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Primerica review: stay away! 16

Author of the review
10:03 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

Not to talk good or bad about this company but this company does have a down fall. I am an agent of this company. Primerica likes to hype people up get them excited. And of course you'll be too I think. But the truth is that they wanna hire u... no matter who u are. 99 dollars and your in. They get you in by telling you, "you can make a lot of money, more then what ur making at you job" that's a lie... truly you can not make that much money. Here's why:

They say you work hard and you will get to RVP!... Yeah uhuh!

Truth: you have to! Hire a bunch of people. And that what this company is mainly about. No matter how had you work at it by yourself you'll never get there your contract will always be LOW... you may be the highest producer but you will never get to RVP cause u need to hire alot of people

they say you can make it big BUCKs!

When you go to the meeting or OP nights... listen CAREFULLY see if your still interested... they call if overrides... basically means the if the person with a higher level then you hires you and you work hard finding people and then sell a policy to your family. They get about 60% of the money you earn and you get 10% from that policy... they call it training

RVP's get a piece of that too... and he does not do anything.

It is a real business. I only use this business for tax write offs.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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La Palma, US
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Mar 02, 2009 7:32 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Here is the Persons report, but I Know it is wrong:

Not to talk good or bad about this company but this company does have a down fall.

If you are not going to say anything bad, why are you calling it a downfall.

I am an agent of this company. Primerica likes to hype people up get them excited. And of course you'll be too I think.

So it is bad to have excitement in Business? I thought they called it enthusiasm. Most companies have rah rah meetings. But usually they use the carrot or the unemployment line approach.

But the truth is that they wanna hire u... no matter who u are. 99 dollars and your in.

Well they are recruiting, but so is everyone. All you need to do is check out the careerbuilder website. But then you do have to pay a lot more for the same licenses. And what do you get for the $99.00: Life Licence, Mortgage appointments, Securities license, all fees included in those licenses. It run $1000 to $2000 for these licenses. Andfthe nice thing is that you get to keep them.

They get you in by telling you, "you can make a lot of money, more then what ur making at you job" that's a lie... truly you can not make that much money. Here's why:

Here is where the misinformation comes in (My Dear old Pappy would call it lying, but I will not)

They say you work hard and you will get to RVP!... Yeah uhuh!

In California, they just congratulated a 20 year old couple for going RVP in 6 Months, making $100k a year income.

It is just like the GYM, You do not expect to get a six pack, if you do not work. I mean do you sue the Gym for selling the membership, because you never went, and did the work?

Truth: you have to! Hire a bunch of people.

Wrong. If you want to make passive income you need to hire a bunch of people. If you want to make money you need to sell products. RVPs lose money when they hire people since it takes time and energies from their staff.

And that what this company is mainly about.

Again Misinformation. This company is about getting peopel properly protected, out of debt faster, and to retirement. Short term can be through opportunity. Long term is by budgeting and living with-in your means and investing.

No matter how had you work at it by yourself you'll never get there your contract will always be LOW... you may be the highest producer but you will never get to RVP cause u need to hire alot of people

Again this is not true. You do need to recruit, but you also need to train and nurture these people. To make passive income, you can recruit, but then again who wants to work their entire life?

But I have already said all companies recruit. Some even try to recruit from Primerica. They do post on these websites and hide behind them. This has been happening since the begging of the company. The competition will stop at nothing, since they know if they stop one person from joining, they will have one less person to tell the truth.

they say you can make it big BUCKs!

When you go to the meeting or OP nights... listen CAREFULLY see if your still interested...

I agree, Listen carefully. Look at the numbers. Come back and make sure that they have not changed their tune.

they call if overrides... basically means the if the person with a higher level then you hires you and you work hard finding people and then sell a policy to your family. They get about 60% of the money you earn and you get 10% from that policy... they call it training

Now this is a lie. Minimum override is 25%. That means if you are licensed, you will get 25% of the annual premium, for Life Insurance. Your trainer will get the difference between your level, and his. ( If he gets paid 60% and you get 25%, he will get 35%. And he did all the work.) Now in the real world, you have to train people. Usually it is your replacement, right before they fire you. How much do they pay you extra to do that? Do you teach them everything, or do you hold back so that the company needs you?

