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Country Hill Pups

Country Hill Pups review: unsanitary conditions 10

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4:46 pm EST
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Mecklenburg Animal Control has visited Country Hill Pups. What they found were unsanitary conditions for upwards of 30 dogs. After a second visit R. had blisters on his hands from the cleaning he was required to do. More cleaning is required and Animal Control will be visiting his home again. The dogs with longer fur is matted from lack of grooming. One dog had a cut over his eye. When I mentioned this to R. he said "that happens around here ". This was obviously a fresh wound. He didn't bother to clean it or put any antiseptic ointment on it. The dogs that were inside the house would, in his words, "pee everywhere". When he wanted them outside he would pick them up by the back of the neck and toss them out the door. I would not recommend country hill pups to anyone!

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Mar 14, 2018 3:21 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I watched the Judge Judy episode...I hope he does get the dog spayed...and of course the court will make him
stick to that agreement. But in all honesty...I believe you - I just have a feeling that they don't breed properly. I'm sure people have ended up getting a good dog here and there...but I can just imagine what enviroment they are living in and I sure hope Mecklenburg Animal control keeps after his [censor]. Shame on you ! I just wish Judy Judy would have allowed the photos that Linda be seen on TV. I'm sure they would have been very enlightning. Let's hopefor the animals sake...that he cleans up his acts and takes better care of the animals.

Oct 02, 2018 7:40 pm EDT
Replying to comment of eparoo810

I only know what I learned on a repeat episode of Judge Judy about the, it appears, puppy mill operator of Va. I wish Linda Moore had been awarded her precious Pomeranian to get her out of that filthy situation. When Judge Judy elicited from the defendant that he has 38 dogs (and probably many more he failed to mention), it broke my heart because it causes me to believe he’s a puppy miller, and I detest the squalor in which puppy mill animals are forced to live. If you’re reading this, Linda, please give us an update. Was your Pomeranian spayed? Does L. still have dogs? Did Mecklenburg County put him out of business? I see L. was forced to clean his facility to the point of blisters on his hands. Good! I suspect the dogs have worse than that. Reminder to each of us...
always know and inspect the facility from which you’re purchasing a puppy and ask questions. Always. If there is even one red flag, walk away.

Rocky the Squirrel
Mar 14, 2018 9:12 pm EDT

Saw R. from Virginia on the Judge Judy show (03/14/2018). I was not impressed with he or his female companion. Needless to say, he lost his case. I'm sure the dog they had with them had a quick trip to a groomer before attending the taping of the show to demonstrate the wonderful care they gave the dog involved in the court case. The defendant claims he lives off of the income from the puppies that he breeds and sells. He admitted to the court to having at least 38 dogs (probably a lot more that he forgot to mention). No doubt a puppy mill.
Please consider adopting a shelter pet first before buying a dog. The shelters dogs are healthy plus spayed or neutered and are much more honest than a guy like this. There are many purebred rescues. Don't get in a hurry, adult dogs can be a much better fit for a busy family. There are thousands of wonderful shelter pets being put to sleep every day.
If purchasing a dog, always go to the location where they've been raised. Get references from other buyers. Get a signed purchase contract. See the parents of the dogs, look at the environment, get a written guarantee and proof from a vet that they have had all of their shots and have been proof of x-rays that they are free of future hip and other health ailments. Cheaper to check into these things now than to have costly medical and surgical issues.
If you don't like what you see, don't buy, sell or give a dog to them and report them to animal control if the conditions are bad. Many counties or cities have a restriction on the number of dogs a residence can have and require a yearly "kennel" license. PLEASE, spay or neuter your dog.
I bet the fellow mentioned above doesn't declare the sale of their dogs on their State or Federal income tax returns - hint, hint, hint ?

NC Dogs
Oct 02, 2018 5:17 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The only thing this “retired” man wants from these dogs is money. He’s not concerned with their well-being. If he was, he wouldn’t be breeding so many different kinds of dogs and calling them “designer.” He should go back to his job driving tug boats.

