inquiry...
I am yet another Owner to add to the ever growing list of those that are upset with Colonial Crossings. Please let me know as well if anything further will be pursued my email is skinnerml@cox.net. Owner since 2005.
Adding to the list of very upset owners. I was told by colonial crossing that they banked my week that I didn't use. Told me that I didn't have to worry about calling Interval they would take care of it.. Lesson learned, and a week lost that no one can find, since Holiday Inn took over. Is anyone aware of were I can make a complaint and try to get this week back. Holiday Inn says they can not do anything because it was before they bought the property and Interval says they are not responsible because that is not how depositing your week works.
Hi, I came across your post while I was trying to look up the phone number to Colonial Crossings to list on an extensive 20 year resume. I could not believe what I was seeing with my own eyes. Anyways, I'll get to the point. 😁
In 2006, 13 long years ago, I sold Timeshare units at Colonial Crossings in Williamsburg, Va.
As I stated above, I googled the Resort name, city & state to get the contact information & address to list on my resume due to having forgotten it after almost 15 years. As I went to the different websites containing information & post about it, I became more & more shocked & disappointed at what I was learning about this place.
When I sold Timeshare here, the "water park" was the main focal point of the sales pitch used by each & every one of us "vacation property ownership associates". When I got there in 2006, construction of the water park had already begun 2 years prior. There was a smaller scaled copy of the blue prints for the water park, the amenities that were to be newly added & since the physical tour couldn't include units that hadn't been built yet, then there was also blueprints of the floor plans for each of the 3 different size units that would be located in the 2 additional buildings that where going to be built on the other side of the water park. ...
Anyways, long story short, 13 years ago, the Estimated Completion Date that we were instructed to give our potential buyers for the entire "New & Updated Resort", (the indoor & the outdoor water park & the Additional units) was December 2008.