RVP's get a piece of that too... and he does not do anything.

Now let me ask why is this wrong. Doesn't the CEO get paid millions for the work you do? How about your manager getting bonuses off your work. Did you really think that they have not hired for that person they fired for being stupid 4 months ago, because they can't find someone. they are making the people left work harder for the same money. And they get to make you feel like you are lucky.

It is a real business. I only use this business for tax write offs.

Now this is stupid. He has an opportunity to make $100k income, but he rather just use the business for right offs. Sounds like his village is looking for him.

So let us look over his comments:

So he was wrong on the numbers, which even non agents know, so I have to figure he is either misinformed, or purposely lying.

He is wasting an opportunity for tax right offs, instead of working and making $100k a year.

He does not think spending $99 for over $1000 in value.

You judge what he says...

Del City, US
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Mar 10, 2009 5:47 pm EDT

I agree with TA1936. I have just recently started with the company and know by common sense you need to work hard to earn money. My only concern is what to do when you don't have a strong family/friend base because of where you live. What do you do?

los angeles, US
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Apr 06, 2009 9:14 pm EDT

i also agree with TA1936, i love working with this company ive only been it a month and a half but im already helping people, i started with my parents, i saved them 843 dollars a year on their home and car insurance and just tonight i got off with a family in which we sold them life insurance that only cost 10 dollars more than what they had and in return they got 4 times the coverage
this is not a job its an oppurtunity, people speak bad of this because all they have ever known is a job so they are scared of trying something new and different
but this is something truly that everyone should at least hear about

Trent Lagoria
Chicago, US
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Aug 09, 2010 10:10 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I absolutely rescent this company, I started a blog to help spread the word about them please post your complaints go here>

Cabrera 2010
Los Angeles, US
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Aug 30, 2010 1:39 am EDT

I love this article because once again it proves how conditioned (brainwashed) people have become. Primerica is the opportunity everyone seeks but nobody is willing to go for it and do the real work!

How is it that every major corporation has to RECRUIT LARGE NUMBERS OF POTENTIAL EMPLOYEES to continue their operations but this same concept is bad when its PRIMERICA? Are you seriously that naive?
True Primericans get trained, licensed and actually sit with clients to earn an income. Do this correctly enough times and you will have a business like any other franchise but without all the overhead.

Everyone follows the system of go to school (get in major debt), work for free (internship), create a resume (begging sheet of lies), and then to an interview (attempt to sell yourself) for a position, land the job (slave under contract). The worst of it you already know what it pays and what it will pay you for years (traditional 3% annual raise). Yet, somehow you believe that a Corporate Career will pay you a $200, 000/year straight out of college/university. How will you accomplish that with no experience? Once you do get experience (after how many years) you jump to the next company and the next and the next. Always seeking more income, dedicating more hours and the best years of your life for the corporation you so much begged to work for. Yes begged its your resume...please please hire me look at all the things I have done, for a guaranteed salary or rate of pay. Does not matter how hard you work or your so called experience, in the end THE POSITION PAYS WHAT THE POSITION PAYS. Don't you get it, you are the modern slave. All you get is enough for food, roof and transportation.

Primerica $99, for the cost of a decent pair of shoes you will have an opportunity to earn an RVP contract that will pay you exactly what you are worth only if you do the work. This business gives every person the opportunity to put in the work and earn what they truly deserve in 5-10 years. But you and most are not willing to WORK for it.

Even to attend a college or a university took lots of work. AP classes, SAT, ACT, long nights of studying to EARN the grades to attend college. Then you go to college and continue to do the work. Oh and yes most colleges recruited you (what a concept). At least that is the system on this planet.

Why is it that once people earn a degree or become an adult they forget this simple concept. The right type of hard work pays well and will reward you with what you want.