Ashly McQueen
Oct 02, 2018 5:47 pm EDT

BUYER BEWARE! This is a PUPPY MILL operation! This R. does not care about the dogs! On;y cares about the money he makes on selling them! I question how healthy they are? He breeds different types of dogs that is a huge RED flag people! Makes me sick these poor innocent dogs being bred to death so he can pay his bills! Yes the Internal Revenue needs to be checking his income and what he does not report. Anyone that lives near this POS keep an eye on him and the animals. Report him to the authorities if anything seems amiss with these precious animals that are treated like live stock!

Oct 03, 2018 1:41 am EDT

I just saw a rerun of Judge Judy today about R. and his puppy mill. I betcha' anything Judge Judy's staff reports him to the appropriate authorities and also perhaps the IRS. She is an avid dog lover and knows a lot about them.

My mother was a responsible breeder of St. Bernards in the 60's. She was the president of The St. Bernard Club in St. Louis, showed her dogs in events, taught dog obedience classes, and built a very successful 150 dog boarding facility from the 4 run kennel she originally built in the 60's to help St. Bernard owners out when they traveled. It was one of the first kennels in St. Louis and was voted Best Kennel in St. Louis.

She and I talked from time to time about responsible breeding, spaying and neutering, puppy mills, and animal abuse and neglect. She taught me a lot about responsible ownership, buying and selling, health, etc... of dogs. She was an amazing lady who loved all dogs.

During my childhood, I remember vividly remember always having puppies to play with. I would get attached to one, beg to keep it, but I guess the 3 we had was enough. She stopped breeding in the 70's and just focused on teaching dog obedience and building up her kennel. I asked her once why she stopped breeding. She said that because St. Bernards are so big, the mothers have to be watched carefully. The newborn puppies feed non-stop and usually, the litters are large. The mama St. Bernards will roll over on their puppies and not realize it. Therefore, she would sleep with them until they were big enough to fend for themselves. Unfortunately, it never failed that we would lose a pup no matter how diligent she was.

One winter we had 2 dogs birthing almost at the same time. She brought them into the house and made birthing rooms in the basement. I remember her sleeping on an old-fashioned, uncomfortable folding lawn chair. Unfortunately, I also remember catching her on giving CPR and mouth to mouth to a puppy who had been rolled on by their mother and suffocated. (This was in the 60's but now there have been new products "invented" and sell for this type of situation) When the puppy didn't respond, she cried for days. It was just too emotionally draining for her. She didn't complain about the lack of sleep, non-stop babysitting the dogs, or the huge mess these litters made in her house. She simply couldn't handle the little pups dying.

This R. and his lovely wife are for sure this responsible. Don't 'cha think?! (INSERT SARCASM) I pray they get put out of business! I 100% believe what the plaintiff said. And it must be a red neck puppy mill. I wish people were more educated in buying pups. It would put the mills and pet stores out of business!

Jeanne Hyland
Mar 15, 2023 5:15 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of kel43

Yes indeed I saw Judge Judy today. I HOPE he is oit of business!


Helen Sanders
Mar 17, 2023 12:01 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I also saw that rerun on Judge Judy about R. and as soon as he said that he had 30 dogs outside I knew he was a puppy mill owner. He needs to be put out of business immediately and the dogs all rescued and given to GOOD HOMES. I agree with you all that they had that dog to a groomer just for the show, but that poor dog was not breathing right. There was something else wrong with that dog. They need to put him chained up to a box outside and left there for a long time. Maybe her also, because she knows what is going on and the money they make they keep for their own good not the dogs.

Pocasset, US
Mar 17, 2023 8:15 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I, like everyone here, also saw R. on Judge Judy. He and his wife (or whoever she is to him) need to be jailed and fined for their horrific treatment of dogs! There is absolutely no way 38+ dogs are getting proper treatment! They groomed poor Emily before they appeared on the show, and that tells me they KNOW they’re poorly treating these poor dogs! They ONLY want these dogs so they can pay their bills and have ZERO respect or love for the animals! I would love to know if he was shut down and if he actually spayed Emily.

Helen Sanders
Mar 17, 2023 8:31 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of DiRosee

I went on the internet and checked Country Hill Pups, which is his, and it says no pups available. I hope and pray that all of his dogs have been removed and given to a good, loving home. Jail would be to good for him, put him in a small kennel with no room to stand up and no shoes or water or food. Just given enough to make sure he lives and no potty.