You have already accepted that you will work for the rest of your life (maybe to age 65) for a corporation or someone else, doesn't it make sense by working for yourself, or for a company you own, will provide much greater benefits?

Of course it does but you are to lazy to earn what you are truly worth. So go back to work to that wonderful job that just pays you enough to go back tomorrow. Yes the job you hate but yet you rush to it every morning to be on time or risk losing it. That is insane but you continue to do it. At the end it was your decision that got you all of your results including that pay check you hope will magically increase somehow. Wasn't it you who accepted the job?

Have a Great Day!

Apopka, US
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Dec 14, 2010 12:07 pm EST

I you are just using it just for a tax right off and talking bad about it leave it alone get out it is working for my husband and I, all nagative people stay out we dont need you ! I call them dream killers

Salt Lake City, US
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Dec 31, 2010 2:25 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

There are several RVPs already existing, so obviously YOU ARE THE LIAR, NOT PRIMERICA.An RVP can earn $1.2 million per year and more, so obviously you are just a sour grapes and lazy and mean minded person otherwise why are you running down the obvious top producers when you obviously are not one yourself. I am not in Primerica, I attended my first business opportunity meeting last night in South Jordon as a business guest of an amazing lady named Lyn Udall Fisher. i found her entire approach highly professional, business;like and extremely courteous and friendly. She impressed me with her genuine caring friendly manner. There was no fakeness. If anything I found her and her switched-on upline business associates, Nick, Phil. Rick, and Mark, VERY CONSERVATIVE, CAUTIOUS AND CAREFUL. They were not pushy or rah rah in the least. You simply attracted the wrong type of people, you need to look in the mirror because humans tend to attract to themselves WHAT THEY THEMSELVES ARE. You attracted what you are, liars and pretenders and falseness. So keep it to yourself if you can't make the grade stop blaming others for your lack of self esteem.

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May 10, 2011 4:28 pm EDT

I did some research and found lot of reports. Check it out!

Raleigh, US
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Jul 24, 2011 5:57 pm EDT

I have just been introduced to this company and am going to an OP session tonight. Both of these reports have given me insight. I can go to this meeting with my eyes wide open, evailuate them impartually and make my own decision. Thak you both. Coni

Kawartha Lakes, CA
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Oct 20, 2011 3:31 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I used to have my money invested with Primerica. My rep is located in Northern Ontario. I referred other family members to this rep and have recently discovered some wrong doings by this rep. I am creating this blog to spread the word of the lousy job that Primerica Canada has done in supervising this rep. This rep has been operating their business by their rules not Primerica or by the regulatory board that licenses financial advisors. These dishonest ways have caught up with this rep. I have pulled my money and so has my family members. We have requested an investigation by Primerica Canada in Mississauga. Primerica has admitted wrong doing and is in the process of returning all our money plus lost interest. They are stalling in returning our money.

This rep has been wrongly recognized for their hard work and has been given recognition for highest earned commission. This rep has duped many people all over Ontario. I am putting this out there so that others who have any concerns over their portfolio and concerns over their earnings...I strongly suggest you get an independent financial advisor to look over your accounts and see if this rep has repeated the same dishonest process with your money.

For example, if your accounts were set up wrong. Any withdrawals were charged with a service charge when the service charge should not have been applied because your money is in the wrong type of account.

If your forms were filled out by this rep and not you. There are important questions on these forms that should clearly point out what type of account you should be in. If the rep did not review these questions with you then the rep did not follow protocol. These qualifying questions would have lead you to either a Schedule A or Schedule B type of account. Long term accounts vs short term accounts. If you signed a blank application and was told that the rep will fill in the blanks for you then this was the beginning of the dishonesty. You need to have your account looked at by someone outside of Primerica. I did by my banker and was told that signing a blank form is totally against the rules. This rep has earned high commissions off of my family's account which were set up for their gain and not ours.

The rep operates out of the Kawartha area north of Peterborough. The rep has clients all over Ontario. Please have your portfolio audited and then contact Primerica Canada in Mississauga and ask for an investigator if you suspect that you have been scammed.

Lusby, US
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Jan 09, 2013 12:03 pm EST

My cousin and her husband have been involved for a few years now. They are both generating a nice 6 figure income a piece. If you work hard you will be rewarded. And, you are helping people to save money and invest in their retirement. IS there something wrong with that?

Barbara Gross
Camas, US
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Jan 12, 2013 3:45 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I am so sorry that she feels this way. I have been a Primerica Rep for 5 years now.No, I do not make a 6 figure income and that isn't my intent at this time. I can work my other job which I also love. during the day and do this in the evening. This is by choice. No one puts me down for not wanting to be an RVP. They are always there for me. This is a simple business but if you want to be full time you have to have a good work ethic and work hard. I have never regretted working with this wonderful company. I do not work for them. So evidently this person does not like to work. I would be surprised if she is still with us.

BJ Gross WA

not your business, US
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Feb 11, 2013 4:50 pm EST

I find this to be a shady company. I have read many many BBB reports that this place is in the grey. If you have to sell or rope in friends and family to sell products then to me its boarder line scam. Any employment recruiter that has a soul tells the people they are helping for employment, to stay as far away from companies like this as you can and if you have to pay money to get hired SCAM should flash in your head. I have done sales on all sides, cars, retail, insurance. And you make money on your work. Nobody gets credit. This place gives someone else credit for your work is wrong.

Marion, US
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Mar 03, 2013 5:22 pm EST

I am researching Primerica, because I may want to try this business opportunity. From what I am reading, what you are paying for are your licenses, which are required to work in this field and if you decide you don't like working for Primerica and do the same type of business for some other company, you still have your licenses. The licenses are from the government. Primerica does not own them. The only thing that I am not clear on is all that covered by the $99 or do you have to put out more money to pay for these licenses. I haven't actually talked to anyone at Primerica yet. I am doing research, before contacting them, but I will definitely ask the question that I just posed here. So far the main negative that I have picked up is that some of their agents are crooked. I will tell you that I have gotten calls from crooked insurance agents on the phone who lie to you. I just reported one recently. I am not sure what company he was affiliated with, but I got the guy's name off of my caller ID. You have to be pretty savvy to even buy these products and really pin people down on all of the details. Most people out there selling insurance and financial products are honest and I have gotten a great education just shopping around for things. One thing that I have notices is that the scammers like to hang up on me when I pin them down and force them to compare apples to apples and don't let them get away with anything. That is the thing though, there are scammers everywhere today. If I work for this company or any company, I intend to be honest and help people. I will investigate this company's products and see how they compare to what is out there, before I would sign up to sell their products or give them any money. You just have to do your homework and it isn't easy. That is why so many people get scammed. I have made my share of mistakes in buying financial products before, but I have always learned from them. It is a complicated field.

Annapolis, US
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Apr 02, 2013 2:36 pm EDT

You folks must have ZERO work skills to be drinking this kool-aid. C'mon now. The more the merrier for the person recruiting you, so you can do the work for them and they can reap the rewards with NO SHOT of you getting wealthy. NO SHOT.

Rancho Santa Margarita, US
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Apr 18, 2013 12:26 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Primerica is a legitimate business opportunity. But it is not a job. The difference is very great. If you need money just to pay your bills. Then you should get a job where you are given a set amount of money for your time but you will not be given part of the company. But if you have enough money to last you a couple of years, Primerica is one of the best deals you can get. Compare it to a real estate company or a Subway Store. you can pay millions of $ for one of those franchises. Primerica only costs about $100, That is a bargain. But do not kid yourself, you are building your business from the ground up and that is not easy. You have to get the customers, office and pass lots of tests. I think only about 5% of the Primericans are successful but that is because building a business is hard and not many people are good at that.

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Primerica is ranked 49 among 464 companies in the Insurance Services category